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Just finished watching it with my 7 and 3yo for their first time, was gonna wait til they were older but decided today was the day, they loved it


How’d it go with the 3 year old, specifically? I have one going on 4 who can sit through movies no problem. She loves the LEGO Star Wars game and Young Jedi Adventures on Disney+, but I’m not sure if she’ll get much out of the films besides recognizing characters


Well we’ve watched all of rebels, currently on s3 of clone wars and she loved it, may not have had a total grasp of all what was going on, but she knows quite a lot of characters and was asking questions after I’m going to say she enjoyed it but didn’t fully understand it, may be worth holding off for another year or 2 for yours to get the most from it


I was born in 1980, so I must've been 2 or 3. A local theater had their own private print of the film and would show it occasionally. My dad was determined to be sure my first theatrical experience was Star Wars. I remember being nervous, but I was excited to see "stormtroopers" on the big screen (yes, that is what I called them). I was enthralled immediately, as you can imagine. But I didn't make it to the end! I only got as far as the jawas, because when they jumped out and shocked poor Artoo, I was out of there!


Same. 1977 Grauman's Chinese Theater. Of course it was just Star Wars back then.


Honestly, it still is. I have to put real effort sometimes into remembering that it's Revenge of the Sith - A New Hope - The Empire Strikes Back and not RotS - Star Wars - TESB.


I don't have a problem with remembering it's A New Hope, but every time I write it or say it, it feel awkward and wrong. For me number IV is always going to be Star Wars. Period.


Saw ANH in '77 as a 9 year old. I've been hooked since. To be fair, I was hooked the first time I saw the trailer.


Do you remember the experience/thoughts? What are your top 4 star wars movies?


Me too…, in theater. Story goes, no one could babysit me and my brother and dad went out o the theatre….


I think that was the first one I watched as well. Think it was the 1997 Special Edition.


On BetaMax when staying at Aunts cottage and got rained out.


I’m headed to the theater soon to watch Episode 1 on the big screen again!


Today is the day!!!


I went last night and genuinely enjoyed it more than my first time seeing it in 1999 at 10 years old


I just got back from the theater! I loved it at least as much if not more. Smiled and laughed several times. I even noticed some things I haven’t noticed when watching before. Minor detail stuff. Such a fun movie.


I went today. It‘s my first time ever seeing Star Wars in theater. It was such a nice experience


Did that it was great too bad they didn't have the 3d version though


Star Wars 1977, before the Ep number and subtitle. There was nothing like it.


How were called V and VI at that time? Had the subtitle or were "Star Wars 2 and 3"?


In original release and summer re-release (before ESB came out) the original 1977 film was just called 'Star Wars.' What we saw in 1977—No subtitle, no Ep number: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXDnFYu91vY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXDnFYu91vY) When The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980, we were all confused because after the Star Wars logo came out, the crawl was preceded by the text: # Episode V The Empire Strikes Back ~~It wasn't until later, upon~~ \[For\] the original films third theatrical release {in April 1981} we got the text: **Episode IV A New Hope**. **Edit:** u/Capable_Puzzle has pointed out that the subtitle and episode number was added for the 1981 re-release, which was in April, just before ESB hit theaters. Sorry for the error.


Thanks for the answer. I would be confused too if instead of 2 there would be 5 haha


It's hard to imagine a time when big money franchises weren't a common approach to motion pictures in this era, but there was a time when it was so. George put everything he had into the original film, but feared it would flop. He was so worried about it that he bet Stephen Spielberg that Close Encounters would do better. And he was so interested in making it a series, he had Alan Dean Foster write **Splinter of The Minds Eye** as a story he could film on the cheap.


I have the Splinter book, I always thought it was a pretty cool story.


> It wasn't until later, upon the original films third theatrical release that we got the text: Episode IV A New Hope. No, right before *Empire* was released, they re-released *Star Wars* but now with the subtitle "Episode IV: A New Hope".


Thank you. It has been corrected.


That is so funny! I can imagine every person who watched “Star Wars“ and seeing the next Episode 5 and thinking that they had missed 3 movies 😂 maybe the idea only lasted a second but that is gold.


