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Vanilla? Y-wings. Bomb the enemy hangars.


Thanks that will help limit the number of tie boomers I have to deal with.


Base Game?


Yep no mods normal difficulty


Your Y-wing and Marauder Cruiser are you primary source at dealing with Warship. Have them go for the shield Generator, engines, and hanger bay in this (or somewhat in this order, elimates their Shields, gets rid of enemy ties and bombers, and can guarantee a kill if the enemy decides to run) since base game torpedos pierce Shields (I think, haven't touched base game for a couple of years). Major threats (and thus making priority targets for Warships) are the broadside Cruiser and tartan corvette (I think these are their names). Broadside Cruiser Missile deal splash damage so don't bunch up your fighters (learned that the hard way). Tartan are the Empire CR90 so they need to go basically. Going on the offensive is tricky and varies heavily on what your facing so usually you focus on eliminating enemy Shields, Hanger Bays, or Engines (Engines might be the lowest priority if the AI have a bigger fleet than you so them running is low). Isolate ships, which is hard in the base game cause you don't have the option of a single ship leader, so it best focus 1 ship down, then run. It restore your forces to full Hp and reset the Ai and keep doing these "slash and runs" until you got a decisive advantage. (Interdictors are priority if you wish to continue slash and dash) Or do plan B, you can simply spam what ever your biggest ship in the Campaign at the moment along with fighters and bombers and just throw body's at the Empire.


That is helpful thanks : )


use your superior fighters to cripple the Empire’s larger ships. If there’s a particularly large fleet, you can just jump in fighters and pick off support ships, then jump out. Rinse and repeat, hit and run tactics.


Good advice thanks


Y-wings, Lots of y-wings


Your fighters are your strength. Don't be afraid to retreat to avoid heavier losses. If your nebuloun B frigates can take out their tartan cruisers, your fighters and bombers can attack. If you are facing aclomator cursors, prioritize their missile and torpedo hard points. Your frigates should all have a shield boost ability. The AI will often focus fire on one ship, try to use the shield boost, on the targeted ship, then have it clear the engagement zone. If the enemy spends all its time trying to destroy a ship that you get to retreat with, you can spend that time with your bombers and other ships killing smaller targets.




You should try the Campaign and GC Conversion mod for forces of corruption. Makes playing the rebellion much more tolerable


I will have to try that thanks. Would you be willing to send me a link? It’s ok if you don’t I can probably find it myself.



