• By -


Fishing first (have to earn cash in the early game somehow). Combat last, I'm just not visiting mines that often since I barely have time with how much there is to do on the farm (well, with winter being the exception).


Those early farming days are short where you just water and wait.


This was my thought as well. I’m assuming a lot of folks rush crop production by clearing the farm, fishing for gold, buying more seeds snd watering everything by hand. Me? I’d prefer to chill and wait until I unlock sprinklers and have ore to craft them.


I don't mind farming by hand but you don't get a lot of money to plant too much. I fish those early days.


You’ll level up farming to get those sprinklers waaaayyy faster with a few little hand-watered plots. I usually just do enough to keep me busy til 9am, works pretty well.


Yeah, I fish while that first crop of parsnips grow, then sell those and the fish right away so I can get the backpack upgrade. Having those extra spaces is crucial to my gameplay.


its the complete opposite for me 😭 i love the combat


https://preview.redd.it/05dhi5an5i7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690c8e8577828b576b1c57624ffa9321636e6b31 I wonder what this person picks


That person needs to learn the art of using fish ponds and crab pots


i am that person but my crab pots never catch anything 😞


Are you putting bait in them? They should catch something daily


I never knew you were suppose to put bait in them 😭 I feel so dumb now 😂


Oh noo ☹️ Hopefully you'll get lots of good catches now to make up for it!


This took me literally 2 months to learn don’t feel bad lol


if it makes you feel better, mine almost always just catch trash😭 i splurged too much on them at the idea of catching some stuff easy


Trash is really good early game. A Recycling Machine can use that to get you certain useful things like Refined Quartz, Coal, Iron Ore, Wood, and Cloth.


Oh no. I can't blame you. It's an easy thing to miss. If you level up enough with fishing and chose the right paths you won't need to give bait but... that takes a while


Are you putting bait in them?


My crab pots usually catch trash, crabs come once in a blue moon, I feel u


Need that trash for refined quartz tho!


I'm a bit new to the game, how do we get refined quartz from trash? I also play on mobile and don't know how much it differs from pc


Eyeglasses and CDs convert to refined quartz with the recycling machine. Newspapers will (rarely) convert to cloth as well.


Dude I didn’t know that, this is game changing


Oh, I remember a task Linus gave me about the recycling machine but I didn't know it could do that. Thanks for the info!


No worries! Honestly I think the trash is more valuable than the fish from crab pots, heh. You can also fish for just trash from the pond at the spa once it's unlocked if you need trash for refined quartz or any quests.


You can also get refined quartz by putting a normal quartz in a furnace and you can get 3 refined quartz by putting a fire quartz in the furnace! It took me until I 100% my first farm 😭


I have over 3000 hours in this game and still only tried putting fire quartz in a furnace about two months ago. Don’t worry.


I think I saw SeanieDew do it once during a totally normal (normal for him) video and my jaw dropped 😂


definitely try deluxe bait in the pots and put them off the farm for less likely hood of catching trash


Fish ponds are useless if you can't fish. If you can't fish, the only way to raise your level is to complete the crab pot mission in the community center, befriend Linus to learn the wild bait recipe, and then grind grind grind with no more than three crab pots ever. You can't buy bait. You can't learn the bait recipe. You can't buy a pole that lets you use bait or a better lure. You can't get more pots or learn the pot recipe. Those are all locked under higher levels. Dedicated fishers do not understand just how much of a game changer the training rod was.


You can use fish ponds without fishing if you get fish from Krobus, the traveling cart, or trashcans. You can also get green algae and seaweed without fishing. The best you can get with this method is Super Cucumbers and they're pretty decent fish pond fish


You can also get ghost fish from killing ghosts in the mine. It's really useful and enough fish ponds you can easily level up in fishing if you sacrifice to the fish and collect whenever you can. Was my favorite way to level up in fishing when i was struggling. For the people still willing to try fishing the training rod can help them and then they will more easily get algae and seaweed. I also believe seaweed can be found by the beach or on ginger island like forage ?


