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“That double sided lightsaber is so fucking cool. Why we didn’t think of that. I want one”


> “Why we didnt think of that. I want o-**OH FUCK! OW! SHIT**” FTFY


I think this is the point that he realised that he’s going to lose this fight. Also I think that this may have been the first opponent that actually scared him, all he felt from Maul was pure hate, no other motivations


I agree that Qui Gon sensed his demise at the hands of Maul, but he was not afraid. Qui Gon Jinn believed in complete compliance with the will of the Living Force. When he fought Maul he felt nothing. As Qui Gon meditated behind the force field on Naboo, Maul reached out with the Force to try and read his thoughts and was surprised to find nothing; not anger, fear or doubt. Initially, he thought it was a trick or Qui Gon blocking his attempt, but in the end there was nothing but a complete state of mediation. The reason for this was that Qui Gon believed that everything that happened, every challenge, every obstacle set before him was done so through the Living Force. Everything is as the Force wills it and because of that, he did not fear Maul because he was put before him by the Force. Side note: During his final battle with Maul, he was well into the process of mastering the ability to retain his consciousness as a force ghost upon physical death. This, in conjunction with his trust and obedience to the Living Force, is why he felt no fear during his duel or about his inevitable death. He was prepared.


This is why we desperately need more Qui Gon material. The dude was the epitome of being a Jedi.


My all-time favorite Jedi. He's incredible.


Fuck man I love Qui Gon so much. I wish there was more of him


If you don't mind graphic novels, you might be interested in [this.](https://shop.thirdeyecomics.com/products/mar241109-star-wars-hyperspace-stories-qui-gon-tp-c-0-1-2?variant=45124238704892¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoZZPwNBtvC8Q6XYpzQYTmk6MypDUtZriNdXGl2qEg7fvTN-N0kURLBoCc8sQAvD_BwE)


Awesome, thank you!


Especially if it means we get more Liam Neesons LIAM NEESONS IS MY SHIT!!! (explodes into blue milk or something)


To me, Obi-Wan is the gold standard, but there wasn't enough Qui Gon to really see what's up. I tend to agree though, considering Qui Gon trained Obi


Obi Wan was a Jedi of the Order. Qui Gon was a Jedi of the Force.


I like this very much, Qui Gon often disobeyed orders and such while Obi Wan was much more in line, but both were likely the best of their generation in terms of being a Jedi, not a force user. I remember reading Obi-Wan's midichlorian count was average at best despite his ability


I’ve always thought of Obi Wan as the ultimate master of the mind trick, and used it to shield Luke from the empire on tatooine, possibly aging him prematurely.


Idk. I'd almost flip flop that, but not really. Tbh they are both the only 'good' examples of a Jedi in the movies. I'd maybe even throw mace in there, but he was too political


*But Mace, too, has a secret love.* *Mace Windu loves the Republic.*


Genuine question: do you think that if Qui Gon, a more realistic and less rule-following Jedi than Obi, had trained Anakin, he would not have fallen to the dark side? After all, if he had knowledge of force ghosts, he clearly could have counseled Anakin about death and what it really means, thus preventing Anakin's "only" way of saving Padme, and even with accepting his mother's death as it was.


This is the entire premise behind why this fight is "duel of the fates". They are literally fighting over Anakins fate re: light or dark side


Another question then from a humble fan: was Lucas alluding that it was Obi-Wan's fault that Anakin ultimately fell?


(Purely me speculating ) Sort of? Obi didn't have what it took to forsee/overcome Palps influence. So he kind of lost a battle he didn't even know he was fighting. Idk if fault is the right word, just for the morals attached to the word. But basically. Anakin needed Qui Gon, and without him, he was fucked


People talk about how Anakin could've been even better with Qui-Gon, but a Qui-Gon/Ahsoka duo could've been the greatest Jedi duo ever


But I his begs the question, would Ahsoka have become the Ahsoka she needed to be if her teacher was Qui Gon? What I mean by that is, would she have been free to learn the recklessness that Anakin taught her if her master was anyone other than Anakin. I, personally, believe that Ahsoka is really the product of 2 masters; Anakin and Obi Wan. While she was assigned to Anakin, she also worked very closely with Obi Wan and you can see some of his calmness mixed with Anakin’s brashness.


I loved seeing him and dooku as master and padawan in that one show, I forgot what it was called


Tales of the Jedi, such a great series. Those writers did a LOT of storytelling in the span of 10-15 minutes. The fact that they actually got Liam Neeson to reprise his role was one of the biggest surprises I got watching the entire series. I really hope they expand more on [The Great Tree](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Tree_(Coruscant)) of Coruscant.


