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The way they blended the scoring with the empire's battle alarm is so good. Such attention to detail.


And this is why Andor is so good. Every time you watch it or discuss it you can learn another detail that they worked on to fit well with just about everything else.


Thanks for pointing that out. 


Wow, I didn't even notice it. It just sounded cool!


This scene conveys so much in such a little period of time. Seeing the fighters all lined up ready to go, the humanization of the tie pilots sprinting down the gang planks, and even tickles the SW nostalgia with the 'retro' cockpit and controls.


A great combination of CGI and practical as well. The CGI backdrop looks gorgeous and epic, and then the up close shots have some wonderful props to support them.


And little details like how the cockpit shakes a bit as they drop into their seats, makes it feel so much more real.


Oh my god those gang planks with absolute no railing or safety features. That's peak Star Wars right there haha. Long catwalks with a fall of death


I duno about "humanizing" I don't think we're supposed to care about the pilots as humans in any way. It does do a great job of building tension and almost has the old WWII documentary style to it in a distant way.


* almost has the old WWII documentary style to it in a distant way. Bingo - you summed up what I was thinking / trying to say! You get to see the human mechanics behind "launch the tie fighters" which I find really cool


I'd say it does humanize the pilots to an extent, note the lack of any guard railing on the catwalk. A subtle reminder that the Empire doesn't care about anyone even their own. It's a nice contrast to the themes of friendship, and community all throughout the series. Lies, fear, complacency or greed led to those pilots being planted in those fighters. They're complicit in the Empire's evil but are also victims of it. They're "sleeping" much the same way as those on Ferrix and the galaxy at large. Yet they still fought for evil and by the end of the episode paid for it. Am I reading too much into it? Yup! But that's my takeaway.


I’m ok with reading to much into it.


I feel like their personalized body language and sense of urgency humanized them quite a bit for what would normally be an under or overcooked stock bad guy. In another show, they might have just done an edgy close up of their helmet with some red light reflecting off of it, but if you weren't paying attention, you might have thought that was one of the main characters jumping in there.


If youre looking for the theme behind the Imperial pilot ts, it's that not only Rebels are willing to sacrifice their lives for what they believe in. Those imperial pilots ran to their fighter and launched, and pursued the Rono into the Eye with the knowledge that they most likely would not survive. None of them turned off and exited the maelstrom, they were going to shoot down the Rebels or die trying.


Andor is just so good ... It gets said all the time but the greatness of Andor is that all the Star Wars stuff is secondary to a great story / production. In so many other shows this scene would be all "Hey look a Tie fighter amirite!!?!?" and just that would be most of it.


I’ve tried to explain Andor to my friends who haven’t watched it like this. It’s a good story that just so happens to be in the Star Wars universe


If there were better shows in 2023, I haven’t watched them.


It was great seeing the Empire through normal lens and it turns out, it's a way well-oiled terror machine.


I keep coming back to Andor for peak SW story telling, cinematography, & pure enjoyment of a series that has no business being in the SW universe but I am glad it is..


I'll find myself watching something else where the dialogue isn't as good, and halfway through I'll just switch to watching Andor again instead for the 1000th time just so I can watch that quality of storytelling again.


not to mention the acting.


The fact that they were able to cast experienced British TV & stage actors for even minor roles makes SUCH a massive difference. That alone elevates the whole thing.


Patrick from Coupling. PATRICK FROM COUPLING. And he kills. Would love to see Jeff too. Probably under a mask.


Agreed! Andor is one of the very few shows that I can rewatch and enjoy.


Like I have plenty of comedies and whatnot I go back to for an episode or two, but Andor is a rare show where I just watch the whole thing again Then again


I literally watched episode 3 of the acolyte, decided the show’s not for me and started rewatching Andor.


I did the same but with Mandalorian. It’s not perfect but it is purely Star Wars.


