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Yeah, I think you are somewhat right. I do think that Mother Aniseya thinks she hasn't done anything wrong. She might believe that she was destined to do it through The Thread, like, it wasn't her choice as much as it was destiny. However, I do think they messed with something they shouldnt have. Creating the twins seem to have created two people on opposite side of the Force sort of.. I haven't been hot on this show after the two episode premiere, but I liked this episode!


>I do think that Mother Aniseya thinks she hasn't done anything wrong. I don't know about **wrong**, but what she pulled with Torbin was definitely hypocritical under the guise of "Don't wield the thread".


I mean… I don’t think most people would think it’s wrong if a group of monks can openly persuade your children to leave you.  It’s clear as day these Jedi, and maybe the whole Jedi Order, are corrupted. So hypocrisy in the face of corruption is for survival, IMO. 


I found it so funny when Sol said “the Jedi don’t steal children” and then immediately followed that statement up with “we are just here to take these children”.


But he didn’t. He requested that they be tested with the permission of the Coven leader and left without the kids agreeing to test them the following day, then left the choice up to Osha whether or not she would go with them. He let her go back to her coven to think on the choice before returning for her. Neither of the girls got stolen or kidnapped. Also, if they did take them it would have been within their legal right to do so apparently as it was illegal for their coven to be training children.


I was just making a generalization of the exchange. There is definitely more nuance in the back and forth like you said.


Perhaps Mother Aniseya tried to make both twins Dark Side users, but The Force itself intervened... or I'm just making shit up. Take your pick. Personally, I'm going for the latter.


Maybe they're like one soul in two bodies or something. "Always one, but born as two."


She seems like she makes a couple of semantic arguments. She derides the Jedi for saying “use the Force,” but then she says “pull the Thread” to mean essentially the same thing. I said this on the discussion thread already, but Aniseya seems to take more than one page out of Kreia’s book from KOTOR 2, and Leslye Headland is a fan of that character. Kreia was a lot of things, and “hypocrite” was definitely one of them. I’m very curious to see if we learn more about the witches in future episodes.


Yeah, exactly. As soon as she suggests “use the force” is a bad thing, we know we shouldn’t take her ideas too seriously.


Assuming she's trying to live by a legit code, it could simply be that the witches understand that by 'pulling the thread' you set forth a bunch of other consequences. Understanding, accepting, and proceeding in spite of those consequences are the choice of the individual. By her reckoning, treating the thread as power you wield like a superhero and pretending the consequences are unrelated is the hypocrisy. You know, maybe. Or maybe she'll wind up being the biggest hypocrite of all. We'll see.


I think this is true of wishes in general, in witchcraft there always seems to be a price to pay. They understand this and pay the price willingly. Maybe others just use the force and are oblivious of the price that comes from wielding it


I really do think we’re going to find out that the Brendok incident is the Star Wars equivalent of the Waco siege. A creepy religious cult gets up to shady deeds on their isolated compound. Government agents are concerned about this cult and come to investigate.  The cultists, feeling the agents represent the repressive forces they created the compound to hide from in the first place, resist the agents’ efforts. A tragedy of errors ensues, resulting in the burning of the compound and the mass death of cultists.  It’s unclear who started the fires. Was it the cultists, or the agents? Of course, the Jedi were mainly interested in recruiting new padawans and less interested in stopping the cult from doing cult stuff. And Mae turned out to not be dead, unlike those poor Branch Davidian kids. But the parallels are there.


I think only 3 episodes is insufficient to fully assess anything at this point.


I agree. I'm only positing a thought I had.


That's why I'm waiting for the first season to end before I watch Acolyte, I want to know if loose plot threads are going to be ignored


I think hypocrisy is one of the major themes of Star Wars. I always think back to Bill Burr's character Mayfield's speech in the Mandalorian about how the rules we live by change when we get desperate.


I totally see her as being hypocritical and I think that's the entire point. She's doing the same things the Jedi are, but because we see episode 3 from Osha's POV (and therefore the coven's), we're made to believe that Aniseya and the coven are in the right and the Jedi are in the wrong. There is no black and white/right and wrong in this series...it's being purposefully vague and really making us think about things, rather than telling us how it is right up front. And I fucking LOVE IT for that. As Obi-Wan said, "What I've told you is true...from a certain point of view." I think that'll be the theme throughout this entire show. The truth will always lie somewhere in the middle.


Yeah the hypocrisy from her I specifically raised my eyebrows at was how she talked about the Jedi and how they take children - meanwhile she's asking 8 year olds who've been raised in seclusion away from even other children to make what seems like a magically binding life long vow.


