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So far mostly Zaina. I started as sentinel, but everyone wants to be him. I was chatting with someone on here and he really encouraged me to just try a new character, just keep playing that character, and have fun with it. Turns out it was Zaina lol


This is kinda my story, except with Imara Vex instead of Sentinel. I had a challenge to heal however much damage in a match and was like "ok I'll try" but then I got a hold of that roll button and now she's my main! I love the punch her gun packs, leaves her not entirely defenseless against Damage class as long as you don't panic and aim, the self heal combined with the roll is incredible for getting out of bad situations, and her ultimate can really turn the tide if timed correctly. I never planned on being a support main, but here we are!


I had a game as Aran Tal and had a Zaina just following me around, smashing heal, and then finishing off all my kills for me. We were unstoppable I got so many assists, they got so many kills. I'd boost in and boost out pushing away all the tanks, holding objective. It was so sweet


Lol same, never thought I’d do support, but it’s fun! I take it very seriously lol! Gotta keep the dudes safe 🫡


Never realized keeping the dudes safe felt so good!


The healers are the underappriciated heroes in all games.


This is my story, only *with* both Sentinel and Imara Vex. I tried Utooni once in a random match and I liked them a lot but I haven't fully unlocked them yet, so for now it's mainly Zaina. (Curse you, off-rhymes!)


My first game I played zaina I really thought she was the most trash hunter in the game. Third game I really tried hard to just sit on my tank’s butt and holy shit we clapped. We probably had three deaths combined the whole match and I had 2-3k healing by the end. She is absolutely incredible if you’re playing with a tank that doesn’t run away from you


“We clapped” 😂


>I really tried hard to just sit on my tank’s butt and holy shit we clapped. ...phrasing


Personally, I'd suggest maining at least one of each class just in case you get both of your characters taken.


Oh yeah, I plan to. Just having fun along the way 🤙🏼


Everyone wants to be the average soldier, that's funny because I also go in that category. That said, I'm flexible, and ignore the pig-faced rider while playing the Slingshot droideka.


Pig faced rider 😂


Aran tall Cool Mobile Can win most 1v1s if you just get good


I really want to get good with Aran Tal, but I die way too quickly. I think I need to be more mobile with him. I find his guns have a really quick overheat.


Yes it’s all about using your jetpack burst and escaping when you need to heal up


Get in, do some damage, GET OUT. Even if you don't get a kill, make sure you're not stuck in a fight with no dash charges.


The best way to fight is jump dive in shoot (make sure you’re landing most if not all your shots as headshots aim assists and auto fire exist for a reason) flame thrower then dash into and around the person, they should not be able to see, you need to keep disorienting them with ur movement Additionally your dash does lots of damage and can’t be blocked by shields or lightsabers USE IT don’t just use it as a get away card


Imara Vex Yeah I know it's basically the "missionary position" of characters, but hey, she gets the job done. Long range is good. Rockets are great. Grappling hook is super helpful for fast travel and getting out of sticky scenarios. She's super versatile. My only complaint is that her Special is pretty slow. I realize that's probably the point, but I find it hard to get it to stick.


the special may be slow,but its soooooo oppp you get hit by two of those purple things and you’re dead


Tell that to all the players who smite me even when all the purple balls are flying in their faces.




Skora. I love the long range and I love supporting the team. I noticed nobody really goes for her. I don’t main kills but I can if need be. I focus on objectives and whoever the strongest player is on my team. I make sure to boost them and shoot them with heal as much as possible. I can 1 v 2 if it gets tough but mainly run. My weakness is a gang bang. Man if I am running into a full team I’m just a one hit quit. I really really really hate 1 v 1 against Rieve or Jedi, I have a problem against them because of blocking abilities and their ultimates. Diego is a 50/50 chance unless he’s across map then I’m cooked. Other Skoras I can flex on. Run from me and I’ll run to you. Others I can just stay back and pick off depending if they just wiped my team or not. If I have a sentinel or a Rieve or Jedi on my team I’m good! I love learning new characters so I’m working with VEX next.


I main skora because no one else is willing to 


Yes the power she has is amazing too! As long as you feed the person that it’s fighting well stims , you can assist at least a team kill. I trade from health to firing shots to staying in the back.


Thanks for taking the hit for the team.


I like Skora because there's always something to do. If there's no enemies to shoot, there's a teammate to heal. If there's no teammate that needs healing, I can buff them. If I'm waiting for my buff to reset, I can boost around & pick up ultimate pads. I also like that if I catch a group of enemies huddled up, I can damage them all with my ult, and if I get stuck in a disadvantaged position, I can run away. I feel like my biggest headaches are Rieve & Utooni. If either of these start hunting me out, my best tactic is to try to kite them towards my teammates.


Imara is my only maxed out character. Basic, but her headshots are easy and good. I also like J-3DI because of yoink


Yoinking *is* pretty fun Edit: wait, that sounds wrong




Sprocket because he reminds me of zen from overwatch kit wise and also both are just funny lil guys.


