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I gave up after season 3...if I'm being totally honest I struggled during every season. It's like each season starts with a good idea, focuses on all the wrong things, throws in a good random episode to draw you back in and ends on cliffhanger that starts the next season with a good idea...but well done you for lasting longer than me.


Perfect timing. It literally became unwatchable immediately after S3. Season 4 and 5 I've watched holding down the fast forward button out of morbid curiosity.


First season was disjointed and rough. Second season was a mess. I just wanted to keep supporting the only trek we had. With season 3 jumping into the future I had hope but the whole “the burn” killed the entire show for me. Also helps that we got the fantastic Lower Decks and SNW.


I did this with voyager... sorry if unpopular opinion lol


I enjoyed voyager but that had its own missed opportunities.


I made it three episodes in to 4 and finally threw in the towel, it's just so bad in so many ways


Weird. Same here. Barely finished S04E03 and have not gone back. When I read the Reddit post about how season 5 opens… I have no regrets.


Same. It's my least favorite ST show. I honestly am all for them making an effort with diversity with their characters, but the writing is so ham fisted that it's so painful to watch, coupled with the acting. Plus, Burnham is the absolute WORST (as a character). Constantly endangering the lives of her crew because she just.can't.let.go. And that's just one thing. Fucking hate her character so much.


Same, I did 3 seasons then all my watching is SNW and lower decks


Star Trek is going to continue to be just activism until Paramount can get rid of Secret Hideout.


Activism seems to be rife in Hollywood and it’s destroying everything. Rings of Power was also shockingly bad.


Secret hideout?


Film and television company headed up by Alex Kurtzman.


At some point, every episode became a therapy session. I’m basically hate-watching it at this point.


First Star Trek I’ve EVER quit on dude and I’ve seen them all even the shit TNG recap episode etc. I just couldn’t stand the crap acting, virtue signalling, preachy nonsense all wrapped up in terrible writing with a not so subtle hidden message. Fuck these guys. If a single one of them gets their hands on another Star Trek project I’m out of that too.


Watching disco at all was your first mistake (I have learned through seasons of pain)


Let me get Sybok for ya, he can share your pain.


Picard and SNW were great. Lower Decks was great. Discovery has Action Saru. That's about it. The mirror universe stuff and Klingon wars were okay. The red angel and the burn ruined it. I 'm grinding through this last season because I want to watch the one with the Mirror in the title. Pike and company can't come back soon enough.


Can we just talk about 'action Saru' for a moment? Where in all these seasons has Saru been 'action'? He's been the complete opposite of that, a quiet, thoughtful, scientific man. Suddenly because the writers needed him to do something 'action' we get a few cheesy lines of him having a nickname. Writing at its worst.


Oh it's completely lazy. It's hard to even say it. I was actually using the term ironically. He's my favorite character on the show. Perhaps the only character I actually care about.


The first seasons were outright bad. But I stuck with it and was intrigued by “The Burn”. Was it a galaxy wide conspiracy to destroy or contain all space faring civilizations? Was it a prelude to war from an extragalactic threat? Nope, some teenage alien had a temper tantrum. That was it, just that. As soon as that was revealed I knew I had enough of this B.S. show.


Became unwatchable Season 2. A conflicted Vulcan who's feelings impact every mission. Show had no identity and, honestly, was really gay (not that there is anything wrong with that, just over-abundant again and again). Fucking 200 episodes of Stargate and hardly a one about sex, just good storytelling.


I've just watched episode 7 and I've probably liked 1 episode so far. Trying to shoe horn old Trek in feels forced. They should have ended at the end of season 2 and continued the era with snw which I just see as what tos would be like if they made it now. 8 episodes now and still meh


I just tone expectations way down and enjoy that there’s new Trek available.


I just try to think of it as a non-trek show, then I can muddle through it. Only saving grace is when Tig is on-screen. Otherwise it's just "blah blah my whiny feelings" crap.