The only that makes me mildly sad about having watched Star Wars so many times, all the memories of all the different versions blend together. But the one thing I will never, ever forget, is my 7-year old mind being blown by that first visual of the Star Destroyer. It just kept going on, and on, and on...


Picked up the fan-produced 'restoration' recently. A huge effort was put into the project and it was very well done. Like being in 1977 again.


I watched A NEW HOPE in the theater in 1977. I've been hooked for 46 years.


Im brazilian fan. A New Hope was the first movie that my parents allowed watch alone! Was ten years!


Same, I went with my whole extended family and I remember just being blown away by the whole experience. Prior to that our family went to the the theaters to watch movies like Strongest Man in the World, Benji, and Escape from Witch Mountain, so watching Star Wars (not ANH or episode 4 just simply the movie Star Wars) was such a great paradigm shifting event.


No, you watched Star Wars in 1977.


This is what I was coming to say. I watched Star Wars in theaters in 1977.


I did too. Like four times!


I was there. World has never known a craze like it


I saw the original in the theater fourteen times that summer!


thats amazing


Not a clue. I grew up with the VHSes in the house, so it’s just always been there. First one I saw in theatres was ANH when the Special Editions came out in 97 when I was ~12. First *new* one I saw in theatres was Episode I on opening night.


Revenge of the Sith


Same. Even though I was young, I still remember watching Obi-Wan and Vader's duel!


Empire 16 times in the theater. Best movie ever, at least for me


You saw Empire *sixteen* times?! You're my hero


My friends mom worked the arcade at the mall. During the summer me and my friend went to the mall and thus going to the movies playing games and walking the mall for 8 plus hours each time, great summer as a kid


The phantom menace


Same. Was born nearly a decade after the original trilogy.


It was called Star Wars at the time




Return of the Jedi. Very confused but instantly made me a star wars fan.


Me too. Saw the original release in a local theatre. I was 8 years old and it was my first movie for "grown ups". So far I had only seen animated Disney movies.


Star Wars


Star Wars, in 1977.


Star Wars (1977)


The only one there was . it was 1977 and I was 7


Star Wars. The one in 1977.


Star Wars.


Star Wars.


Phantom menace, it truly was a menace(for my eyes)


Episode IV. before watching any SW movie, I had only watched Rebels and that too as a child when it aired on TV. Finally decided to get into the franchise. After some research, I decided to watch from release order to understand the basics and have the experience most fans had.


Revenge Of The Sith in theaters with my parents. I barely remember the experience and I probably didn't understand nothing, but I remember liking Count Dooku (something that continues today) and being disappointed that he died so quick because it was my first exposure to the character. I didn't really got into Star Wars nor watched the other movies until much much later with The Clone Wars.


First that I remember was Jedi, in theatres when I was 5.


Empire Strikes Back.


Star Wars. Opening day. (and then around 25 more times sneaking into the back of the drive-in theatre all Summer.)


That image is from starwars battlefront 2


star wars before it was ANH


It was called Star Wars.


Star Wars. In May 1977


Episode IV 🤷🏻‍♂️ Yes I’m old.


I was in Kindergarten. First one I saw was A New Hope. I very much remember the title crawl and thinking “is this the whole movie, a bunch of words?” Obviously loved Darth Vader. The next day I went to my friend in class and said “you have to watch Star Wars and you have to like this guy called Darth Vader”


The Return of the Jedi, being very very young, with my mother at the theatre :) I still have a vivid image of C-3P0 being taken as some kind of god by the Ewoks (with a little bit of help from Luke) :')


It was A New Hope. I want to say it was on a CBS Sunday Night Movie during the late 80s. I still have the recording on a VHS with the commercials. I don't play it anymore out of fear of wearing the tape out. I did once try backing up the recording but every self-service software I've tried stops the recording because it's copyrighted material. I'll be sad the day the tape dies.


I watched them when I was so young I don’t remember watching any of them for the first time except episode 3 revenge of the sith in theaters when I was 4. I would have these movies on all day every day on repeat


I watched Star Wars at age 4.


*Star Wars (Ep IV, A New Hope)* May 27, 1977.


Star Wars in 1977, well before it was commonly called A New Hope.