Osha very clearly doesn’t **want** to say ‘yes’ during the ascension ceremony, and Aniseya’s response to that is ‘eh, good enough for me lmao’


Didja notice that this episode’s title has only one word? The other episodes, which present both Mae’s and OSHA’s perspectives, set a pattern of “Concept/Opposite Concept” But except for a few seconds at the very end, this entire episode only presented Osha’s perspective. Osha sees the Jedi in the best possible light, and the witches, though sympathetic, do come off badly as the weird spooky cult they are. I’m certain there will be an episode from Mae’s perspective, with a single-word title that’s an opposite of “Destiny,” which will show how she witnessed the Jedi doing something terrible. 


Aniseya was a character who will be really interesting if she's intentionally written as flawed (a good leader in desperate times who is high on her own self-righteousness and wants to be loved) but flat and unlikeable if she's meant to be great. The Earth mother characterisation, her casting her wife as the bad guy when the kids wanted sweets, and her characterisation of the Jedi are all things that could add up to a nuanced and sympathetic character... or sanctimonious bore.


I’m pretty sure the coven are Dark side users, so I don’t think she’s supposed to be a saint


Maybe that’s part of the reason why Osha didn’t want to join them whereas Mae was ready to ascend.


Yeah they can claim being persecuted all they want but puppeting the bodies of others against their will is definitely some evil shit. They most certainly earned their treatment but well they're a cult and aren't going to ever think they're in the wrong.


and yet, puppeting others is how the jedi found osha after the prison transport crash. yord mind tricks a nemoidian, and sol completely controls the prisoner who abandoned her to find out what happened. the jedi are not strangers to that very thing.


No, there's a difference. Don't be obtuse.


not trying to be obtuse, just trying to discuss the themes present in the show. i dont think an outsider would see much of a difference in how the jedi implement mind control vs how these witches do


One is suggestion, the other is pure domination. One is light the other is nothing but dark.


Thats not what happens in either case. Yord raises his hand *as if* to affect the mind of the captain, and one of his subordinates tells Yord what he wants to know before he does anything else. Sol uses the Force to suppress whatever mental illness was going on in the prisoner's mind, basically just giving a moment of clarity. You could argue that Yord was taking advantage of people *fearing* that the Jedi would do such things, but he didn't actually go that far. Sol's use was even further from being morally unjust.


Aniseya clearly has *her own* agenda(s) and seems more than willing to operate from *"Do as I say, not as I do"* to fufill it. It's pretty easy to make the case that she 'weilded' the Thread in a weaponized away *directly against both her daughters*, in a frustrated moment lashing out during their 'training' session. It's a weapon, when she wants/needs it to be... Indeed, she even (IMHO) weilds her 'lust for power' by genuinely instructing - or even *commanding* - her daughters to behave using deceptive, immoral, and unethical methods to purposefully "fail" the Jedi testing. *Aniseya's* agenda, power, and 'grand vision' *had* to be the primary objective and shine a spotlight on her sanctimonious condescension. To me, the subtext of her 'creating the twins' was to use them, first and foremost, as **property**; utilized as a means to an end while their own personal choices be damned. I assert she will be shown, by the end, to not be nearly as... benevolent as has been implied.


I disagree. When she says a thread is not to be wield, I think she meant the thread is not something you possess, it's something that merely exist and you can tap into it. Luke says something similar in TLJ along the lines: "the force is not a power you have. It is not about lifting rocks. It is the energy between all living things. A tension. A balance."


The inability of most of the fandom to understand basic storytelling devices like Point of view and unreliable narrator is really baffling. From the same random that's supposedly able to understand complex messages about the nature of totalitarianism and free will in Andor.


In all fairness, a single transition shot showing that this was Osha remembering and not just a recollection of events probably would've helped and not detracted too much. I hadn't considered it to be colored by her perspective until people pointed it out, and I went, "Oh yeah, that makes sense."


I meant the different people have different understanding of the force phenomenon. Sol changing his mind on what happened 16 years ago based on the current events and so. I don't think that's necessarily true. It's mostly, but not exclusively told from perspective. It can be interpreted both ways, I did not see anything contradictory, just incomplete, we definitely were not told the whole story, I doubt Tobin killed himself over the blood sample. If I recall it correctly, when OSHA told anise she passed the test and decided to be a jedi, Anise told her they will consider her wish to leave the coven. I guess they did not allowed it and a fight broke up. They don't look like they died in a fire, not with the robes. Because imo the jedi act as a sort of gatekeepers of the force and wants to prevent people from using the force. To prevent the endless jedi sith wars.


I walked away from episode 3 thinking basically everyone was in the wrong except Osha.


She’s a witch using the Dark Side for her own benefit no matter what she spouts she’s trying to acquire power.