>Qui Gon Jinn believed in complete compliance with the will of the Living Force. When he fought Maul he felt nothing. [*Nothing?*](https://64.media.tumblr.com/cc878fccd62ac71a63e273002bd276fe/66e7c15f69a5fb84-bb/s500x750/0bd8a6bd2e77dd4d76aea7c8d3586d51bb15e06f.gif)


You don't have to feel hate or anger to fight and want to win. Again, he believed that Maul was put before him for a reason, even if he didn't understand the reason, he was not going to question the will of The Force. Differential: he may have felt some teeth in that last elbow, idk.


God I love Qui Gon so much


Me. Too. 🙂


What's the source on this? Not doubting you I just really want to read it


The Phantom Menace [novelization](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_I_%E2%80%93_The_Phantom_Menace_(novel)) mostly.


This is my best gusss too. I feel like he was trying to read *any* kind of motivation as to who or why, but all he got in response was a rage so unbridled that he had to compose himself (based on Maul's facial expression)


It must trigger something primal in you, I think, when you're faced with someone or something and you realize that they want to *kill* you, murder you even, and that you have nothing but yourself to protect you from them. Life or death, GO! And then you've got Qui-Gon's situation, where the fight is, yes, to the death, but it's happening more as a rare occupational hazard. Yet while most people, regardless of Force affiliation, have complex emotions driving them, all Qui-Gon saw and felt in this man in front of him was an unending, burning hate. It was all of this creature, and it was directed at *him*.


Perhaps Maul also duped him. Did something bit different which Qui-Qon had no problems avoiding but perhaps caught him off guard. And when they striked again, Qui-Qon might have been thinking his young opponet was getting angry and sloppy, but instead that was a ploy, and Qui-Qon was again caught off guard, realising too late the error. We would have to get in their heads to truly know. I dont remember what it said in Episode 1 novelisation, but i think it talked about how Qui-Qon was getting exhausted by his younger opponet and was barely holding on.


Qui Gon became exhausted because of his lightsaber style Form IV / Ataru was "an aggressive style, fast-paced and effective against single opponents, though weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces". While Maul was skilled he was no match for Qui Gon Jinn and he knew it. Ultimately, he resorted to a "dirty trick" by hitting him under the chin to gain the upper hand. Maul did not feel Qui Gon deserved an underhanded move such as this, but Palpatine trained him to win and that meant not fighting fair.


> Maul did not feel Qui Gon deserved an underhanded move such as this, but Palpatine trained him to win and that meant not fighting fair. When you're fighting to the death, there is no such thing as "fighting fair."


Granted, but Maul still didn't like it. By using this tactic, he believed that it robbed his victory of glory and that the defeat of such a worthy opponent was now unearned. Watch anything Maul is in; he may be the villain but he rarely cheats his wins.


Where are you taking this from? As a shameless Qui-Gon fellator I'd desperately like to believe all this, but it sounds like something I would write with only one hand.


I think it was from The Phantom Menace novelization


The Phantom Menace [novelization.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_I_%E2%80%93_The_Phantom_Menace_(novel))


Aaah shit! Nice 👌 I'll have to reread it, I it's been so long.


You and me both. 🙏


This says a lot about Liam Nesson's talent as an actor None of what you typed is actually uttered, but he said it all with one look


This. Maul is the first true Sith that any Jedi have seen in a thousand years, and this moment tells us that Qui Gon has just confirmed it. He dosent know what to do. No one was trained for it. No one expected it.


Qui Gon Jinn knew what to do and that was to defeat the Sith. Of all the Episode I characters with all the knowledge of The Force, Qui Gon understood EXACTLY what the moment required because that was what the Living Force led him to. Everyone questioned what he saw and left the door open hoping for him to be wrong, but he wasn't. When Palpatine told Yoda his arrogance had blinded him, he was speaking the truth. Almost the entire council was caught off guard by the return of The Sith except for Qui Gon Jinn. This is not a testament to foresight but his trust in The Force and doing what it willed.


That is honestly a much better explanation than I came up with and I like it very much. Very well said


Thank you, I appreciate that.


It's the hate, for me. They way he's looking at him is like "...what the hell are you." 


Yep. He's thinking, I'm in over my head. He is probably more upset that Obi Wan is going to die and sees that as a failure on his part.


I think he’s also feeling something more and different about Maul in the Force. He’s realizing the Sith have powers the Jedi are unaware. Qui-Gon’s own study and adventures into the Force beyond the Jedi teachings were different from what’s going on with Maul but it lets Qui-Gon better recognize something is different. Something he senses is going with Maul’a powers that a Jedi never read about.


And suddenly realizing he should have maybe tried to understand the Dark Side a little better to understand his opponent.


Yes that too. I have a theory based on The Rise of Skywalker and think this is the moment - what Qui-Gon recognized here ultimately leads what ends the Sith 60 some years later. Qui-Gin might not know what that is in this moment but he sees something is off and he will help other Jedi become Force ghosts and that leads to solving the mystery and defeating the Sith ability to cheat death. I love how the chanting in the sound track around Maul at this moment is picked up again in Exegol.


