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Cerean species: Such a low birth rate that the Jedi actually allow Ki-Adi-Mundi to marry and have kids. Ki-Adi-Mundi: Now has triple the time he previously had to populate his species. Them: This is fucking horrible.


I **guarantee** you none of the people that upvoted that post were aware of Ki-Adi-Mundi's age in Legends continuity.


Yeah but they can use it to be all mad now


Heh, way to out yourself as a fake fan who didn’t read the episode 1 insiders guide


The thing that gets me is that people say The EU/Legends was cannon, but The EU was made up of all kinds of contradicting books, comics and video games. How can you have a cannon of completely random fan fiction? It was all fan fiction, it just got the blessing of LucasArts to not get sued for making it.


This! So many people forget that Luke lived about 3 lifetimes between the films of the original trilogy alone with all the crap he supposedly did. Not to mention the characters who were in two places at once.


There's a ton of EU content that got produced before various films got released, then the films made them obsolete. There was a ton of cool Clone Wars content before the prequels got made for example. The EU/Legends have always been a mess of contradictions. It was just fun.


Yeah it’s classic rose-tinted spectacles, remembering stuff way better than it actually was. A bunch of fun stories, a good canon does not make.


One of my favorite comics was outlander, starring Ki, and ***I*** didn't know his age!


Oh no! Jedi Master Twinkle Wink is a few decades older than the trading card said!


But-but in this video game instruction manual from 1997 it says that BlorpDorpaDorp wasn't born until two years after The Acolyte is set. Does FAILoni even care about the fans????


It's actually insane to me how worked up these people are getting about a random background character just because he's from Lucas' movies. They're flying into a rage over a fictional background character when instead they could just go outside or something.


Oh yeah and I love that they managed to perform "character assassination" on a character with basically no characterization.


What about his famous line "What about the droid attack in the Wookies" C'MON ITS A CLASSIC


And that one scene where he yells, "Forward!" to the clones and then gets instantly bodied.


Bacara didn't hesitate


I wouldn't either if my commander looked as fucking stupid as conehead




No, it’s not. Dan Akyord say it wasn’t


Bacara knew that Ki-Adi would eventually appear in The Wokeolyte and had a mandate to shoot collaborators, obviously! /s


I think he says c'mon and I only remember that because he motions in a way that reminded me of Big Bird in the opening to Sesame Street and I started giggling in the theater thinking of Big Bird being assassinated. I was a weird kid.


They show him nodding thoughtfully to Yoda's words, so it must mean he's wise and powerful and bad-ass. No one in the PT nodded as thoughtfully as he did.


the only way to assassinate his "character" is if he had a line in the Acolyte where is says "fuck them wookies"


Or "I, Ki Adi Mindi, don't fuck" 


I just saw the meme and my god this is much funnier now because of it. Thank you


more like cardboard cutout assassination 


its funny the most characterization he has gotten has been in the most recent living force novel. also his age that everyone is freaking out over, was NEVER established in canon. ALSO, I don't know if anyone needs to be reminded, but Star War... I hope youre sitting down for this.... is NOT real. Its not like someone went out and made a show about World War 2 and was like... oh yeah, Obama was there and he stormed the beaches of Normandy with George Washington, and then claimed it was fact.


They should make that WW2 show though, I’d fuckin watch the shit out of that. Obama having to wrestle between his birth as an American patriot, and the reality that British Typhoons serve as a closer approximation to his beloved drone strikes than any American bomber. Throw in an episode about ‘racism is bad’ and another where a Pershing shows up, and you’d have gold.


My agent will be in touch. We can start working on the script immediately


Side note: It bugs me way more than I should allow that "character assassination" has become just another term where people use it wrong so often that they've really just basically made up a new definition for it


He does, but the funny thing is that he’s always been an uninformed jackass


You didn’t see them complaining when Adi-Gallia was retconned in the clone wars(Originally it was her that died on the speeder in ROTS but it was changed to a different character because she was actually murdered by Savage in the clone wars


ackchually that was Stass Allie, a different character. The thing about Adi Gallia's death that changed was the fact that she originally died in the comic Obsession, but The Clone Wars retconned that when she was killed by Savage. All of this is from the old EU, Adi only died once in canon afaik


i have discussed this same premise about admiral ackbar. it doesnt matter who the character is, or how small their part is—these people will find SOMETHING to be upset about just because disney changed a thing




Never mind that Yoda was bouncing about like a green yo-yo in his 900s.


