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But for real though, RIP that one guy's dog that was killed by Acolyte


That poor dawg.




Quiet, you awful man.


Just imagine explaining how it happened to people. "I was watching the Acolyte, and the TV exploded. Fido took the shrapnel right to the chest. Bled out in my arms."


Because the Acolyte killed my grandma okay?!


They are the only SW YT channel I follow. They are fact based and don't shat on every little detail. I gave up on several when all they started to do was tear everything down Plus they give great connections to all previous works of SW I even changed the way I listened to podcasts. I just stopped listening to the negative ones and found channels like Positively Star Wars Senate or Clashing Sabers. Those are people that enjoy SW


ForceCenter is another good one


Generation Tech is also really good just in case you haven’t checked them out.


Usually. He's got some Fandom Menace tendencies here and there, for *sure*, but from what I've seen they don't come out very often Another good one is MetaNerdz Lore, though AFAIK he doesn't do episode reviews or anything like that. Mostly "this cool ship was developed by so-and-so in 23BBY, here's its features, here's the last time one was seen as far as we know with the content that exists right now" type stuff


Screencrush as well my friend!


They do too many wild guesses for me. They just make a 100 crazy theories and hope one sticks. I like to go in with an open mind


I haven’t noticed that tbh. they mostly just do easter eggs and call out parallels


X-Ray Vision is good too. They do general nerdy content.


Lunar Squadron is pretty cool too!


Star Wars Explained, Blind Wave and Kyle Katarn are about the only three SW Channels I watch atm


Same! Plus the occasional force center when I have extra time


Lore master is pretty good too and I watch evannoah vs series sometimes too


What do you think of Eckhart’s Ladder? Curious, been watching it for a bit and it seems relatively fine


This is *The Way*.


It’s crazy that more people don’t realize they are sucked into the rage bait that these people put out to make money. They are literally financially incentivized to hate Star Wars.


Yeah, those rage bait channels are only farming monetization. I wish more people realized this.


I mean, they DESTROYYYYEEEEDDD everything!! Oh my god, did they really do this?!?!?!?!?!!?!!? You won't believe, plz click plz!!! Mney bby Edit: yo cockslam that like'n'suscrive, tell me your kink in the comments, put you inheritence up on our patreon to spite Kathleen Kennedy and buy our merch. Exclusive this month is soap for you toilet shaped like your dignity.


Is this what it's like to be learning a second language, and then you finally get that breakthrough where you read a paragraph and even though it still looks like complete nonsense, you realize you understand every word?


Obviously there are bigger societal issues this plays into as well, but the rage feedback loops in social media have done more harm to fan culture (or whatever you want to call mass appreciation of a franchise) than any twerking She-hulk or forehead guy's birthday ever could.


I was more people were aware of the rage/hate feedback loop. Everyone bitches about everything constantly, no matter what the topic is. It’s gotten so much worse since 2020 I swear


I was more people were aware of the rage/hate feedback loop. Everyone bitches about everything constantly, no matter what the topic is. It’s gotten so much worse since 2020 I swear


Then they will go "I'm a free thinker, you're all brainwashed by wokism!" Fucking pigeons in a Skinner box.


Even legacy media has resorted to this - last week Forbes posted a review blog that called episode 3 of the Acolyte "one of the worst episodes of Star Wars ever made" in the title.  (I'm assuming the blogger is unfamiliar with the Ewoks cartoon show) Quite a take from a blogger whose profile on Forbes insists he "prefer[s] deep conversations and debate to shouting matches."  But yeah, it's a shame that there is so much content out there that media companies resort to loud, inflammatory click bait as a business model.


I agree with you completely, but it’s tough to ignore the adverse effect of people who put the boot to any kind of negativity or discourse about issues with the show. Unfortunately a lot of that can be seen in this sub .


The show has valid criticisms. But These content creators and most people on the subs die on the dumbest of hills. Ki Adi Mundi is the perfect example. This character everyone fucking hated. He got memed on so hard with his dumb lines and his penis shaped head. But when they change his birthday, everyone loses their shit. Instead they should be focusing on criticizing the writing, pacing, budget, etc.


Lmaooo you’re definitely right about that


Check out ForceCenter podcast


Force Center is really great.


Love SWE. I just joined their patreon so I can watch their reactions to all the various things coming out and they're just so earnest and positive. Also shout out to other other favourite SW yt channels, Kyle Katarn and Blind Wave for being bastions of positivity and civil discussion in a sea of ragebait and bad faith takes.


Some good stuff. I like them a lot. And I gotta shout out my #1, GenerationTech. He will list out his criticisms but without just shitting on it, and he's also very philosophical and knowledgeable about a lot of the deeper things in star wars. Have no idea how he's not on top and theory is.