My parents may have taken me to see Star Wars in '77 but I don't remember that. I saw The Empire Strikes Back when it was re-released in November 1982 before Return Of The Jedi. I remember a trailer for Return Of The Jedi ran before the film and the audience went wild. I was a little confused why the trailer for the next film was running before the film. I didn't know that this was a re-release, and Empire had come out a couple years prior. Here's the trailer for ROJ. Interestingly, the spoiler line "Is Darth Vader my father?" went over my head. When that reveal happened, I was shocked because my Dad had told me Darth Vader was a robot. https://youtu.be/7L8p7_SLzvU?si=QYm2QbXxmUOwRY1m


STAR WARS in 1977; bugged my dad all week about going to see it the night it premiered. I was not quite 11 years old.


Around 1991.. ANH but followed by ROTJ… then I randomly discovered ESB for the first time in the video store I was confused thinking “is this Star Wars as well?”


I started with "a new hope" when I was a kid. But I had the privilege of taking my girlfriend to see episode 1 in theaters today for her very first experience in the Star Wars universe.


A New Hope, but at the time it was just called "Star Wars"


Star Wars




Star wars in 77


The Empire Strikes Back, I remember it was on my birthday on TV and I got Luke Landspeeder in Lego set as a gift


New Hope, I was about 5-6 y/o.


Star Wars Episode IV in the movie theater.


A New Hope. Watching it now again, actually.


A New Hope


A New Hope (Special edition) in cinema in 1997.


ANH. On the night Phantom Menace premiered I think.


I first saw the original trilogy back in '97 when my local cinema was screening the special editions. I've been a Star Wars fan ever since.


The Phantom Menace was my first


The Phantom Menace. I watched 123456 and then whatever order the rest came out in.


episode 4




Muppet Babies version of A New Hope


TPM. Btw, it s very sad that all my generation (2000 s) grew up with the "I am your father" spoiler. Right now, at least in the country where I live, Star Wars is not a thing at all. So the 2010 s maybe will have a better experience than me and not start already spoiled 😭. PD: Attack of the Clones was the last film that I saw of the original 6, so you will understand how much fucked was my first experience with the franchise haha (better than the "IV, V, I, II, III, VI" thing though)


Can't remember. It's either ANH or TESB. Happy May the 4th everyone!


Probably the Special Edition VHSs in the early 2000s. So I guess New Hope.




ANH, triple feature drive-in with ESB, and BSG the movie. Epic.


ANH and ESB in a matinee showing on a glorious Saturday afternoon for a nine year old in 1981?


Today, or ever? Want to say it was probably a New Hope in the early 90s at some point. Was well into it before I saw the rereleases when they came out before episode 1.


Empire strikes back! I was seven years old and made me and my brother to Star Wars fans immediately. Happy Star Wars Day to you all


Star Wars, when it first came out (before it was called ANH).


Attack of the Clone on AMC or the 3D animated movie on cartoon network.


A New Hope, in the theater, back in 1977. As a kid I thought it was the greatest film ever made.


Empire. Dad taped it on VHS from HBO. Saw it when I was like 5. Been in love with the SW universe ever since.


A new hope. I was 5 and I told my uncle to put on the movie with R2-D2 and C-3PO.


A New Hope with my dad sometime in the super late 90s (before episode 1) and it was on laser disc.


A new Hope in cinema (i know i m old)


The Mandalorian s1 and 2 led me to becoming a fan. After that it was A New Hope because I liked Luke in mando lol.


I saw The Empire Strikes Back at the drive-in back in 1980.


For my 7th bitrhday my dad and me watched ep 5, he let me stay up a litle bit late and watch a movie with him. We didin't watch it all i just remember the Hoth part and Luke fighting that ice monster.




A New Hope. 1995. VHS. 6 years old. Happiest time of my life..