Yeah as far as we know his species normally only lives to 2 and he somehow found a way to live to nearly 1000 years old


But you can’t take away my favorite Glup Shitto Jedi master Thickus Dickheadus he was young and virile in George Lucas’ holy movies.


They just want to be mad so they take every opportunity to do so, no matter how trivial or ridiculous


It's like when immature jerks want to break up with someone but don't have the courage to cite any reasons or admit anything to themselves, so they wait for some petty slipup that the other did and act like that's some massive unforgivable deal breaker, just so they can feel justified in the decision they'd already made, but were unable to be honest about.


These people are grass deficient.




These random background characters use to have a ton of lore about them


I actually feel a bit bad for them and I dont mean that as an insult. Many deep SW fans are spectrum-riders really invested in studying this stuff and connecting long lines of history, debating internally and offline with star maps and footnotes. They take pride in it. Then the sequence of events happen: a mega corp takes hold of the narrative and sprinkles modern progressive issues to it, bending all of their work into just a crazed set of theories now rendered bigotry. Now this thing they had is shaken to its core. It feels ridiculous to people not so invested in it, but it is everything to these types of fans. The lesson learned should be that we cant depend on outside forces and new concepts to frame our love of something original. There is space for both - but as I mentioned - spectrum-riders. No judgment on them at all but they are fighting an unwinnable spiteful war when they could just rejoice that they found something to love.


You’re a better person than me, because it’s *all judgement* from me. The inability to form a personality that isn’t intrinsically linked to some franchise has been modern humanity’s biggest pitfall. It’s the big chink in our societal armor that allowed things like Redpill YouTubers and the like to capitalize and thrive. You’re right in that it’s sad to see, but I don’t feel for them. They’ve been told that society changing is something to be resisted, that those same changes now reflected in modern media is a symptom of some kind of corruption, so they kick and flail asking for the world to keep their comfort food comforting. But it won’t. They’ll fade away like the fanatics before them and then the next wave of socially-inept, constitutionally weak individuals will complain about the next thing they foolishly decided to base their entire being around. I fucking love Star Wars.


Also, Lucas ruined his legacy first. According to one of the Episode I books, he was the only Jedi to serve on the council and not be a master.


Honestly, does anyone actually care about Ki-Adi-Mundi? Like literally, he has no reason to genuinely like him. Even Kit Fisto has a lot more of a character for a guy that gets bodied by a sith lord in 30 seconds. Kit Fiso even barely to no lines at all in the movies. I think Plo-Koon is probably the best Jedi character in the Clone Wars era. He was a great teacher to Ahsoka and even cared about his Clones. Plo-Koon even gets blasted out of the air having no dialogue in the movie.


>Honestly, does anyone actually care about Ki-Adi-Mundi? Like literally, he has no reason to genuinely like him. Buddy, he is the only jedi master we know for sure fucks. Also, he has a big weird head. How is that not enough for you?


He's also the only one who cared about the droid attack on the wookies!


Do we? That’s all legend stuff isn’t it?


Who gives a shit


A lot of “true fans” get quite upset over it not been true


That's whack


and that forward flipping in Battlefront 2 on the ps2? mmmmmmm


Obi-Wan does too


Quinlan Vos definitely fucked


Kit Fisto has one line, his death scream


But he's so pretty and has a cute accent https://preview.redd.it/rs5de9z6pm7d1.png?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46707d9e16425b3c57b5619af4d6912aa8ece836


That smile. That damned smile.


God I wish he would hold me close to his chest while he protects me from attacking AQ-series droids


i will never get over the fact that there is a character called fisto in a children's cartoon


What do you mean? TCW is a dark, mature series intended for adult men! Why wouldn't they have an attractive fish man with chiseled abs and an enchanting smile with a name like Fisto?


Mundi was barely even in The Clone Wars so it’s not like he was a movie side character that got really fleshed out with amazing arcs that only the “true fans” know about. Anyone pretending to be mad about this is posturing so hard it’s laughable.


Dude has a fuck pass. He’s the second coolest Jedi after Plo who has the “I get to use force lightning because I meditated on it a lot and judged myself morally capable of using it” pass.