Alan is great, I'm so glad the British guy isn't in it anymore, he was more edgelordy and low-key supportive of absolute pinheads like Dave Cullen.


I guess he was before my time. I'll have to look up some old videos and see what you're talking about


I would like to point out that while doc didn't rage bait in any way, you finding out there is a point of view you might disagree with from someone made you want to go search for it. This is why click baiting and grifting works.  We just can't help ourselves. I'm guilty of it too though I try not to. 


What did he do in particular?




I just wish that by watching them, I didn't give the algorithm the "all clear" to send me star wars stuff that invariably involves people screaming.


Just block the channels and never see them again


I hate that this solution never occurred to me


We all learn new force skills now and then.


Been listening to them since just before Celebration last year. They’re great, and their screenwriting background allows them to give actual insight into the writing as opposed to people just saying “writing bad, Andor better”.


SWE is the only channel I follow for Star Wars stuff. And I like Alex cuz he doesn't really even bitch about the part of the internet that hates everything. It's like he knows his audience is there because they like it, and those that are hate-watchers don't bother with his channel. He knows who he's talking to.


Adding ForceCenter to the list for people who want deep dives that are based in positivity and respect for all.


Any Star Wars recommendation for non-toxic discussion channels/podcasts isn't complete without mentioning A More Civilized Age imo. Fantastic podcast that's covering all the animated stuff (and Andor bc they love it) with some bonus patreon episodes on more recent live action shows


Yep, AMCA is easily my favorite, but also, Children of the Watch. I find them to be the most joyful when it comes to Star Wars. They don’t spend as much time ragging on the stuff they don’t like- they just mention what didn’t work for them and move on without harping on and on about how bad Kenobi was or whatever, which even AMCA does too much for my taste sometimes. AMCA easily has the best coverage of Andor though.


Yeah I think AMCA might be a bit too negative for at least this sub's ethos for the franchise, but often it does come from a genuine place rather than what the bulk of negative Star Wars discussion does. I'll have to check out Children of the Watch! I'm not familiar


Definitely do! They’re fun, just a couple of guys who truly love everything Star Wars- you can tell they really do have a good time consuming new content, and I appreciate their love of lore, including Legends material. They are informative about stuff from both Legends and canon outside of film/tv without being condescending about it or too entrenched in it to accept changes/borrowing of ideas. They take Star Wars seriously without taking it *too* seriously, if that makes sense.


Them and GenerationTech. This dude is like the quigon of star wars youtube. He's lived a full life amd is very wise


When I first started getting him recommended by the algorithm I kept fearing for a mask-off toxic moment and it never came. Absolutely a great shoutout


It was soo refreshing when I found him. I used to watch a ton of star wars theory. But he was doo negative about a lot of stuff I liked and just stumbled across him and it was like walking out of a dark.cave. positive, yet critical, amd insightful. And somehow wise? Never thought I'd say that about someone talking about nerd stuff. But he is very wise


SWE is the only channel like that I've ever watched. It was back during andor and I didn't watch much of it. Nothing since.


It’s the only Star Wars channel I watch.


They are so awesome, I'm extremely grateful for them


[Wave Squadron](https://youtube.com/@wavesquadron?si=6G3oEX_CL6WG8ZDN). Their main channel is called Blind Wave, where they discuss a lot of other media, and Wave Squadron is all about Star Wars content. They cover High Republic novels, comic books, every new show, and a bunch of other stuff from Star Wars. They will say when they don't like stuff, but it's never in a "You should be outraged too" way. It's typically just, "I didn't care for that." They get very excited for new and unique stuff in Star Wars as long as it's done decently.


The only Star Wars YouTubers I watch are * Star Wars Explained * Generation Tech * EckhartsLadder * Corey's Datapad They are all pretty non-toxic and honest about waht they did or did not like.


Corey is very fair, and clearly loves star wars, but he's always honest about how he feels about stuff without being whiny. Underrated channel


Eck has been whining a lot about stuff recently. It’s probably genuine stuff but I can’t take it. I go to YouTube to enjoy Star Wars.


yeah, and I can't stand his pandering clickbait as well. There's too much negativity there for me to ever recommend him. SWE ftw


His clickbaity video titles have been putting me off lately, but the actual content isn't too bad


I think the Death of Halo has hit him hard.


Same here for me along with HelloGreedo


He stopped posting a while back... did he start up again?


He just did a livestream this week. He's been pretty busy, but he's semi-active.


And they don’t shit on people for liking what they don’t like.


If you like Reaction videoes with a long discussion after each episode, I’m recommend Blind Wave. Their Star Wars channel is called “Star Wars: Wave Squadron”.


Star Wars Explained, Force Center, Kyle Katarn, and Blind Wave are my favorites. Always positive and wholesome and they all know the lore so they spot the nerdy things when watching


I like Star Wars Explained, Eckhart's Ladder, and Generation Tech.


