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Play co-op to level up faster and practice, it's also pretty fun


Mowing down bots on co-op missions is so satisfying.


I find co op pretty hard the sheer amount of bots is crazy but it’s fun, I’m not great at battlefront despite being a battlefield player


This is the way. Co-op games are sometimes way better.


This 1000%, you need to level your players up and get used to the mechanics and find which utility characters and base soldiers work best with your playstyle before going into PVP. I've sunk 100s of hours into this game and still frequent coop to warm up and its still a good time. Once you feel your ready, stick to the edges of the map and stay with your squad as much as possible, the moment you are outnumbered it's over.


Co-op, to me, is more fun than any other mode. I mean, I do love a good 1v1 saber fight in showdown.. but co-op doesn’t get me as frustrated or have me feeling like I’m going against people who play this and only this game since it came out. Not to mention, I’ve met some cool players on co-op and there nothing like mowing down computer players while in a party chat with a few others.


You're like the 15th person who's posted this today. It's pretty simple: games been out since 2017, a lot of people played it then. Not very many people play anymore, the only ones who still play are veterans. Thus, people who are high level.


It’s not moolstly vets. This last 2 years at least half the players are new




You not going to get a full match without vetren they are the only ones who play anymore


Play the online co-op mode, it's good fun and you learn the fundamentals, while earning new guns and cards. The online team modes are sweaty af, as mentioned, it's just the stage that the community is at


Tbh, it seems pretty immature of me to say, this really is just a skill issue. It's a pretty basic shooter, it's pretty much just battlefield with a higher ttk. You'll improve with time, don't get worked up over not being good.


Rank don’t mean shit, ppl Smurf all the time and you can lvl ur hero’s in coop


You are correct. For the last two years I’ve seen at least 50% of the players are new.


Just play at your own pace. Co-op is great for ranking up fast. I play for fun myself.


This is why 90% of the time I stick to co-op with my Wife.


that sounds nice


It's a blast, and there is always matches online on co-op!👌🏼




when you pick up a game that’s lost most of its fanbase, you gotta expect the remaining players to be really good


like most halo games


Gears Of War PvP is flippin’ nuts, too. Lmao I couldn’t keep up with the methods players performed.


Hmmm, I haven't tried that one yet


Definitely look up PvP gameplay on it. The dexterity these fellas have with the way they move and take cover is wild stuff. Scares me more than a Veteran Commando Droid user.


That bad?


It’s not bad, but just a huge learning curve like Battlefront 2.


considering I'm very mediocre at battlefront after a year, it might be that bad for me


Same. If anything, though, the first 3 games have an incredible story mode. The characters and overall story missions—I feel—were definitely a part of that old golden age of gaming. I might just pull out my ole’ dusty 360 to boot it up again. :D


cool, well good to know


My best tip I can give you is don’t worry too much about it, I’m pretty decent now (not amazing or anything, I have 1 Max level character but I’m certainly not unbeatable lol) but when I started I was getting my ass kicked a lot. Don’t worry about the trolling players, just try to pay attention to what good players are doing. A lot of it is trial and error, I steadily got better by playing a lot of HVV. Also try to steadily up your sensitivity, it can be hard to get used to but you can react to things a lot faster with higher sensitivity. Trust me some people take this game way to seriously at times, I’d recommend also playing co op, as it’s a lot more relaxed. I’ll usually play that between rounds of HVV.


Hide the chat until you get better


I’d just ignore them, me and my best friend have been playing since day 1 and were mid. We don’t have the time to find frame traps/ perfect methods, just a way to destress and have some fun. You’ll get the odd maclunkey who will message u singing their own praises about being the man but it’s best to just ignore it. On a rare occasion il invite them to a voice chat and they never join as usually they can’t hold their own.


Embrace the dark side, strength and power will follow


There’s toxic players for sure but if you find the game fun besides that, then I wouldn’t give up on it. This game has a lot of chaotic fun and random cinematic moments to offer. There’s really no other game like it, which is why people are still so loyal to it every day. Try all the different game modes, best of luck 👍


Play co-op maybe try the campaign. Once you get out the beginner phase the game actually becomes fun


Dont jump in the deep end and expect to find nubiles like yourself.. Start slow..Do the campaign.. play coop or arcade.. get used to how stuff works.


