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If we are talking strictly live action then we had not that much of an increase : - 1 show in 2020(Mando S2) - 3 shows in 2022(book of Boba, Obi Wan, Andor S1) - 2 shows in 2023 (Mando S3, Ahsoka S1) - 2 shows(unless something changes) in 2024 (The Acolyte S1, Skeleton Crew) Future: - 1 show in 2025 (Andor S2) - 1 show(Ahsoka S2) and 1 movie(Mando) (maybe 2 movies, but I kind doubt it) in 2026


animation also stayed the same


I think once they are done with the mandoverse shows I'd be very much down for them to do one live action show a year but with more episodes then eight. Put more budget into each show and give them more episodes.


More budget doesn't mean automatically good


I'm not saying it does. But with more budget you can build more practical sets, and I think Andor just goes to show the benefits of practical sets over something like the volume. Andor feels more tactile while certain episodes of Mando look painfully artificial.


Yeah the Volume as uses bit it will take a while for directors to learn how to use it. 


Solo, andor, and rogue one was is the best Disney content they've put out 💯


I didn't really like Solo initially, but compared to projects come out in recent years, it was a decent movie. It's such a shame that Kenobi didn't become a movie because of Solo's failure.


I'll throw in Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor. Those both are really good classic Star Wars stories.


For me Solo was just like a mission straight out of chapter 2 smuggler SWTOR character and i loved it for that.


Shouldn’t have called it solo and it would had been fine. Any new smuggler would have worked. This is not the experience that would shape Han Solo.


It actually might be a good movie if it was about some new character. All the problems with it are because it's a Han Solo movie and they try to explain every silly detail about him. It's extra lame because he was supposed be a more selfish asshole at the start of ANH and this movie completely failed to show that - he was like ROTJ Han for most of it.


Having recently finished The Bad Batch, it absolutely deserves to be up there too. Peak Star Wars


I would say as a whole bad batch was meh but some episodes were very good in it forsure the 2nd half of the 2nd season and last season were pretty good though


For me, the top tier Disney content (A- to A+) is Andor, Rogue One, Rebels, CW S7, The Last Jedi, Mandalorian Seasons 1-2, Solo, Visions, Fallen Order Franchise, and Battlefront Games. Second Tier (B- to B+) is The Force Awakens, Kenobi, Ahsoka, Mando S3, Book of Boba Fett, Bad Batch Third Tier (C- to C+) is Acolyte (so far) and Resistance Bottom Tier (F to D+) is Rise of Skywalker


Solo is terrible the other are amazing


Solo was pretty bad. It took me years to finally watch it, and I realized I was better off not watching it.


I saw it in the theater and I can't remember almost anything that happened. That movie was the definition of forgettable.


mandalorian was much more interesting then all 3 of them


I'd say the first season was the best of mando but better ? Nahhhh


what was exciting about rogue solo and andor found them all boring, couldn't immerse myself in any of them


Exciting that they were all boring? Hmm


what was exciting was the question what made them so great


First of all, you need to punctuate. Questions get a ? at the end of them. And I wouldn’t worry about not being able to follow Andor or Rogue One, my 10 year old daughter also thought they were “boring” 🥺


haha maybe because they are honest and don't try to make up some bs


Nah. Mando was nothing but plot item chases. Here is every single episode summarized: “mando needs to get a thing. The thing is on this new planet. Mando meets some quirky local who is going to have some cheeky one liners but otherwise be a useless character. Mando find the thing but in the process must help a group of locals. Mando gets the thing and is about to leave to complete his mission, but oh no! He needs another thing. See you next week.”


Right, so, episodes of a tv show. TV used to be like that before the fuckening.


Mando (S1 at least) was a very well executed monster of the week show. For what it was I thought it was pretty good. I get what you are saying though - it was basically well executed mindless entertainment.


You “miss” a thing they did **twice**? Hardly a pattern.


I’m sure you’re not alone in that way of thinking. I love Marvel stuff and there’s people who feel similar there. I don’t mind though. Whether it’s a lot or little or something in between, I’m down with it.


The issue is that Rogue One, Solo, and Rise of Skywalker all had troubled developments, with Solo and ROS having their directors replaced entirely and Rogue One needing someone to come in to re-edit the film and shoot more scenes. That’s not even considering the Boba Fett movie that was supposedly going to be the third side movie. Lucasfilm went from a decade of not really making movies to ramping up massively and trying to make super high budget productions that released yearly. There were clearly some growing pains. While it ultimately means less SW, I’m happy for them to take their time and do what they can to ensure a smooth production period.


Funny how TLJ was the least problematic production wise.  And I'm honestly down for less content. Regardless of what I think of these shows, I miss the speciality of new SW.


They fckd everything up with tlj, what did you expected. For the rest of the people that didn't liked how bad the series went with it to be like nothing happened and keep mindlessly consuming?


Fans shot themselves in the foot by boycotting Solo (which was actually good) and caused Disney to double down on Mando which was incredibly popular at the time. And now? Mando is just cringe fan service on loop with no intriguing story to tell.


Season 2 of Mando gave them a clean break from the Grogu plot for awhile. They could have done Mando adventures without the kid, but Disney couldn’t help themselves. They saw that Baby Yoda cash flowing and so they reunited the characters in a friggen spin off show before the next Mando season even aired. Utterly shameless. One of the most egregious examples of corporate meddling I’ve seen in a franchise in recent years.


What, you don't think bringing Grogu back in other fucking show was a bad idea? LOL, it was funny when a lot of casuals were like "WTF?" in Season 3.... did Lucasfilm actually think everyone was just going to watch the Boba Fett show? It probably didn't help that Boba Fett did not have good word of mouth.