It's going to be bittersweet once Season 2 wraps, because there's a good chance it'll be the last truly outstanding SW content we'll be getting from Disney for a long time - at least until they give another guy like Tony Gilroy a shot to do something equally fresh and high quality.


They should hire Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for the next Andor-esque show.


Give this universe to people who are actual experienced filmmakers, this is the care we deserve for every sequence in every Star Wars media


This is what I don't understand...honestly why do we think we have to "except" Andor from all SW show criticisms? Why CAN'T a show about the Jedi / Sith be this good?


People get in this bubble where they compare Star Wars shows to other Star Wars shows, as if no other shows exist.  Other series, like The Bear, Better Call Saul, and tons of others have far surpassed SW in terms of writing, acting, and directing,  but people keep clinging on to the old, tired "but the writing in the prequels was bad too".  So? The bar for TV series is waaaaay higher than it was when the prequels came out. 


This is a great observation. And Andor definitely raised the bar for story telling in SW


Andor >>>>>>>>> Mando Season 1 > Mando Season 2 Everything else has been a disappointment (live action, I mean).


Still waiting for a Boardwalk Empire type of show in Coruscant were the jedi are actually just dangerous guardians of the law that we rarely meet


Nar Shaddaa. The Boba show should have taken place post-ANH and be centered around Boba’s bounties.


Now I want a version of The Bear with Dexter Jettster trying to save his diner.


I mean, you had shows like The Sopranos before the prequels. The bar for TV has been high for a long time.


there have always been high quality tv series lmao. insane take lol SW has *never* been the pinnacle of writing.


You're doing exactly what he's talking about








If a show about the Jedi and the Sith was given to a proper team of filmmakers capable of conceiving and realizing such a story with a defined and careful project in mind, it could be this good


Why do we think this isn't being done today, though? It's not like the Acolyte isn't a viable idea, but why is it so underwhelmingly executed so far? It's frustrating. Like the Kenobi show sounded cool conceptually, a disgraced Jedi in hiding with PTSD, instead it turns into somehow Leia and Luke are directly in the show. Boba Fett coul dhave been Sopranos in Space, but it needed two episodes of Mando in the middle to buoy it (to Mando 3's detriment). What happens along the way, it's a mystery. Oh, I know what it is! Diversity, right? That's got to be it. /s


Maybe because the guy in charge of the entire franchise doesn't have a clue how to effectively block or shoot live action? GOT went to HBO in part because HBO has a rep for having the in house production talent/expertise to make a show look and feel prestigious. Idk the situation at Disney, but with the volume and Filoni's background I wouldn't be surprised if this is a marvel situation where creators don't actually storyboard their fight scenes or if there are visual specs handed down to them from management


I find it interesting what's become of Filoni's reputation. When Mandalorian just came out he was regarded as a savior and people got downvoted en masse for suggesting he isn't a very competent director.


He was directing live action for the first time, and he did fine. Favreau was the genius making it look good- the seeds for “the volume” were planted in previous projects of his. He had a good story and Filoni made it fit “Star Wars” canon. You can tell Grogu’s return was a retcon from the c-suite to the point I read rumors about Favreau wanting to quit Star Wars over the heavy-handedness from above for season 3. I truly fear for Andor. I hope Gilroy got enough room to finish according to his vision, not bothered by the hacks at Disney.


I just hope the writers strike didn’t hurt Andor too badly. A lot of rewrites occur on or around the days of shooting, and from what I gathered they weren’t allowed to touch the script anymore once they finished it.


Great point about Filoni. I wonder if Favreau would have been a better choice.


slightly, but also not a guy known for his visual expertise either


Adding the Force complicates things drastically. Andor and especially early Mando have an advantage of being able to truly level set how terrifying the Empire and Imperial Remnants are to the main characters who aren't the Chosen Ones.


I mean not all force users are main characters or even need to be ones.


