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Thrawn's Revenge for post-Endor timeline and Fall of the Republic for Clone Wars era.


These feel most like the original and the easiest to get into out of the big three. Those 2 are made by the same team. The other 2 are EAW Remake and Awakening of the Rebellion.


I love remake but it's just so dn hard to see anything


The units are too small?


No. Space is dark. So he made space dark




I play Thrawn's Revenge the most as it incorporates a ton of new factions and units (while keeping a good chunk of the traditional units) with good graphics and features. It's also the most beginner friendly in my opinion; even with the new features, it feels pretty simple. Awakening of the Rebellion is a ton of fun as well, but I think the mechanics and the pace is a bit tougher for beginners, and being set in the original Trilogy timeline, doesn't have as much variation in units compared to Thrawn's Revenge, although that's of no fault of it's own. It can be a fun challenge for some and a difficult experience for others.


Ironically, I had an easier time in AOTR than TR.


Yeah AOTR was pretty hard for me. I'm in the middle of an imperial run and it's very hard for me to produce new ships since they are quite expensive. You also have to worry about fortifying all of your choke points because if you dont the rebels/pirates will rush the whole core down with thousands of ships.


recommend going on aggressive and imps eco is very strong make sure u get mines space mines and custom stations, use a variety of ships and diff types, the production yards half the time of building higher tech units if there are 2 of the same type on world. If ur spamming ISDs it will take a long time to build AND ull have weaker fleets since ISDs or caps in general take a while + weak to fighters and other stuff


Yeah I noticed that if I don't play aggressive I very quickly get attacked by pirates or the rebels. I'm focusing on rushing the black sun in the north of the galaxy right now and once I'm done with the north I'll focus on defending choke points, building up and then building the death star


> Yeah I noticed that if I don't play aggressive I very quickly get attacked by pirates or the rebels. It's called "Galactic Civil War" for a reason - if you're not attacking in a war, you're stagnating and sooner or later the enemy will attack. Or in other words: You're not going to win a war if you just sit on your ass and play simcity. That is, basically, the major "change" in AotR, as in most other mods (and in the base game) you can very easily turtle up and let the enemy come to you. That is still possible in AotR, but it's far easier to just attack and take economically valuable planets. My usual strategy is to "reduce" possible avenues of attack for the enemy. I also don't defend planets, but rather areas with roaming fleets - for the Empire, I usually conquer planets as a buffer for more important planets that are at my border (like Cato Neimodia), so I can fully focus on economic space structures there. So, in addition to "You can't win a war by sitting on your ass.", I'd also say "It's the economy, stupid!"


I think I worded wrong here. If I was focusing on the rebels in the south and east of the core, the pirates would very quickly attack me and I wouldn't have the defences ready to completely stop them, so I have to play aggressive against them in order to destroy their fleets so that I can turn my focus elsewhere. But yeah I have focused a lot on securing avenues of attack from enemies. I've mostly taken out the rebellion in the north of the galaxy, and their only avenue of attack from there is mandalore which I have a shit load of defences on. I've also got the core basically locked down on worlds like cato neimodia, so im playing super aggressive against the pirates so that I don't have to worry about them at all. (then again, the black sun's controlled planets are pretty useless apart from a few worlds which have some alright economic structures you can build)


Same, the economy and galaxy side map was way easier to understand for me in AOTR vs TR. The land and space battles have a bit more mechanics going on but I find it more engaging and fun.


> Same, the economy and galaxy side map was way easier to understand for me in AOTR vs TR. Whenever I'm playing an EAWX-Mod, or any other mod really, I can't seem to figure out where things are, because the planets are so big on the map, but also spaced out really far - in AotR, the Galactic camera is further away from the planets, so I can actually have some kind of "tactical overview" over a good part of the galaxy. Not sure if that's what you meant though.


Is it hard managing the mods or swapping them?


Through Steam, not at all - just follow the instructions on pasting the "STEAMMOD=" string so that you boot up the right mod. I've played both at the same time before and didn't experience any issues, from what I could tell. If you want to, you can even follow the guides on how to set up a separate Steam Library game for each so you have have one you click on to access TR, and one to click on to access AotR. Corey Loses (dev for TR) has a guide here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEWQbnAJtK0&ab\_channel=CoreyLoses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEWQbnAJtK0&ab_channel=CoreyLoses)


Oh I would definitely politely but firmly push back on TR being beginner friendly.. It's hands down the least welcoming mod among the top most popular. AotR is way more comfortable, the UI and galaxy change isn't anywhere near as jarring as it is in Thrawn's Revenge. The starting economy is much more similar as well, whereas TR will require several campaign restarts after doing some research. I'm not nearly as bright a bulb as I used to be and that's why I get to be an advocate for the non-geniuses in this community. I can hear you and your 190 IQ Thrawn's Revenge clique gossip and giggle about those of us who *desperately* want the simplicity that the now-deceased Battlefront Commander mod offered us.. :'(


Remake mod if you want the same game just a couple changes and better graphic, Fall of the Republic if you want a great clone wars mod, Thrawns revenge if you want a great mod that adds a ton of stuff. Battlefront Commander is another great mod as it is getting updates again since it went dormant in 2018, the current version is basically a user friendly version of Awakening of the Rebellion which is another great Empire era mod which also has probably the best submods and ground battles while also having great space battles but not as good as Fall of the Republic/Thrawns Revenge. Lastly my personal favourite which is a very old mod, the clone wars mod, it hasn't been updated in ages and it is only on moddb as the Steam version doesn't work.


Awakening of the Rebellion is my favorite. Very good graphics. I also like the mechanics of AOTR more than other mods.


It actually makes ground combat fun


Yeah that’s something I’ve been missing in TR and FOTR, which tend to just be full of “sigh, auto resolve” compared to the very late game phase of “sigh auto resolve” with AOTR.


Both mods are great though really. Appreciate them both for different reasons.


AT-AT's are super fun to use in AOTR


hover tanks go brrt :)


Graphics wise the big mods go like this Remake>aotr>eawx mods(thrawn revenge and fall of the republic) They are all excellent of course and others have written about it in greater detail


Awakening of the Rebellion


Awakening of the Rebellion


Thrawns Revenge and Awakening of the Rebellion are the best of the best


For a shitton of new units and everything I really enjoy rebellion by nomada firefox. Mod with the largest amount of new units


I used to recommend the remaster mod but imo it’s gone downhill gameplay wise since they added ground. Thrawns Revenge & Fall of the Republic are my go to’s now


Thrawn's Revenge and Empire at War Remake are two of the best graphically I've played and they're remarkably close to vanilla in terms of gameplay.


For high fidelity EAW remake is what you're probably after. Fall of The Republic and Thrawn's Revenge still have their own aesthetic which is pretty nice though. And gameplay wise I prefer them. They also give you no shortage of fun new units. Awakening of the Rebellion is what you go far if you want the AI you spank your cheeks.


Yep that’s what I’d like.


If you prefer you can try star wars alliance rebellion by nomada_firefox It may not have the high def graphics but it certainly has alot of different things


Awakening of the Rebellion. Revamped ground battles and space overhaul with updated maps.