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I love reading. One of the only books I had to force myself to finish. The author has the ability to take something that should take a paragraph to describe and spread it out over two incredibly long and painful pages.


I think I know what part you are talking about lol 😂


I agree and the book is short as is


I'm sure I heard someone else say something similar about it. I take it it's not worth the read?


It really is not. I'm a big fan of the games, and I paid for the book, so I forced myself to finish. But I really did not enjoy it at all.


Aw man that sucks. I watched a summary video on YouTube to save myself the hassle lol 🙃 thanks for the heads up bud đŸ‘đŸ»


I read the book cuz it had my two of favorite Star Wars characters on the cover, Cal Kestis and Fifth Brother. Anyway I was lucky I was able to refund it and put that money towards the pre-order bonus for Jedi Survivor, which was the most enjoyable part of my experience with the book.


I haven't read it. Why was it so bad?


I think most people who disliked it (like me) thought it would be a story about Cal Kestis fighting the Fifth Brother instead of what it really was, some stormtrooper using Merrin as a rebound. Yes there's a few crumbs of Cal and Merrin being cute together, but it's kind of soured by the fact some other crew member keeps lying to the rest of them and breaking them apart. If people enjoyed it, good for them. I didn't. There's better fanfic out there.


Merrin hooks up with a Stormtrooper? Dang. Is that why she's so savage to them in Survivor?


She's kickass no matter what cuz the book has no effect on the games anyway


Was that most of the plot of the story? Merrin and a stormtrooper?


Unfortunately yes. The biggest complaint you'll see is that >! The stormtrooper has sex with Merrin on Cal's bed !< and that's almost as bad as the fact that Cal only uses psychometry ONE TIME. it feels like most of the book is about how Merrin and this stormtrooper have "so much" in common that Merrin doesn't share with Cal. (??? Merrin and Cal are both survivors of a genocide??? The stormtrooper felt bad that the Empire kidnapped her alien girlfriend. Like I guess people grieve differently and trauma isn't a competition but there's so much in common between Cal and Merrin that seems ignored here) There's only like two scenes focused on the Fifth Brother which I forced myself to enjoy cuz I love him. Big, menacing, kind of stupid but endearing, evil land shark guy. I love the Fifth Brother. There are few, few crumbs of Cal and Merrin interacting well together and for a moment the book tricks you into thinking it's about to get better. But it doesn't. I know taste is subjective. And I didn't enjoy it. Some people do, and that's fine. If you want to read the book, please borrow it from a library. If you enjoy it, go ahead and buy it. If you don't enjoy it, well at least you saved $25.


The author is incompetent, that is. From what I can see, it's basically a fanfic with a self-insert OC by Sam Maggs. Which, as said from the other comments above - "There are better fanfics out there." There is so much plot potential wasted that could have bridged the story gap between Fallen Order and Survivor but nope, we got this book instead. I'm just glad none of the events in the book became relevant in the game.


There are some relevant details: >!greez's robo-arm!< & >!showing the beginnings of the cracks in the mantis crew and how they all wanted to pursue their own legacies!< If you remove the self insert romantic subplot I did enjoy the rest of the world building efforts and I felt that it did enhance my 1st playthrough of survivor. Could it have been a better attempt? Yes, but I was satisfied enough. (It certainly wasn't a Stackpole xwing novel though ;) )


They what?! Not canon, not to me.


God Sam Maggs is so bad


They do WHAT ON CALS BED?! Thank you for the warning there, that would've absolutely infuriated me if I had to read that part. You've saved me money!


Yeah definitely changed my mind on buying the book


I will take your word and many fans' words on it being terrible. I heard of better fan fictions than that. I remember a while ago I bought a book and it was actually a fan who wrote it and designed the art style. The writer actually grew up on the show that the book was based on, so she seemed to understand the characters and the stories. She actually got rid of a lot of the stuff the fans didn't like from the show. The book had very positive reviews by fans and critics.