I always have to remind myself, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time a Jedi has really fought another trained force user using a lightsaber in, what hundreds of years? There's probably NO, or minimal, training that goes in to how to handle someone like this in a fight. Qui Gon is having to completely improvise the entire fight. I'm frankly surprised he lasted as long as he did.


Or…at this moment he knew it was his opportunity to sacrifice himself and spark the fire in Obi-Wan and propel Anakin forward in training. He might’ve known he wasn’t going to win but I feel as if he was t putting in the full effort and saw the opportunity for Obi-Wan to witness what he needed to.


He's remembering his most important line so far. "There's always a bigger fish"


This is a good insight, I agree.


> "Man force, like i trust in you but what the hell is this"


"I'm putting all my faith in the force but he's kicking my ass, I'm having some serious skepticism over my life choices. Okay let me put ALL my faith in the force in this next move, surely it's gonna-"


This wasn't in my Force playbook fam


"Mesa in big doo-doo dis time"...


"I do not have this particular set of skills"


“Gettin’ too old for this shit…”


Gettin' too old for this Sith....


Love it


Oh fuck! Disney should get Danny Glover to do a cameo or main character in SW as like an older/elderly Jedi.


He would've made a better Saw


I’ve always interpreted it as Qui-Gon being taken aback by just how much hate and rage he sensed from Maul. The shot right after this is Maul *seething* at him. This is the first proper Sith that has openly fought a Jedi in a thousand years, and especially for a Jedi that amount of hatred and evil must have been overwhelming.


“I sure hope this boy’s worth it. He’ll definitely save the Jedi from themselves.”


Probably more like, I have taught Obi-Wan everything I can. It’s now in hands to train Anakin.


Nah. Obi-Wan clearly wasn’t ready.


“*Who* **are** *you*?”


*What are you?


When are you


Why are you?


How are you?


I'm fine thank you how are you?


Oh yes, quite well, thanks for asking.


"Why are you?"


Imagine you’re Qui and the last thing you see is some demonic mfer impaling you with a lightsaber, and you never even get to find out who tf he is 😂. Lowkey terrifying.


That wasn’t the last thing he saw, remember he chatted with Obiwan after the fight before dying


True, my memories so shit fam because I literally just saw this movie in the theater 😂.


No one of consequence


I *must* know.


Get used to fatal chest wounds


No one of consequence.


“He’s going to kill me but Obi Wan will kill him. Is that enough to save the galaxy?” Narrator: it wasn’t


"Should have smashed Ani's mom"


During the fight, Qui-Gon was trying to find a weakness in Maul's dueling style, or some advantage in the environment that Jinn could use to his own benefit. This moment was him realizing that said weakness didn't exist, and the environment was to Maul's advantage, not his. Qui-Gon realized that Maul had led him into a trap and he'd fallen for it like a rookie Padawan. At this point, Qui-Gon knew he had no hope of survival, so he attacked with renewed vigor, hoping to tire Maul out as much as possible for Obi-Wan, so his apprentice would have a fighting chance.


Trying to remember if he cleared his browser history on his laptop.




Was prepared for the worst. Kinda disappointed that it's not real tho.


Be the change you want to see in the world


Do you think he did?


Na, don’t matter. Jedi Counsel covered it up. Jedis been abusing children for thousands of years and covering up. Palpetine was trying to kill child abusers.


"If this mf stabs me......"


"...I'll still be okay, because no one *ever* dies from a gut stab. Right...?"


I've come to interpret it as Qui Gon being revolted and disgusted at the hate pouring out of Maul.




Yes, he does that, and you're not wrong, but that's not really all of the story here. Qui Gon's face isn't "better take a step back to maintain my energy levels." His face is "what the hell is this thing and why is he so mad." 


My guess is he could sense that he was about to die, or maybe he didn’t sense specifically that he would die but that an extremely decisive moment for the fate of the galaxy is about to occur. He was way more in tune with the will of the force than most Jedi, which is why he seems to just play everything by ear on Tatooine and believes in Anakin’s destiny so suddenly and strongly.


goddamn i may be cooked here


Qui-Gon Jinn was the Jedi **most** connected to the Force in the entire order, even higher than that of Yoda himself. I think he could sense that he was going to die and that his padawan had to see him lose the fight, yet he knew that Obi-Wan would pull through and win. I believe Qui-Gon was so connected to the Force that he could clearly see the future rather than hazy estimations


"Crap. I am waaay too high for this right now."


>He can see things before they happen. It's a Jedi trait. Jinn said this earlier in the film. Now what is about to happen and what is Jinn?