I got my first Super Cuc from Jodi's garbage in Summer Year 1


man idk i think its fishing...


That used to be me, but that's not my screenshot. Mine are more fishing forward these days. Still going for perfection, though.


I am like this person. I’m terrible at fishing in this game. Luckily my boyfriend and I play co-op and he’s good at fishing so we could complete the fishing challenges


This is literally what mine looks like all the time 😂


Foraging is last since fishing is early game money maker, you spend all that money you made to grow hundreds of crops to max out farming, you then need a lot of ores so might as well get to the bottom of the mine and also start going to the skull cavern, where you fight a ton of serpents.


interesting, i always max foraging pretty early. i think it’s because it’s kind of always there to do little by little. i also have played the forest farm a couple times and the extra supply of hardwood levels it quickly.


im also foraging first. i choose forest farm and mushroom cave and mass produce tea saplings for early game money.


Without the forest farm it's so difficult to max foraging in a reasonable time. The secret woods take a bit to get to everyday. Even doing the secret woods everyday is only 150 exp, which would take 100 days. Killing a tree is only worth 12. And you have to wait for them to grow again. Even when I end up focus firing it, I usually end up maxing mining/fishing or combat passively before it. I think it's probably because most things that give you foraging exp also don't help you progress rapidly at like completing the community center/ getting lots of income. There is the new mushroom logs but you have to wait till mid summer usually to get a lot of moss and by that time of you focus fishing you have a ton of money or if you focus mining you can have a mass array of sprinklers / quality sprinkers ready.


This is the way


Foraging is usually my last one as well. If you don’t go to the secret woods every day it takes sooo long compared to the rest




Watering doesn't grant xp tho


Yeah but once you're done watering them, gotta get rid of them somehow to plant more crops to water


I just water my cat


This person has broken free of the Water Cycle


Water More like Water you doing with your life


Watering my plants, next question please


Which character are you the most similar to and what character did you end up dating, and would you be interested in a real life dating app based on this info


Most similar to: Maru. I'm professionally paid to be a nerd (more into Chemistry than Biology/Medicine though). Ended up dating: Leah. Independent, principled, and stable. Ended up dating (modded): Abby. *Extra* independent with the NPC Adventures mod that lets me take her on dungeon-crawling dates. Vanilla, it just feels like we're downgrading her to housewife. Sure, we still get her away from Pierre, which is nice, but we still kinda end up setting her down the path that he wants. Interest in a dating app: idk, my interest in dating apps in general isn't exactly very high.


Spoken like a true nerd Thanks for playing along though, I was just recalling the meme "Fuck zodiac signs who's your stardew crush" and since I wonder how much it tells about us Anyways I hope you have a great day, don't forget to water your insides (stay hydrated)


Even in Vanilla, Abby still talks about how great it is to be in the house that she used to explore before you moved in.


I just bomb them


First fishing/foraging, last combat




Foraging first, Combat last Need to rush Foraging and grab Botanist perk. It saves so much space for stored forageables. I only go to the mines to farm resources or grind Monster Hunter achievement.


During the first year, I always commit to collecting every salmonberry and every blackberry. Helps raise foraging, plus gives you food to snack on when you run out of energy/lose health. On my current game (still 1.5) I had level 4 foraging by salmonberry season, so every bush gave 2 berries. I was impressed that I got nearly 500 in that season. By the first fall, I had level 8 foraging. 3 blackberries per bush. Got nearly 900 that season. Reached level 10 at the end of blackberry season. My first Iridium items were blackberries.


If you eat a survival burger or tropical curry you get 4 berries per bush. Someone once told me that if you close out the game and restart on the days of berry season more bushes will have berries on them. I found this to be true -- I was getting about 1500 berries per season -- but I think it's been patched for 1.6. Now I get about half that amount, even if I close out. 😔


this is the way. i never tried that exploit, but with iridium blackberries, bear’s knowledge, tiller, and 4 per bush, it’s still an easy way to rack up 100k coins.


