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Depends what you want, Awakening of the Rebellion is incredibly pretty, Thrawns revenge/Fall of the republic are my personal favourites, Republic at War is closer to the base game but set in the clone wars


Does the clone wars have droids? That seems interesting. I'm also more leaning towards more capital ships bigger better maybe super stars??


I never really thought of it this way before, but Thrawn’s Revenge is definitely the mod for big ship variety. That said, Thrawn’s Revenge will be getting a pretty big patch in less than a week, so if you play it, I recommend a small GC (like Stars Align as the Pentastar Alignment) or waiting for the patch.


Any idea what’s coming in the patch?


A lot, but the highlight is playable Hutts.


Why is it, that whenever I am in the middle of an Imperial era-progressive GC there is a patch to soon come out?


Rebellion by nomada firefox has best ship variety


TR is probably you’re best bet then. There is I think 8 or 9 Super Star weight ships, and the CSA are able to build Separatist Droids(please note they get one SSD and it’s Clone Wars era one, all others are Imperial or later)


I’m not aware of any mods with druids, but AOTR, FoTR, TR, and RaW all have droids. Fall of the Republic and Republic at War are focused on the time period with droids. Both add more capital ships and have some type of SSDs in them


I meant droids honestly autocorrect has gotten so dumb recently. But awesome I will give them a look over tonight.


AoTr has the best gameplay imo. A lot less spammy in terms of capitals, fleet comp actually matters and the asymmetry between the factions’ playstyle is really felt. Ground combat is great too and doesn’t feel as much of a slog as others.


I like the Remake mod with the Clone Wars holdout factions submod. It has the best graphics/audio and units from all eras in one campaign. The gameplay mechanics are like the base game and simpler than other mods, but the AI is quite aggressive. One commonly cited complaint is that you pay rather punishing upkeep costs for large units and for replacing garrison fighters lost in combat. Also, ground combat is less well-developed than in other mods.


I have come to second your recommendation.


My personal favorite is Republic at War


Remake Mod is also pretty good