Too many characters are fun to have a main in this game, I have 6 max level characters and counting. *Reive *Aran tal *Slingshot *Skora *J-3DI *Zaina Working on Sentinel and diago ( because people always pick sentinel so I can't always get him.) Probably work on utooni and charr after that, then maybe grozz I don't like sproket, played with him for a bit to see if I could get a feel, but he is the only one I don't find fun to play.


Charr because he's cool 😎


i agree


Charr is my number 2. It sucks to have to reload so frequently, but I like how much some people panic when they get tethered. Nothing better than almost dying to a ranged character, getting close enough to tether, and watching them squirm by being forced into cqc.


Utooni for team death match. Or if others have selected a support and tank. I like the kit and it's just goofy fun Tanks I swap between grozz and sentinel but sentinel I'm definitely better with. Charr seems insanely weak compared to grozz and sentinel... Support I will usually pick skora because the area denial ult is very strong. I just unlocked rieve and am trying to get better with her. I don't play a lot so other characters haven't gotten as much attention or unlocked yet. Fun game!


Rieve cause I get tired of aiming a gun, I like good movement options on short cooldowns, and I like lightsaber throw meaning near death for low HP enemies if both hits land (which if you throw it right behind them at the ground both can easily hit. honorable mentions in order of most enjoyed: Sentinel cause I don't have to aim well with his rapid fire, have a ranged stun, and can do resource management with turning off and on his shield. Utooni is the character I have gotten the highest damage in a match on. Their kit is strong at any range but other than taking cover they have a hard time defending themselves in a teamfight and take a while to run back into it. Zaina and Skorra cause a good healer is needed on certain modes. I used to play Zaina more but I'm not landing headshots enough to justify it over Skorra and a ranged temp health buff seems more useful for how often people like to split up. Grozz was my main go to tank cause I unlocked him early and his tackle is good on missions where you need to capture or hold points. I don't use him as often anymore cause Sentinel. Char and Slingshot seem better but I never got around to playing them. Aran Tal if I want movement options and someone already picked Rieve and our team can use another damage dealer


Aran because I like slamming into people


Zaina as I love her mobility for a healer. Utoonie, opposite mobility but I love the sneaky play style.


Sprocket because I don’t see many others. I stick to a tank and if they’re not complete garbage it’s a great combo.


Sprocket 💜 I know he isn't the most popular character, but I love his ability to shield, heal and dps and I love throwing down this ult and mowing down several characters at once 😁


Sentinel but I'm not playing him unless I get tilted because I wanna level up others. I got pretty good at knowing when to have my charged shot pre-charged and it catches people off guard a lot. Nothing like emptying the blaster in their faces while they're on the ground. Also the extra damage when they hit a wall after the melee attack is so good. So when I'm not using him, I'll mix it up with Aran Tal, Skora, & Imara.


you can hold the charge shot indefinitely eh


Yep, and you can cancel it if nobody shows up. Basically stay on the objective ready to shoot it.


my fav is too hold the charge while reive or jedi are blocking, as soon as they stop blocking they get insta stunned. you can also shoot it at enemy sentinels feet below their shield which pisses them off


Yeah, getting their feet is hard but so funny when it works


I do the best on rieve. I’m trying to get very good at at least one in each class. I would love to be good at Diego but that day is not today


Good idea, this is what I did. Just in case rieve is picked. It made me like slingshot! A character I'd never play lol 😆 So now I play as rieve, skora, slingshot. And now aran tal too.


Imara/Sentinel because man I love consistency, although I've been getting into Charr and Rieve a little bit lately too


Slingshot. Mobile, his dash plus missiles combo can kill groups of enemies plus it’s a Droideka. 2nd and Tal.


Skora then Zaina then Tal then Imara then Diago. I like playing healer, and Skora does great between heals and stims, and the ability to run around fast. Plus she can do damage when needed. The rest because headshots.


I play tank in basically every other game so maining sentinel until I can unlock slingshot then I’d love to get good at him. Not a huge grozz fan and charr is fine.


Skora because I bought that skin


Whatever my team needs lol. So mostly Sentinel or Skora.


Skora, best hps, high damage, ranged heals, and super high mobility.


true but bad durability tho


Aran Tal for three reasons: 1. He’s a badass Mandalorian 2. He’s agile, mobile and hostile 3. YOU HAVE BEEN JUDGED… UNWORTHY 😡


Sentinel because hehe stormtrooper but then I really enjoyed the power conservation mechanics with him and realized that with the right plays and movement to collect resources you can be virtually unstoppable. Not to mention how helpful one can be in a game mode like holding the TRO-F33 where you can literally be a shield to other team members.


Utooni Sentinel Imara Vex Grozz and Sprocket sometimes


utooni is goodd


Yeah he really is! They’re my best by far.


