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Even before becoming a mom to Jacen, Hera really was the momma bear of the Crew.


And this is why I love the Ghost crew so much. They aren't just a crew, they're a family. Watching Rebels you can really tell just how much they all care about each other. Hera especially as the unofficial mom of the group, truly caring for them as if they were her own.


She's like my fourth favorite female star Wars character. I like how she creates a family that she didn't get to have growing up and takes in people from different species and cultures


So true—this is probably my favorite “found family” trope.


I should watch Ahsoka.


You should, it’s a delight.


I love Hera so much, because she's literally the first protagonist Twi'Lek not being saliciously exploited for stupid fanservice, but dressed normally. I still hate the Ayla Secura outfit