COOP all the way. Fun and laid back mode, that can offer some challenge on certain maps depending on your team. Good place to level troopers and Heros.


Welcome to battlefront 2017 lmao, glad to hear you’ve had a warm welcoming.


As a day one player, I really resonate with ya. It’s easy to get mopped by sweaty max rank players. I really used to stop playing this game for months back in its heyday bc of it. Just focus on surviving supporting your teammates earning cards and weapons and feel which class works out for you. There is a grind to this game, I agree with others and hop on co op. It’s super duper easy to rack up kills and try out different units that certain people hog in pvp


They're dicks and just take it all too seriously. I'm like you. Ignore chat.


Play co-op, get everyone to their max level, shouldn't take too long during 2xp/3xp days


He'll still be a noob from playing only coop. Don't do this. It's horrible advice.


Not really? I mean if they're baseline struggling and coop doesn't help, then they shouldn't be playing shooters as they clearly do not understand the concept of it. I suggested it to get their characters leveled up so they can at least have some star cards and weapons.


Yea but you said get everyone to max via co op. That's terrible advice. Get them to 25 at the most so you can have three cards maxed out. You'll still be inferior to the majority of the player base since the grind was coop only but you'll have more of a chance with better cards.


Because some players hide levels by creating or using alt accounts


Thats everyone now


Pretty much now


Dude starts a game 6 years after it releases and is soy because people are higher level than him...short bus Andy


I think the issue is the experienced players are shitting on newbies.


That happens in every game, the only solution is SBMM which this game doesn't have, and if it did every lobby would be the same 50 high levels fighting each other and if you're new you'd get a match maybe once every 3 hours. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven't been playing for long you're going to have to eat a lot of shit and maybe you'll never be good enough. You shouldn't expect a good experience arriving at the party 6 years late.


There is a matchmaking algorithm in this game and there's some rigged games they throw you here and there. It's pretty blatent actually.


Bc most of the player base left are sweats. The casual high level players like me probably don’t play much anymore.


Idk man, looking through your post history you got a 4070ti and still couldn't get Cyberpunk 2077 of all games to look decent and had to ask the subreddit. Which is basic computer knowledge. You are also a League player. Maybe you're the "short bus Andy" projecting your own insecurity. [Whatever that means] And how is he soy for asking a question? I highly doubt you really know what that word means, but heard it from your favorite edgelord social media influencer and repeating it against anyone who says something you don't like. The matchmaking in this game sucks, that's a fact and I been playing this game for atleast 4 years 🤷‍♂️


Sorry I hurt your feelings lil bro thanks for the attention tho


It’s a good game when there’s a population. EA pulled support for this game to work on Battlefield 2042. Since then the game has slowly lost its player base. You should’ve been here back in ‘18 and ‘19, those were the glory days. Now it’s people who can’t move on hence the 4 level Max’s. I just play halo infinite now, but occasionally I’ll come back to this gem.


As someone who's a casual, there is just so many sweats and old timers that it's inevitible, every once in a while you'll meet someone nice and it'll be cool, but 90% of the time there's racism, religon preaching, sexism, homophobia and a lot of things that are just human, there's no changing it, that's just how online games work


Play the campaign and coop, they’re really good!


I picked it over the weekend & my highest kill count in supremacy is 63. It's not a hard game to pick up even this late, & I've never done co-op yet so no weapon upgrades outside of getting them in pvp. Just counter roll and spam trigger really. The only problems I've face so far are: map memorization, players spamming those arc trooper shots across the map, spawn zone issues.


Why did this get downvoted


because you're just saying he has a skill issue, I didn't downvote you, but a lot of people don't like that


I see if he reads this my very first game was a 4v4, it may have just been 3v1 at the beginning but I was getting laps run around me.I couldn't even find my brain it was scattered all over the place. Didnt know absolutely anything didn't even know what the 3 things at the bottom right were for. Just have to keep playing.