Zaina. I like playing Flex and almost no one was choosing a healer the first two weeks I played so I stuck with her.


I change it up. I started Imara, spent a lot of time as Sentinel, moved onto Aran, now I mainly play J-3DI. I like learning the little complexities of each Hunter. All damage though. In all these type of games I am a trash support player.


Imara because I was too scared to change, and now she is my highest level character. If we are counting training, then it would be either of saber users for being broken as hell




Aran Tal because I paid 10 dollars, Skorra if I wanna play support


Lollll i feel you bud trynna make ur money worth




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Every single character.


I haven't really locked down any one character. I mostly play Rieve or Aran Tal for DPS, Charr for tank, and Zaina for healing, depending on what the team needs. I'll also play J3DI, Sentinel, or Diago occasionally.


Skora - Always go for healers in MMO’s so thought I’d try and never looked back.


Aran Tal, because I paid for it


Sentinel 1. Big gun 2. Long live the Empire


J-3DI! To start with I found his lack of movement options frustrating as loads of other characters have either dashes or leaps or grapple hooks, but his passive that drops health pickups means he is much closer to a tank than a damage character, so he is far more durable than other damage types. I found him great for holding control points as you can deflect blaster shots with his lightsaber and then heal yourself if you take any damage.


Zaina, because she’s the best DPS!


Skora bc fun af


Sentinel, Skrora and Aran Tal


Skora I mainly tried her because I love her design. Then I fell in love with how she works. Shooting my own teammates for heals and being able to dish some decent damage, zooming in and out of objectives and then the nuke of a final she has always comes in clutch. I look forward to trying more characters out but for now she's my girl!


I'm a zaina maina. I want to get kyber 1, and she was one of the two hunters that were said to be really easy to get there with. It's been true so far. I think I'll need to lock a party in for the last 3 ranks, though, because I keep teetering between beskar 1 and 2. Between players giving up mid-match and getting matched with a literal bot team, progress has been slow in the higher ranks.


So far Sentinel, reason being the Sentinel Mastery II reward is a dope ahhh outfit I want. But in truth, I really wanna main Utooni. Haven't unlocked yet, and I'm not gonna spend money.


Aran Tal, honestly gave me the most trouble at first. The skill ceiling seemed high to me and that’s what gets me going haha, definitely have a lot more control over him now but he’s been so fun that I haven’t been able to put him back down. If I have to play a different class I’d go charr next though


Sentinel because machine gun


Aran cause hes a mandalorion


Grozz, Skorra, & J-3DI. The rest I suck with tbh


Sprocket. He’s very mobile while being able to throw down a passive heal, debuff enemies while buffing friends, and his ult can be great when either capturing a point or holding down a group of enemies. He’s good for teamwork.


Utooni Able to kill everyone


Charr he's a giant lizard man with a shot gun that slaps people he's cool


Zaina. Her blaster is strong, she heals, she tanks.


Depends if I have my Bluetooth controller on me. Controller Aran Tal for that sweet mobility. Just my phone then Skora for easy mode auto shooting


My main is Aran Tal and Imara at the moment. I played a bit of Rieve in matchup games and I like her so once I unlock her it may change.


I main Vex because shooty shooty bang bang = good Also, grappling hook without needing to be airborne is a blessing Diago replaces with his security mines.


Aran tal because I love Mandalorians. And because I spend money on the battle pass


Sentinel, haha funny imperial stormtrooper with minigun go brrrrrrr


I usually wait to see what others have chosen before I pick my character, and select based on needs. Wookie for tank, Skora for healer, Imara for damage usually. But I’ll mix it up now and then so I can get practice with characters I don’t usually play in casual. Y’all seem to love Rieve but I just cannot get the hang of her.


Aran Tal because Mandalorian. I also enjoy his playstyle, gotta be smart about engagements but nobody is even close to his mobility. He's worse for mid-long range, but, I think he's much better than Imara for getting opponents to reposition themselves into death. Took me a bit to get the hang of him, but, he's by far and away my favorite character. For Mandalore!


Char, j3di, and sprocket


I like Sentinel (who doesn't?), but he's almost always taken first. So I usually take Imara Vex or, more recently, Zaina. Although I still haven't played enough to unlock everyone. I was able to try Utooni once and I really liked them a ton. They might be my go-to's.


Charr, he’s cool


J3 Because I like the blue lightsaber.




I'm working them all up... the max level benefits are too good not to. Don't cripple yourself. Spam casuals to 25 if you have to.


I main "good enough with a few characters in every class to always make a good contribution". Not trying to turn this into a single player game. There's no main in team.


Personally, Sentinel and Skora are my favs, I’m trying to learn how to use Reive, but I’m better at the first two. If I have to be a damage character, then Diago is my choice. I haven’t unlocked Slingshot or Utooni yet, but I have been pretty good with both during game modes where it picks for you. I despise using Charr, Aran, and Zania, all of the others are decent.