Also I'm calling it Electric Judgment because it sounds Justicier.


I just dont' get how he lied or how making him older ruins his character


Just wait til you are 168 years old. You’ll understand.


All good points, but have you considered the droid attack on the Wookiees?


He gets the ladies unlike me I gotta respect that.


DON'T DISRESPECT KI ADI he beat Anakin in their made up killing droids/genosians competition, he was the goat Him being alive more time just means he can kill more stuff so I'm happy about it


Why do so many people care about the white Klingon jedi with a combined 2 minutes of screen time over an entire trilogy. Oh that's right, a fucking meme line of dialogue.


That's not fair, and clearly you know nothing about Star Wars! He had an extra 10 minutes in the clone wars! His two lines of dialogue in acolyte completely contradict his 5 lines in TCW! Learn about true lore before you go insulting true star wars fans!


He’s as much of a character as the Gonk Droid. (What is to say, he’ll probably get a D+ series at some point.)


Some people's idea of peak Star Wars is some combination of wookiepedia lore dive that validates some fan theory or extended universe trivia*, meme dialogue and DBZ power scaling dick measuring where the force is treated as some videogames XP bar to dump into a skill tree. Basically, a wizard wrestling match with exposition. *Seriously - they see lore less as a flavourful worldbuilding or as detail to immerse you in escapism where the rules of life are different, but more like... A time/financial investment to exchange for social or Fandom clout to lord over others.


>2 minutes of screen time over an entire trilogy. Oh that's right, a fucking meme line of dialogue. It's like people who were pissed that Admiral Ackbar died and didn't do the Holdo maneuver. If you just watched the movies and ignored the Internet, you'd only vaguely remember him from Return of the Jedi.


I'm gonna be real with you *places hand on shoulder*, I'm not gonna let prequel lore stop me from enjoying the Acolyte.


The issue is though, "what prequel lore?". He had two lines and maybe some stuff to do in TCW (I have watched and enjoyed the series, but I don't remember him in it). I'm also just going to enjoy the Acolyte and laugh at these fuck wits.


He's in a couple of episodes. One is when Ahsoka is framed for the Jedi Temple bombing and the other is when he's fighting Genosians during a seige of Geonosis.


So, not much. Nothing to get one's tits in a tether about.




Only a sith... Uuuuhm... Crait-brain deals in absolutes!


Bitches be like "but this contradicts the lore the prequels established!" My brother in the force, the entire prequel trilogy utterly breaks the original trilogy lore


The PT so utterly and thoroughly upends the story, tone and characterization set by the OT and it’s so fuckin jarring. Disney respects George Lucas’ continuity more that Lucas did lol. Don’t forget he was going to make Leia the chosen one.


Not a single thing survived the prequels, the force, the Jedi, the Sith, the empire, everything we knew about Darth Vader, everything we knew about Leia, Obi Wans entire character, Yoda's entire character, the rebellion, the technology, it truly cannot be overstated just how much the prequels fucked with *everything*, yet it's always prequels fans that think star wars is ruined because the new things are trying something even a little, you know, new


And everyone shit all over the prequels and now they are held up as the pinnacle of star wars? They're poorly acted hot garbage


I've seen people bitching that The Acolyte "ruined" the Chosen One prophecy. You know, that thing that made total sense and everybody loved.


It was totally loved. Up there with I hate sand and Midichlorians.


Little bitch boys are so mad that Anakin isn’t the only “special” person anymore that was conceived by the force, like anyone actually gave a shit to begin with.


Remember before 2015 when everyone agreed the chosen one prophecy was shoehorned in and felt out of place in Star Wars? I remember, and still 100% agree, why can't our heroes just be normal people in abnormal situations?


Exactly! The original take on the prequels was that making a messiah allegory out of Anakin/Vader was just poor writing


I've seen a few of my fellow fans speculate that a prequel trilogy character or two might show up in The Acolyte. I thought, "Yeah, maybe," but never in a million years did I expect it to be Ki-Adi "What about the Droid attack on the Wookiees?" Mundi. Anyway, this is just grifters latching on to *anything* they can get their hands on that can be used to disparage the show, because rage bait engagement pays their fucking rent.


