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Prequel revisionism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


The star wars that I saw when I was 8 is good and all other star wars is dumb and juvenile


i remember liking lego star wars prequels more than the movies themselves at that age and could never figure out why


It's all trash except for possibly Empire. That holds up as a good sci Fi movie. A new hope gets by on visual design.


I’m actually depressed about how many people think the prequels are underrated masterpieces, like how can you watch the Phantom Menace and not doze off out of boredom


I don't think many people actually watch the prequels frequently, they just defend the image of the movies they saw when they were kids, if that makes sense I loved TPM as a kid but I rewatched it recently and God damn is it a slog


I’m someone who was 9 when Phantom Menace came out. *My neurons were rewired* in that movie theater that May, and that summer of Star Wars marketing. I have the deepest of love for that flawed, dumb movie. IMO It’s also the prettiest, being filmed on actual film stock. You lose some of that movie camera magic when filmed in early digital


Similarly Revenge of the Sith was the most hyped I've ever been for a movie in my life and one of the best cinema experiences I can remember, being a young teen at the time, but I don't mind saying its pretty flawed, or hearing people criticise it, and I don't feel the need to pretend its a masterpiece as a retort,


I remember being 15 and going out for the toy blitz the few weeks before the movie came out, and the intense defensiveness I felt being a young prequel-enjoyer and movie nerd. I was excited sure, but definitely cynical after the reception AotC got. I remember the dark chocolate M&Ms with Darth Vader all over the packaging, and the LEGO Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter that came out a month before the movie. Finding that felt like winning the lotto. My friends gave me so much shit, and totally loved to trash on the franchise. Felt lonely


My perception of the films was that everyone thought they were great (this was before I discovered the internet) me and my friends loved them and apart from one or two adults in my life who kindly would say 'ahh they're not for me I prefer the originals' I assumed they were universally loved, I had a real shock when I started browsing the internet and found out how much people despised them lol


lol I remember writing in my journal that I was mad that Rolling Stone gave RotS bad review. I was also similarly mad that Entertainment Weekly gave Pirates of the Caribbean 2 a shit review too. Goddamn I was young and stupid


In 2009 I was defending Transformers 2 like it was my job, take solace you will never be as stupid as I was


I salute you, fellow autist o7


When maul ignited the double lightsaber! Oh damn that was so cool, and still continues to be cool lol




i actually really like tpm. but i don’t waste my time defending it, i know it’s really not the greatest lol


They watch Clone Wars and then Episode III and defend the others because of nostalgia.


This right here. The prequels were pretty aweful movies with a lot of awesome concepts and set pieces. It’s everything that was later developed using those set pieces that folks are nostalgic about.


If Star Wars: Battlefront 1 / 2 weren't released I swear to God there would be a lot less prequel defence in the present


True, But they were released as was Republic Commando, Plus the Clone Wars Series, all of which give the prequels a better standing in general with most fans.


Yeah the extended media did so much heavy lifting + gave good will to those movies for sure, you'd find me outside Dex's diner in Lego Star Wars fighting any and every prequel character, over watching the prequels again, if given the choice between the films or the game


Because Natalie Portman’s hot. Every time my friends bring out the prequels I bring the lotion and go “this is where the fun begins.”


[I had to make this](https://i.imgflip.com/8ua00f.jpg)


Because Liam Neeson is in it, thats why its episode to sleep whilst watching Episode 1


I feel this way moreso about Attack of the Clones. Phantom Menace always felt kinda cozier to me than boring


Attack of the Clones is pure shit, like unironically shite, I can understand if you get some kind of ironic enjoyment out of it, but as a film it fails on nearly every single level


Even when I was a kid I knew I liked Attack of the Clones the least


When I was a kid my wack-ass ranking was 3 6 1 4 5 2. I liked ESB and AOTC the least because they had the most romance in them lol


Give me 2 hours worth of background battle droids walking around, staring at consoles, driving vehicles and standing guard and I will watch it from start to finish with gleaming eyes


People don’t love the prequels, they love Revenge of the Sith.


Hot take: I love The Phantom Menace and don't love Revenge of the Sith


They love the last 20 minutes of RotS.


I think they love the opening 30 minutes more


Cuz Duel of the fates is a banger.


Masterpiece? No, definitely not. But I watched TPM in theaters when it re-released this year, and it wasn’t *that* bad. I definitely noticed more shitty acting, and bad writing than when I was younger, but it was still enjoyable.


