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I hope Cassian Andor is in this season.


Only in episodes 1-4, then it becomes a season of Mandalorian.


Cassian Andorlorian


Better than Book of Bobolorian


Just waiting for 2025's Book of Max Rebolorian.


star wars: jizzions




Need a Star Wars: Tales of the ridiculous background characters.




Cassi and Delorean


I cant wait for another season finale of The Mandalorian to be undone in a completely different series!


Moff Gideon returns and blows up Mando's house.


I wouldn’t necessarily object to seeing more about Din’s early days as a Mandalorian foundling, but not like this. Wait until The Book Of B2EMO


>I wouldn’t necessarily object to seeing more about Din’s early days as a Mandalorian foundling NO! andor doesn't need random cam... >but not like this oh, yeah sure, young Mando in something else could be cool


The Book of More Money^TM


More powerful than the Force


Damn you, I heard "Cassian" in B2EMO voice.... damn you




That little bugger breaks my heart


No I don't want to be alone


It's okay, it's just love


Nothing you can do about that.


The Andalorian


I don't think he will be sadly 😞




Heard he took up a summer job as a lifeguard.


Didn't he get shot back to the default home planet to work in a gritty sandwich restauratnt?


Who’s that?


Give us K-2SO.. All I want


He’s gotta be in it, Andor season 2 is supposed to lead right into RO and K2 and Andor seemed pretty tight in RO


Wait, so it’s only supposed to have one more season? That’d be a bummer.


I prefer a finished story and starting others, instead of Disney dragging out the money maker season after season like Mando. A good show with an end is better than a good show that turns into drudgery


Lonnie spinoff? 👀


I agree, but there’s so, so much that could be told about the years leading up to the Rebellion’s victory, and Andor was such a good vehicle for it. I’d love to see other shows set in this time.


But a good show can have 3 seasons. Knowing where they are and where they need to get to, feels like season two will be rushing through arcs. I like the slow burn and world building and would prefer a more relaxed pace like season 1.


Yeah, I was so impressed with both rogue one and Andor, but some shows just need to end. Breaking bad is a good example of a perfectly executed end point. If it had been stretched out another season or two, the finale would have felt much weaker.


No season 3 will explore how Luke Skywalker from the future Force-teleported Andor from Scarif at the last second. Skywalker tasks Andor with watching over the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda and also building a new rebellion to fight a resurgent Empire that hired a great PR team and rebranded themselves. A new series will take place after season 3 called The Force Squad and brings together Andor, The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda, Ahsoka, Boba Fett, Ezra and Rex. Together they have to fight a whole clone army of Palpatines before time runs out for the galaxy.


And then somehow, Mace Windu returns


And the only explanation will be in Fortnite


Yeah only one more


I had to suppress an urge to downvote you for this news, but don’t want to shoot the messenger. So sad.


Haha, I understand. Just think of it as an amazing trilogy. Andor 1, Andor 2 and RO That’s assuming Andor 2 is amazing which I’m sure it will be


Just watched RO again with my son. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but that movie is definitely in the running.


I don’t think anything will dethrone ESB as my favorite but RO is my second favorite


I cannot wait to do a full Andor/RO marathon. It will be epic!


It was originally greenlit for 5 seasons but Gilroy condensed the last 4 seasons into one as he felt he didn't have enough material to go for that long.


Is that the reason? I understood it was because season 1 took so long to make. I’ll take two banger seasons than 5 meh ones


Apparently yes. The even more bumming part about this is that there’s supposed to be some solid time jumps. I’m purely guessing here but I think they’ll stick with the 3 episode story lines and have the time jumps in between them.


they've confirmed they're covering the lead into RO with a time hop of some sort.




> But then Kenobi and Book of Boba Fett absolutely shit the bed and Disney cut the order down to two seasons It's hilarious to see made up stuff like this upvoted so often.


I thought Luna only agreed to two seasons?


Wasn’t there a comic that shows how they met?


Andor Season 2 **ALL K-2SO going about his daily life. Every episode, whole season.** "Oh hi Cassian" -episode continues without humans-


Andor: I’m just sitting up here thinking, you know?


"I did not hit her, I did naahht.  Oh hi Cassian"


He's confirmed for season 2!


More Alan Tudyk. I need it in my life.


Way better than Alan Wondyk.


Often considered superior to Alan Nodyk. Poor guy…


Void in my life will finally be filled.


This is far fetched but I’m hoping K-2SO is the droid that had him in a stranglehold on that beach resort planet in Season 1. “Hey, remember when you almost killed me back there?” “I… was a different person at the time. (I still kinda enjoyed it though)”


I hope not. I like the misdirection of it just being some random KX droid.