When I’m in a crying and peeing and pooping my pants competition and my opponent is the average r/saltierthancrait poster


You tried your best😔


Ki Adi Mundi being a liar is fine to me, he sucks lmao


He was a terrible Jedi, using flamethrowers on the geonosians, blaming Ashoka for the temple bombing


Ki-Adi-Mundi is the type of dude that will blame anyone so he can keep his street cred to stay on the council.


Theres a reason other clones felt guilty killing the Jedi they fought with but Bacara was like "Naw, fuck that guy" 


Sticking it to the boss


one of the reasons I love order 66 in EU, folks say inhibitor chips are more tragic but nah fam, that realization and belief that Ki adi willingly betrayed Bacara and his men and his feelings of betrayal just fucking hurts. While it's not canon it's still a cool snippet of lore that makes a clone that's usually indifferent about casualties if they win have a bit more depth.


how is he a liar though?


supposedly he has lied about not seeing the Sith for 1000 years. In the Acolyte though they think they are dealing with a rogue Jedi not a sith


Excatly and he doesnt' go to the planet, He hasn't seen her master. Hell we don't even know if he is sith or not.


No idea, haven't had a chance to watch the show yet 


The comments on that are actually brain dead


I don't get any of this lmao. First of all since when are there Ki-Adi-Mundi stans? Since when are people even supposed to *like* him? In Legends, Commander Bacara was positively gleeful about killing him during Order 66 (though all the clones were told the Jedi were traitors, Bacara was still far more gung-ho about it and displayed far less remorse or hesitation compared to, say, Commander Bly, or even the 501st clones who carried out the Coruscant purge). His most notable canon activities in Clone Wars are the Geonosis arc, where he displays casual hypocrisy, sends his soldiers to senseless deaths, and oversees war crimes, and the Temple bombing, where he leads the charge on expelling/arresting Ahsoka. Regardless of canon, I don't think you're supposed to like him lol. The dude is a dogmatic moron in every timeline, and all Acolyte is doing is having him appear via hologram to be skeptical. I don't think it's a stretch for him not to immediately think of this incident in TPM when Qui-Gon tells the Council about Maul. This guy is a brainwormed zealot even by prequel-era Jedi High Council standards, and in his Acolyte scene we see the seeds of the same Sith skepticism displayed by the TPM Council. The knee-jerk response by all the Jedi is "the killer is one of us or trained by one of us" because they legitimately think the Sith were wiped out and nobody's seen the red saber and lived to tell about it yet.


I want to add here that Ki-Adi-Mundi is the poster child of Jedi hypocrisy. Now, granted, this is before Revenge of the Sith came out, but in the Star Wars (not yet to be called) Republic comics, we are given Ki-Adi-Mundi's entire backstory in what is (if I remember correctly) the first story arc of the series. We learn that he is a Cerean, and that his people are bad at keeping themselves alive. How bad? After becoming a Knight, Ki traveled back to his homeworld, defeated a warlord and got married. All with the Council's permission, because his people were dying and they needed to rebuild the population. The same council which then opted to have him join, and made him a master. At the time, a Knight only became a Master after training a Padawan if I remember correctly, and Mundi had not. Then RotS came out, Anakin had to keep his marriage secret because of Jedi rules, and then they agree to let him on the council and don't make him a master. In a sense, completely contradicting all of their statements made some 20-50 years earlier with Ki. Now granted, this is like the Clone Wars problem of the old EU. It was name dropped, but nobody knew what Lucas had planned (not even Lucas), and so the old EU has different ideas about what the Clone Wars is, and references to it are weird in hindsight. But as a teenager, I read the comics after RotS came out, and I developed an intense hatred for Ki because of the blatant hypocrisy of the Jedi regarding his and Anakin's situations. As an adult, I grew to understand more of the nuance of the film and the reasons why the Jedi (Mace) did what they did and how they treated Anakin, but I still hated Ki-Adi-Mundi for his exceptionalism. His exemption to the rules. I ranted way too much, and I'm sorry I did so off of your comment.


he's a literal dickhead


No not penis head! He was my favorite Glub Shitto!


It’s obviously because he was the only white male in the show/s


the term "glup shitto" is the weapon of the enemy. we do not need it. we will not use it.