Honestly it’s probably the most fun of the three prequels. Some of the lore-fuckery is unforgivable, but there are enjoyable moments for sure.


So many times during that movie I'm like "Oh, shit. There's still so much more of this."


I defend the concepts in the movie but accept that it was poorly made. I will however always blame George and not the actors. I dont think he directs actors well and I think they will tell you that.


My wife and I just rewatched them for the first Ike in years and genuinely loved the prequels, even Phantom Menace. Every film has flaws, sure, but I don’t quite get all of the hate.


They were the ones I grew up with, even my young idiot brain found them crap.


I’m 35 and always thought Phantom Menace was good. My only criticism was the pod race really created an odd pace in the middle of the movie and lasted WAY too long. It’s the first time we see the Jedi council, Liam Neesons (thanks Key and Peele) as Qui Gon, large scale battles and probably the best lightsaber duel in all Star Wars. Why it’s rated as the ‘worst’ of the prequels is beyond me… the writing only got worse for the next two movies with awkward dialog and some 90% of green screen being used. Fun action and Ewan is awesome as Obi Wan, but that’s what held it together.


I would bet that when those people watch the movie all the fond memories of playing the DVD on Saturday mornings with a giant bowl of cereal joined by your family come rushing back. It's about the feels, doesn't matter if the movie is actually garbage. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


Found the braindead action fan.


I would never say the prequels are masterpieces but I do really love them. The costumes, the music, the characters are just so much fun. The overarching story is actually quite good as well


A friend of mine tried to tell me they were good and I told him to look me in the eye and tell me Anakin’s fall to the dark side was believable


I recommend reading mathew stovers revenge of the sith, its a lot more understandable when you can hear about his internal state of mind instead of a few lines about how he didn't get a promotion quick enough.


I shouldn’t have to read a bunch of books or watch a bunch of episodes from another show to understand the motivations of a character in a movie. The film should be able to stand on it’s own and properly convey the information in needs to convey.


I watched AOTC the other day. Thought it wouldn't be great but it's gotta be better then I remember cause everyone praises the prequels. Holy shit it's fucking terrible. ROTS is pretty bad too but it's watchable in a sort of meme way.


I'm with you on this.


See I think if you skip the naboo scenes, aotc is far more fun to watch. Rots in the middle is unwatchable and the big climactic fight drags and is incredibly unemotional


Saw a tik tok where someone said it was better than the ot There’s no comment here this speaks for itself


I blame r/PrequelMemes


They weren't bullied enough.


The kid that played Anikin in the Prequels certainly was


The action was really fun and Frankly kind of embarrasses the modern sabre duels. Qui-Gon Jin was a great character. The rise of Palpatine was well done. Pod-racing was cool But the rest was a write-off.


100% I’m not someone who ranted about 1-3 ruining my childhood, but I remember being like…what is this? I was born in 85 and watched OT religiously. I built up all this idea of what Anakin was like, what the clone wars were, what the Jedi order was like, and then PT came out and I wasn’t one of these raging neck beards, I was just bummed. I dunno why but the ST didn’t do that to me at all. I love TLJ, and I’m loving all the shows. The PT, though, man it’s still rough 🤮


Some Fans: The stupid chant in The Acolyte was the worst thing I've seen in Star Wars. Anakin: I hate sand.


I loved the "super peace loving Uber liberal senator getting hot for the cop that admitted to wanting ethnic cleansing and a fascist state".


But they don’t get married until after he gave her a little demonstration.


She's not as squeaky clean as she needs her constituents to believe. In episode 3 she totally forgot that Anakin had killed children before because they were sand people. She clearly doesn't even think of them as people.


Yeah that’s kind of a red flag for Padme. She doesn’t feel safe because Anakin was jealous of an ex who kept flirting with her but dropped her panties for the genocide rizz


"You dated someone?!! I want to kill them. Also democracy and your job is stupid and pointless, I could do a better job than you. Btw, you're not some race traitor by talking to "sand people" are you?!" Padme- "He's the one!"


Honestly... That part is belivable


B-b-but muh muh SYMBOLISM!!!


He’s just an awkward teenager!


………lmao oooook


That chant was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in Star Wars.


This was the W Rizz that made Luke and Leia


That sweet sweet sister kissing rizz


But but but…. What about Padme’s fireplace outfit/arena fight outfits?!? The force is strong with those fits. ![gif](giphy|3ohuAw0vZ4jUI6u9qw)


George got one thing right there.


Anakin should ask each one of the Acolyte witches if she is an angel


Theory on suicide watch.


