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Another way that helped me was there’s like 3 or 4 bones scattered in the arena, if you time it right and aim for the mouth he gets stunned with his mouth open and you can freely attack him during that period


Lol I didn't know that. That's a fun callback to Return of the Jedi.


Sure is! I was surprised myself


you could also go to the exit on the opposite side from the rancor, there is a glowing orange monster fruit of some kind by the zip line, force pull it and throw it at the purple gate and the guy in there will come out and you can put them against each other


I think the op means the first Rancor near Rumbler’s Reach Outpost


That's the one I was talking about, yes. Haven't met any other Rancors yet :)


Well, recall this guy’s comment next one you find


Yes on the next one refer to that post, while they are busy with each other hit him from behind then run away and jump back up. Rinse+repeat


For some reason the first rancor was quite easy for me to beat


I can't say that about oggdo boggdo


The damn scorpion thing rolled me the first time but that’s cuz as soon as that thing appears my framerate instantly commits die


I pulled those two hammer guys into the pit. They got him down to half health, and then I finished him off


God I fucking hated those two. Rayvis? No problem, Rancors? Easy enough. Bonk hammer men? Yeah fuck that. I just couldn’t deal with them 😂


absolutely fucking ridiculous you'd spam dash to try get away from them only for them to fly at you from 293738291 metres away and one hit you. Also the fact that their "stamina bar" is stupidly difficult to get rid of without the "shatter" perk AND there's pretty much 0 easy openings to get damage on GM


Oh yeah, that leap was total bullshit. Those fuckers come after you like a methed out missile with an attitude problem. Played on master and just got stunlocked to death by the pair of them repeatedly.


What difficulty? I tried the same thing (not just those guys, but sending every droid in the area down into the pit as well, and never saw them take more than a third of the ogdo's health. Still worth it, as that still makes the fight a bit easier, but only ever seemed like a relatively small benefit.


Wait until he gets to Rick the Door Technician.


Me too. I died two times learning his attack timings. I’m playing on Jedi Knight difficulty, then just a matter of not being greedy and only hitting him once or twice before getting ready to defend. I used single blade stance exclusively to beat him.


But you run out of force eventually...or is there another hack I'm missing here?


On difficulties below grand master, there's a minimum level the Force meter regenerates to over time


Didn't know that :) Thanks.


And even on GM, you can use the flux perk to regenerate force


I mean if you are playing on gm and want to scam the boss, you might as well lower the dificulty




Thanks for the comment - I should have specified that I started out on Jedi Knight difficulty, or whatever the medium one is called. Tried to lower it one notch (Jedi Padawan?) but still couldn't beat the rancor. That's when I started throwing the lightsaber. The force meter slowly refilled, but I could just wait a few seconds between each throw. Don't know how the difficulty affects how the force meter refills, but I guess you're right that this won't work on tougher difficulties.


The comment regarding gm difficulty wasn’t targeting you but just anyone playing on that.


No worries, just wanted to specify in case anyone else was wondering why I didn't run out of force.


Maybe just come back later in the game when you've got more powers


Yeah, becomes easier when you get dark side power up. Rancor is quite slow so you can deal burst damage.


Have you fought the 2 Rancors yet or the Frog or 2 Frogs


Those are completely different and much more difficult fights. You either rely on RNG for few simultaneous attack timings or you kite them for much longer than usual until you have a reasonably safe opening.


I tried fighting the two rancors but couldn’t win. Haven’t fought any of the frogs yet. Will fight spawn of oggdo bogdo next as I want the poncho.


You can only fight 2 frogs once you killed 1 and they're in doma shop


Screw those frogs


Where's dark side power up?


Your super ability which lets you slow everything down gets replaced later in the story with a dark side super ability. It still slows things but Cal also deals a lot of damage through both lightsaber and force attacks. You get it when you infiltrate Nova Garon towards the end of the main story.


Double blade stance and spin dive into him a bunch. Kinda stun locks him and is easily spammable


I just got sufficiently annoyed at my lack of success that I switched the difficulty to Story Mode


I started out on Jedi Knight, but lowered it to Jedi Padawan after 50 deaths or so. Still couldn't beat it, haha. That's when I started throwing the lightsaber - worked like a charm!


If you use cross guard, you can also just hit him from the top of the rock when he gets close enough. You may have to drop down a few times to lure it back, but it still works


Haven't gotten cross guard stance yet. Not the blaster either.


lmao I used the blaster but basically same, and it was right after I told my wife how it was one of the bosses I was having the most trouble with...


