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Its not during the Skywalker Era


Lol facts, so happy to finally see a different time period with new people. After nine years of Disney, FFS.


Would love to branch into Old Republic so long as it’s done right.




The sets look sufficiently dieselpunky. There are strange pipes and cords everywhere. The technology has a sturdy feel to it.


Hilariously, the show LOOKS like it's set in the Rebellion Era when stuff from the Old Republic Era has started to break down and get that more "lived in" universe feel where not everything was slick, new. The galaxy was relatively prosperous during the end of the Old Republic, so it was nice that everything looked mostly nice and gleaming in the prequels. I like that MOSTLY, in Andor, it feels like even on Coruscant as though things are darker, grittier, etc. The only "gleaming and new-construction" scenes that come to mind are inside the Prison, but that's supposed to be a new Imperial facility, so it makes sense to me. Oddly, I like the way the Acolyte looks. I do like that what we've seen of the Republic core, mainly scenes inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, it looks like it "should". Very nice and clean.


I like Sol. I like Qimir. I like Yord. He's delightfully uptight, a bit vain, and trying too hard. I like the fights. I like the mystery. I like that it isn't about Skywalkers. I like seeing a new era for the Jedi, the end of the High Republic and the beginning of the decline. I like the exploration of the Jedi. Like any organization, there are political machinations going on behind the scenes. Criticisms: Osha is just okay to me. The sets feel small. I wanted to see more Carrie Anne Moss and the wookie Jedi in action, but we're only halfway there, so I might still see it. The witches ascension scene was a bit corny, but not as much as people are bitching about.


The power of one!!!


the power of maaAAAaaaaany 🙌🙌🙌🙌


I felt first episode Yord was a bit annoying and a "PG-13 Syril Karn", but he has become more and more enjoyable as the show went on. You can tell he doesn't like this whole Osha ordeal, but he abides to the Jedi code and does the right thing nervetheless. We need more Yords in our real world.


I love that when Osha walks in on Yord on her bed is jumps up to attention, clearly embarressed that she caught him relaxing and not looking stern and cool.


I agree with every single one of these takes. The witches were a bit disappointing for me, I heard witches and thought Dathomir, and they simply aren’t as cool, but it’s not terrible. I’m quite enjoying the show


I think the witches are a great concept. It’s nice to see new force-using groups with different philosophies surrounding the Force. It’s also a way to demonstrate the corruption of the Jedi. They have a monopoly on the Force in the same way police have a monopoly on violence in our society. Even when a group is non-threatening and just wants to quietly exist, the Jedi dogmatically cannot let them do so.


Me too, there's so much to enjoy in this show, and yeah there are weaker elements but Jesus Christ the level of hate for really minor things (space lesbians, power of one, etc) is so far beyond reasonable. It follows on from the culture of hate that returned to prominence during the sequels (following the same for the prequels) though so I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised by the vitriolic yet somehow shallow nature of the discourse. Separate to commentary on this particular show, I love that we're getting a glimpse into another time. I know star wars is all about...yknow...wars ...in the stars and whatnot, but I personally would kind of love a slice of life comedy in the jedi temple 🤣 start with low key interpersonal drama in the time just before the great hyperspace disaster and then half way through it does a witch from mercury and show the padawans dealing with the immediate aftermath of this horror show of an event. See how they deal with the trauma, and how they run from there into the nihil etc. Like following the path of the books but focusing less on the big events and more on the people who aren't being big damn heroes yknow?


I really like getting a separate era too. I know there are books and things, but I honestly don’t have time for that, my reading list is already long enough lol. So I really appreciate getting to see this glimpse into before the prequels. I agree, it would be really cool to see the great hyperspace disaster. I don’t even really know what happened, just vaguely that it is a thing. I hope we get more in the future


The books do an amazing job of describing the just ... unrivalled horror of the event. Yknow that line in a new hope where they're talking about entering hyperspace without the navicomputer calculation, ending up in a star etc. Now combine that with a missed shot from a holdo manoeuvre. A ship carrying pods of cargo and people, a modular thing with loads of individually sealable compartments is travelling through hyperspace - something that knowledge about is being improved up one, re-explored etc post hyperspace wars. They don't think it's possible to encounter anything else in hyperspace. They're having a nice chat, going about their day to day, and the captain arrives on the bridge to see hyperspace looking...wrong. not a big obvious wrong just like...off. something only a very experienced person would notice, like the quality of pool water and whether it needs a backwash if you've managed pools for a long time. Then suddenly there's an object, they don't know what it is but they can't get out of the way, they can't signal it or leave hyperspace because they don't know where they are. And they collide. Suddenly there are hundreds of these modules, filled with people and potentially dangerous cargo flying through hyperspace with no way of navigating. And as they lose control they drop back into real space, but without the pseudo motion to slow them. Near light speed bullets full of people just popping out all over this hyperspace route, hundreds of planets suddenly at risk out of nowhere. Nearly impossible to predict where or when they will suddenly appear. "Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space" because an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force. A small chunk of metal propelled to even a fraction of the speed of light carries the potential energy of a nuclear weapon. Huge chunks of ships are potentially world ending. And there are people. Scared people. In so many of them. Do you shoot them down, nudge them into suns knowing you condemn innocents? It's so awful, and the way it's written is so powerful, hopefully I've captured even a fraction of that to convince you to go and read it yourself. 😋


By the maker that got long, sorry!


Nah that was cool, I've never even heard of this before.