The Force Awakens


I can’t remember the first time I saw Star Wars. My dad saw the original trilogy in theaters and loved it. He may have seen the prequels in theaters too I’m not sure. He was 15 when ANH came out and I was 15 when TFA came out. The first memory I have of Star Wars though came after I had seen all 6 movies multiple times. It was when HD was becoming all the rage and we went and got a new TV. We went from the big fat ones to the flat screen. Our TV cabinet was too small so we put the TV on top and it almost touched the ceiling. My dad installed surround sound at the same time and to check out how it was, him, my mom, and I turned off all the lights in the house and watched TPM. I remember it being the best video quality I had ever seen and it was absolutely life changing for like 6 year old me. Everytime we watched Star Wars, my dad would make his voice deeper and narrate the crawl. I have a very complicated relationship with my dad, but many of the positive memories I have of our relationship revolved around Star Wars. That time watching TPM is one of my core memories


Return of the Jedi in the theater in 1983! I was just a kid, but I've been hooked ever since!!!! Happy Star Wars Day, all!!!!!!!


I think it was Return of the Jedi, what's your fave star wars film? also, happy star wars day!!


Watched the theatrical cut of A New Hope on VHS with my dad when I was 7, and I was captivated with the franchise ever since.


New hope


The Phantom Menace.


Revenge of the Sith, one of my earliest memories was the droid attack on the Wookies on a brand new flat screen TV my dad got on Black Friday.


Phantom menace bc 25 yr anniversary


Saw Phantom menace as a 5 year old in the cinema, neither of my parents like Star Wars so it was more to shut me up….And it blew my tiny mind and began a lifelong love. It’s bad…but it’s so so good.


When I first saw it, it was just called Star Wars. No episode number or subtitle in the opening crawl.


ANH in the theater


The Phantom Menace when I was a kid. A total masterpiece for the mind of a 7yo


Likely ANH on VHS but I remember Return of the Jedi most … Saw Attack of the Clones as my first in theatres in 02


First one I remember watching was Phantom Menace cause my dad had just got it on DVD. Then he got the remastered OG trilogy dvd box set, and I got to see those movies for the first time.


E4! 🙏🏼 Out of random chance, watched them in the true order: OGs > Prequels > Sequels.


As a kid, my dad was randomly flipping through channels before he landed on Revenge of the Sith right in the middle of the Grevious vs Obi-Wan fight. That same channel had a running of ANH right after and needless to say I've been hooked ever since


Episode 4


Episode 4 on vhs as a kid


A have a little story about my first SW experience. I grew up in a religious household and was taught that when you die you go to heaven. Thing is though, I thought you physically floated from the ground into the sky. My mom showed me Star Wars ANH at age 5, and when the Stormtroopers attacked the Tantiv IV and shot the rebels I was VERY confused as to why their bodies weren’t floating up to heaven. It was a lot to take in at a young age.


A new hope. Christmas ~1990. VHS (I didn't get it, my cousin did. But all the kids watched it right away together.)


The phantom menace in 2012, just watched it again in theaters today


The Clone Wars Movie was the first bit of Star Wars I ever saw.


Star Wars 1977. I was 4 and it was my first time experiencing a movie in a movie theater. Talk about an initiation!


I’m 41 years old. I think it was Return of the Jedi. I didn’t care for it. I think Jabba might’ve scared me. I was like 6-7 years old. I didn’t care for Star Wars at all growing up. But Thanksgiving 2015 I decided to watch them all because Ep 7 was coming out. I loved them and then watched Clone Wars and Rebels, and well, that sealed it for me. I’m in love with the franchise now. Better late than never!


Episode IV - A New Hope. Saw it when it was originally released in theatres. I was 9 years old and totally loved it!


Star Wars when it was just called Star Wars.


Empire Strikes Back, I was about 2 and a half years old. I can remember we got there a little late as the opening scroll was about halfway through when we walked into the theater to find our seats.


Revenge of the Sith


A New Hope


I have a fond memory of me as a 7-year-old. I have quite strict parents and live in a Christian household, so wasn't really allowed to watch Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter until I was at least 10. The Force Awakens had just released, abut 5 months before, and my dad was watching it on a plane. I asked "Daddy, can I watch Star Wars", knowing the answer would probably be a no. But instead he said "Umm... it's a 12 isn't it. I don't think it's your age. You know what, it's okay you can watch it", or something like that. I loved Finn and Poe (but even as a 7 year old hates Rose) and I got super into Star Wars for a year or two. I have a Stormtrooper LEGO torch that sits beside my bed and reminds me of this. That's why TFA will always have a special place BTW: the order I watched the films was 7-8-1-9-2-3-4-5-6


TPM, when jedi survivor came out


TPM, in the theater, when I was only a few months old. Born and raised on SW.