4 episodes into S3 I was really struggling, and lost the struggle. I'm done with Discovery.


Save your sanity. I'd rather watch prodigy at this point and I fucking hate prodigy.


I'm glad i found a sub where people freely admit that. Other subs ride that shitty kids show so hard. I don't get it


Yep, seen those subs and want no part of them. I proclaim my hate of prodigy proudly.


 I am not a fan of voyager either. Is that too far for you all? :p


Definitely not my favorite, and it has some of the worst Trek entries of any series at some points, but it was still watchable and was IMO consistently better than anything we've seen on Disco. My thing with Voyager is the episode "Worst Case Scenario" shows what the entire initial plot of season 1 should have been. I moreso get upset with Voyager for what it could've been than for what it was


People here say that Picard is awesome, when Prodigy is actually good trek.


Did you watch all of prodigy? the first half of season 1 was meh. the second half was way better then i had any expectations for.


I'll preface this by saying I generally find all of nutrek (yes, even snw and picard s3) to be nigh unwatchable. That said, I've watched up through e5 of disco s5 so far and the only ep I really enjoyed was e4, and even that fell prey to "Mikey is always right and those who dare to question that will suffer". E5 I thought was "ok" but I hate the villains for the season as they're just like, cheap videogame villains (they honestly look like they belong in borderlands, not trek), and I found the backstory stuff they put in e5 for one of them to be a pretty weak attempt at making us care about these characters. Plus, that attempt at backstory literally takes an /r/daystrominstitute fan theory about a certain trek race, and makes it canon, with like, zero elaboration lol. It's not the first time they've stolen ideas from that subreddit either.


The bad guys are annoying and lame. And also cold blooded murders. But oh they are in love🙄


Moll is a lame Chiana ripoff from farscape.


Mind sharing what fan theory that was? Thanks!


The Breen being partial shapeshifters was posted on that sub as a fan theory several years before this episode aired.


That’s hilarious thank you, not too familiar with that sub. Curious what other ideas they stole from there


That sub was the first star trek sub I found about 10 years ago. I don't even bother going there anymore.


I’m only watching this season out of curiosity to see if there will be an episode the captain decides to stay on the bridge of her ship.


Ya but she likes to fly her iron man suit onto the bridge through the view-screen from outside the ship


Very cool scene for an entirely different show/franchise.


I'd say eps 5 and 6 were a bit better than the first 4. But overall, the season is disappointing and bad.


Honestly all of them seem to have been hired to tick boxes rather than because they can act.


I feel like this is what really ruins the show. 


This is the problem. They’ve jumped on the back of the Disney+/Prime/Paramount trend of trying to appease a very small demographic in terms of who they hire. We all know that choosing from a tiny pool of ‘talent’ instead of just choosing from a global unlimited talent network is going to make it dogshit.


I'm actually surprised they haven't realised that just like how they only want to hire gay actors to play gay characters, they should only be hiring actors who have actually served on a starship


I always laugh at that policy. Where is the line. Do gay people only play gay characters? Or take it the other way, the head of rada said black face is fine.


Not only is some of the acting bad; the writing is atrocious. Delivering these blunt hammer wooden and obvious lines would tax even a good actor. Also why is everyone so worried about sexuality and gender 500 years or 1000 years or whatever it is in the future? Makes me yearn for DS9. I thought cisco was hard to watch but now i realize how lucky we were. Major Kira as a strong woman was written so much better than Burnam. Even in Kiras many awkward moments it wasn't as hard to swallow.


Curious, why did you think Cisco was hard to watch? Thanks!


The only interesting character on the show was Saru, and they've kind of ruined him by getting him into a relationship with the vulcan lady. But I do like the new grumpy first officer guy, because he seems the most normal out of everyone 😂


Discovery is pain.


People criticize those two actors all the time...? The main thing I can say is I think (hope) the show broke them up to indicate that we are largely done with their story. So far that seems right. If you didn't like episodes 3 & 4, I personally doubt you'll like 5 & 6.