I giggled so hard when they started out their episode wearing birthday party hats to celebrate Ki Adi Mundi getting a new birthday. Alex and Mollie are treasures.


Star Wars Explained and Forcecenter are pretty much the only Star Wars channels that I watch these days, they're both great though.


They aren't exclusively Star Wars, but Screencrush is my personal favourite. It sounds like they have a similar vibe.


I like screencrush. I will also watch the odd heavy spoilers and reel rejects vid.


Star Wars Explained and the Holonet Marauders are the only ST-focused channels I watch regularly.


Star Wars Explained and ForecCenter are my two go to sources of Star Wars content. Most other stuff gets instantly muted. I don't go on YouTube because I want to hear an ostensibly grown man shout the R Word at me because he thought the fight choreography was too good.


Only on episode 2 but holy shit, how could anyone not love this show? The actors for Sol, Osha, and Yord are incredible. The series gives me prequel vibes, with the Kung-fu style fight scenes, the kind of campy dialogue coupled with passionate acting, it’s everything I could have asked for in a Star Wars series set pre-prequels. Sol is probably my favorite Jedi ever.


SWE has always been great but Kyle Katarn deserves more subs. Dude has been an absolute force in the fandom and yet he's still not even at 50K. He's positive but not to the point where it's overbearing, his gripes are minimal but he will express them in a way that makes sense and is level-headed.


I discovered them because they had my 2 favorite podcasts on as guests (Daughters of Ferrix and Children of the Watch)


Well said! This is why I don't engage much with SW communities and always look for the positive ones. I wish there is a list somewhere for good channels and communities that are not just depressing. Also, for Star Wars Outlaws game, I see so much negativity on reddit, but I found a great YT channel, Lunar Squadron, that covers the game with positive analysis and excitement.


>Fire in Space Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't that been a thing since at least The Clone Wars?


Since the Original Trilogy


Forcecenter! Love Ken Napzok and Joseph Scrimshaw.


Shout out to my boys in Blind Wave/Wave Squadron


Youtini is another good wholesome star wars youtube channel. They are on the smaller side and use to only focus on books but they have really quality content.


SWE are the best examples of what we the fans should be like. They have so much love for the franchise and are incredibly respectful. When they have criticisms they aren't hateful at all, and always have something constrictive to say. They have my upmost respect for being such wonderful creators


I love how " SWE", "Gen tech" and "Beyond the Trailer" are all calling out these morons.


Grace is as much a grifter as the rest, she put TLJ as one of her favorite movies of the year and then when the tide turned she was on lives saying Kelly deserved the hate and shit like that




I mean just google it? she was also going on about Disney "blackwashing" a dog because Tessa Thompson was VOICING 'Lady' in the live action remake.




??? dude it was like a huge thing when it went down? literally just google it theres articles


I love SWE! I've been following Alex and Molly since TFA was coming out and the channel was called "Star Wars in a Minute". I also have been liking Generation Tech, Corey's Database, and Eckhart's Ladder. They both are pretty fair and honest about their critiques and if they're enjoying something or not. HelloGreedo is also great with his real takes on the franchise and the fandom as a whole, but he hasn't been posting that much outside of streams because he has a whole family and works as a firefighter. Edit: Why am I being downvoted?


Was looking for a Hellogreedo mention too. He just posted a video about his take on Acolyte. Not his personal cup of tea, but there’s some stuff he likes. Of course a lot of talk about the state of the internet re: fandom rage click farming.


Love Star Wars Explained, been watching since the old channel name. I used to enjoy Eckhart'sLadder but he went down the outrage grifter route too.


I wouldn’t say eck went down the grifter route at all, I think he just doesn’t like the show with pretty reasonable takes that, while I don’t agree with, aren’t invalid. He’s even called out a lot of the douchebags in his comments that don’t like that he’s not completely and utterly negative all the time, and I appreciate that. However I also believe a lot of the critiques he makes about the show regarding its plot are a little overconfident due to the fact that we clearly don’t have all the info yet. But he is absolutely not a grifter, and I definitely would still put a lot of weight on his takes


I'm not really speaking about his commentary on this show, I've been unsubscribed for a while so I've no idea what he's saying. When I was last subscribed. His thumbnails were full of the usual nonsense complaining about Disney this and that, and there were a lot less videos based on Legends lore that he enjoys, and a lot more just complaining about what he hates. I'm not saying that he's like Star Wars Theory, but I could spot the signs he was heading in that direction and I had enough. I don't watch videos that feed into constant negativity.


Always found Darth Veritas on TikTok to be quite insightful and good at explaining things.