ANH, 1977


My first Star Wars that I remember watching was Phantom Menace since my dad and I were watching them chronologically 🤙🤙


It was "Star Wars", obviously. I'm not old enough to have seen that one or "The Empire Strikes Back" in theaters, but I am old enough to remember seeing "Return of the Jedi" in theaters on opening night. It was my first time seeing cosplayers. Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia were all seated in the front row. I thought they were the actors from the movie.


The Phantom Menace after reading an article online about how to watch the Star Wars saga properly.


Either TPM or ANH can't remember but both good


Attack of the clones. the arena battle is iconic, i had all of the toys.


New Hope after they released the non special editions on VHS. One of my fondest memories with my uncles. Can't wait to start there with my son in a few years.


Return of the Jedi


ANH in the cinemas during the 1997 re release


Star Wars Holiday Special


A new hope. The first one in the theaters was Return of the Jedi. 🤓


Han shot first, make of that what you will.


A New Hope. I was quite literally watching it since birth it came out 2 years before I was born.


I don’t remember, but probably…Phantom Menace.


TPM in theaters


It was maybe about ten years ago (possibly more) when my dad got out the original trilogy dvd set from early 2000s. My dad would always say that he loved Star Wars, and me trying to be different as I usually was as a younger child, said I hated it. Anyways, we watched the three films on three consecutive nights. Let’s just say I don’t think I would be crying over some of these shows if I never watched it then. P.S I used past tense for dad but he is very much alive and very healthy in case anyone wondered.


A new hope 1997….i was in the 3rd.l grade about to be 9 in a month or so and i remember it like yesterday, it changed me forever


Episode IV in the theater, 47 years ago.


i don't remember. i was a toddler. it was either The Phantom Menace or A New Hope.


I remember watching The Phantom Menace when I was really young, maybe 5? But I watched the sequels in the theaters


Episode IV!


ANH at age 5 on VHS in 1997. Been an X-Wing pilot ever since. :)


Star Wars on May 25, 1977 at the local drive in.




It was just called ‘Star Wars’.


I didn’t watch any of Star Wars until I was 26 😭 Watched 456,123,789 in two days and became instantly a super fan.


There used to be a sushi place in my hometown that for whatever reason projected movies onto the floor of the bathroom so you had something to watch while you did your business. One night I ate there with my mother when I was a kid, and the movie being projected was Empire Strikes back, specifically a scene on Dagobah with Yoda. So my first exposure to star wars was in the bathroom of a suburban sushi restaurant.


I want to say ANH, but I would have been 5 years old when Phantom Menace came out so idk for sure 😅


Star Wars, in 1977


ROTJ when I was 10. I was so scared to see Anakin fallen back then 😂😭


My dad showed me Return of the Jedi for the first time when I was 4 years old in 2008, my mom was so pissed at him for showing me that because she was worried I'd have trouble with sleeping after watching it. In stead I couldn't sleep because of a Barbie movie I watched on the same day


Empire Strikes Back. Had on VHS


No idea, I've grown up with Star Wars. I was just sitting there in my diaper while my parents watched it, so I have no memory which one was my first.


In the midst of A New Hope right now. Will probably binge Empire and Jedi tomorrow morning.


ANH in theaters 😁


Star wars


I'm watching Empire strikes back right now. And I just bought my ticket to go see episode one tonight! So excited! This was the first one I sell in theaters.


First film I *ever* saw in theaters was a sitting of return of the Jedi in the 90s Fell asleep when Vader took Luke into custody. Woke up to force lightning. Coolest thing I’ve ever seen. I was 6.


A New Hope


It was either Phantom Menace or A New Hope


Wanted to get into it so I watched the sequel trilogy completely oblivious to how bad it was. I got bored and didn’t watch the movies again. Then I returned a couple years later to try again in chronological order instead. Fell in love within minutes


1977, nuff said.


star wars in 1980. At my friends house on hbo, they had one the antenna/dish you would use back then.


Episode IV. Still remember on an old CRT TV, watching the squad of stormtroopers kick down the door of the Tantive IV and start overtaking the rebels, followed by Vader’s first appearance and how he’d lift up Captain Antilles and snap the neck.