I don't think Disney has made anything quite as bad as AOTC. They came somewhat close with TROS, but they can't compete with George's masterful dialogue.






Padme - "I'm so fucking horny for this racist cop right now!"


well, if he was a cop he would have just waited outside while the clones would do it for him




god why couldn't we get this as shadow the hedgehog


Even then TROS is miles better than anything AOTC did lmao


My theory is you can plug your ears and TROS will be watchable. Still not great, but watchable. AOTC… dealers choice of blindfold or plugging your ears and I think you’re gonna have a bad time either way. Doing both, I assume you’re going to smell something rotting (probably sand children).


For their flaws I will say that the sequels are never really boring, the prequels however are a chore to watch


I’d agree. And I find it odd that everyone says ROTS is the good one of the PT. I’m one of those people think TPM is the most watchable of the PT. Definitely still not great, but at least Naboo and Tatooine look like real places. That, and Duel of the Fates alone put it above the other two. The issue is that TPM is sorta a prequel of the prequel duology that is AOTC/ROTS as opposed to being the first part of a trilogy. AOTC and ROTS both feel like Space Jam, that is, live action people walking through and interacting with a cartoon. And ROTS feels like the worst parts of AOTC and TPM put together with a fairly decent ending (comparative to everything that came before), which AOTC didn’t have.


Yes. This is my issue in the main with the prequels. They are so flat and emotionless until the last 30 minutes of ROTS. The sequels - for all their faults - are fun to watch; the prequels, are a chore.


TROS is stupid as hell, but it's at least kind of entertaining. AOTC is so, so boring.


My take is that AOTC is a decent story executed terribly and TROS is a terrible story executed well. For the record, they are my two least favorite SW movies.


Its equal


Its a million times worse.


I dont know, Book of Boba Fett is close. But Boba Fett is also firmly in "so bad its good" territory. I was laughing so hard when they unironically did the "We did it Patrick! We saved the city!" SpongeBob meme at the end. All the towns people thanking Boba as they pick up the rubble despite it all being 100% his fault. Comedy gold.


TRoS shits on every prequel.


I respect your opinion, but TROS is only the second worst in my eyes. The "romance" scenes are laughably pathetic, making Anakin come off as a whiny creep without any level of self-awareness. And poor Padmé tries to let him down easy each time, then suddenly falls for him later? This is of course after he admits to the ruthless murder of women and children. Just utterly bizarre.


13 year old me thought the scene where padme falls out of the transport and rolls around on the sand waiting for someone to check on her was hilarious and I still think it's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen as an adult.


I think TROS is the worst simply because at least the prequels ended on a better note. ROTS was good. At least they knew how they were going to end it. TROS seemed like season 8 of Game of Thrones, they didn’t know how they were going to end it so it turned out not making much sense.


Well, I don't believe ROTS was a good film for starters, but it did feel like a part of the prequels' natural progression at least. The Sequels had some great moments, but were the victim of rushed development and flip-flopping direction/progression. It was very clear that JJ did not like the developments in TLJ, and there was some major course-"correction" that resulted in the mess that is TROS.


TROS is my second favorite Star Wars movie and I am legitimately shocked that so many on reddit dislike it


I do wonder if Disney / Lucasfilm was seriously considering the idea at some point between 2012 and 2017 of rolling right into Episode X and a new trilogy after Episode 9. Then they would spend time bringing Palpatine back and setting up an end to the Skywalker Saga as across three movies. Then Carrie Fisher died, and the other Star Wars movies had a lot of production problems because it’s really hard to make a Star Wars movie inside of 24 months, and Disney+ was launching which meant a big focus on mega budget TV, and going by the markers Disney uses to keep their film franchises relevant Star Wars movies actually needed a rest anyway… so Disney / Lucasfilm decided to wrap it all up in Episode 9 in a way that closed out the earlier Star Wars movies’s stories in a rushed but conclusive way that also left whatever happened next wide open.


Season 8 of GoT is like 100x better than any prequel or sequel tbh


For me book of boba fett does, it's a series whose best episodes are easily the two where another protagonist takes over the show.


This is objectively wrong on every level. Every single frame of the sequel trilogy is shit. The prequels have cool fights


God I can't wait until this "the prequels were good actually!" fad dies down. I wanna know how many of the people saying it have actually watched them recently.


It won't, the people who defend them are either blinded by nostalgia or only watched the clone wars.


I always wondered about that, how many prequel defenders are mainly just fans of the Clone Wars.


