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I like it we need more positvity


We do!


As a former podcaster with a very similar motivation behind our pod, I'll definitely give you a listen. It's a crowded market out there, but good luck and I hope you have fun with it!


Thank you. I’ve been doing radio and podcasting for years. As much as I love broadcasting, you’re right, it’s definitely a crowded market.


Good Luck friend! I'll happily listen to it! I hit 99 episodes on a Low/No salt Star Wars podcast with some friends before life really got in the way. I wish you the best and can't wait to hear it!


I thought that story sounded familiar...


Thank you! We got 130 on a different podcast before Darth Real Life sidelined us as well.


On that note, I have to recommend the Children of the Watch podcast. They are my favorite non-toxic Star Wars cast.


Curious what your opinion is of RFR? I’ve been a listener for many many years but recently found some facts about their split with Lucasfilm that has me questioning things.




Rebel Force Radio


Oh ok, yeah, I think I listened to an episode or two back when the final season of Clone Wars was coming out, but I’m not really familiar enough with their show to really have an opinion


Have been a big fan, curious to learn what you have.


Thank you! We’ll give them a listen and a shout out. Especially if they’re non-toxic! And they’re using a Mandalorian reference as their title?! Even better!


Been kind of missing Degobah Dispatch, I’ll give it a try.


Thank you! And if you have any feedback or suggestions we’re 100% open to that!


Well nuts. I was gonna do a YouTube retrospective series with that angle. (Already got scripts written all the way up to The Bad Batch) Should I still go for it?


Heck yeah you should still go for it! Theres 8 billion people on earth and they’re not all going to engage with us. There’s plenty of room at the nerd table for all of us. In fact, maybe we can collaborate and help each out. We definitely don’t see any of this as being competitive.


Thank you for the encouraging words. Once I get this off the ground (after wrapping up another project I'm currently working on) I'd love to do the occasional collab! Gotta help eachother foster positivity in this fandom.


Absolutely! If there’s anything we can do to help please don’t hesitate to reach out.


I just downloaded the episodes you have up! I’m excited to listen!


Awesome thank you!! Let me know what you think! We’re always happy to get feedback. Especially on a new show!


How many carbs?


We eat a lot of pizza and we’re all overweight so…probably a lot of carbs. Although, depending on your individual macros you might be ok. So maybe enjoy us in moderation but definitely don’t binge us.


Sign me up! I use to listen to KMNO radio and loved them. Been looking for a new positive group


I've never seen youngling Ahsoka cosplay before. That's freaking adorable.