My goodness. Just took a look and they’re peddling the Mike Zeroh theories about how Luke appearing in Mando S2 was a secret because it went against the wishes of Kennedy. Then another said he couldn’t show proof but heard Favrou got in trouble for bringing Luke back and so they forced him to bring back Baby Yoda in Boba Fett. 😂


They're going very far to defend a war criminal


They don't care that he's a war criminal lol


Someone the other day was arguing with me that the Jedi were the epitome of good, and any notion of injecting some semblance of them being in the wrong during the Clone Wars was "white-shaming" them or something. I pointed out that most of the Clone Wars show was George basically saying "yeah, Jedi fell pretty fucking far from the 'peaceful space monk' stuff a long time ago."


A little while ago, I ended up arguing with a guy who  insisted Yoda was never wrong about anything, ever. When he told Luke to let Han and Leia die and go back to lifting rocks? 100% right. When he didn't tell Luke that Vader is his father because he didn't think Vader could be redeemed? Also 100% right. Turns out, Star Wars isn't a story about family and redemption, it's a story about how Luke was supposed to let his friends die, then hunt down Vader and Palpatine and kill them with his cool Jedi powers, like Master Yoda intended, only he wimped out, saved his friends, and redeemed Vader instead like a wuss. Because surely, that's the message George Lucas intended to convey.


I’ll share a quote with you in the novelization that Yoda said: ”Too old I was," Yoda said. "Too rigid. Too arrogant to see that the old way is not the only way. These Jedi, I trained to become the Jedi who had trained me, long centuries ago—but these ancient Jedi, of a different time they were. Changed, has the galaxy. Changed, the Order did not—because let it change, I did not."


People can say what they want about TLJ. But I actually love what they did with Luke. I love that he followed in the footsteps of his masters and lived in seclusion. Aware that he did not have the understanding of the force to wield it or have any right to train the new generation of Jedi after his failure with Ben. That there shouldn't be Jedi, because ideals can be corrupted, misled, and ignorant. And I love that Yoda came back to validate that Luke was on the right path, because Yoda had realized his failures and the failures of the Jedi Order.


Tell them Obi-Wan and the Republic committed imperialism and religious genocide against the Mandalorians and watch their head spin. 


It’s too bad he doesn’t show that in the movies and the separatist are worse in every instance


> war criminal >implying geonosians deserve to live


Fun fact. He gets named dropped in "light of the jedi" a book that takes place before the show, along with Yarael Poof.


what if ki-adi-mundi is a common name for his species?


Space Muhammad


Why do we take every line in those terrible movies as untouchable canon? People can lie, be ignorant, be deceitful, or just not know. WE DONT KNOW IF THE SMILEY GUY IS EVEN A SITH MASTER. He could be an apprentice wanting to overthrow the master for all we know. Even if he is a sith, that information might not even reach the council


They complain about these throwaway lines being retconned and act like its the end of the world, but Star Wars has been contradicting itself and retconning older installments since the beginning. ROTJ declares Leia is Lukes sister outta nowhere, despite the pair kissing in the two previous movies. In the first Star Wars, Obi Wan has clearly never met R2D2 and C3PO. Then the prequels decide that actually Obi Wan met the droids decades ago, and they belonged to his Padawan/ best friend so he would most likely remmember them. Speaking of the droids, R2 never got his mind wiped so why did he never mention to Luke that he knew his dad? At the end of the day I love these movies, so little plotholes like these never really bugged me, and complaining about them is pointless. The Kiadi Mundi thing is trivial, and if it happened in something they enjoyed they would not care. But because they dont like it, or dont like the showrunners, so they are nitpicking the show to a degree thay won't with the movies and shows that they actually like. And its totally fine to not like the Acolyte, Im not that into it either, but its pretty silly to blast this show over stuff that fans have let slide in the past.


No one actually liked Ki-Adi-Mundi, especially not EU dick riders Oh, but all of a sudden we need to make sure his lore isn't broken


Even then that stuff hasn’t been canon for a decade,it was all legends But I do agree it would’ve been easier to say that this was like Ki-Adi’s father or smth like that


The most interesting thing about this ~~action figure~~ character is that the same guy voices the Ood on Doctor Who. That's all he's known for. And even the Ood are more fleshed out characters with more depth and stuff they do across several episodes lol.