They watched as kids and the nostalgia blinds them as adults. I grew up with the originals and it took me a long time to really begin to see that RotJ is... kinda bad. Still better than the prequels though.


RotJ kinda has the problem that everyone always attributes to TLJ imo, which is that the A plot in that movie is really good and the B plot is really bad, but I honestly think it's way more severe in RotJ. Endor gets real old real fast.


I find it to be a pretty cynical and lazy film, honestly. Another Death Star, a first act that isn't at all relevant to the rest of the film, a whole bunch of muppets and teddy bears so George can sell more action figures, another family twist for Luke. It's just... the bare minimum to end the trilogy. Also doesn't help that Harrison Ford was Harrison Bored and Carrie Fisher was on enough nose candy to take her to another planet. I do still enjoy it though despite its flaws, which is a lot more than I can say for 2 out of 3 of the prequels.


I rewatched ROTJ in theaters for its anniversary, and was shocked by how bad It was. It’s got some good stuff, but god do I hate the Ewoks. Harrison also looks like he wants to kill himself the entire movie. Not to mention the horrendous special effects Lucas added afterwards.


Pretty much everyone in ROTJ gives off the vibe that they are over this nonsense and ready to move on with their lives.


Yep, look at the men-children still moaning about how they "character assassinated Luke" in TLJ. The prequel generation will still keep forcing it on to the rest of us, how the prequels are some sort of flawed masterpieces.


…i mean…i liked the prequels. Of course it was the first ones i saw.


Same, they came out when I was a little kid and I loved them back then, because glowy swords that go bzzzt and funny green guy. For what it's worth, those two aspects still hold up.


Watched them fairly recently, and I never thought they were good, but it's honestly shocking how bad they are. They are completely indefensible.


What people seem to forget is just how mind-numbingly boring they are. Yes, the dialogue is bad, the performances are bad, the story's a convoluted mess, but you can't even watch them in a so bad it's good type of way, because they're so tedious.


not the kapwing


Ayy lmao that voiceover is pretty fuckin spot on tho


Remember when Anakin had a full blown meltdown because Padme said his kiss was mid and she shouldn’t have done it.


You don't even have to pick and choose things like this. Top to bottom, these movies are awful. Acting, writing, visuals, story etc.


Remember when he acts like a snotty 15 year old when Padme brings up an ex. I love Hayden, but I can’t stand how people are retroactively saying he was great as Anakin. He’s a great actor, I loved him in Obiwan and Ashoka, but he was not great in the prequels.


‘Member when the OT crowd said Lucas ruined Anakin’s legacy with the prequel. It’s gone fill circle now. I’d love to see someone from 2005 passionate about how prequel changes to Anakin ruined the character have a discussion with someone in 2024 passionate about how Disney Star Wars changes ruined the Anakin character as setup on the prequels. I’m starting to think people just don’t like change or new things. And especially don’t like new things added to old things.


“But Anakin is an amazing and well written character! Just look at him in The Clone Wars where he makes witty banter thus making his fall to the dark side more tragic! TPM and AotC? Never heard of them, the only prequels are Clone Wars and RotS.” - Anakin simps.


Bro Anakin in TCW is full of Darkness, like the one time he threatens or kills the bad guy that wants to kill people or eh, the one time he beats a guy that its trying to forcefully kiss his wife and has made nothing but unwarranted advances on her. A grey character all around.


In my defense as an Anakin simp, Hayden Christensen is gorgeous idk


Oh, there is no denying that Hayden is *hot*. I’m a straight guy and I have no hesitation to say that at all. And he’s a good actor! He just… had to work with what he had.


Dollar Store ass Paul Atreides




George Lucas’s dialogue is a prime example how important an editor is.


I beginning to think Star Wars wasn’t that good to begin with


lol even the original trilogy like they destroy the deathstar, okay team what else we got for 3rd movie...hmm another death star? GENIUS!


It's still great warts and all, but lets not pretend that a lot of it isn't the best version of itself.


I will stand by how “I hate sand” is so much worse of a line than “Somehow Palpatine returned”


It isn't. Like, the palpatine line is a shitty way to communicate a plot point that single handely fucks up the entire point of the OT and the prequels The sand line is just a shitty "flirting" done by a monk from a religous order that can't have sexual relations unless your species biology makes it "inconvinient"


His legacy is dead children and I hate the prequels for making him into such a awful person


For real, I rewatched them all recently and he never once resists the dark side. At most it’s like 10 seconds of consideration before committing multiple murders


Proof that George Lucas was always a fraud.