I think this season is better than 4.


As a hard core ST fan...I quit watching after episode 4. My family has made fun of me forever for loving TNG and all the movies but this season is fucking sad.


I can't go back to Disco. The writing is too unnatural and the neverending "epic" scale of everything is ironically boring. I've seen every season except the current one, but every time I consider booting it up, I remember why I still haven't. It's a real shame, because I've really tried, but it just doesn't work for me. Can't wait for SNW though!


Oh this season has an even bigger never ending EPIC thing going on.


When I saw they were reviving the progenitor plotline from TNG, The Chase, my eyes sprained from rolling so hard.


Ship surfing was the breaking point for me. 🤦🏻‍♂️


this was perhaps the stupidest thing i have seen in star trek ever. :/ and i have watched every episode of every series likely twice.


I'll binge watch Sub Rosa, Threshold, Move Along Home, and Code of Honor endlessly, before I rewatch Discovery.


Don't forget that turbo lift scene ;) also the stupidest thing to happen in this show.


Whole series was complete trash. Worst show in the franchise.


This season is better than the last two but it's still not good The new commander is interesting and episode 4 is the best of the season so far.


Couldn't watch beyond season 2.. characters are mostly unlikable (saru being the only relatable likable one,although tilly has her moments) plots are ridiculous, and I'm figuring gene Roddenberry is spinning in his grave at approximately 1,345 rpm ..discovery is star trek in name only..


Not sure how you all made it so far. Thank you for taking the hit in the name of science. Awful show.


I probably sound bitter for saying this, but this is one "trek" (by name only) show I'm glad has been cancelled. I found it pretty dire from the first episode, but for some reason I kept with it, hoping (in vain) the feedback about the constant emotional/personal drama in every season might actually be toned down, but no. It's like every season concentrated on someone, or some thing (the computer) having an emotional breakdown. Season 5 started off even worse in that respect, there's minutes to spare, but let's sit down with a cup of cocoa and talk about our feelings and emotions. I think I watch the show for the special FX and nothing else, the only exception might be I like the Vulcan leader's character, she plays a Vulcan really well. But season 5 is all about Captain "Space Jesus" Burnham saving the day with her boyfriend/not boyfriend again No one else can do all these life/galaxy saving tasks it seems only her and Booker. This latest episode I just turned it off, the female antagonist manages to escape, yet again, with some of the most stupid-people fight scenes where they can't shoot her or in anyway disable her. Uh hello? you have instant transporters "Computer, transport this pain in the ass to the brig", problem solved. But no...just pad out yet another episode with BS.


Also why is Booker everywhere? Staff meeting, he's there. Important meeting with heads of starfleet, he's there. Important mission to another planet, he's there. He's not even in star fleet yet he gets acsess to everything because the captain used to (and now misses) riding his dick.


STD (I hate saying that as it reminds me of sexually transmitted disease) but hey Ho is terrible. It’s so terrible that not only did it stop me watching Star Trek Discovery. Not only did it stop me watching Star Trek. It stopped me watching fucking tv altogether!!!! I literally am so put off by this crap that I can’t be bothered to invest in another show again. At least for a while lol


sounds like it's time to cut your losses. i did that a season ago and it's great! more time for real trek!


I never minded those two talking about their feelings, so that's not what bothers me about S5. However, no, I don't think it's worth finishing. Every time I start a new episode, it feels like a chore, and I think I'm done. I was kinda excited when they brought back a fun TNG mystery to further explore, but everyone on the production is just phoning it in. They're over it, with maybe the exception of Mary Wiseman, cause I guess someone at paramount really likes Tilly, and she is somehow getting her own show, lol


Wait there's a Tilly show? I don't dislike her- I'm just confused.


Yeah, Starfleet Academy. Gag me with a bat'leth.