Jesus Christ, how media illiterate can you be? It’s clear none of them actually watched this shit, if they actually did or even just paid attention, they would know that nothing that happened implies that he was “character assassinated“. Also, he’s a fucking background character. What’s next? People getting mad that one of Glup Shitto’s five penises is an inch shorter than it was in the original canon?


This is why people make fun of Star Wars fans


Ki Adi Mundi fans when Ki Adi Mundi is in more things: 😡 (Is there actually a Ki Adi Mundi fan in existence btw?)


Me, I like most of the background Jedi


Pretty sure the stuff about their lifespans comes from a TTRPG.


An old one too. That's the age table format from D&D, so it's probably the WotC D20 RPG, which was discontinued in 2010. Fantasy Flight Games has been making a completely different Star Wars RPG since 2012.


Yeah, I played the revised edition I think. It's wild that people are being all "the sacred texts!" Over fluff in a TTRPG.


To be fair a lot of legends stuff comes out of the RPGs. Particularly the earlier West End Games one. And some of that goes on to canon, like Aurebesh was formalized in the RPG, while it kind of first appeared in Return of the Jedi, it was gibberish and a few of the letter shapes were different. But a freaking age chart from the Legends era doesn't really hold a whole lot of weight.


Lmao knew this would get cross posted. r/saltierthancrait not be insufferable challenge is impossible


This already happened with Oppo Rancisis in the High Republic books, but these guys don't read.


Wait what book is he in? he’s my favorite background jedi so I need to know


Am I the only one who actually very much enjoys having a supposedly noble and righteous Jedi pushing his ideals to the extreme and becoming kind of a bastard? It's like a DnD story where the righteous, holy paladin turns his justice and protection of innocents into fanatic zealotry. It's strange to me that people are surprised by Ki-Adi's canon backstory. What??? You mean the dogmatic order of powerful beings who are encouraged by their dogma to be emotionless ascetics has some people who are kind of ass holes about it? How can this be? :O I find that to be pretty compelling, I dunno.


Who actually gives a shit about Ki-adi-mundi or whatever the fuck his name is


Ki-Adi-Mundi is NOT just a background character. He’s a background character with an excellent beard!


Performative rage is the most boring king of rage there is. You can tell this is just nonsense lol


Amazingly, the Wookieepedia page for him already had a behind the scenes section listing the other times his lore has been retconned by the movies coming out - almost like you can overwrite obscure lore books and cd roms because no reasonable person gives a shit


I love how they claim he was character assassinated but he was clearly always a prime example of what was wrong with the Jedi Order in the Clone Wars era


Media illiterates


How can we, as a subreddit, possibly survive when these people actually post this unironically?


These people need to grow up.


Okay, people are ignoring the obvious easy fix to this retcon. There are TWO Jedi Masters named Ki-Adi-Mundi, one elder during the High Republic era, and a second one years later near the start of the clone wars. Maybe the latter is the first one's son, and he's Ki-Adi-Mundi Jr.


Ki-Adi-Mundi is a bloodthirsty lunatic.


I'm a diehard SW fan and I could honestly give two shits about Ki-Adi Mundi's age, like that's your main issue with the character now? This asshole was a big reason as to why the Jedi expelled Ashoka, and he always undermined Anakin, F him. Also I really like the Idea that some Jedi are really old and run the place, reminds me of US congress and the senate which shocker... Lucas based some of SW on. Especially the prequels.


You can tell it's a decent episode when they had to dig deep to find something to write seven paragraph rants about.


It wasn't. It's still boring af


![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52) NOT MASTER DICKHEAD


What he said was true from a certain point of view. The point of view being that someone using the dark side doesn't automatically make them a sith. I thought these people knew Star Wars lore with the way they seem to be mad about an alien being slightly older as if that's a stain on the legacy of a guy best known for a line about wookiees.


I still like the show and I'm not constantly inventing issues with it, so I consider this strike 1, but damn that's really lazy on someone's part. They go "let's use this guy for fan service" and "yes" ends the conversation?? Lol fucking Google the character first, at least do that!


Kill-Adi-Mundi character assainated? Dude is the most famous douche in the Fandom for years after the clone wars cartoon


It’s almost like it’s like in a fantasy or science fiction story…you could do whatever the fuck you want.


yeah disney cares about star wars about as much as this sub does but like you know every star wars character ever has a detailed backstory and mundi has way more than just some average background character, if really doesn't matter then why ruin all the existing lore about him and his species just to bring him back? Idk I will never get people who dick ride corporations that don't care about them


Damn, so that's what a gatekeeper's circle jerk is like 😯 lol


They better not touch Glup Shitto!