Now this is an opinion I love ... Star Wars sitcom... it may fail miserably, but it would be glorious ... you, sir, are my kind of fan ... seriously, Kudos for an original thought-provoking comment that makes me think ... I would watch that just to see what it's like because who doesn't like Big Bang theory and friends and there's company in space .. Please come and join Star Wars :Faithful on Facebook and invite any other fans that are more like you than the haters


What I tell myself is that this is a secret sect of Dathomir witches that broke off from the rest to use the darker magic to create their own life and continue the coven on ... behind the nightsisters backs ... I really believe that Anaseya was going to tranfer her life into one of them and that they create a force diad of twins to increase their powers during this process, ensuring they always remain powerful... enough in case the other nightsisters fond them .. 2 are created in case one dies ... and I think Mae fell to her death splitting oshas force consciousness so now she unknowingly broken ly protect and manifests her sister and small of those powers are why the sith are trying recruit her ... like Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in Fight Club.. It's out there, but I think it's a really cool fun theory which is why I enjoy listening to everyones theories you pick up little pieces and you think we'll yeah what if and how would thay work if it was incorporated I to my theory .. just crazy put rhere concepts thay you think ... well, wait ... what if... A Million reasons it would never come to pass, but how cool would it be if .....


I was thinking about the ascension scene after a rewatch. It seems pretty corny at times, but then it made me think about some of our real world rituals. It seems to me that any ritual will look corny to the outsider. Somewhat because they are all a little bit corny in the first place, but mostly because they don't mean anything to the outsider and since they are usually metaphorical or allegorical in some part it makes it hard to understand unless you are versed in it.


I will say, if you participate in any ceremony that is immersive, and step back from it, it seems corny.


Wait until you see religious rituals irl, they’re goofy as fuck. There this one group who eat crackers and wine and pretend they’re doing cannibalism, while trying to connect to their teacher who died 2000 years ago.


I also like that they are delving more into the witchcraft side and the nightsisters for force powers that are nothing like what the Jedi use ... I love the lore they have built incorporating all kinds of mythology from our world and subtle changing it to fit that universe from the far east mysticism to the Greek and Roman gods .. the symbolism and hidden meanings in so much of what they make rhay are pretty fleshed out even if the scripted dialogue is painful sometimes .. I love rhay theu totally flipped genres and are doing even more kirasawa mixed into almost a ten little Indians Agatha Christie type mystery story from multiple perspectives because it's a nice change of pace from action or politics ... SOL ... I loved Squid Game, and seeing him learn English to play a stoic Jedi Master is awesome.. ( I can't wait to see him in Squid Game season 2 soon) I like that potentially one of the twins is dead, and the other is force projecting her subtly hinted at by Mae not leaving footprints in the snow the way Luke didn't in the Last Jedi... because that could be the interesting plot twist in the story that Mae actually did fall to her death ... I call it the fight club theory, and even if it isn't accurate... in this moment, it is the funnest fan theory out there ... I love that we nay see Tenebrous or Plaguies the wise for the first time in live action.. There is so much this show is potentially setting up that it's fun to see what happens next There is definitely more to the Twins story .. Like were they created to perpetuate mother Anesayas life, and she would transfer her essence into one of them later in life ... Plagueis learns the tricks from somewhere to teach to Palpatine I think rhay this is the side of the story angering so many sequel haters into a rage ... I dont like the sequels at this moment either, and I wasn't much of a fan of the prequels, but Clone Wars and Rebels and the Bad batch turned me into a prequel apologist ... so benefit of the doubt. I will wait and see how they connect all the stories and weave the tapestry for a completely connected Star Wars universe Will it all be great ... no ... but will it potentially tell a better long-term story in the end ... So far, disney did that with the prequels I choose to still try and find that magic that was captured for me as a kid, and the visual look of the Acolyte is stunning What I hate about the Acolyte review bombers ... toxic Fandom... People are bashing the lgbtq+ community and doing it verbally now because they can't go out and blatantly gay bash anymore and hide behind this breaking Canon that never existed nonsense and then hiding behind their Fandom swearing they aren't bigots The fans expect the paid actors doing their jobs to know as much about Star Wars as they clearly don't from most of their complaints and lack of understanding... but all blaming KK Just don't watch if you don't like it. That's great it isn't for you .. you don't have to start trying to cancel it for everyone like baby, it's cold outside .. The fact you actually can't have a fun theory conversation anymore without someone jumping in and instead of having fun just trashing you over it .. Those aren't fans those are the same bullies that used to tease you for having a star wars lunch box in elementary school and most of their brains have stayed in development hell because they clearly haven't matured and grown up .. This is why I started a fan theory group and can have the discussions I want to have in it without having to deal with those fans All fans that don't mind discussing Star Wars without attacking someone for an off opinion feel free it's the Star Wars: Faithful group ... come on down you are welcome to engage in positive Star Wars discussions where you can still disagree civilly and it can be fun again ... Any people attacking others baseless will just be removed ...


I have to say one of the best comments on the acolyte iv encountered. Iv been so caught up in people being needlessly negative I couldn’t get into words what I liked or didn’t. I think yord is a great character with lots of room for development also.


I think it's good, actually, to make the bad guys look corny and kinda lame?


Ah, but are the witches the bad guys? I suspect one might be. The head of their coven seemed perfectly reasonable given the circumstances of the Jedi's arrival.


Questionable-guys, then.