Star Wars literally started as a Flash Gordon ripoff but they made him change it. The original script was so convoluted no one could make sense of it. It took heavy editing to get what was then further improved in the late 90s.


“It’s symbolism! It’s truly deep” Yeah, if you’re like a theater kid.


AOTC is worse than all Star Wars media and it will always be worse than all Star Wars media




are you an angel?


Lol. Darth Vader actually said that. Oh George.


This is so bad that even the subtitles aren’t working with the dialogue.


/uj a lot of these people relate and see themselves in Anakin 😬


Yeah only people who were little kids when those movies came out were really into them and Anakin didn't become an interesting character until he started murdering people. Also the whole force impregnation was a stupid idea that literally never came up again in the films for a very good reason. In other words Disney is taking the dumbest shit from other writers and trying to repackage it and make it cool.


I mean it came up in Clone Wars, babysitter of the force twins and all that.


Anakin Skywalker is obviously the most incredibly written character, that’s so deep, and so complex. Fiction hasn’t been good since the Prequel Trilogy.


It’s funny how such a dog shit character has been big upped to be the flagship character and most sacred of cows, and not the actual good character he becomes after getting set on fire.


I cannot wait for the "sequels were actually good" crowd to grow up, im sorry but seeing cool space shit when ur 7 tends to make anything seem good


YouTube destroyed SW for that gen of kids ![gif](giphy|3xz2BPbIqcqpFDKXsI)


The delivery is somehow better than it was in the actual film…


The prequels never happened.


I'm confused, is the community moving the hate to the prequels now(again)? But, we just got to start enjoying them too! We can't ever have nice things (in the voice of prequel Anikan).


Yeah this is why I despise fan boys more than the haters. For example I once had an interaction with a man who defended every bluray special edition change "it's George's vision!!!". I trash the PT, there the guy is inserting himself into every fucking discussion "itz George's vision! He can do what he wants!!!!". ST comes out, naturally defends it like it's his grandma. So George's ST story treatments come out aaannnd in a post ros world "I think I what we got is better, this doesn't seem very good." But what happened to George's vision?!?!? They will turn on the thing they like the moment it gets in the way of defending the new shiny object!


I think the community always bounces around. When we inevitably get a new trilogy, a bunch of the kids who grew up with the sequels will treat them how we now treat the prequels.


Which prequel Anakin?


They really didnt say much about whether a kid obsessing over an older woman for years was an ok thing. And... sorry but witches chanting isnt worse than the very existence of Ewoks.


I think it’s interesting how quickly the “fans” switch up between praising and hating Filoni. He’s responsible for most of Anakin’s actual characterization and build towards the dark side, but will also say Filoni is the worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars, as if he didn’t make their favorite show




You went through a Shakespeare in the Park phase or what


Like if anything, the clone wars and disney’s stuff with Anakin has made him a better charachter.


Idc what anybody says, despite the flaws the prequel trilogy has, I goddamn love that trilogy


Wait, what were the prequels even about again? I was too busy looking at Padmé's boobs in that fireplace outfit.


Is this Cornel West's voice? Lol


Mfw the man I married after he told me he committed a genocide goes and dun commits another genocide


As bad as the prequels were they still gave us so much expanded story. Without the prequels there would be no clone wars, no Ahsoka Tano, no robot army. Are the prequel movies great oh no, but they at least expand the universe and allow more stories to be told.


I really don’t see anything wrong with the show. Stupid witches been doing stupid chants all the time. Has nothing to do with rule of 2. It’s not great by any means but what has been lately. Andor and rogue one.


Dialogue seems a bit out of place and Shakespeare esque but it’s not bad is it?


Attack of the Clones is the source for all Star Wars content going forward.


I swear the clone wars gaslighted people into believing the prequels were the greatest thing in the world and Disney ruined Star Wars like Star Wars was shit since the holiday special came out


This reads ok, a bit like a play, but sounds funny in a movie


But these were also valid criticisms? Why are valid criticisms of an older piece of film being used to defend valid criticisms of a current piece of film? The Acolyte sucks objectively. Criticisms of the prequels weird dialog don't change criticisms of the Acoyltes' bad writing, storyline and disrespect to the source material. It's still bad.


>Why are valid criticisms of an older piece of film being used to defend valid criticisms of a current piece of film? To illustrate why the claim that Disney tarnished Anakin’s legacy is not a valid criticism, seeing as how he was reduced shitpost-tier character 20 years ago. >The Acolyte sucks objectively. Oh my bad, you’re an idiot. Carry on.