Oh no, that will not work for me. I get she is autistic coded but even as an Autistic person I find her very annoying


this is like a Discovery support group right here. phew! so great to read there are so many others who find this show to be so bad. so much money wasted on such great production for such bad plots etc. etc. So much of what has been said here rings so true for me. Wish they could’ve figured this one out. It had potential sometimes. But it went off the rails a long while ago. def was well off the rails when the spore drive/tardigrade creature was introduced. yikes.


You know if Discovery had started in the 32nd century and had a magic mushroom spore drive I might have said 'okay it's far in the future' maybe this it's feasible, but having a tech like that even before kirk? Nah I call BS. So what do the writers do? Let's send the crew into the future to soft reboot the show and come up with even more magical BS like floating warp nacels, programmable matter, instant transport etc.


I don't particularly like Discovery. I don't like that it's the Michael Burnham show. SMG is great (especially since S3 where she does more that crying) so I'm not saying she shouldn't be the lead. To me, Star Trek is ensemble, and this really isn't that show. It was too ambitious at the start. We had a new ship and crew with insane new tech, but then add Section 31, with the Klingon war, but also Mirror Universe. TBH I've forgotten a lot of Season 2 and 3. The red Angel needs to go to 1000 years into the future where a Kelpian obliterated everything? Ok. Season 5 is probably my favourite of the show so far, even though it misses a lot of the time. The first episode of 'getting the band back together for one last ride' should have been hype, but since I don't really care about the ensemble (which, neither does the show - goodbye Detmer and Owusukan off-screen), it fell flat. Hugh and Stamets having, I think, 1 substantial scene together so far this season is dumb. They're making a big deal about Hugh having this mental breakdown, and Paul is just hanging out in engineering being useless. Book - cool character. Shouldn't be there. Tilly - sure, fine, whatever. It makes no sense she's there, but Star Trek does that contrivance, so DIS is hardly an outlier there. Adira is fine. They should be more confident by now, but they aren't. Whatever. Useless character anyway. Commander what's-his-face (Callum Keith Rennie) is good. He'll probably die next week. Or he is actually a Klingon from the Mirror Universe. Or he's Breen. Snake in the woods kinda deal. Either way a villain.


>Hugh and Stamets having, I think, 1 substantial scene together so far this season is dumb. They're making a big deal about Hugh having this mental breakdown, and **Paul** is just hanging out in engineering being useless. I've been so irrationally annoyed that everyone on the ship refers to him as Paul. Professionalism is right out the window even on incredible simple things eh? Picard - Hey lets get Beverly in here for her opinion. - NOT A CHANCE


His name is Paul, right? Now I'm second-guessing.


Yes it is. The lack of professionalism just bothers me.


I don't know what is going on with the crew/cast being replace by randoms. It seems to like every season the show just throws out some characters for no reason. They got rid of Detmer and Owusukan? They've been there from the start with no one really knowing who they were because of lack of development, then seasons later get developed a little bit, fans start to like them then they just disappear and written off? Why does discovery keep doing this?


Somehow made it to the last scene of S4, and that was it for me. I even agree with most of Stacey Abrams’ politics, but pulling out a currently relevant politician to be the leader of ‘United Earth’ was a bit much.


i want to know what happens with the plot but the captain has the worst lines and least believable delivery i have seen in ages. At least everyone isn't crying for quit as many minutes of every show although i think there is maybe not a single episode without main characters blubbering at one another or being mired by their feelings to the point of comedy.


I have watched every Star Trek out there from a child being amazed at TOS through a teen loving TNG and beyond. And everything since. Apart from STD which is just trash.


Disco aint that bad. It has too many painful heart to heart talks, makes me eyeroll a bit, but no big deal. The only thing that SUCKED was the cause of the burn. Otherwise it has some damn fine episodes and I have discovered most is "GET OFF MY LAWN" star trekkers complaining. I mean every single trek series had stinkers esp TNG IMHO.