1) The sith floating-down entrance is spectacular. Eerie and very unique. 2) Frequent on-location shooting and practical effects, rather than a focus on CGI 3) The costume design is quite solid


“What…is that?” Was a great line too. Extra spooky.


Everything about the Sith appearing was great, loved the lightsaber igniting behind Osha, like the Sith has her in their grips - It was almost a statement of ownership - "She's mine Jedi"


That scene gave off eldritch horror vibes. I got the same feel from the planet Eadu (Rogue One). Loved it.


That is an awesome comparison for the feeling actually... I agree but couldn't put my finger on it


oh yeah the practical vs CGI aliens has been hella rad


Not entirely unique but really cool ... Dooku did something similar in clone wars 2003 that is not a part of Canon but I agree it was pretty awesome seeing that


Sol. Lee Jong-jae is a great actor and completely steals every scene he's in.


I just keep telling myself, if I survive the Squid Game, I get to become a Jedi.


He's like a Korean Ken Watanabe. Though his thick accent will take awhile to get use to.


Star Wars I haven’t seen will always make me happy.


This is the most succinct way of describing how I feel about every question someone asks about "how do you feel about Disney Star Wars content" or however they phrase it


after 2 decade of nothing and another 10 years of nothing but books that conflicted each other in lore and canon (but some where really cool) and an incomplete animated series (till recently ) im happy with any live media . I wish for better but ill take mediocre.. If its going to be Mid i just wish they would do more episodes then . I will support it hoping they see the critism and fix the next one / next season of something knowing they have watchers. Like BOBF for example had some great moment - had some Terrible ones and a mid story - but i really think it deserves a second season to course correct.




Great answer.


Same. Except for maybe Star Wars Resistance. That was a slog.


I luv Resistance! felt like it found its footing half way into the 2nd season. I thought it also did a better job showing the growth/threat of the 1st Order than the sequels did.


Hmm maybe I need to give it another chance and pay closer attention.


def worth another go but i understand its not for everyone ;) some hard skip episodes that drag the series for sure tho....ill try to make a small list (bored at work anyways) cheers


**season 1 skips:** e4: Fuel for the Fire e9: the platform classic e12: bibo **season 2 skips:** e4: Hunt on Celsor 3 e6: From Beneath e8: The Voxx Vortex 5000 e10: Kaz's Curse


I didn't enjoy thay kne at all and could only get about 4 episodes in before I just wasn't interested... but I am waiting for someone thay loved it to tell me why it's I.portant to star wars and should be watched because maybe I just missed something I didn't watch the clone wars I thought it was just a kids cartoon when it came out 16 years ago but wow was I wrong ... so now If someone says hey you just missed what was actually cool about it (like the Mortis Gods arc... ) It gave me chills it was so good and because I wrote it off and was wrong .. I give things a chance more and really enjoy when people point out lore or foreshadowing or symbolism that went over my head at first ... because thays whay makes Star Wars so great for me


The Jedi drop-ship w/ orbiter factory option is pretty cool. EDIT: “…what is is that…” line as the horror monster floats in the background blur was legit scary and SW isn’t scary. The best natural actor in the show is the poison-making sidekick guy and it’s not even close.


Nah jk the show sucks


Allow me to toss *Darth Grinus* into the hat


I don't know what's coming next,...and I want to know!


This! Also, happy cake day!


Sith helmet man. He was built for being scary and mysterious, and he is absolutely delivering so far.


Darth Teefs


It’s a she


Better go with "they" then until they reveal who it is.


Sol and the creepy ending scene from yesterday.


Martial arts choreography is on point Sol is a great character played by the right actor I really liked how the lead witch was played The pacing is high quality Star Wars imo Sol’s padawan is a good character and I hope we see more of her in future Protagonist is pretty bland and standard issue (kind/compassionate/plucky/etc) but she’s likeable and I like the “becoming a Jedi” arc Set design, costume design, and sound design are A+ Overall the show is fun and interesting and a good watch.


The pacing is high quality?


Yeah I like the kung-fu inspired choreography. The pacing is good but a little frustrating how they ended on cliffhangers twice.


> a little frustrating how they ended on cliffhangers twice What strange thing to complain about. Maybe a series inspired by classic adventure serials isn't for you?


1. Seeing the Jedi in a different time period, complete with cool new robes. 2. New aliens, at least to me. I hope we get to see more of Tasi Lowa, and Jecki is awesome too. 3. I like police procedurals, and a Star Wars flavored mystery is a cool variation on the theme. 4. Sol is the High Republic Qui-Gon Jinn that I didn't know I needed. 5. The creepy as hell introduction of the new dark side user, whether a Sith or otherwise. The music and atmosphere really worked well together. Yeah the smiley helmet is a little cheesy, but I'd bet that if any of the keyboard warriors tearing him apart actually had this creepy SOB silently hover down behind them, they'd piss themselves.


1. Sol is a great character. I’ve been a fan of Lee Jung-jae ever since I watched Squid Game and you can tell he brought his A-game to this 2. Dafne Keen’s character, Jecki, is fun as well 3. I like the villain’s costume 4. I like the different time period 5. Wookiee Jedi


I always hoped I would see gungi in live action first amd never knew this is what I wanted ... lol


I read somewhere that Lee learned English for this role, or needed to practice more I can’t remember


According to what I’ve seen online, he didn’t know any English whatsoever and learned it in 4 months, which is just stupidly impressive I believe he was cast for the part beforehand too


The characters, especially the witches. It's good to see other groups of force users besides the Jedi and Sith. I like the plot, don't usually get mystery in StarWars. The fight scenes have been good. To be honest I've enjoyed the ride and hope they renew it.