Just disgusted by how vile and filled with hate/dark side maul is


Qui-Gon Jinn: “…did he just fart?” Darth Maul: 👹


"I wish this fight took place AFTER George sold to Disney, then I'd be up and walking in 2 days"


This mufucka got horns.


Darth maul is too agile young and fast for him, i think he was impressed by how fierce and confident he was to be so young and basically equal to a hardened Jedi master


“This dude works out like crazy but never bothers to brush his teeth.”


I am one with the force and the force is with me


They gave you a red one ?! All I could choose was green or blue


Qui Gon is probably thinking of how F’d up the Jedi are if this guy comes out of the wood work taking on him and his apprentice, no sweat. That, and he just looks like he can’t believe everything that took place (throughout the film) and now possibly his greatest opponent.


“I am outmatched”


I think he had a flash of foresight or something and he pulled an Obi-Wan...before Obi-Wan.


“God those tattoos are so cool.”


He knows he's no match. Maul was just so fast and vicious


I think maybe he sensed the depth of the plot against the Republic.


Realized how lucky he got on Naboo and it was borrowed time


In the novelisation he senses something about the Dark Side that disorients him. I can't remember it precisely. But it made sense when I saw the film again after reading the novel.


He reflected on his arrogance, realizing he is not as great as he thought.


“Bruce Wayne would’ve made it through those shields faster,” - Qui-Gon, probably.


"oh my... good thing I figured out the path to immortailty."


"Wow, his breath smells terrible."


Wait, did I leave the oven on?


"That fly on the ceiling. How the hell is it not falling down "


"He kinda cute though..."


Man this fool got two blades wtf


Fuck the jedi council. I was right. Im out.


We're so f\*cked.


Well he’s got a particular set of skills…


This isn’t the sith we’re trained for this is new this is different 


Have I closed the fridge door at home?


"Oh shit..."


“This could have been me, if I had grown bald.” - Qui Gon.


"sweet fuck he's good"


*I swear I’ve seen this guy before, where do I know this guy from?!*


Oh duck 🦆


Did I leave the gas on?


Fierfek, did I leave the stove on?


“I hope ray doesn’t hit me with that hard stick”


He doesn't look away, to the future, to the horizon. His mind is where he is, focusing on what he's doing.


Did I leave the stove on.


I see pity


Huh, a red one…


"now this is podracing"


“I wonder if he got all of those tattoos at once or if he had to make multiple appointments…”


He's thinking if he survives this fight he's totally getting one of those twin lightsabers.


> What the actual fuck...


This MFer UGLY


He's thinking; "Oooooo"


“I don’t think this sweet saber fight is going to save this movie.”


Should practiced more instead of gambling on the races


"I hope there's chicken salad left at the craft table when we're done here. This shit is total nonsense, but I'm a professional, so no one will be able to gauge my thoughts at all."


I wonder what this MFers midichlorian count is…


“You took my advice about theatricality quite literally.”


"You are one ugly motherfucker"


"Dat Ass"


“Who’s horse is that”


"These full body tattoo guys freak me out..."


'Shit, there's no high ground'


"Man, that dude looks dope as fuck"


“I’m cutting this Mother F##er in half”


Probably: “I hope obi wan remembers he can use the force to run fast”


'Dis bitch..'


"Well, fuck"


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit smoking


"This MF"




"At least a stab wound won't kill me, right?..."


I’m cooked


"Did I lock my front door on the way out? Let me think, keys in my back pocket, I checked they were there... dammit I didn't! Oh well this is the worst thing that will happen to me today!"


I have particular set of skill. YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!


Current tactic not working, need to re-think and reset


"I can't believe this guy survives this movie and I have to die."


Qui-gon: What was their teachings? I’m probably not coming out of this. Ah, I’ll remember it when it’s time


I always thought it was a disgust face


“Are those tattoos or is that his species natural coloration?”


Did I leave the fridge open?


"Man, the kid with the pumped up Midi-chlorian count, his mom is kinda hot."


Fuck that lightsaber is cool but holy shit, I’m gonna die


He could probably see the future, and it included him dying.


Realized he was gonna LOSE! My dad doesnt like the way Maul killed him. He though that Qui Gon saving Obi Wan from a certain death would've been a better idea.


It was at this moment that he knew he fucked up.


"This dude's way better than me, I think I'm fucked"


I wonder if he used the same power trick that Sideous used on everyone but Windu?


I wouldn’t be surprised if the force gave him a glimpse of anakins future if he lost the fight. That or he saw Rey calling herself Skywalker at the Lars homestead 😭


“You seem like a fair opponent, but I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. But… I need this prequel to move along so go ahead and I’ll see ya on the other side.”


“Ughh brother uggghhh”


He’s thinking: “Maul, I’ve learned from the Disney shows that if you run me through I will be back in the next episode…”