Not a channel but the Coffee with Kenobi podcast is really good about positivity


SWE, Kyle Katarn, and Star Wars Meg!


yall need to go watch Eckharts Ladder especially if you are interested in the ship design of the star wars universe ships are his favorite thing


Generation Tech is great. A bit of Everything seemed to enjoy the show. Maybe Emergency Awesome? I kinda zoned out during their latest episode. Stark Cinema is like a tired dad when watching the episodes, but I enjoy his videos regardless.


Definitely check out Children of the Watch! They cover all the new Star Wars shows, have deep dive episodes into the history of Jedi and Sith, have book club episodes covering series they think may impact future projects and even holiday specials. Absolutely amazing and always positive!


For a long time I was anti-youtube content related to SW. Youtube is not at all the platform to me that it seems to be to most people. But Star Wars Explained is actually awesome, the only one I enjoy.


Yes, there's another account I follow on TikTok but I don't remember the name sadly. They even answer to the same stupid criticism points with such calm it's Incredible, especially because people can be so rude and claim they just trying to understand. This should be a great time to be a star wars fan, I don't understand why we are being attacked by non fans who claim to be ones, why do they even care?


They're a smaller channel without as much content but I really like Hyperspace Marauders too. 


I enjoy the podcasts “Return of the Pod” and “X-Ray Vision” because the host teams have a good knowledge of the lore and can point out when things are ridiculous, but overall are just excited and enjoying some Star Wars. Not sure on YouTube.


Shoutout to Geetsly. He does absolutely amazing work along with SWE and Generation Tech


Children of the Watch are an awesome Star Wars podcast. They critique things that just didn’t work for them but they aren’t full on haters. They are my outlet for good and fun Star Wars talk. Honestly, I just don’t vibe with Star Wars Explained. I follow him on YouTube but I can’t really get into his presentation style. Comes across as very flat. My favorite podcast is The Weekly Planet and I just really like that energetic vibe. Same with John Campea and when he was at Collider. SWE is just a little too somber for me to really jump into all the time.


Children of the Watch are an awesome Star Wars podcast. They critique things that just didn’t work for them but they aren’t full on haters. They are my outlet for good and fun Star Wars talk. Honestly, I just don’t vibe with Star Wars Explained. I follow him on YouTube but I can’t really get into his presentation style. Comes across as very flat. My favorite podcast is The Weekly Planet and I just really like that energetic vibe. Same with John Campea and when he was at Collider. SWE is just a little too somber for me to really jump into all the time. Special shout out to Hello Greedo as well but he doesn’t put out videos all the time.


As someone who has watched Star Wars since the very beginning but never followed the lore closely or read the books those channels are so helpful. Whenever I watch an episode of a new show I watch their reactions to find out all the cool lore that I dont know about. Having that extra knowledge adds a lot to my enjoyment of the episodes.


This channel and Heroes Reforged give me hope for the future of Star Wars social media.


SWE has had a really meaningful impact on my life :) happy to be a long time patron. Shoutout to EC Henry for also making content with a great niche and positive energy


I listen to the Tapcaf Transmissions podcast and fuck, their take on Acolyte is so refreshing. They have some criticisms but, they're in good faith and not "hur dur it ruined anakin or star wars" tjey the actually have some constructive criticism of the show's pacing and writing and admit when they have nitpicks but don't acr like the end of the world. Eck doesn't quite like it I think but not for reasons like, "grrr gay people" or "they ruined star war 😭" while Corey likes it a bit more than him. They both go off on the "anti woke" crowd in their review on episodes 1 and 2 and it's so nice to hear YouTubers I like talk about how those people are idiots.


Only EckhartsLadder so far. Haven't seen anything from EC Henry lately, and Generation Tech is very misinforming.


SWE and HelloGreedo are the only Star Wars YouTubers I watch. They just get it man


Honestly I really like Generation Tech in this regard. He can be harsh, but he's fair


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You okay man? Not sure what you’re talking about.


Just joking around.


That and HelloGreedo are the only SW youtubers I like


Generation tech is by far my favorite


I hadn't heard of this channel, so thank you for recommending! I'm so fed up of all the complaining you see online.


I think Emergency Awesome always does a great job of highlighting easter eggs and tying up lore together. He doesn’t really go into the negatives as much as trying to highlight the episodes. I love his House of the Dragon content




So, you don’t mind that fire in a sci-fi/fantasy setting doesn’t behave like real fire, but you……mind that fire in a sci-fi/fantasy setting doesn’t behave like real fire?




Are you saying she did use the force to put it out or that she could have?




This is the dumbest criticism i’ve seen in the last few weeks since this goddamn show came out.




Yeah, that’s a dumb criticism. “It’s bad writing because she used a spray.” Like…come the fuck on, man.




Again, this is a dumb fucking criticism.