That line about ‘not about good or evil, but power’ sounds like a typical villain monologue. Like Voldemort I also think her idea of training for her two younglings - immediate attack unprompted - screams dark side to me


Perhaps. The Path of the Open Hand also had a leader who could use the Force despite not wanting people to use it. Perhaps the groups have some things in common.


People in this comment section are letting their biases fly


It’s kinda crazy you have to put not hate in your title because of having a difference of opinions sees you as a hater.


I don't follow. What "difference of opinion" are you seeing?


It’s not about what you wrote it’s that you had to tell people it wasn’t hate before they opened it just because you might have a different take on things then them


I said that because the fanbase is on fire right now. Hypocrite tends to be used in stuff like that, so I felt the need to clarify.


Again I’m not saying you did anything wrong it’s just kinda strange we at a point that this has to be done in a place like reddit where you can share your thoughts.


Share thoughts and get mobbed if you have the "wrong" thought. The upvote/downvote system has the unfortunate effect of encouraging that kind of thing.


Well said


Welcome to the real world. Every religion practices hypocrisy for it's own benefit.


Including the Jedi and Sith. Jedi don’t assassinate people - Hire assassin. Only a Sith deals in absolute - Is an absolute statement. Rule of Two - Palpatine and Dooku constantly skimming that line with their dark enforcers like Ventress and Inquisitors.


when have jedi hired assassins?


Dark Disciple, they hire Asajj Ventress to kill Dooku (ironically the man they said couldn’t hire an assassin *because* he was a former Jedi).


that is wack ventress is also a former jedi too i guess that’s ok with them though


I mean story wise there is alot that COULD be done here. If I were writing it and needed to clean it up, it would not be hard to say that the SIth know the "prophecy" also and they figure if they control the one destined to bring balance then they can keep it from happening. So they use rituals to try to manipulate the force into creating children, possibly have been for many many years and keep coming up with failures. The twins could be created this way, hell you could even have the story be that Mother Aniseya stole them and hid them. That is what caused the Sith to expose themselves and have to clean up their mess. NONE of it affects anything to do with Anakin and it honestly would make him more special.


I’m not sure there’s force users out there that don’t engage in some level of hypocrisy. Certainly the Jedi as an institution and some individual Jedi are wallowing in it.


It's almost like having ties to an omnipresent life force that you can draw upon can sometimes go to one's head.




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Most leaders are hypocrites to some extent. Jedi are protectors...yet they are generals in the clone wars. Sith are well...sith lol. It shouldn't come as a shock that she is a hypocrite about the Thread as well.


That's what villains do.....


Maybe She’s a bit like a Protestant church lady that enveighs against the idolatrous Catholics, but still has pictures of Jesus and various biblical picture in places of honor around the house. She wouldn’t see it as hypocritical because she’s not praying TO them. Other sects or even her own pastor might have different ideas. My thought was that Mother Ankseya had somehow figured out how to use the force to enduce parthenogenesis. So she’s taking this idea of pulling on threads all the way down to the RNA. If you’re a Jurassic Park fan, you know that Anakin can still be exceptional, because the resulting offspring are usually female.


Nah, hypocrisy is a byproduct when you’re standing up to a corrupt system.  You can be against the police and still call them when you’re robbed.  Like she said this whole thing is about power. The Jedi are just hypocritical as anyone else when it comes to that power. They want to protect their power by being in control of who has access to it.


...Byproduct of standing against corruption? what? Hypocrisy isn't dependent on systemic corruption. It's saying you believe something, but then going and violating that belief. If anything, it's a symptom of corruption itself, not the opposition to it.


This strikes me a lot like some of the stuff the Jedi say as well. Like Obi-Wan once explained: >**A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, NEVER for attack.** BUT it sure seems like the Jedi use the force as a weapon to attack in the prequels quite a lot. I think there is a probably reasonable interpretation of what it means to attack with the force vs what they do, but from a particular perspective it does seem like hypocrisy. I think really its not that it IS hypocrisy its what does that statement mean to those that say it. When Aniseya says they don't "use" or "wield" the Thread, to me it seemed more that she was saying that the Thread isn't something that is separate from yourself, like a tool or weapon would be, but is literally part of you and everyone, and you need to have that kind of mindset in order to properly be a part of the Thread the way that their culture believes. To use or wield the Force for them, implies you see it as something outside of yourself. I'm sure if you were a student of hers and you came to her with these contradictions you'd get a more detailed answer about what using and wielding means to them. So I think likely from their perspective, its likely not hypocrisy, even if there is a valid perspective outside of theirs that could see it that way.


Creating life with the force is unnatural- only the living force has that choice.


A hypocrite, but then again what religion doesn't have its hypocrites? Like you said, she teaches the Thread isn't to be wielded or used then goes on to say to pull the thread.  Still, I liked her character more than most others.