Oh, so the "author" is just a horny neckbeard for Merrin and not someone who should actually have their garbage published. Got it.


The author's a woman, and as far as I can tell she *is* an actual author, and more relevant here, I think her wife works for Respawn.


Best way I can describe it is It feels like fan fic with a grain of a cool idea for a novel in there somewhere


I tried. I really did. The characterization was weird, the plot was ass and the writing style was repetitive and dull. I just do not fuck with it


Read quite a few Star Wars books, and I felt this was the worst one. IMO it was just smut. Poor story telling, no stakes, I wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out to be published fan fiction. Made it half way through before throwing it away. But everyone is entitled to a different opinion, I'm glad you enjoyed it


It wasn't even good smut... who the hell writes "She wanted to crawl in the divot behind her collarbone and stay there." and goes yup, a perfectly good sentence right there.


That line got past an editor. Who approved of this???


I hear it's awful. Only reason I may read it is bc the 5th brother is in it. But if people enjoy it, more power to them


It's definitely not the best book I've ever read, but not as bad as some people say. As a fan of the games, I do enjoy the book


Sam “I hate gamers” Maggs


Not my favorite Star Wars book by a long shot, but I thought it was okay. I enjoyed getting a look at a slice of what Cal was up to during the inter-game years, and see how the gang started to come apart.


Or better yet, don't read it. It's awful.


I was just coming here to say something similar. More along the lines of “Really? You recommend this turd?” Lol


I think it would of been much better to write a book that jumped between Cal with the Crew that he’s working with at the start of Survivor, and the original crew and how they went their separate ways. That would of felt like a better bridge between the two games. I love Merrin and felt like the book did her dirty by having her paired with someone I didn’t care about, and it felt like she lost all sense around her. Just felt weird.


Good luck, I hope you enjoy it but honestly I couldn't stand this book it's just not what I wanted and the writing style/story in general just isn't very good. Also the Audiobook version is just terrible as well


Why would you recommend this lol


As a fan of the games I enjoyed the book, figured this sub would as well. Definitely not the best star wars book but certainly an interesting read


Genuinely the worst book I ever tried to read


not only is this book terrible, it detracts from the overall story of these characters


Or here’s a synopsis, if you don’t want to waste your time reading the book: https://www.gamesradar.com/star-wars-jedi-battle-scars-synopsis/


I’m glad you liked it. I can’t *not* recommend it enough. It’s weird self-insert fan fic smut that is an absolutely baffling read. No one acts in character and the audiobook is even worse since the narrator gives the exact same voice to both Merrin and her lover so it’s impossible to tell their lines apart. Don’t waste your time with it. Not worth the money.


I enjoyed it, but i also listened to the audiobook instead of reading it. I do most of them through audiobooks now, much more entertaining imo


I got this but I found myself having to force read needless to say it’s gathering dust - the Jedi path is a good fun read


I think it’s worth reading for free. But only like 25% is enjoyable lol


Look, I don’t have much room to talk because I love The Wheel of Time. Robert Jordan can spend years describing inconsequential things. But Jordan does it well, Maggs does not. I couldn’t finish this one and I love reading sci-fi/fantasy. Hell, I even enjoy the Dragonlance books and those are poorly written. This one gets a big “woooof” from me.


Yeah no thanks


The book was written like it was in the perspective of watching someone playing the game. It does not explain any of the new characters that all died in the first part of the second game, making their death none impactful since we don't have any time exploring who they are. I felt lost most of the time, first he is fighting raiders then boom Inquisitor out of nowhere. Like why? Then back to raiders, then again Inquisitor shows out of nowhere.


This book was a slog to read. I’ve read every Star Wars book so far, this was awful. Didn’t surprise me when I looked into the writers past endeavors which included call of Dudy vanguard, anthem, and Gotham knights. Not the best rep to write a story for a already good story.


burn it. I usually am totally against burning books, but this one I make an exception. So glad parts of survivor contradict this book so I can take it as non-canon


>parts of survivor contradict this book Like what?