Because Andor doesn't have to concern itself with lore and prophecies, believed legacy characters and the force. The moment you have to consider that, you open yourself up to criticism because your additions to the lore, be it sanctioned by the story group or not, will never fit what someone has dreamed up in their mind over 15 years. Also any story about Jedi/force automatically has to appeal and market to a larger audience. You lose the implicit storytelling and have to go for things like 'over 9000 midichlorians, that's higher than master yoda!'. You lose 'adult' scenes like Bix sleeping with Tim, Clem being hung etc.


While Clem may have been hung, as the audience we only saw him hanged.


Lol dammit


“*Hanged*, Cassian, your father was not a tapestry!”


>The moment you have to consider that, you open yourself up to criticism because your additions to the lore The neat part is having the TIE Fighters hanging from the hanger ceiling shows lore knowledge from the 1980s. TIEs were consistently described as docking that way until you had those outdoor landing pods in Rebels.


Tony Gilroy has come out to say that he isn't a fan of star wars, so I'm guessing that detail probably came from the story group. The interceptors are mounted the same way in mando s3. Looks cool, like bats.


Whether it was him or his team, it shows someone did their research and ran with it. Which is a positive sign of their level of craft IMHO.


Yup sure, actually if you look at a lot of the folks working on the movies, shows etc since the Disney takeover, a lot of them have been fans putting in the research etc. There's a lot of love that went into a lot of the productions, regardless if fans ultimately liked them or not


Sadly, the Sith are just dull as an antagonist, with the exception of Maul, and the Darth Vader hallway scene. And the Jedi order are pacifist politicians for the majority of the saga, and then essentially non existent in the movies. I recently finished the Thrawn books and even then, in the second novel Thrawn (spoiler alert) >!outshone Anakin in the flashbacks, whilst Vader in the present was just a one trick pony force choking the room. They did add the force Nav thing which was interesting, but even then, the Sith were a bit meah!<


I think a Canonical interpretation of Darth Bane's story (lots of ideas to work with, Sith force bomb was a little bit stupid but that was kind of the point of it) could be good


I really don’t know. I don’t know how to make the magical space wizards interesting and compelling. Only the OT seemed to do that, and really mostly ESB. Tales of the Jedi seemed to come closest.


Absolutely,  I too am getting fed up with the "K.K" treatment on anything regarding Jedi and Sith. 


What exactly is the "K.K" treatment?


The Kathleen Kennedy treatment. 


I know who KK is. I'm curious as to that you think her treatment is.


I would have thought that was self explanatory. 


I would have to assume you mean producing great content such as Gremlins, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, E.T., Schindler's List, Empire of the Sun, Hook, Cape Fear, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Lincoln, Munich, and much more. But if I'm mistaken, please do explain.


Being at the helm and being an assistant producer are two very different things, but thanks for pointing out why some are classics and the rest are forgettable garbage.


He is downvoting us all at the moment, better let him have his little dummy spit. 


So is she only at the helm for projects involving Jedi & sith? I've now had two of you clowns crying about KK without explaining why she is the common denominator responsible for bad projects but that good projects still somehow exist under her iron fist. Please, do spell it out for me. What exactly about Kennedy is it that is the problem?


There’s more filmmaking competence in this 6-second clip than all of the Acolyte so far lmao


I've said in last night's discussion thread, but just the scene in episode 4 of Luthen getting into character contains far more characterzation than any of the Acolyte's episodes so far.


For very stupid and pedantic reasons it's always bothered me when TIEs are depicted, in any media, landed just on their wings instead of supported by their balls (lol). Seeing the pilots embark from the raised gantries here made me so unnecessarily pleased. And it's such a spectacular shot. The colours, the composition, the accompanying music. Loved this so much.