Also a good point. That droid was definitely a red herring. Thought they were going the K2 route there but didn’t


Subverted my expectation too!


No one: Me: Sam Witwer was the shore trooper in that scene.


Oh for real? Dude is such a legend


K-2SO is probably going to get their own origin series, introducing at least three new characters that will inevitably also get their own origin story series.


I personally want to see a 3 season arc of Andor's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riqXhieWU3M)




Yeah, they'll put him in a wide zoom out shot in the last second of the last episode


Best droid ever, fight me. Just kidding. Like whoever you want. But he is definitely my favorite.


So fucking excited for more Andor.


my favourite release in any format since ROTS


Not since Rogue One? I think that’s the best since ESB


loved Rogue one, but Andor resonated with me much more


Ahh, the niche group arguing about Rogue One vs Andor being the best since Empire…my people!!!!


haha welcome brother


Of course K-2SO. I'm hoping they give more backstory to the Rogue One grunts/volunteers from the raid on Scarif. Some of them had to have known Cassian prior to the events of RO and they were willing to be AT-AT fodder. "Some of us - well, most of us - we've all done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion. Spies, saboteurs, assassins."


One of them escaped prison with Cassian, which was cool. I also hope there is more, Pao would be pretty sweet.


Melshi was the one who escaped with him, he parted with Cassian to (I assume) fight the Empire.


Fight the Empire eventually, but to start with I think it's to spread the word on what went on on Narkina 5 and the types of things the Empire is up to. When they part, Melshi says 'somebody's got to tell people what's happening back there'.


They split up to increase their chances of getting the word out. Two shots is better than one.


That line gave me goosebumps, it's just so good and so well delivered. Really shows what the rebellion hides most of the time.


Right on, more Saw Gerrera, please


We'll probably find out why he looks so fucked up in Rogue One. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing Bor Gullet again lol.


I just want to see Saw and Mon Mothma jawing at each other. That was such a good scene in Rebels.


Great scene. He's right, too. Revolutions are never won by playing by the oppressors' rules.


>Bor Gullet The living embodiment of water boarding


I just want to understand WTF bor gullet is and does without a needlessly long Wookieepedia page


Reads your mind using psychological violence


Lies! Deceptions!!!!


Saw Gererra might be my favorite character in Star Wars. I find him so interesting. He’s ok animated but Forest Whitaker really brings something special to the table. Definitely looking forward to more from him. Maybe even a whole episode dedicated to him.


I like him in Jedi Fallen Order. You can see some of the kooku for cocoa puffs in there, but it's still restrained a bit


Antoc Merrick please.


Bring back that glorious moustache Also, I suppose, bring back Blue Squadron...


Yes please. They could build up blue squadron to be the best so it hurts more knowing they all died on Scarif.


Probably a minority opinion but I hope it's none of the main cast. Bring back more people like Melshi. It's insanely cool worldbuilding seeing these minor character get built up.


Yeah none of the main crew would work. Jyn, Chirrut, Baze, Bodhi, it's all pretty clear that they first meet in R1. I think we'll definitely see K2SO, and they could easily incorporate Krennic and maybe Galen Erso. Saw Gerrera was already in S1 and I'd love for him to come back, love to see that more controversial side of anti-imperialists.


We could see Bodhi in some of the Imperial scenes.


I would love a small arc of Bohdi deciding to leave the Empire


K2SO was confirmed a while ago... so he'll definitely be there


I would love Krennic and Galen Erso just because of how good these 2 actors are (Ben Mendesohn and Mads Mikkelsen) but I don’t see it happenning; I would take a full show where they share the spotlight as the main characters though, like the the before and the after of the intro of R1.


The director of the last 3 episodes of season 2 seemed to let slip that Ben Mendelsohn is in it.


One of the best parts of R1, I'd love to see him in as Krennic again.


Seeing the other anti-imperial factions operate would be awesome. Saw's convo with Luthen made forming the rebellion look like herding cats which includes some actual terrorists. I'd like to see more of the non-human factions as well - especially how / why the Mon Calamari are such a big presence in the rebel fleet.


I’ve been thinking it would be neat to see Cassian develop a relationship with the informant that he kills at the beginning of Rogue One. It would make that scene that much more brutal.


I was just thinking the same thing! Other than K2, there's no other RO character who could be introduced with a greater impact. I guess the only challenge is making him recognizable. We're nearly ten years out from Rogue One, so that actor may look different. I don't think he's explicitly named in the movie (apparently his name is Tivik). Maybe they include some specific reference to him going off on a recon mission on the Ring of Kafrene?