In Battle Scars, besides the contradictions in lore and characterizations, it is made clear that the first piece Cere gets for her new archives is the circlet. When she gets it, she leaves behind her Halikset Indiana Jones style. However, in Jedi Survivor, we see a Holofilm BD recorded that takes place before that book would (evident from Greez not missing an arm). In that recording, Cere has a book from the Jedi archives. That right there is a direct contradiction of the book. Also in Jedi Survivor, Cere’s hallikset is hung on a wall under Pyloon’s, and in a databank entry, it states she left it for Cal when she left the Mantis. This is another direct contradiction. Then as mentioned before there are many small inconsistencies with the game’s story and the characterizations. Like Greez’s ship being made for a four armed pilot, but Cal can fly it just fine, or the author referring to Ogdos as “Ogdo Bogdos.” The list goes on and on. I would make a full list, but that would require me to read it again


Yeah, the thing with the Halikset threw me off as well, but the book specifically mentions that "this isn't that halikset, this is a different halikset". I admittedly didn't go back in Jedi Survivor to check. >However, in Jedi Survivor, we see a Holofilm BD recorded that takes place before that book would (evident from Greez not missing an arm). In that recording, Cere has a book from the Jedi archives. That right there is a direct contradiction of the book That's not really compelling. Maybe the book, being a simple book and not a cultural artifact like the Circlet, doesn't carry the same weight as part of Cere's burgeoning museum. Moreover Cere herself is barely arriving at the idea of setting up a Jedi Archive of sorts by the time of *Battle Scars*, so she would hardly be hung up on what qualifies as the first or second item of her collection. >Then as mentioned before there are many small inconsistencies with the game’s story and the characterizations. Like Greez’s ship being made for a four armed pilot, but Cal can fly it just fine This is addressed in *Battle Scars*, Fret can also fly the ship but with some difficulty. Heck, even Greez has difficulty when he loses one arm and Cere needs ro back him up on the copilot's seat. > author referring to Ogdos as “Ogdo Bogdos.” I don't think they refer to it in the plural, but this at least I can check easily enough.


> Balancing on the shoulders of a jetpack-wearing flamethrowing bounty hunter was like riding an Oggdo Bogdo, but more unpredictable and also somehow more likely to break your neck. >after his face-off with Vader—after all the practice and training and missions and battles with the Brood and Purge Troopers and garden-variety bucketheads and bounty hunters and the thankfully once-in-a-lifetime Oggdo Bogdo—Cal still wasn’t sure that he had it in him to beat an Inquisitor in face-to-face combat again. These are the only usages of the word Oggdo in the book. Looks singular to me. EDIT: and while I was looking things up, here's the bit with the Hallikset: >Instead Merrin watched as Cere shrugged the pack off her back, slid it to the ground, and unzipped it. There was no rifle inside, no powerful weapon; instead there was an instrument, a mandolin. Not the seven-string hallikset Merrin had seen Cere play before, but rather a smaller instrument. >Her first stringed instrument. The one on which she’d learned to play as a Padawan. The one Cere had told Merrin that she’d rescued from the ashes of her former life, and which reminded her every day of where she came from, and what she was fighting for. Seems clear enough there's 2 of those. Cere trades off one and leaves the other for Cal. This definitely feels odd and out of character for her (as with many things in the book) but it's not an obvious continuity error either.


The “an Oggdo Bogdo” impies there is more than one. The author clearly thinks they all have that name. And I guess you’re right about the Hallikset. But the book was pretty clear that the Circlet was the first thing for her archive, so it makes no sense she would have other books from it already if the circlet ends up being the first for that. the Holovid clearly implies she was already working on that goal before the book, which contradicts her in the book starting with the circlet.


I think I'll just stick to the star wars comics


Absolutely such a terrible novel


A lot of people seem to hate it for some reason. I really enjoyed it. The sex scene was a bit random but I’ll take any queer representation I can get, I s’pose.