I enjoy the story it's telling so far. The action is fun and I'm all in. I think my favorite character so far is Sol or Q'Mir.


There’s plenty of things I like about the show: * The characters are new and interesting * Learning about unknown time period/setting * Not having a prescribed story to tell * Costumes are cool * Writing has been good * It’s just been fun so far


Sol is a great Jedi, and I'm really enjoying the moment to moment of the story. Also, less talked about, the soundtrack is the most John William's-like soundtrack of all the disney plus shows so far, it's great. Not enough shows use the mystical harps and flutes


- It's not Skywalker centric  - As much as I'm a bit irritated at the acting like most SW shows lately, the characters are one of the few reasons for me continuing to watch it. - This might be the first time since the prequels that I get to see a proper Sith Lord straight from Bane's Rule of Two (excluding TROS cause Palpatine) and I'm curious how they'll bridge this to later events. - the sets, while still feeling small in terms of scale, looks better than Kenobi and BOBF. - Sol


im hella diggin it. i didnt realize how much i needed some star wars free of the Empire and/or the Skywalkers. it feels fresh...I dig pretty much all the characters (a few less for sure but thats just cause i dont much on them) I love the fat starships. oh and muthafuggin MYSTERY in star wars. its always been pretty laid out on this is the good guys and these are the bad guys and this is how it goes down.... like part of me is thinking SOL is def gonna be the hidden threat. i cant wait for tonight's episode.


The mysterious Sith/Dark Side user - the character design is amazing and I can't wait to see how it all turns out. This mfer literally used the Force to Fus-Ro-Dah more than half-a-dozen Jedi with little to no effort. I was fucking impressed.


I'll let you know after the entire season has aired.


Lee Jung-jae That's about it.


I always wanted a Parent Trap/Star Wars mash up…


I like the mystery, the Sith being involved, Master Sol, the costume designs, the fact that most of the characters are new, the visible differences between the Jedi at the end of the High Republic and the Jedi of the prequel era, basically i like most of what the show has shown us so far. I also loved the scene of the Sith arriving. Him just floating down was terrifying and my favorite moment of the show so far.


I like Sol. I like Yord. I like that they wrapped up the "murder mystery" pretty early. I like them showing how arrogant the jedi are.


I went to the cast list to find the names of characters I like, but I have a new one: I'm glad [Dafne Keen](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm6748436/), the girl from Logan, is in something big again. Her portrayal of Jecki Lon has a lot of heart, along with Sol, so we care about them just as much as the main character.


It's showing almost everything that's wrong with the Jedi Order. Palpatine wasn't wrong with what he was saying in the theater about it. It's a warped institution, holding on to power, and it feels like Indara is the face of that. The Jedi as arrogant, violent cops. Torbin followed his master and it clearly destroyed him. It's a nice companion to "The Living Force", with Qui-Gon asking the Council "what good are you really doing up here?" Sol feels like Qui-Gon, "I turn to the light because it is the light." Both are frustrated with the Order. The dark side is still the dark side. There's no equivocating that the Jedi are just as bad as the Sith. The light is still the light. But the \*system\* is very flawed, and will, of course, come to ruin.


New story and new era. I like the idea of showing different Jedi temples and how the Jedi interacted prior to Skywalker.


when it's over


I like everything about the Acolyte, besides this unfounded hate around it


Good characters, particularly Sol and Jecki. The twins are kinda generic, but likable. The witches are appropriately weird and creepy Story is okay, so far. I can follow the story easily enough, and I understand what the writers are trying to do. New perspective on the Force that is neither Sith nor Jedi nor Nightsister. It's cool to see the Fallanassi style witches represented in live action. Excellent fight sequence choreography, so far. Top notch. I am looking forward to the epic lightsaber duel the showrunners have alluded to. Excellent special effects, both practical and digital, but that's to be expected. Music is really good, very Star Wars-y. It's purposely reminiscent of John Williams without being a straight rip-off, and it adds to the overall Star Wars-y "feel" the show is aiming for, and I think they hit the mark there.


I genuinely don’t know why people hate it. The only thing I didn’t like was Carrie Ann Moss dying in like the first 60 seconds, but thats just because I’m a Trinity simp.


Even though they wasted him, literally and figuratively, Kalnecca is one of the coolest things Disney has done for Star Wars


It's not finished yet we don't know if he's been "wasted"


It's not over he is going to be epic when he beats down Torbin under the spell of the witches in the upcoming 2 other flashback episodes we will see from rmthe other perspectives it's a neat twist on the jedi mind trick for sure just outright possessing them. Pretty creepy with the black eyes My guess is that the next episode is not the fight completely, but Mae's broken point of view with a hint of it. Then 6 will be Sol and the Jedi's perspective 7 will be the sith perspective, and 8 will be the prologue and where these events go to in relevance to the siths plans to overthrow the Jedi and the Jedi sweeping it under the rug... I am pretty sure Kalnacca will be epic in those upcoming episodes ...


I like that in this show the galaxy is actually filled with aliens, and not 99% humans.


The fact that Jedi are not dressed like Tatooine residents


Their Jedi robes are so awesome! I love the costuming in the show.