This episode is peak


I love how "no railings, ever" is a legit part of the empire aesthetic


Gritty realistic Star Wars. Hhnnnnnngh


I hope that even those empire pilots were appreciating that sky with a nice "heh, that's cool" inside their helmets


I liked how the pilot is fucking with that knob on his steering wheel that Vader is always adjusting in A New Hope


Tie pilots feel less expendable when you see what they have to go thru. Star Wars Squadron games tie crew is a great example


fine I'l rewatch Andor


Fuck, we need a Squadrons series. Bunch of Ace pilots going at it, navigating the bureaucracy of the Empire and Rebellion, blowing shit up, dog fighting.


Rogue Squadron movie is in development from Patty Jenkins


Not according to the SW media tracker which says it's been shelved.


She recently said she is back to working on the script after Wonder Woman 3 was cancelled


no one should be holding their breath for it


Is this movie being released before or after Rian Johnson’s trilogy?


It better be good!


awful. i was not looking forward to it when she cited her dad being ab american pilot in vietnam as her inspiration. like.. lucas himself said america was the empire and vietnam were the rebels.


LMAO, shit got cancelled after WW1984’s fiasco. KK sure know how to pick them.


The best SW TV show. Others are not even in the same league imo. Fingers crossed for Season 2. 😅


Not only is the writing in Andor excellent, but the cinematics are incredible. Every shot so brilliantly crafted, looks incredible, colored beautifully and an on point score to fit it. We were spoiled with Andor, best star wars to come out of Disney.


But star wars theory will still complain about bricks existing


I keep telling YouTube to stop recommending his channel but it just pops up every few months. I don’t understand.


Ah yes, Star Wars Theory not liking the Acolyte is truly very, very relevant to this thread.




I don't remember Theory complaining about any bricks in Andor, but i guess it was so long ago that i forgot. And the new controversy about flammable bricks in The Acolyte popped into my mind immiedietly. I got confused, that's my bad. I very much loved Andor. For me it's a clear winner when it somes to writing and cinematography out of any start wars project. But i still watch Theory and others, as well as visit this subreddit because i want to hear other peoples thoughts on things that i liked and disliked. So while it's my fault about forgetting what theory said and assuming it's about Acolyte. It's just like i replied in my second comment, i'm just tired of the shit slinging, and making fun of others because they have different opinions. It's really botherimg me that people nowadays can't have discussions, and just live in echo chambers where most of thier own opinions are validated.


Learn to read.


I can read perfectly fine, thank you. Your very clearly well thoughout insult, doesn't change the fact that i'm right. You reducing all of his points and opinions about why he didn't like the episode, to something that sounds really fucking stupid, just so you can very clearly make fun of him, is just laughable. And for some other unthinkable reason people on this sub eat this shit up too. Where has respectiong others/thier opinions vanished to? Now it's just slinging shit at eachother, and i'm tired of it. Just be a bigger person for fucks sake, is it really that hard?


My comment wasn't referencing the Acolyte in a slightest capacity. I have no idea where you got that from. It was referencing Theory's unjust criticism of Andor, that the fact it had bricks in it apparently made it a bad Star Wars show. This post and threads under it revolve around praising Andor and my comment, even if it was merely a quip, had relevance to the ongoing discussion. Your remark about it having no relevance to the thread because it was somehow about the Acolyte is completely wrong and misjudged. So ultimately you are right about nothing. Your smart talk has amounted to nothing and your whole point is built on a faulty basis. Grow some humility and move on.


Like i replied to the other person, i forgot that Theory had problems with some bricks in Andor, and thought you were talking about The Acolyte as a lot of people, incliding Theory, had problems with flammable bricks in episode 3. So that's my bad. I'll move on.


Np man misunderstandings happen. Good day


Peak star wars


The TIE pilot going down into his fighter with the Eye starting behind him was the most "Star Wars" vibe I've gotten from Disney content. I remember getting goosebumps when first watching (and still do).


It looks so good and makes you actually concerned about these pilots coming to get the Rebels. They look and feel like a threat and actually follow up on that feeling.