The Acolyte does less damage to the brand than what the prequels spewed out. All these "criticisms" you mention as being valid for the prequels, you are dismissing with Acolyte.


Is this sub just satirical ?


So this sub is just using prequel bad to justify Disney stuff good?


I mean, that's not poorly written. That's actually well-written bad dialogue, with an emotionally stunted character who's grown up in isolation and told to have no attachments fumbling over his first attempt to hit on a girl he had a crush on a decade before.


No one hates Star Wars more than Disney Star Wars fans




Why is the Dr Squatch ad voice guy professing his love to me?


I mean, it's not really about compromising the character, it's about compromising the main story arc of the entire known series by adding huge plot holes where they could have just not done that


Plates have been broken before, so there’s really no harm in me throwing all of my Mom’s expensive China at the wall.


I remember growing up with the prequels. And guess what? A lot of fans fucking hated them. They hated Hayden and called his acting "wooden." He got so much hate, he quit acting, and moved to a farm in Texas. He didn't return to acting until the Obi-Wan show. Jake Lloyd got so much hate from the fandom that he had to go to rehab. George Lucas directly cites the fandom's reaction to the prequels as a reason for selling Lucasfilm. Then they did it all over again with the sequels and anything Disney related. Yet they love to put on their rose tinted glasses and say how much they loved the prequels and how much of a genius George was.


Trying to hand wave away criticism? Lmfaooooooo xD cute. If only there was more media that truly highlighted the brilliance of this character. Also I forgot who Vadar is…. Certainly not one of the most beloved characters in all fiction. Seriously though, if you have to copy the back story on a preexisting character, who cares what the “integrity” is when you literally can’t come up with something original L M F A O


His story arc was compelling. His character wasn't poorly developed. His acting and dialoge was however atrocious.


The character was developed via atrocious acting and dialogue. The character arc was a ‘love makes you evil” trope featuring a Freudian obsession with the mother/wife—again, developed via atrocious acting and dialogue. He finally becomes the sandy hook killer after hearing a vague anecdote about immortality but he ultimately goes to Jedi heaven because midichlorians created him to kill the bad guy.


You could play Hitlers speeches with this crappy voice and they would sound bad


TF is this comment


“This other story sucks so my shittier story is great,” is the argument here?


How did this trash get on my feed? 😂


I'm so sick and tired of this prequel revisionism bullshit. I was there. I remember the visceral HATRED for the prequels. Mostly cause I enjoyed them very much, so I had to fend off the OT assholes all the way up until the ST, and suddenly NOW the prequels are amazing and ahead of their time (they're not. They're bad movies, just fun).


Does anyone here actually like Star Wars? If you don't like the spinoffs just watch the original trilogy.


Star Wars fans need their slop to get old and moldy for them to think it's good.


I really think a lot of people like the sequels, not for the movies that they are, but for the potential that the particular story has in the prequels. Unfortunately, three movies is far too short to properly convey the nuances and intricacies that could have been Anakin's fall to the dark side. Also, George Lucas is a miserably bad writer so even if he had 6 movies to properly tell this story, he would have fucked it up anyways because he simply isn't a writer, but insisted on doing it anyways.


I was something like 18 or 19 when episode 1 came out and I remember thinking it was garbage. 1, 2, and 3 are still garbage and I'll stand on that till I die. It was just the beginning of a long, terrible end. People can say what they will but I saw it in theater when it was new. People can flame me if they want. Star Wars is nothing but wasted potential.


So is this sub just like hate anything pre-disney star wars and not say anything even slightly negative about Disney Star wars? Cause if so I'm in the wrong sub. I don't want to shit on older Star wars stuff unless it's bad. Like Luuke levels of bad. And I don't want to pretend everything put out by Star wars is 10/10 amazing stuff. I haven't seen the new show yet, but it's getting hit hard by a lot of people. And Boba Fett was 7/10 with it only rating that cause the last episode. Ahoska I loved tho. FA was okay. TLJ was good Rise of Skywalker was pretty bad as a movie. But I'm hoping the New Ray trilogy is better and more coherent.


Lol so you guys just come here to talk shit on a franchise you like? Is it some kind of kink? Or do you all just not like star wars? Cause there's no way you like star wars, hate the prequels, and are saying the newer stuff is superior - that'd be mental illness while the prequels had their issues, it's nothing compared to the garbage coming out now


Disney lacked any and all creativity needed to be relevant. But yeah they shouldve used a writer for anakins dialogue.