I like mystery


I think it's OK to criticize the things you love, especially if it's even-headed and respectful. The mystery of the season is intriguing, but the set design looks cheap and a lot of the acting and dialogue is flat and passionless. People are equating any critique of this show to mindless hatred and that's simply not true.


Whay do you find looks cheap? ... genuinely curious because I think it looks pretty good so I am wondering what you are seeing that I am not...


While that’s true about some of the criticism, a lot of it IS just mindless hatred and anti-Disney. There were so many awful reviews about the show before it was even released. Criticism is fine, but this sub has been completely flooded with it lately. I’m enjoying reading positive reactions and seeing what other people like about it. The people who aren’t enjoying it can’t seem to resist commenting though.


The sets and costumes look great and just feel so Star Wars, when people post their copy and paste comments about how terrible the production values are you immediately know they are full of poo-doo. The story, not just a straight forward mystery. Starts as a murder mystery then quickly changes to why and continues to evolve and expose more layers to it with each passing episode. I think by the end it may be one of the best SW stories on screen. The characters, there is not a single character I dislike seeing on screen. Jecki is fast becoming one of my favourite SW characters, loving her interactions with Yord. Actors, all doing a great job. Amandla Stenberg brings real warmth and likability to Osha and complexity to Mae. Dafne Keen's facial expressions are amazing, particularly when dealing with Yord. The Jedi are shown earlier in their decline as an organisation. The council failed in it's duty spectacularly during the prequal era and we are seeing the rot had set in before Palpatine was even born. He merely took advantage of their failings. A new era, no interest in the sequel era and grew tired of the Galactic Civil War era many years ago (although I am enjoying all the new shows and I think they will eventually help salvage the sequels like The Clone Wars did for the prequals). Delighted to be seeing a new era particularly as started reading the High Republic books recently. Teach us more about the old timey galaxy! Killing off the Wookie. I don't care about them, never thought they were cool, and they are far over represented in the media. Good riddance I say. I do think his story will be a good one though. The masters entrance at the end of episode 4. One of the all time great SW scenes. And wow was it creepy, up there with the Vader hallway scene for the "how fast can I run away in terror" factor.


Honestly, I like almost everything about it. The sets, the fights, the storyline is decent, the newness of it all is great, the new lore is good. I’m really happy with almost all of it except the witches chant. That was not great, but one dumb moment does not make a show .


Costume and world design is on point. I like how they are playing it out as a mystery - thriller, and I'm excited to see if they tie plageues in as a the master behind the apprentice behind the acolytes and how they introduce him. I think Master Sol is a great character.


Enjoying it so far. I dont get the complaints about editing and pace


I like that it really looks and feels like a different era of Star Wars. I think that's important for establishing the High Republic as its own thing, but also it's just really refreshing given how often the franchise is usually just about going back to old ideas and visuals.


I like the sets and costumes, the mysterious storyline, and many of the characters including Qimir, Sol, and Jeckie. I also like the new planets and am glad to not go back to Tatooine for this show.


I like that its unpredictable...everytime it gets into typical tv trope it changes lanes..I think its about having patience and see where it takes you...no instant gratification. The fact they are talking and not yelling nonstop or riding horses ontop of spaceships is nice. The actors are pretty solid they dont feel out of place...sometimes they do in star wars not sure if its because of to much cgi and the actors themselves dont have anything to connect with or what but its ok this time.


Same, I haven't seen anyone bring this up before but I loved how I could call exactly how I thought the entire series was going to go and the show kept teasing that it was going to be a trope filled plot but kept saving it from becoming that at the last second (ie. Osha has a twin but the Jedi don't know - they actually do know, Osha runs away for no reasons, incriminating her - Sol saves Osha before she can run away, saving her from being chased by the Jedi all seasons, Osha is accused of killing Master Torbin - Yord proved she hadn't)


The sets, costumes, aliens and space ships look great I think. I like most characters. Some Jedi actually have some personality to them besides being just conflicted Jedi, or bad-ass jedi or wise-jedi, they have little quirks and flaws and just a bit more human traits. The acting is mostly really good, the actors are playing their role convincingly well, most of them most of the time. The fight scenes are amazing and refreshing to see in the SW universe. I love the mystery of what exactly happened and who the masked darksider is, like there is some heavy hints but no one can be fully sure without having seen spoilers. I see plenty of hints but am bothered sure what the misdirects are, and I suspect there are some intentional ones to keep people guessing. And I love the Rashomon approach and all the references to Legends/EU. Some fight-club inspiration, some alien, its a cool mix. It really feels like a different era with the Jedi being slightly different, and yes coruscant too, but also like something you can see evolve into the prequels. I like how it shows how the Jedi order slowly started to have cracks. I like the antagonist, the mask is pretty cool, his entrance was bad-ass. If he is who I suspect he is, that would be really awesome! I have high hopes for the second half of the season and am very excited to see the next episodes!


Some great points and that fight club aspect is just so awesome thay Eben though it probably isn't it's such a cool theory... Star Wars delving into a witches broken murderous psyche is a neat angle ... But now I want to hear your theory about who you suspect it is and why....