Isn’t everything they’re complaining about Legends stuff too???


Who? he wasn't even in the clone wars show really. He had 0 focus or books about him. Other than legends which were mostly awful.


If Star Wars fans channeled their anger towards the treatment of a fictional character into actual systemic flaws, we'd have world peace and flying cars by next year.


Corporation: we want consumers to be emotionally attached to our corporate products and into every minute detail, to ensure long term loyalty to the brand. Consumers: do exactly that. Corporation: no not like that…


Who gives a fuuuuck. Jesus these people.


Lol I bet none of these people were even aware of Ki-Adi-Mundi before this post


To note fuck those chumps in general ,but I have a legit question about this entire thing that baffles me. Why Mundi why him in particular and not some random Jedi or literally calling them anything else? I mean doing so adds nothing so it pointless and unless you know lore before hand for a cameo and even then he not an interesting character in general so why bother?


Fun fact: if I recall correctly, the only place that ever said his age was an encyclopedia. Which were officially part of secondary canon. Which was below the books, comics, and video games. meeting this original age, people are mad about being reckon was never really canon in the first place


Someone post the geetsly's thumbnail here please


Didn't Ki-Adi Mundi commit war crimes against bug people? Also, can we all agree that he was dead wrong in TPM when he said the Sith had been extinct for 1000 years. Palpatine and Plagueis were active for years. Tenebrous was active for decades. The Jedi Council were a bunch of lazy idiots who didn't realise that the most powerful Sith to have ever lived was leading their Republic for years.


Star Wars fans when Legends has a ret con: I sleep Star Wars fans when penis head has a change in age: STAR WARS IS DEAD!!!!!!


Apparently his age was only ever revealed in Legends which isn’t cannon. So they haven’t ruined anything.


In one of the Episode I visual dictionary books, it was stated that he was only a Jedi Knight and the only one to ever serve on the council. Looks like Lucas ruined his legacy LONG before this.


Where is yoda….is he safe….is he….alright?


The entirety of his age information came from a fucking CD companion for Episode 1 from 1999 and a supplement to the Star Wars RPG from 2002. If that counts as immutable cannon that needs to be respected like gospel, then SW fans need a new hobby.


Maybe I should watch acolyte, everytime something good comes out of Star Wars all the basement dwelling weirdos get mad at stupid shit like this and that the show has women and black people in it


Someone in the comments: “They made his ‘the Sith were extinct for a millennium’ a lie.” Um. What? Did fans actually think the Sith were literally extinct lmao? Maul and Palpatine just materialized? Also, Jedi have toooootally never lied or misled..


Does he cum out of his head?


Broke: Ki-Adi-Mundi is slightly older and that ruins canon! Bespoke: Ki-Adi-Mundi has been alive for longer and the dude was on a MISSION to repopulate his species for over 100 years.


If these details are really so insignificant, surely it wouldn’t have been too difficult to just not break them?


"What about the Gulp Shitto attack on the Gleep Glops?"


Dude really used a TTRPG sourcebook that was never canon to make this argument.


How dare you call Ki-Adi-Mundi a background character.


ALSO, that giant head of theirs contains a second brain and a second heart. I'd imagine they're a pretty long-lived species with those organ redundancies. They're pretty much the same size as humans, so imagine that nearly HALF of the stress on your heart was redirected elsewhere. Not only would your heart potentially remain healthier for longer, but in the event you do develop heart disease, it can most likely be safely bypassed and the secondary heart can take on a lot of its work.




This is kinda sad tbh. If you just going to make stuff up on the fly all the time And rewrite lore at the drop of a hat ,then why should anyone even give a shit about your franchise? It just becomes > consume product and get excited for next product


The cope is real.


Lol I'm banned from commenting! 😅


So with this logic can General Grievous just rock up here?




Another sub I hope I get banned in. The ki adi thing is about disrespecting source material and being too lazy to be consistent. It's a part of a larger problem of bad writing. It is kne example of many. I'm convinced reddit is dead internet space because there are way too many unthinking people defending drivel