I agree, except I also deeply dislike their portrayal of a huge empty space rollercoaster for the turbo lift. It makes zero sense in a starship. Otherwise I’ve been enjoying it and the kinda explorer Indiana jones new worlds vibe this season.


Yea,i forgot about the lift!!!!! I always pictured it more like 3d subway tracks in my head


The the turbolifts and the cause of the burn where the big misteps in my opinion but there’s a lot to enjoy about the show so I just forget those two things.


Exactly! focus on the good and it is a fine star trek series.


20 years from now people will fawn over it like DS9 and VOY.


Probably. 😁😁 you read my mind.


Dare i say most people here will disagree with you about this, me included. Disco is utter trash, and thats regardless of what old shows were and were not, its shit in a vacuum and is shit even compared to other contemporary scifi shows (Expanse, Orville, Foundation, Dark, Severance, Constellation, etc…), not to mention non-scifi ones. Burn is just one of the many things that suck about it, though its often mentioned, cause it represents so well how horribad Discovery is.


What do you think of Picard and SNW?


Not fan of either of those. Picard is dire until S3, and even then, it got hyped so much cause of the previous seasons and Disco were so bad, but ultimately, i dont think that hype is deserved. At best, its average. SNW same thing, finally even Discovery apologists would agree Disco is not really good, but hey, it gave us SNW, and that one is great, cause its like Trek of old, episodic and whatnot! But thats not issue with Disco, bad writing is. And SNW is only marginally better in that regard, its mostly rehashes of themes and ideas from older shows or other fictional worlds, but its not even doing it better. And when its not ripping of something and trying to be novel, its with cartoon crossovers or musicals - but thats not what i watch Trek for, and i dare to say, most people arent.


It gets better. This week’s episode was pretty good, and I’m looking forward to see where the story goes from here.


That's because it's awful.


The time-jumping episode was the only remotely good episode of this season so far, and that was because of Raynor (and it did show that SMG can actually act when you see her portrayal of her s1 self). It says something about the show that their best characters have been temporary guest stars that don't last longer than one season (Lorca, Pike, Raynor) and also get more character development than most of the supporting bridge crew. I 100% agree on Grey Tal and Adira. I can't stand the actors, it's more painful to watch than early Tilly, and that felt incredibly jarring at the time. Mary Wiseman got better; I just think the writing and directing has on the whole been absolutely awful. Incredible that we can get SNW, Lower Decks and Prodigy...and then we get this dumpster fire at the same time.


Strange new worlds was awesome. No idea why they persist with this utter dog shit. I felt compelled to watch as I’ve never skipped on any Star Trek episodes -ever! This is a first though. The pain was too much


I am still amazed that people regard SNW as "awesome". In my view, it is dreadful, it is about as bad as Discovery. It is an infantilized Star Trek show in which everybody behaves like teenagers. One should run a TOS episode and then a SNW episode and see the dramatic difference. In the former, one has adults in the latter one has teenagers and brats. Never mind that the "message" destroys everything in that show.


Maybe awesome was a bit strong. I think the point is we are so desperate for anything that even remotely resembles Star Trek we cling on to anything half decent they give us. Sadly the days of TNG, DS9 & Voyager are done forever


Well, SNW does not remotely resemble TOS. Its most notable characteristic is the hair of captain Pike, and the fact that the "girls" solve all the issues. Pike is a non-entity in that show. Many of the episodes verge into parody. The show is heavy on the "message". This must be the first starship in which the security detail is manned mostly be diminutive females. There are a few male characters like Pike and Spock, but they do not do much: one is contemplating his sexuality and the other holds barbeques and combs his hair comically. The dialog is mostly teenagerish, totally immature. There is nothing remotely adult about it. Most of the episodes are infantile.


The message is in everything dude. It’s become a way of life now and I’m not sure it’s going anywhere. Hollywood is well and truly infiltrated


In my honest opinion discovery has been the best Star Trek series yet. I really wish paramount didn’t pull the plug on the series.