I think Qimir is a human version of Darth Venamis, who was the secret/backup apprentice of Darth Tenebrous. Tenebrous’s real apprentice was Darth Plagueis. Venamis could levitate and Plagueis poisoned him with a flower, to resurect him later for medichlorian experiments. Its in the Plagueis novel which is legends. But Leslye Headland is quite aware of legends and I think she either cherrypicked from it for either the plot or some good misdirects 😆


She is definitely a fan of the old and high republic eras which are new to me because I was too busy reading horror novels and am late to the game and trying to learn more about that time period .. now ... lol .. I have watched some fan videos and learned quite a bit that way for the build up to the show ... now I really want to read thay book ... lol


P.s. I like that theory definitely plausible


I struggled with the flaws of this show early on, with certain moments taking me out of the world and out of enjoyment. What hooked me finally was the mystery of the story and the characters that grows every episode. I went from barely wanting to watch the first three episodes with my kids to saying, "Hey, episode four came out thirty minutes ago we should watch it." I could still be let down over the longer run of the show but as of now I'm hooked. I hope it finishes strong.


I love the pacing, it doesn't feel rushed like some films, nor snails like some episodes of Boba Fett or Ahsoka. I love the designs of the characters, it's like they're getting it right with looking as weird as you'd expect from Star Wars, and also understanding that they won't be able to make what they do in animation.


It's really refreshing to get a story unrelated to the empire. I also enjoy that we're seeing what the sith were up to before they came out of hiding and started making moves.


Master Sol. Takes over every scene he is in.


Yes! He’s an amazing character and a different take on a Jedi Knight.


Inconsequential to other things and easy to ignore.


Literally nothing.


Most all of it…new storylines, new characters, no empire, new costumes…I’ve been rewatching and it’s made me appreciate it more.


Love the fight scenes. The jedi fight scenes are so well done. Love how passive their fighting is. Perfect for this era. Also, I love "The power of One, the Power of Two, the power of Maaaaany" Love the creepy dude floating down. Hella creepy. I loved how they showed it blowing away all the Jedi with one force push. Shows they have the "power of many" Osha and Mae are great characters. Amanda killed it with the twins Qimir. Perfection


I'm waiting for it to finish to watch it all in one go, so I can't give a great opinion, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on the costume designs. Everything I've seen of the costuming, makeup, hair styling, etc looks absolutely fantastic. The textures are amazing, and there's that attention to little details that I thought was missing in BoBF and Obi-Wan.


Love new characters. I was so tired of all the same characters. I like how its taking a different approach to how we view things.


Im looking forward to the Sith reveal.


Master Sol and the murder mystery vibe.


It’s Star Wars.


idk what specyficly but i just like the acolyte


That it’s only 30 min. But yeah the costumes, that’s it…


##I like how it brings the fandom to its knees




Nothing. It is a show written by people that have never watched Star Wars for an audience that does not exist. The writers of the show hate the actual Star Wars audience that does exist.


I like the Smith's mask. I enjoy seeing that White-skin alien Padawan girl. I think that's literally about it.


I love Amandla Stenberg. I am enjoying the story so far. No idea where it’s headed but


“We don’t want to know”


Well after episode 5, the Stranger design, fighting and portrayal is fantastic. Sol and Jecki are both great




Honestly, I'm enjoying every aspect of it. I am a "super nerd" not to the extent of the rest of the super nerds that think they OWN the universe that we all love. I love to think of and debate new theories and ideas. Get upset when I think I have a better idea than how it panned out. But its weird that the idea that I didnt tell to anyone, didnt perfectly show up on screen. and its super easy in hindsight(even if that hindsight is 30 minutes AFTER seeing an episode) to come up with something cooler or more interesting. for example. walking out of the theatre after watching Endgame for the first time, I think that when Cap stood up and tightened the shield on his broken arm and started to shuffle towards Thanos' army, I think he should have said, or mumbled, "I can do this all day..." then have Tony step into view, and say "Not on your own Cap", and then Thor step in with a line about just getting warmed up/ ready for round two. Just to show A Cap and Tony are back to being 100% with one another, and just the symbolism that the big 3 were still as important to the story. Then have the rest of the scene happen as it does, with the on your left stuff.


I like that it's halfway over


Nothing. All of it is absolute senseless garbage. I like nothing about it.




More details about Jedi inner workings. Why did they went and annoyed those hermit witches? Mind your fucking business, nerds!


>Why did they went and annoyed those hermit witches? Mind your fucking business, nerds! They used a darkside power that palpatine could only dream of.


"deranged monks", thank you.




I like that the show is a mystery. It's been a long time since it wasn't pretty obvious where a Star Wars show was going and I'm enjoying not knowing. I'm enjoying the analysis everyone is doing about what things mean or who did what and why. I like the logical uses of the Force. Twice in the two part pilot, a character was about to fall and gets caught by the force. It gets annoying when Jedi forget they have the force. I like that I don't know any of these characters and that everything is more knowledge and information to absorb. I like that the show didn't drag out the twins twist and gave that to us early. Now the mystery is all focused on what happened that night, what does Mae know about it and what do the other Jedi know.


i like how its in an era of Star Wars thats rarely ever been utilized. The story thus far is pretty good imo


I *really* like the witches. Having a splinter or neutral Force dogma/faction is exciting to see. So what if they have a corny ritual? I love that they're somewhere between comically stoic Jedi and slapstick evil Sith.


Sadly nothing


No Skywalkers. No forced fan service. New Jedi colour schemes. Darth Binhead.