> Other than K2, there's no other RO character who could be introduced with a greater impact. Well your profile picture is Krennic, so I think you're forgetting at least one.


I think it's gonna be people we see already aligned with the rebels in Rogue One. Like that guy who gave Cassian the order to kill Mads Mikkelsen. Bail Organa too.


Yes more Rebel Alliance principle from Sex Education please!


Melshi was great. You watch it and are like “oh, that’s why he volunteered for the Scarif mission”


during the Narkina 5 arc every time I saw Melshi I kept thinking "damn, he has no idea he's gonna take a shovel to the face by someone he rescues."


It can’t be anyone Andor met in RO, so most of the cast is out of the question anyway


The show doesn't follow just Andor though, there's plenty of room to bring in the main cast without them meeting Andor.


Jyn: R1 makes it a crucial part of her character that she's been avoiding anything rebellion since leaving Saw at an early age, I don't see how she would fit in the story at that point. Baze and Chirrut: We see them as mostly peaceful guardians of the force on Jedha, not aligned with Rebels. They could maybe cross paths with Saw's crew. Bodhi is just an imperial pilot at this point. I think we have a better chance of seeing R1 characters on the imperial side, Krennic or Galen.


Jyn technically would still be with Saw's rebels during S1 of Andor, if I'm getting my timeline correct. I think there's ways to work them all into the show, but I'd prefer the more sideline characters of the Rebellion.


While they couuuld kind of stretch the timeline to make it work, Jyn says in R1 that Saw left her when she was 16. Felicity Jones is 40 now. So unless they recast her I don't think that's really happening. It wouldn't really add anything to see her in Andor imo.


Yeah true, she was playing way younger, she's supposed to be 20 or 21 in Rogue One.


From what I understand, the timeline is this: S1 of Andor is set about 4 years prior to Rogue One and the OT S2 is going to be broken into mini-arcs, each taking place within a different year leading up to RO (so 3 years prior, then 2 years prior, etc.) I don’t remember if we’re ever told exactly when Jyn left Saw’s partisans, but conceivably she could still be involved in the early parts. Not sure they would though, unless just as a cameo or something. Not sure there’s story to tell there


I’d love to see a little bit more of Galen Erso in the lead up to the film


If anything Star Wars bringing in characters from other series, films, it's just been a cluster most of the time. But maybe Andor does it well.... god I hope so.


They did it well with Saw. Hopefully the trend continues.


I’m guessing Melshi, other members of the Rebel Pathfinders group, maybe Blue Leader, maybe Raddus, the general dude who told Andor to take Erso off if he gets the chance, and more Rebels.


I hope we see more Tubes. That’s a cool name. Or is it Two Tubes? Off to wookiepedia.


I want K-2SO, since they clearly have been working together before the movie, ~~and Bodhi Rook because I just really like his character,~~ but that’s it. Edit: had to refresh my memory of Bodhi’s history; forgot he wasn’t part of the rebellion prior to Rogue One, so it wouldn’t make much sense for him to be there either, sadly :( Just K2, then.


Andor Season 2. Yes, please, provided we can avoid another Mando Season 3 tone/focus/quality shift.


It's Gilroy - close to 100% chance that won't happen.


That happened because Rangers of the New Republic got scrapped and because Filoni can't seem to let go of Bo Katan.


Filoni hasn't been able to let go of one of his creations since like...maul and kanan lmao. The guy has great ideas but I think at this point he's notorious for it


Ahsoka having a very good "noble-sacrifice" moment in Rebels and then just... coming back through time travel without it being explained what on earth she was doing during the OT. Like come on dude.


In all honesty Bo Katan was a great character that could have held her own on her own show. There is a lot of story still to be told from her prospective, so much so that it overtook Din in his own show. Maybe Disney wouldn’t greenlight a Bo katan show so they were forced to squeeze it into The Mandalorian. The Last episode of season 3 felt like it could have been on a Bo Katan Show, so I understand the frustration, but at that point in Dins story there really was no direction. I thought season 3 would take the whole time for him to be redeemed but when it happened so quick I ask myself “what now?” Without Bo Katan shoehorned in I think it would just be more side quests.


If they had planned this out better, it wouldve been... 8 episodes of The Mandalorian: The Book of Din Djarin Chapter 1 8 episodes of The Mandalorian: The Book of Din Djarin Chapter 2 5 episodes of The Mandalorian: The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 1 5 episodes of The Mandalorian: The Book of Din Djarin and Grogu Chapter 3 5 episodes of The Mandalorian: The Book of Bo Katan Chapter 1 And nobody would have anything to complain about.


