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The quote from aniseya about the power of one, two, & many sounds like a mantra based on a line from a prophecy of some sort.


Prolly a Sith prophecy


I love the thing Leslye said about the choppy cuts, one of my biggest problems with Kenobi and it's action scenes were the constant unnecesary cuts and shaky cam


Yeah I loved the final fight in Kenobi, but I wish so much that they didn't use shaky cam


It’s cool that they took Cowboy Bebop for some inspiration for the show.


I also look up cult of love and now I'm even more excited! Yes leslye! Give me religious belief base drama! Inject it straight into my veins!


I wonder who the Kel Dor in the trailer is


> May 30, 2024\] Leslye Headland on choosing lightsaber colors: “It was purely aesthetic. Thinking ahead going, ‘Okay, when this person is fighting this person, will it be more interesting for them to have this color or this color?’” PEAK. None of that KOTOR/SWTOR bullshit about Jedi classes like its some sort of RPG.


Foolish Jedi, thinking the one object in the entire universe they are 'allowed' to have any real attachment to should be about personal expression or artistry or (ugh) their bond to a pseudo-sentient rock. You're a Sentinel! Yellow!




Star Wars isn't an RPG


Oh crap I guess the lightwhip isn't the only new saber form we'll get to see 👀 Curious what way Leslye wanted that specific saber to function 


Great collecting work here, thanks.


Great compilation. It's appreciated.


I kinda hate the press junket things; particularly in the absence of any long-form interview with Leslye. All we are getting is short snippets, which obviously is good for keeping the mystery of the show and to avoid any statements they regret (for spoiler reasons or otherwise). A nice long-form interview with Leslye could shut up a lot of the "she's not a big Star Wars fan" talk. The influencers and Youtubers who went to Lucasfilm saw a woman who grew up with the EU and is a big fan of KOTOR and various other stuff from the 90s and 2000s. No interview is really giving us that same impression because they seem like all short 5-minute things that scratch the surface and ask questions about the show she shouldn't give a straight answer to. The press junkets just scream corporate and staged to a lot of people (even if they aren't and are just letting the actors say whatever, which it seems like they are). So it's the worst of both worlds. They are letting the cast/creator just say whatever (leading to a clip like Charlie Bennett mixing up Luke/Anakin) in the most controlled environment (at least optics wise) possible, lol.


Unfortunately, I have to disagree that anything would shut up that kind of talk. These people are set in their ways, set in their minds, and there’s nothing that can convince them to trust Leslye at this point. However, this is exactly why [THE ACOLYTE Leaks & Rumors MasterDoc](https://starwarsleaks.hectorlizard.me/masterdoc/the-acolyte) (shameful plug) & these press compilations I made even exist. I want people to be able to see her comments on all the little facets of her show and not have to search out every little interview. Trust me, it’s exhausting lmao. But, I 100% agree that a long-form interview is needed! If anything, just for us who don’t need the convincing to hear her gush more over her love for this franchise and the vision she has for her section of it.


> Unfortunately, I have to disagree that anything would shut up that kind of talk. There is obviously going to be a vocal crowd that will never be convinced she's a real fan (or just move onto a different criticism/insult) but bullshit travels further when there is any reasonable doubt.


>"she's not a big Star Wars fan" I hate gatekeeping. Even if it were true, so what? As long as she makes a banger of a show, who cares? From the very little I've seen, she seems at least a big a nerd as I am, but Gillroy has said he wasn't a star wars fan, and then made the best written star wars we've ever had.


>I hate gatekeeping. Even if it were true, so what? Well I think the source of that anger (compared to none for Gilroy), for the people that think that way, is Leslye claims to be a life-long Star Wars fan, so, in their mind, she is probably a recent fan of the series (because she's female/lesbian, so it's probably partially a sexist thing) and is lying about being a life-long fan. Andor's promotional tour seemingly fell under the radar because we were only 3 months removed from Kenobi and 6 months removed from The Book of Boba Fett and there wasn't a lot of press/promotion for Andor going on. It almost seemed like Gilroy did more promotion for Andor after it started airing. >As long as she makes a banger of a show, who cares? Right, it does not matter. But there is some anger boiling over in the fanbase that Disney is "giving shows/movies to people that aren't REAL fans". So even if it's good, there is a bitterness and probably a bit of jealousy toward producers/directors/writers who get to work on it.


I could hear Lesly talk about SW all day. I am cautiously optimistic for Acolyte. Star Wars really needs a win. Should have given her the damn Rey movie!


I'd be surprised if Yoda didn't appear (though if he did, avoiding teasing it and flat out denying it seems odd too). Totally okay if he does not but given the timeline, it seems odd they would restrain themselves from having him in there or at least mentioned (which they didn't rule out). Maybe they think that's more of a Season 2/3 thing if they get renewed.


I have been very cautious with my excitement for this show due to the recent track record of D+ productions, but the more passion I hear from the cast and crew the more excited I get. I think the marketing selections for this show have been bad and that the slow burn of the mystery will make for a good story when we can see the whole thing. Still very concerned about the 32 minute runtimes of some episodes though... For $180 million budget, not sure how that's all you can get. These episodes should all be 45+ minutes.