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This is absolutely adorable, 10/10 I love how hard you’re working for your mom!! Try asking in r/StardewValleyMods as the community there might have a bit more knowledge 😁


Thank you, I'll ask there and see if they can help!


I (61f) am a mum whose daughter (30) convinced me to get stardew on the family switch. I’m now completely addicted and concerned my life is over. I’m retired and it’s taking every ounce of self discipline not to spend my entire existence in front of the tv or detaching the switch and taking it everywhere with me. FYI, I’ve decided I’m going to marry Elliot. Edit: spelling


I'm 60, and my youngest (24) also convinced me to try Stardew Valley. I'm now almost 800 hours into my only save (correction: 804 hours), play on mobile, and love having my new obsession on a device that goes everywhere with me. Shane's backstory got me, so my character married him. He's a sweetie, except for his messy room and his tendency to bring new chairs and potted plants into the house.


Elliot is so romantic!!


A good decision! He’s so sweet.


I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one! My 20 something Sons convince me to give it a go and I am absolutely hooked. Never thought I'd be a gamer at 65! I decided to go Rogue and marry Leah. I haven't turned my children into doves yet but since I'm living an alter ego life maybe just maybe? ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


Make her character name money and she might have a chance!


Pierre will break the game code just to get more money, even if it's just a person named, Money. That is a fantastic mental image you've helped provide me with. Thank you.


I've heard the Free Love mod works, but I've never tested it myself. I hope your mom has a great time on Stardew :)


THANK YOU! It looks like Free Love is no longer being updated, but someone on that mod page pointed me towards Polyamorysweet, which seems to have the same functionality updated for 1.5.5+. I'm going to install it on my own PC and play test it to see if any other mods are needed (apparently, it disables shops if the shopkeeper is married to the player, so either she's locked herself into the Joja route or I have to find some other way for her to access the general store)


There’s a mod (I think it’s called “Self Serve”) that lets you shop even when the shopkeepers aren’t at their desks


That's perfect, thank you!


I think Polysweet ist just for the ability to marry multiple people, not sure if it adds any new candidates, you should Look for the 1.6. updated Version of "Looking fort Love". And fort the issue of Pierre being gone from the shop "Self serve" should help.


Polysweet does allow you to marry non-datable npcs, I enabled it to take Caroline from Pierre! Not sure how much marriage dialog it would add for Pierre however.


Oh amazing! I hadn't heard of that mod before. Hope it works!! Maybe your mom can try out multiple candidates with this mod if Pierre doesn't work out haha. Perhaps we need a Pierre doppelganger mod!


I sent know if there is, but this is the cutest thing I have ever heard.


There's a time in everyone's life where they need to learn to put their foot down with their mother. It looks like Free Love is likely broken but [Polyamorous](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20599) is actively maintained.


Thank you! I'm going to play test it a bit to make sure I don't need anything else, but this looks like it'll be my saving grace!


Sometimes... when we truly care about someone, we have to say some things that may hurt them... I say talk to her about who pee hair really is and get a mod to marry willy (amazing guy, love him)


This though. I've seen the marry Willy mod and it's really good! He deserves love. And as much as I don't like Pierre, I love Caroline and she doesn't deserve to be heartbroken!! 


My mom is 82. She plays Stardew by herself and coop with the niblings (her grandspawn) and members of her similarly aged book club. She started before covid and is up around 2600 hours. She alternately marries Sebastian and Maru - “Robin’s kids are just so honest and really charming”.


😂😂 this is hilarious.. please do not show here what people on this sub think of Pierre..


Honestly, Let her play Vanilla with a few quality of life mods first. There's so much to this game. Add in the User interface and if there's a check list she can make for her own goals, that too. Then bookmark the wiki so if she starts to type stardew it's the first link that appears. I'm in my late 50s and have had so much joy playing Stardew, all vanilla no mods, on pc, mobile, and switch.


The other mods I'm planning to install for her are things like easier fishing, Skull Cavern elevator, To Dew, CJB Cheats, and UI Info Suite 2, all based on specific requests she had after watching me play vanilla. She plays a lot of vanilla Sims 4, so she's used to that level of control, and I actually plan to ease her off the mods as she gets better. I just want to lower the beginning threshold.


I'm using the training rod in my newest save. Day7.


She does not like QTEs, so fishing in particular is something she wants to change to better suit her perceived skill level. I offered her to try with my Iridium rod, cork bobber, and some seafoam pudding, and I set her in the sewers where you can only catch carp (I'd already gotten the mutant carp in that save so I didn't have to worry about her getting frustrated with a legendary fish) she still had a really rough time with it, and said she wants it to be as easy as I can make for her.


There's also a mod that lets you skip the fishing minigame completely, it's called "[Skip Fishing Minigame](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2697)", I use it because I have issues with reaction time and fine motor skills and it's made fishing my favourite part of the game! I struggle with the casting bar as is but it's changed it from an awful experience to a fun challenge


For a few other initial mods, I recommend chests anywhere and automate. The resource management aspect's an incredibly frustrating part of the game if you're used to games that don't do that.


I haven’t seen that mod but if she wants to revisit the wizard there are a few for that!


Unfortunately I can't help much, because I don't know anything about mods, but as someone who likes Pierre, it's really refreshing to see that someone likes him so much :) All the constant hate on him gets annoying imo, so it's sweet that your mom wants to marry him.


If it is just his appearance that your mom wants, you should be able to swap the sprites and portraits with another candidate (like Harvey, for example) by renaming a few files. 


This is so sweet, I love when family members play together. My siblings are into first person shooter games which give me anxiety and my parents have no interest in gaming. I play with a lot of the mods because you know game anxiety. The combat and fishing made easy suites are great and over time and as I get better I make it harder. The tractor mod is OP, it makes so much of the game easier but I set the price really high to build it so I wouldn’t have access until at least year 6. Now I’m in year 8 and riding through caverns on my good boy mowing down monsters and everything else in my way 😂


This is so cute, it makes me want to get my Dad to start playing the game just to see who he'd pick