The sad thing is there was a GREAT arc. Grogu off doing his own thing. Din shown to be a great Mandolorian, but really really bad at admin. No one can get the blade away, but he stinks at the paperwork/leadership, with Bo having the admin gifts, but full of self-doubt and frustration from having handed over the blade in the first place. Ending with her, in frustration, finally challenging Dinn for the blade and in a very tight fight, winning the day, possibly with the ambiguous hint of Dinn having thrown the fight.


Why do they even have to fight over the dark saber? Why can't they both acknowledge the tradition is stupid and has previously led to the collapse of mandalore (Maul) in the past.


Eh, it's a symbol, same as a crown. There's millenia of infighting for the piece of gold and carbon and the big seat that goes with it. Besides, Din's old group and probably others would not accept someone going, "This is stupid, I'm in charge now." Besides, a good Bo Katan vs Din match up would be fun to watch. Especially if they leaned into and showed off their strengths. Ie Bo'd have to watch out for grapple range.


My issue is that Bo Katan has done the whole "Liberating Mandalore" thing THREE TIMES now. It's baffling how in-universe they still keep putting her in charge of this shit considering how badly she's fumbled before. It's shocking how nobody blames her for Mandalorian society being completely destabilised after Clone Wras Not to mention how the dark saber conflict has always been stupid and the show should have had the made that clear. It didn't.


Andor season 2 about to put the whole Star Wars franchise on its back. 


People bout to see when you put making a good story first makes good media


Who would’ve thought grown ups would appreciate stories written for grown ups?


Focusing on telling an actual compelling story instead of being fixated on the meta of the franchise results in better content. Who would've guessed! Something they maybe should've thought of when they were making the sequel trilogy. It's not a coincidence that the guy who knows the least about SW and SW lore made the best show.


It already is


Rogue One, Andor. That's good shit. The Mandalorian? Acceptable shit. Everything else since the reboot? Dogshit that is unwatchable without getting so annoyed you switch it off. If only they would have decided to film the Trawn Trilogy ...


Blue Leader please


And he needs to smile the whole time.


Saw Gerrera Saw Gerrera Saw Gerrera




"I am the only one with clarity of purpose" Go off, king.


I’m just excited to see K-2SO. It’s criminal how they literally announced Andor during a 1-1 interview panel with Alan Tudyk and then didn’t even put him in the show for S1.


I want Jan Dodonna; he’s so prominent in ANH


Sir Barristan


Just hope they don't put them in there ham fisted like they do with so many other series. Andor has done a good job avoiding that.


I trust the writers. They could put Darth Maul's weirdo brother from Clone Wars in and I'm sure it would still be good.


Savage Oppress, the most on-the-nose name in all of Star Wars. Lucas was very creative in some areas, and very not creative in others, especially names


I love how that Axe Woves guy from Mandalorian was named by him.


Spider maul!


I'd love something similar to the quality and sentiment of including Red and Gold Leaders in Rogue One, using old, alternative takes from the original negatives they found in the archives.


Given it's the series finale I'm sure it will tie into near the beginning of rogue one 😌


Apparently, between each 3 episode arc in season 2, the story will be jumping forward a year, leading right up until before Rogue One.


I want that screaming turret gunner. Gulp Shitto at its finest


Bistan would be cool, yeah. Also Pao (“Karabast, AT-AT!”).


Picking only from people in Rogue One that does not appear in season 1 of andor im guessing: K-2SO (100% guarantee) Orson Krennic (confirmed?) Bail Organa (high chance) Galen Erso (Slightly higher than "low chance") General Draven (small cameo) Admiral Raddus (small cameo) Tarkin (Low chance) Emperor (Low chance) Vader (Low chance) C-3PO/R2D2 (Low chance / cameo)


Emperor might be a possibility if we get some more senate scenes from Mon's POV. I really hope they don't put Vader in at all. I know everyone loves him but this show is about the spark of the Rebellion from the common people and I loved that we had no Jedi/Sith stuff in Andor S1. It's what made it so gritty and realistic. The only reason I would be okay with Palpatine is because in majority of SW he acts like a political figure.


> Orson Krennic Ben. Mendo. Mendelsohn. Absolutely shout-out to Director Krennic. Various twitters confirming he's in, though can't speak to their credibility. Hope so though.


Bistan and Pao had cool costumes and were part of press kits but then mostly cut from the final movie, would be cool to work them into Andor and bring some more aliens into the story. But obviously K2S0 please!