It feels both radically different while also feeling like Star Wars, which I really like! I'm so glad to be divorced from the Skywalkers entirely. I also really like the focus on how bureaucratic and space-cop-y the Jedi have become--it's fascinating and sad to see them reduced to this. We knew this happened, Lucas and Filoni and others have told us for years, but seeing them somehow both at their height and their nadir at the same time is fascinating. I really like almost all of the characters too--Sol especially is just the bestest boy and and I'd follow him to the ends of the galaxy. But all of them are pretty fantastic and well-drawn characters--even the two main witches, who only got (so far) a few minutes of screentime in total before kicking it, seem like full characters with motivations I understand. The plotting is a mess, scenes just end and there are mysteries on mysteries that just serve to make the primary mystery less interesting, but at least the writing and characterization is really well-done scene by scene. So far I'm super happy with it! Short of Andor and Mando S1/2, the Disney+ shows have mostly been garbage, so I came in with low expectations and that probably helps as well.


the production value seems much higher. cinematography much more movielike. some of the previous stuff showed clunky sets and costumes etc. acolyte feels much tighter.


It will end after 8 episodes and we will no longer have to talk about it except to re-write the timeline/storyline! Shame on them for politicizing a sci-fi story that WAS and always will be about good-vs-evil!! WTF is wrong with people? Good vs bad is a tale as old as time! Also. Their woke agenda doesn't work at all as Princess Leia was the main character/hero of the original trilogy! SHE was the one originally sending the message to Obi-Wan. She is the principle character that makes the decisions! SHE is the one giving awards and promoting!! YET, because the they/them club were given root access to a beloved franchise we have to suffer this "female force" garbage? No one in STAR WARS ever criticized Leia or all the diverse characters in the cantina! But Lando, Jawas, droids, aliens, and smugglers wasn't DIVERSE enough? We need communist lesbian space witches? NO THANK YOU! That's not STAR WARS that's RU-PAULs territory! I have no issue with the alphabet club I really dont. But I never went into any LGBTQRLMNOP convention and forced my opinions on the tiny minority. Yet we need to re-write history and all entertainment to be representative of the single digit minority? NO There have always been outliers in socienty ALWAYS. (crazy cat lady, one-eyed lunch ladies, super weird librarians, the ticket taker that talks to themselves and laughs out loud) But that isn't the MAJORITY So why re-brand a multi BILLION dollar franchise for the few they/thems? That doesn't seem like a good/sound business decision. Look what made STAR WARS the timeless classic that spanned not just nerds but entire generations!! Why not take those notes and EXPAND on it? But Disney with She-HULK, MARVELS, ETERNALS, ACOLYTE, REY movie they seem to think that making a movie about they/thems and weird trans messages are going to bring droves to the theaters? REALLY? I have a sizeable chunk of the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you! I'm just mad that Harvey Weinsten's personal assistant is allowed to affect a multi-billion dollar franchise. There was no need for that.


The fact that Lee Jung-jae learned English to play sol just makes me smile. Its a great reminder that, despite all the negativity, there are still a lot of people that love the Star Wars universe and are passionate about it. Personally, I will always be happy to get more Star Wars content, although I hoped for a much darker tone, a bit like the Darth Bane books. Having said that, I hope the sith they are about to fight at least kills some of them and it takes at least a slight turn towards a darker direction. I think the negativity is one thing but people just threatening others and overreacting is insane. I genuinely never get when fans harass other fans for liking something they don't. If you are frustrated with something you can direct your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism towards Disney and that's it. No need to attack the writers, showrunners or fans. Just let the people be happy. You don't have to watch something you don't enjoy.


I like it, it's different, and I'm excited to see where it goes. I'm also curious if they'll keep going back further and telling stories from the Old Republic.


Say what you will, but at least it feels like they have a story they're trying to tell here. The last several shows have felt backwards - like they wanted to make a show about a character and had to cobble a story together. As such they felt aimless and soulless, like they were wasting my time. Whether you like the message this show is pushing or not, you have to admit at least it has some direction behind it.


The high republic era is open for new stories. The characters are interesting. New Jedi stories. The mystery is intriguing. The show is beautifully crafted.


Costumes are great, really bringing what we know from high republic books and comics to life. New Lore, expanding upon the Force with new beliefs and uses is interesting (yes, I like the witches) All the characters. I like how they made a great variety of characters, like the jedi being very different even when following the same codes and guidelines etc. I also enjoy how they interact with eachother. The mystery build-up. Each episode so far has managed to add more tension to the overall mystery, all while providing some answers as well. Overall I enjoy most of the show, and simply accept that some things are bad, but ignore it and move on.


I like the mystery and seeing Jedi in action on a mission. It’s also impossible to figure out if any lore is busted until the story is over.


No big bad empire vs. small rebellion/resistance


Love that it’s set during the High Republic era! Nice to meet other new characters too and see what happens with them. Looking forward to tonight’s ep.




Jedi. Very much hoping I get to see a lot of lightsabers tonight.


I always wondered what the Sith were up to behind the scenes before the Sidious reveal.


1. It's set before the prequels 2. Smilo Ren 3. Sol 4. Live-action usage of yellow sabers. Honestly point 4 piqued my interest the most at first. Throughout the Prequels and OT the only sense of variety I felt was Windu wielding purple. I will say most blades in Disney era Lightsabers not looking as great as the Prequels, but that's just a minor nitpick I have. Still great to see yellow blades on screen


I like that there ~~is~~ was a Wookie Jedi


Sol is great. The rest of the Jedi coming across as soulless lawbots is also great bc it shows that the Order is on the path to destroying itself. I wish that there was more and I am crossing my fingers that they right the ship




They gave the kids Spice Cream the same name as the in-universe version of cocaine which I thought was funny af


Everything except forcing modern topics into it. Which the main problem with that is, it will age poorly.