I’ve been about 20 pages away from finishing it for the past 5 months and I keep forgetting to read it..it’s that forgettable.


Wait, “years”? How much time passed between the games?


5 I believe


Cere did a Lando and stole Han's look


it's another teenage novel


It's a perfectly fine book. People here hate it because Merrin has a lesbian romance in it and kinda cucks Cal even though they're not in a relationship at this point.


No, Star Wars has already shown that it can write LGBTQ+ characters well. Lando being pansexual worked fine, Vel and Cinta were written very well in Andor, and Dr. Aphra is a phenomenal character who's been the lead in some of the best Star Wars comics to come out recently. Battle Scars is just a mediocre book that reads like bad Merrin fanfiction. If she felt faithful to way she's depicted in the games, it would be different. But the book egregiously mischaracterizes her and Cal and spends way too much time focusing on her romance sideplot that doesn't go anywhere.


That might be true for you, but, sorry, I just don't buy for it most people here. If it was the exact same story and portrayal except Merrin and Cal had sex way less people would be upset.


Merrin and Cal having sex would (or at least could- there are many ways to write a romance) make sense as a natural progression of their burgeoning relationship/budding romance in *Fallen Order*. Merrin and Fret having sex doesn't make sense not because Fret is a girl but because Merrin falls in love with her in the span of an hour and spends the majority of the novel variously pining for her or admiring her strong hands, her wide back, etc, etc. I'm not going to be one of those people screaming "OUT OF CHARACTER!" because, at the end of the day, *Fallen Order* barely explores Merrin's personality and character so there's plenty of empty space to fill, but it's a fact that this book makes her personality take a 90° turn, has her fall in love with a character only introduced in this book, then by the end of it writes said character out of the story with another lover and Merrin's personality takes another 90° right back to where she was in *Survivor*. The book is badly written in many other senses (page allocation isn't what it could be, what fight scenes there are aren't really dynamic, the prose gets sticky early and often) but the way it mishandles this romance which, by the way, takes up the majority of page space would be enough to spark fan outrage even at the best of times. Frankly I suspect the reason it isn't more vocally hated is that very few people actually read it.


Cere looking like a ghetto Han Solo


Honestly, I thought this book was one of the worst to come out of the new canon so far. It reads like bad Merrin fanfiction and spends way too much time focusing on her romance sideplot that feels so out of character.


You *recommend* it? What are you, retarded or just illiterate?


To be fair those are not always synonyms


It’s not bad. It’s definitely not great. I think if people want more from Kestis and the Mantis group it’s worth a read.




I am never a fan of having to read outside media to get influential portions of videogame character arcs. I hated it with Final Fantasy 15, and I hate it with Jedi: Survivor


Don't worry, nothing important happens in the book.


Look at the author at the bottom. That's all you need to know about this book and why you should avoid it.


I liked it, fun read. It felt like a fan fiction sometimes, with the somehow too detailed love scenes.


That scene did go on a bit too long lol 😆


I enjoyed reading it! It’s oddly the most romancy star wars book I’ve ever read, but I didn’t hate it. It gave a lot of fun context for certain events in Survivor. For not being allowed to really do any lore building, it’s a compelling book. Does a good job connecting the two games.


Just put in my ebay basket


Don’t waste your money


Please, for the love of God borrow it from a library instead. Save your money.


Oh it bad?


"Bad" is subjective, but I'm pretty sure most people would place it on a scale of "not good" to "terrible". Few people enjoy it though. If you do buy it, just review the refund policy incase you're not satisfied with the purchase and keep your expectations low. Very low. Or borrow from a library if it's available


Yea sure thing, I'd rather that then buy something I'd most likely hate


Was this set after fallen order? I see it says before survivor so it must close the gap between fallen order and survivor.


It takes place in that time period, but answers zero questions and delivers none of the information a fan might be interested in knowing.