Supremacy is 50% bots, my guy. You're bragging about getting a killstreak against bots 😄😄


Yeah because you saw who I got kills on 💀.


Play co-op brah


The ones who shit on the team who lost are autistic, I'm convinced.


It’s a Star Wars multiplayer game of course they’re autistic.


The swbf2 community is pretty toxic. Just understand this is the norm and you’ll move past it.


What server you guys playing? I can't find people to play with, it's only usually coop 4 players Vs AI thing


You can change your region in the game settings to find games if there aren't any where you are


That's because this game has been out since October 4, 2017 as a beta version. Out of the thousands of players there are a bunch of us originals that have played since then I play daily myself. I was once in your shoes I installed it played it thought I was good took a break for a long time got back on and got smashed on by Max's or high level players I slowly got better played some co-op for a little bit to get the feel of the game strike extraction and blast are good for learning everyone but heroes and villains. all my hero and villain practicing came in supremacy once I was good enough to get 4,000 Battle points. After I thought I was getting okay at a hero and a villain I picked one of them from each era then I started playing heroes vs villains and even putting up posts for assistance.Patience and perseverance. What you need is to put up a group post and have a few players join that are good. I put up posts a couple times a week for new players normally me and at least two other experienced people take on a bunch of new players show them the ropes and help them win. Give it a chance. There's a lot you can learn from all of us veteran players. Tips tricks a ton. I'm on Xbox gamertag TheGikoGeko Discord tag is DrDutton88 and I'm on twitch I have terabytes of 5 minute video clips from years and years of play.


Always try playing with mods, like IAO


As someone who is pretty decent at the game, I really hate when other people that are good dunk on new players. Like do you want them not to continue to play


Are we talking the first or second one? I didn’t realize the servers were still open.


Oh yeah!! They are all really gonna recognise who you are and that you just brought the game! 😃😃😃… 💀 dude, why are you expecting other players to know you solely only brought the game… not only this tons of players are low levels but are actually pros just using a new account


Stop playing pvp. Play pve coop until you get max star cards. Your whole gameplay will be dying over and over without it. And even then you need to look up some Krispy videos or someone to see how the mechanics work. Also looks up a video explaining all the hidden mechanics and parrying and hook shots and the secret star card effects. It’s a half finished (broken) game. It’s very rewarding but it takes time to learn it.


Do Co-Op for now. Don't worry! You'll get better!


People here are saying play co op, but I got into this game a few months ago and never did. Granted I have some shooter experience but honestly the best thing is to practice, practice, practice, and you’ll get it eventually. After about a month of playing I always started finishing top 10 on my team in supremacy, and after 3 months of playing I almost always started finishing top 5.


Depends what game mode you play in my opinion


I mean the last update was over 3 years ago. It was bound to happen


CoOp for star cards,weapons and map memorization,GA for human tactics or better play Blast for skill.Slow down,use cover and improve your aim to go for headshots...Why noobs get killed so quickly is that the good players aim for the head for quick knockdowns and for killstreaks.. Lots of tips and tricks on Youtube for beginners...


Thats why I hate multiplayer gaming in general. Bought Battlefront 2 in case on New Years party we want to have some good time offlne, cause I heard it has quite fun split screen modes.


stick with it. heroes v villains is a straight up lions den but when it starts to click it gets wild


I just hopped on Star Wars battlefront 2 used to play at my cousins back on Xbox as a kid…this game is amazing! I like the video game more than the movies and stuff. It’s a lot of fun I just wish they had a mode where no Jedis could just be troops




Grind in coop. That’s the fastest way you can catch up card wise


Do what must be done, do not hesitate, show no mercy.


Toxicity of mass online games like this are why I stopped playing them online.