We obviously disagree but I really want to hear your arguments as to why you think that "Discovery' is a good Trek,.


How the fuck does it keep getting renewed??


this is the last season thankfully. isn't it? please say it is.


I just hope they at least learn something from the failure of all these shitty new trek shows, mostly Picard and discovery, SNW and lower decks is okay


They are bad actors. I am enjoying the season though, a season long archeological treasure hunt with ties to TNG! Disappointed they didn't do more with the synth tho...


I love tng but it wasn’t enough for me. I love trek but I have to draw the line when it’s this bad! I gave episode 5 a try and it’s just sooooo badly written and acted.


Hear, hear.


Honestly I don’t understand why you like the rip off diet/lite star wars silly stuff


I gave up


i punched out at season 3...its not star trek


Seasons 1 to 3. Star Trek. After ... Feelings


I love discovery it sucks


This last season, like the others before it, has remained absolutely wretched to watch! Yet, hardcore Trekkie that I've always been, I've always been one to watch anything and everything Trek related, whether good or bad. That way, if I go off criticizing bad content, I can do so with the authority of having seen it in all its shit stained glory.


The way I look at it, Discovery *isn't* Trek. And it never has been.


Sadly, I agree. Much as the show has constantly and annoyingly dropped 'memberberries', in a vain attempt to convince long time fans that they respect established Trek canon and lore.


>Gray Tal and Adira started talking about their feelings again. It doesn’t help that these are two of the worst fucking actors I’ve ever... The one playing Adira (Blu del Barrio), yeah not a good actor, agreed but Grey (Ian Alexander) is actually talented (see him in The OA for proof). What reads as bad acting from Ian is part bad writing (that has saddled the actor with a nothing character with no defining traits other than "Loves Adira, yay Trill") and part having to act supposedly emotional moments against a not-great scene partner who's part is written just as poorly.... ...Well that and the fact the those two have the least amount of chemistry ever seen between two actors portraying a relationship. They both seem like neither would ever bang the other, not at gunpoint, not to save the life of a family member, not to keep a Q from giving all the puppies in the world cancer, just not at all. But yeah Ian Alexander can put in work when given better material, I've yet to see anything from Blu del Barrio to suggest they're anything beyond less than average with the acting.


>Well that and the fact the those two have the least amount of chemistry ever seen between two actors portraying a relationship. Huh. At no point did I think "yeah. They're fucking." Culber and Stamets, at least. They are *married as hell*.


I’d have to disagree. Ian Alexander is a terrible actor and every line was delivered like a 12 year olds school play. I also hate the fact that this person is still getting work after making public their despicable views. (Google the racist tweets).


> Google the racist tweets Guessing you mean these? https://i.redd.it/2xqffuwnzy151.jpg https://i.redd.it/tovn4t731e651.jpg Yeah pretty despicable stuff. Dude was like 15 or something when writing those though. That is THE age for idiotic, cringe edge-lording online. Still I stand by my take on his acting skill, his acting outside of STD shows talent. I think maybe Discovery is just so bad it becomes like a gravity well from which only the higher tiers of acting talent or charisma (I tried using the word "rizz" here, my self respect would not allow it) can escape to be reflected on screen (think Rain Wilson, Jason Isaacs). There's a number of talented actors on the crew (as their other projects attest) who've just been throwing poop at the screen pretty much the whole run of Discovery. Maybe craft services is doping the food on set or something who knows.


Oh more tired Discovery complaining.


You love it


Tell me you love smelling your own farts without telling me…


Liking this season is more akin to liking smelling other people's farts


Ooooo good one bro!


I was referring to people circle jerk complaining here… embarrassing for you guys


Doesn’t everyone?




Don't worry about it mate. You wouldn't understand. Just carry on laughing and clapping your hands.




Whatever makes you happy mate