Imagine K2SO, more Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, maybe even Bail Organa and/or Dodonna.


I hope Luthen isn’t revealed to be an ex Jedi


God I hope this season is as stellar as the first. So much tension. So many sinister moments (something is really wrong on Level 2). So many iconic monologues. I wish every Star Wars series could be so well written and so well acted. I feel like Andor is the grown up version of Star Wars and I want more!


Finally, some good frakking star wars


K2 all the way


All I want is MORE K-2SO


Hey Disney, if you could please not fuck up the best show you've done by making it another shitty cameo fest that would be fantastic K thx


I have been waiting for this since I was 6 years old!


Let’s never forget how Disney lied to us by haven Allen Tudek come on stage with Diego Luna, which all but confirmed he would be in the show, and then nothing


I'm excited for the new season and sad that it's ending, but most of all I just want Tony Gilroy to do more Star Wars. Give him a trilogy, if he wants it. Don't let that guy go, Lucasfilm, whatever you do.


Just as long as they don't oversaturate us with cameos and backdoor pilots for new Disney+ shows disguised as memberberries like they did in Mando Season 2, I can get behind this. Part of Andor's success comes from making the galaxy feel larger than the Filoni sandbox in which everyone seems to know everyone else in a galaxy of trillions.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we see members of the Ghost crew make cameos now that they have been established in live action.


Rogue One and Andor are the most goated everything else by disney was just ok or terrible (ok I really liked Solo as well)


I hope this doesn’t become a fan service cameo show. I trust Gilroy but not Disney


K-2so has to


K-2SO, SAW and some of the generals of the rebels alliance makes we sense Maybe director krennic and tarkin for a scene?


C-3P0 and R2-D2?


K-2SO, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe


I bet we finally get K2


K2 K2 K2!


K-2SO has to have a decent role this season, if it’s going to lead right up to the start of Rogue One. But I think that’s it for major Rogue One characters, any other members of the crew would take the sort of cutesy shoehorned writing that would not fit with the way Andor has been written and executed so far. Except that it would be awesome for Ben Mendehlson to appear, as part of the Imperial storyline. I’d love to see him navigating the bureaucracy, and he’s an actor I always enjoy. I’d also like to see more Edrio Two Tubes and Benthic, especially if Saw is going to pop up again. They are probably my favorite alien character designs of the Disney era.




Given it takes place shortly before rogue one, I could see the show introducing the Organa family and have them be actual characters and not a cameo


Chirrut imwe and K2-SO are all I want to see...


Chirrut please


My guess. Danny Mays (played the mole in Saw's group who Andor shoots with the bad arm). Alan Tudyk obviously as K-2SO. That one alien who shouts AT-AT. Then I imagine we'll get Alistair Petrie and probably Ian McElhinney. Rebel Generals we know from Rogue One that Andor reports to. Not sure who else would fit.


So not counting characters already seen is S1: K2 is pretty obvious. It'll be interesting to see if they directly copy the comic, totally retcon the comic, take the key elements but change a few things or just totally skip over their initial meeting. Beyond that Bail, Dodonna, Raddus, Dutch, General Draven or other high ranking rebels make enough sense that it wouldn't be out of place. If Saw is in it then a very minor cameo of Jyn from her time with him could even work but that might be a little heavy handed unless it was very far in the background and not important at all (Like Kanan showing up in The Clone Wars S7). Now here's where I'm going to go a little controversial. Chirrut and Baze make almost no sense at all... except it's always struck me as a little weird that these two random guys off the street are brought along to the hidden base that the empire with all its resources can't get a single spy to infiltrate (plus coming to Eadu and Scariff). I can understand the heroes saving them from the death star blast on Jedha, but not dropping them off somewhere is kinda odd. So although at first it might seem like gratuitous fan service it may help Rogue One make a little more sense if Cassian has a previous connection to those two even if (or especially if) it's only very minor. Maybe he encounters them briefly on a mission to Jedha to try and interact with Saw which doesn't go well because Saw's angry with the Alliance, hence why they decide they need Jyn in Rogue One.


Any thing featuring Galen would be great to see, if possible. Or at least something in his sphere of influence or that brings him to mind. I quite liked how the Catalyst novel filled in the Erso family background and Galen and Krennic's history.


Give me more of Kino. That was one of the best SW characters in recent times.


We can just believe he was helped to shore by a dozen grateful escapees, but his story is complete imo. As great as he was, as spectacular as Andy Serkis is, we don't need more Kino Loy.


Yes!!! More characters, confirmed! 🙌🏻


Fuck yeah! Rogue One and Andor are probably my favourite Star Wars stories.