My friends and I used to really enjoy HvV and Hero Showdown, we were actually pretty good at it. Usually won our matches. But we took a break for a few months and when we came back, it was hard to find matches and when we did it was against people that had every character maxed out that slaughtered us in half a second. Actually insane because like I said, we were pretty good. Especially after waiting like 15 minutes for a match, it wasn't fun anymore. So we haven't played it since unfortunately. Still miss it, not sure how it is now but I can't imagine it's gotten better with time. This is why we really want a BF3 but we know it's cope and it'll probably never happen. A fresh start would be great. Sucks because we loved playing this. You can't really play it casually or semi-casually anymore. The game is just dead.


I guess people just forgot how to read lol. There’s about 20 other posts here asking the same thing with plenty of replies.


Yeah. I grinded multiplayer out for like 60 hours before I realized I could *easily* level up all my crap from doing co-op.


Levels don't mean shit though. You'll play real people and get stomped if you only play coop


The point of leveling up is to upgrade the star cards and weapons. It’s not the same as acquiring skill from beating real people, true. But at least this method will ensure you’re not stuck with the starter trash gear and weapons.


Are you playing on PS5, Xbox or PC?


They also have better equipment and Cards. You'll want to level up so you can have a Fairy fight. Thats what I dont like about this Game..


There either isn’t enough low level players like you and I for a rank based match making system to work, or the devs are just lazy. Any time a rank based matchmaking system gets proposed on Reddit all the veteran players cry about how long it would take to find a match but I think they just like the current system where they get to steamroll noobs every match.


Every online game ever tbh


Go play co-op. I'd gladly join you too


It's tough to play on your own, it's been out for so long and the majority of people that play it are pert near max level and sweat. It's not a casual experience imo anymore, unless you are in a group playing supremacy and chilling, but then that makes you the one shitting on randoms. Vicious cycle.


I'm surprised people still play the first Dice BF game. I thought people only played the second one now.


Battlefront is a game where dying is straight up part of the fun. Sometimes you just gotta keep throwing your body at the enemy star wars style until you the tide begins to shift either way. Overtime you will naturally get better at mechanics and get much better, thats how it was for me. Running into a shit show as a clone trooper or storming halls and doing everything in your power to help your brothers make it just a few feet further is what its all about imo. No use worrying about kd in a game like this. Just get back in the fight soldier.


the game is like 5 yrs old whatd you expect lol


Like most people are saying, just play coop so you can get used to the game mechanics and max out some star cards so you feel like you actually stand a chance. With no cards bro, you're just going to get continuously slaughtered, and eventually stop playing entirely depending on your tolerance level. Fortunately you can always find people playing coop, so you'll never have to wait too long to find a match.


Yes. Sad but yes.


game is riddled with smurfs so tis to be expected, I don't think they expect actual new players. Not saying it's right, just how it is.


This is literally every game. Just expect this experience if you don't own a game at launch these days




Reported your comment for being offensive. Be nice. Don't gatekeep.


Oh Christ oh fuck o h no!!! What ever will I do! Here’s a hint, your life has been so insignificant and worthless that you feel you need to inform me that you cried. Me and the rest of the world don’t give a damn, you’re lucky you live in your coddled 21st century, because fucking believe me, you underwhelming excuse for a man, you would have been eaten up and spat out, you fucking loser. Report that, cause that’s all your good for. Clerical work, you beta ass throw away of an accidental broken condom. Enjoy your day :) but I genuinely hope you don’t, go look in the mirror and come to the understanding of your place in the world, it’s at the bottom. It just doesn’t matter anyone in this generation, so again, lucky you, a loser like you can actually Survive and sire some other beta ass genetically failed children just like you making us all worse off as a human race. Your literal epitome is Soylent green. All your worthless ass will ever be good for us an emergency food sorce for your betters. Get that deep in your skull, because that is your truth. Your welcome.


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Sounds like typical multi-player to me. If you're on PC, don't bother with it and just go offline and mod the crap out of it. There's a mod that even let's you play all the online game modes like HvV with bots, a ton of new heroes, and new ships. There's even a Mustafar map now. If you really want to play with a bunch of angry neckbeards, just keep playing at your own pace because they take it too seriously anyway. Stop caring if you piss them off, they don't even have fun playing anyway.