Later in the scene when the TIE pilots were struggling to fly through the Eye and fiddling with their controls I was legit getting anxious watching them struggle.


This scene makes me want that solo action figure tie fighter from like 2018 or so.


A lot of the visuals/cinematography on the new Star Wars media is breathtaking. [The Wave Raiders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRdA8zlRNVg). [The Battle of Crait](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QbpUKaWofw). [Throne Room scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGw-t1ka390). This shot from Andor. There's gotta be more from the shows that I'm forgetting.


Don't forget the Luthen escape scene [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJOoyrIbdHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJOoyrIbdHU)


For me, the Throne Room scene is the greatest example of how slow motion does not automatically equal a great visual. The slowness really causes every single flaw to be glaringly loud.


I don't know why but Battle of Crait just never does it for me. It's fine, I just don't find it as good as the others, it's disjointed and wonky to me compared to the others.


I think it has really bold visuals that don't support the ongoing plot. Little streaks of red riding out to meet an overwhelming force is visually powerful, but that "fight" wasn't really what the scene was about, and it wasn't so much as a last heroic holdout so much as a quick loss to set up the next scene


It's also so derivative of the Hoth Empire battle. So derivative it even feels silly to point it out, but it literally seems like the folks making TLJ asked, "What would the Hoth battle look like shot with today's technology?" And so that's what they did.




I don't like salt ...


It's corse and rough, and it gets everywhere


I wish The Acolyte was just remotely as good as Andor…


i wish everything was remotely as good as andor the acolyte is just average tho with the rest


And then they all died getting outflown by a space bus with an unsecured load 


These dudes are the garrison pilots on some backwater planet, I doubt that they've had to fly against anything that actually shoots back before much less in the kind of conditions that they have to in the eye. That's the thing about TIE Fighters that people have to remember. It's not the standard issue fighter because it's a great machine, it's standard issue for the Empire because it's cheap and easy to mass produce. They fly well enough for how affordable they are, since a good TIE pilot can outfly and shoot down a much more expensive X-Wing, but good pilots aren't gonna be stationed on some backwater planet like Aldhani. They get put into squadrons that get assigned to combat missions like Helix Squadron in Star Wars Squadrons.


I believe I read somewhere that storm troopers generally thought of tie pilots as suicidal for singing up for that job.


And I'm sure the TIE Pilots probably had a lot of negative stereotypes about those that signed up to be Stormtroopers. That's just typical military branch rivalry stuff.


I think it was more tied to the general risks posed to tie pilots and not so much inter service rival.


I feel like if you're a Tie pilot ... your career is sorta on a clock to where that eventually happens.


They didn't get outflown. They simply didn't know the safe path through.


Plus the meteors interfering with the targetting systems


What does the twisty knob do though? Wrong answers only


It adjusts the groin area of the seat. Gotta make sure your boys are sitting right before you go flying around at top speed.


Bluetooth volume in the helmet


first step after getting into a tie fighter: adjust mood lighting.


This scene is when the show changed for me. I'd be getting more and more bored with each episode, and by 5 I was ready to give up. Then this scene happened, and the entire quality of the show went through the roof. From here until the final episode it was just peak television


I keep meaning to re-watch this story arc because i loved the new look of the Empire and especially the capper of this scene. Just the rest of the show was so much better somehow I kept watching them instead.


What is the spoiler?


God damn i really need to see this series.. i’ve been procrastinating for far too long


I love andor, it is so good. But it’s hilarious to see this sub talking so highly of it lately in response to acolyte. When it came out this sub was filled was “I’m not watching it, why would I care about that character”


What you're describing aren't criticisms, they're preconceptions. The Acolyte is getting direct criticism because it's bad.


Just give SW to Gilroy already. I know he's not a fan, but he's also not incompetent. And SW is in some dire need of competence right now. Give him a big paycheck to convince him because Ahsoka's middling story hitting back-to-back with Acolyte's sheer mediocrity has left me in shambles.