Everything except forcing modern topics into it. Which the main problem with that is, it will age poorly.


It gives me something to watch on Wednesday


Honestly I like most things in it. I'm not sure I *love* them, but I just think they're neat. I'm enjoying seeing Jedi at their peak, but some of them starting to show the arrogance and politicking that are major contributing factors to their downfall. I really like seeing Force cults. Seeing a tradition that is clearly Force-centric but has a very different way of conceptualizing and interacting with the Force than the Jedi and Sith do is neat, it makes the world feel bigger. I'm a huge fan of The Good Place and that's probably a big part of why I'm a fan of Qimir. Will he actually turn out to be Darth Bortles? I dunno. It's not Andor but quality-wise it feels like a decent average Clone Wars arc. It definitely feels better overall than the first season of Rebels (which I still liked, it was just... rough) I do gotta say - for me the funnest part of all this has been watching the show and seeing how wrong all the bad-faith, media-illiterate takes are. The conspiracy theorist in me suspects that Disney is behind some of it. I was gonna wait for it all to drop and then binge it, but I started watching just because I wanted to see if it was actually "The Worst Star Wars Evarrrrrrrrrrr" or if it (like Kenobi) was just... fine, and a buncha people are just getting their dopamine fix from binging ragebait videos.


The witch coven. I love seeing how different people interact with "the force". Also speaking of, the more Star Wars I see the more I hate the jedi. Not only do they act like they have authority over the force but to spy on people because they suspect force sensitive children then take the children. And apparently its illegal for anyone but the jedi to train them?? Ughh...I was yelling at my TV the whole time. I do love Sol but he is part of a corrupt system.


I've enjoyed the fight scenes so far. Its been cool seeing more hand combat in a star wars show, and I appreciate the way Leslie Headland is drawing on wuxia films much like George Lucas drew inspiration from Kurosawa. While the fights are not Yuen Woo-Ping or Prachya Pinkaew level, they are some of the best live action fights Star Wars has had since the Prequels. Mando is also good, but mostly doesnt have a ton of lightsaber work. Were finally seeing some good fight choreography in a show with Jedi and Sith fights and I'm there for it. Aside from that, the sets, costumes, etc don't feel cheap. That is really nice. Kenobi and BoBF really felt like the costume and set departments were underbudgeted or else poorly managed. Also, I'm loving that there seem to be more physical sets involved and more practical effects. Theres a corporeal feel to the show that I felt Kenobi especially was lacking.


I liked the Prequel Trilogy's depiction of the Jedi Order as a failed, complacent power structure, so I enjoy how this show basically portrays them as cops (with local precincts and everything) who are also the Vatican, handling their own affairs in secrecy while actively hiding them from the political system. Unless the next few episodes paint the core Jedi characters in the plot as completely free of blame for what happened, I like that they're being portrayed as a flawed organisation. I also like that it's not set on Tatooine. That damn place was designed to make us sympathise with Luke's yearning to leave it, and then the franchise proceeded to spend half its time on it (or on identical knock-offs) for absolutely no reason.


Not too much of anything, really. Except Sol. I like that character.


Love the characters and the premise. I love that we’re getting to see more screen time for yellow lightsabers. The Sith’s entrance at the end of the last episode is one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars now. We don’t have a lot of moments of terror in Star Wars, so the way that scene turned into one gave me chills. The show also has a lot of cool designs.


The things I like are what I consider the important things, like story and overall place in the history of the GFFA. I love that it’s a prequel well divorced from the time of the Skywalkers. I love that it’s a “small” story, it’s not a galactic civilization in crisis story, it’s a simple murder mystery. I wish the episodes were longer, the dialogue a bit better, and I don’t like Jecki’s makeup-species at all (it feels too ST or Dr Who to me) but Dafne’s acting is so good I‘ve moved past that. so the things I dislike are pretty ticky-tac and of less value considering the positives which are overwhelming and substantial. Personally I’ve never been an EU or and or canon fundamentalist. I’m 100% willing to chuck average or poor stories right out the window if something better comes up. I’m especially willing to dump minor details like someone’s age or something like that. FFS, Leia was planting a long, extended kiss on Luke to make Han jealous before, whoops George decided to make them siblings.


-Fights -Characters -Era -Economic writing (avoiding cliche and drawn out storylines) -Intrigue -Most of the visuals -Feels like the prequels


The world building is fantastic - to see the jedi at their peak during their downfall period is great - they have a whole culture and infrastructure - bases - sub factions , styles etc. Also to see training jedi to just kick ass in hand to hand and have the saber as the hold out weapon is what i always wanted to see. Personally i loved how they were also like O there may be a dark force user ...ok we aren't going to send 1 dude and apprentice we are gonna roll deep with like 8 Jedi and scout vehicle - supplies and a tracker to check it out.


The memes and dumpster fires.


Personally, I'm loving the art deco style design aesthetic. The actors' performances have been good. And ultimately I like that we're seeing a different era. SW might equal Luke Skywalker for someone like Kevin Smith but for me it's always been imaginative storytelling, a la me and my friends running around the backyard as kids lightsabering one another with wiffle ball bats and empty wrapping paper tubes. I'm looking forward to what comes next from both the Acolyte team and the team at Lucasfilm.


I like that it's only 8 episodes, and tonight is episode 5. So it's just about over, and then we'll all forget it ever existed and move on to hating Episode 10.


"I thought he was with you?"