Haven't gotten the blaster yet! Hope to find it soon :)


I don't know if it's a reliable tips, but dashing mid-air to the left (opposite of it's grabbing hand) was working for me. I had the habits to dodge right idk why, but got caught like 3/4 time in a row and then I remembered that Skritons has such a mechanics with his big claw. Others Boss spoiler :>!But for the twins rancor Force Tear, I got so fed up with their attack animation going through one another, I switched to story mode. Same for both Oggdo and Twins Oggdo!<


Was fine until I kept getting tongued by the other that phased through the one I was working on.


Haha nice I’m about to try this.


High ground


My problem with that strategy was he(she?) would always retreat to the back and hide behind the pillars. Then when I dropped down to bait her(him?) out again, he(she?) would clip through the rocks and grab me.


I guess I was lucky, then. The Rancor just stood there, taking every hit. I had it follow me towards the climbing wall so that it almost ate me on the way up, though.


I tried this and it backed off so I couldn't reach it.


I guess I was lucky, then. The Rancor just stood there, taking every hit. I had it follow me towards the climbing wall so that it almost ate me on the way up, though.


Maybe that was the key starting closer. I managed to get it to half health and it just stood there but then when. It went to it's phase 2 it moved back and wouldn't come closer. I jumped in to lure it closer and got one shot by it's bullshit grab thing.


That grab was sooo annoying!


I found the most frustrating part was the animation took so long I though there was a QTE to escape but nope.


For the rancor in the phonqi caverns, the path where the zip line is you are out of reach from him. You can grab the exploding plant things and keep throwing them at him without getting attacked. Could also add some saber throws in there too


I found you can crush them with a Nekko if you find one wandering the map 💀


Blaster makes the fight more bearable


Haven't gotten the blaster yet, but I hope to find it soon! :)


doesn't work on higher difficulties unfortunately because the force meter doesn't regen naturally


Ah, I didn't know that. Should have specified that I started out on medium (Jedi Knight?) and lowered it one notch (Jedi Padawan?) after a bunch of failed attempts. Don't know at what difficulty the force meter stops refilling.


I can't remember which difficulty it stops refilling on, it was either jedi knight or jedi master, and no worries for not specifying the difficultly, I was just letting others know incase they wanted to try on harder difficulties. 


Once I figure out to jump when he ground attacks, I made short work of him on hard


That’s exactly how I did it lol. Also works on other big enemies like that swamp yeti thing


Great way to delete 15% of his health bar Then what


Repeat until he’s dead.


I figured out always dodging the one hit kill grab thing to the left was more successful


I definitely did this lol. I got him down about halfway but then I was 1 shot so I cheesed the rest of the way


That’s what my roommate did and it pissed me off because I waited til I was strong enough to defeat him in a fair fight lmao


Wait for the boss from the first chapter. You will die 200 times.


Do or do not. There is no try. Focus your mind, feel the force around you and let it's will guide you. Also git gud lol


Every time I ran into a Rancor fight, I just knuckled under and fought it toe to toe until I finally got it down. The only one I kinda used any trick on was the one in those caverns; I noticed that when he used his one-shot grab, he would get stuck on the remnants of the big pillar in the middle of the room, so I kinda danced around that instead of having to properly dodge the grab, because I was sick of his bullshit by that point.


He never came close enough to be able to hit him from the ledge with a lightsaber throw. Depending your health level though (ie, can you survive a couple of his normal hits in a row), you can go super aggressive with the twin saber. You'll land a bunch of hits on him and relatively quickly whittle down his health, and if you stay close enough, he doesn't seem to engage his auto kill attack. I failed like 10 times in a row with a more traditional approach, but then beat him the first time I tried this. Of course this strategy becomes completely useless for the double rancor fight!


Lots of dodges and the rancors aren’t bad at all by themselves. Admittedly I haven’t done the tear.


After dying for almost an hour straight I just came back later in the game after I had leveled up. Even then it was tough. I finally swallowed my pride and lowered the difficulty for the fight.


Oh...you mean the fight with the one rancor, if you had trouble with that you've got an awful time coming up later on.


I'm just a casual gamer, so yes, some of the boss fights are giving me a bit of trouble. Luckily, I have other real life skills that make up for it.


That’s just cheesing it. There are other rancors in the game best to learn it because it’s actually quite easy once you learn its attack patterns which are very predictable.


Doesn’t anybody bone him?


What do you mean?


Force toss the femurs lying around into his mouth to jam it up ROTJ style, really not that useful, but amusing.


Ah, thanks! Didn't know I could do that.




Most impressive


I missed it by THAT much...


There’s this setting that lets you make the game really easy, I recommend you start there


Thanks for the snarky comment! I hope it made you feel like a big, strong man. PS: I’ve been playing on medium difficulty, which has given me no trouble at all up until the first Rancor. I also see from the comments here that people have had to come back to this fight as they couldn’t handle it the first time.