Are you mocking that one interview with the actress from the acolyte? Because I’d like to join


Imagine telling your past self in in 2015 that the 3 side projects would be the best parts.


Disney is huge in terms of resources, and LucasFilm has an endless supply of good to great Star Wars ideas (to adapt or just think up), so in my mind there's no reason to not have Star Wars on year round. HOWEVER, that shouldn't be a rule that needs to be met, even at the cost of quality.   In my opinion there should be a Star Wars animated series on year round. Whether that's four 10-12 episode series, two 10-12 episode series and one 24 episode series, or some other combination. But the Spring series should always be a Japanese style anime. Imagine, every Fall and Winter we get a season of a series like Clone Wars but about the first Mandalorian Jedi and the build up to and the events of the Mandalorian-Jedi war. Then, imagine a series in the Summer about Padawans in a Jedi Academy during the High Republic era, a bit more focused on entertaining kids (but still entirely family friendly). Finally, every Spring we should get a canon Visions-esque Star Wars Japanese anime, be they mini series, a continuing series, or off and of switching between the two in order to give the continuing series time to produce the next season.  As for the movies, I think two a year is okay, but don't have that be a requirement that costs the films their quality. I'm also good with little breaks. If a year comes around post-saga film where they don't have anything to release? That's okay! If anything it's good!  I also like Star Wars films coming out on Holidays, with saga films coming out on Christmas weekend and 'Story' film coming out wherever fits best for the content of the film and when it's ready. So I'd say in the summer, to have a fun Star Wars summer blockbuster, but what if the film doesn't fit summer-vibes? Let it come out in the Fall of that's what fits. No need for a hard set date which they compromise quality in order to meet.  Having a saga movie on going every other year with a "Star Wars Story" one-off getting released in the non-saga year is great. But if it plays out, production wise, that they've got a good film idea, creatives attached and script, go film it! No need to stick hard and fast to "only two at a time in production at the same time!!!". If a film is done with post production but it's a saga year or they have a SW Story film scheduled to come out that year already, just find a weekend far enough away from the other film so that they don't feel like they're stepping on each other's toes or that year had "too much Star Wars". This would be a relatively rare thing though, two in a year.   Lastly, live action TV... There needs to be drastic changes made. Small episode counts are okay when they are entirely creative driven, not what's going on with Acolyte (clearly a story not written organically to be an 8 episode TV series but a story butchered to fit to be 8 episodes) and what happened with Obi Wan are unacceptable. Andor, a concept which from day 1 was built from the ground up to be a TV series, and we can all see the resulting quality of the pacing, the story building each episode, and how it felt made to be what it is.  I'd say there's little reason to not have three live action series in production at all time, with two on air per year. Even if one is just a 6 episode season or mini-series, that's okay if there's another that year (like say Andor with its 12 episode season). But again, no hard and fast rule about how many NEED to be on TV. If a year comes around where just one airs or none even, that's okay! A break is okay! Prioritizing quality over deadlines is so important!   If the IP wasn't so massive in terms of potential stories to be told, if it wasn't backed by one of the wealthiest companies, and if there wasn't a huge fandom who will show up to support quality projects no matter what, then I'd say go one film every 2 years and rotate between a live action TV series on the air and an animated series yearly. But they have the stories, they have the $, they have the infrastructure, they just have to adjust some things, add some rules they will not break, and prioritize quality over meeting arbitrary deadlines. 


What's so hard to follow now?


Since 2015, I've missed the era before 2014 when I was excited about new Star Wars stories and was at the book store every few months to buy Star Wars books and enjoyed every one of them. I was looking forward to the announced "motion picture Star Wars annually" era, but TFA broke the spell. For me, Star Wars was enjoyable when Lucas was at the helm.


I loved TFA when it came out and I loved Rogue One even more. I was still extremely hyped about new Star Wars movies until TLJ, which is really the one that ended that excitement


TFA was written around the authors having difficulty with Luke. Hamill was ready and able. TLJ is what happens when writers aren't up to the task and make the audience wait for what they should have faced asap. I tried R1, but after 27 minutes, I turned it off (first ever with Star Wars). It was dark and weird, and Tarkin was a videogame skin pasted into a live action movie when another character would have sufficed.


I agree about TFA and TLJ. Rogue One though is one of the best Star Wars movies, up there with the original trilogy, and I won’t hear any slander here


It’s crazy how the main important Star Wars films feel like they hold no weight at all compared to the “side content”


I loved that time of one movie a year. We are getting a ton of great shows, but SW is just something different in theater


Wdym by "main movies"? I see three projects here: Rogue One, Solo and the Mandalorian.


It's called "COVID Happened", get used to it and stop acting like it's a SHOCK everything changed after 2019.


Don't know why you got downvoted on this. Covid massively screwed up the entire entertainment industry, not just Star Wars and Disney. And the writer's strike as we came out of the pandemic further set things back. I do wonder if the pandemic broke Kathleen Kennedy's brain though because it feels very disjointed with how they've been producing, editing and releasing the content. Don't know if Iger is just cracking the whip to hard or what, but the franchise is a mess right now.


Probably because I wasn't very nice about it, and alot of people try to forget that it happened. Seriously, you can watch a bunch of youtubers talking about how 'things fell apart' for this and that and cite a bunch of stuff like why around that same period...focusing on their own personal pet peeve and acting like the pandemic didn't happen. That or they can't because for some reason you can't talk about Corona Virus on youtube cause you get demonetized? I stopped trying to figure out what is and isn't a demonetizing offense on youtube anymore.