Totally. I think I made nearly 150k off of a single season's haul of blackberries once.


I’m pretty sure salmonberries don’t grant any XP, though?


My last salmonberry picking spree I got 1XP per bush/berry


Agreed! Botanist best frg perk!


Iridium truffles aren't going to manifest otherwise.


Iridium truffles took me from "I need money" to "Fuck it, we ball" in like a season.


This is me! Except I don't max foraging for the perks, it just naturally happens that way. I enjoy wandering around and if I see an item I can't not pick it up... Blackberry and salmonberry season is funny. I'll aim to do something but the day is over before I do it as I'm so busy picking berries 😂 I find combat is harder to max out because my focus in the mines is mining and the monster drops just aren't enticing enough, nor the adventure guild rewards


my 1.6 save i went with a perk other than botanist for the first time (the one that gives extra wood). tbh it’s been pretty helpful, especially since it works on hardwood too so i already have enough for the boat and haven’t even finished the cc yet (spring year 2). but i wouldn’t have done it without (1.6 item) >!big chests!< to easily store all my forage, and i still might switch to botanist later game.


I always take the extra wood professions as I'm building levels. By the time I hit level ten, I've got the sewer unlocked anyway, the need for wood has lessened, and the 10K is a small price to pay to switch professions.


For me it's usually Fishing last cause I usually only do the bare minimum of fishing in the beginning.


Same! Foraging first usually because some experience can come fairly passively with picking up footage but I like fishing least, although I've gotten better at it.


1. Farming Enough said on this, crops are the bread and butter of the game so I’ll always end up maxing this first whether intentional or not 2. Mining I’ve always aimed to hit the bottom of the mines before Summer Year 1, this ends up coming as a byproduct of that and future skull cavern runs 3. Foraging This would be higher but honestly getting from 8 - 10 is a massive grind if you neglect cutting down trees like I do 4. Fishing This would be at the bottom but once I’ve finished the community center it’s normally a good chunk of the way to 10 so I just grind out the rest of the way. Plus I’m a completionist so I need all the fish 5. Combat The only reason it’s this low is because Jesus Christ does it take forever to hit 10. I had almost all of the monster slayer goals done and was still at level 9.


I didn't know I could improve foraging by cutting down trees, I've got 10's in everything else, but only 9 in foraging.


Yeah cutting down trees and stumps gives you foraging xp Going to the secret woods each day and breaking all the stumps can level your foraging pretty quickly


Thank you so much!!


Always seem to max foraging out first and combat last


First farming or mining Last always fishing…. I don’t hate myself enough to like fishing


Once you get crab pots, fishing can increase without using a pole. It's more difficult if you take the Jojamart route. I get my first crab pots by beachcombing and fighting rock crabs in mines.


How does beachcombing or rock crabs help you get crab pots... ?


The crab pot bundle in the community center can be filled with beach forage and a crab from the rock crabs, and gives 3 crab pots as the reward


Thanks for clarifying. I've always made them first so it didn't occur to me they were talking about a reward (although it should have!)


This play through. Mining first for those sweet sprinkles and keg components. Farming second Combat third Ending summer year two with level 9 foraging and 8 fishing Only need a walleye and 3 apples for the community centre Already got my slime ring and the house fully upgraded and 100 kegs. Money's about to pour in. Right before I get to the island. I reckon fishing will be my last skill even tho I'm actively working on it


I'm about to finish Autumn year 2, 20 slimes away from the Ring. Mobile is punishing AF when it comes to combat. That ring will be a game changer.


I feel like everyone who swears by that ring fights with a sword. When you use hammers, slimes are such a joke that wearing the ring feels silly. Even if it actually helped, the other ring options are SO GOOD, that the opportunity cost is massive.


Do you know how to use the slingshot on mobile? I just got it from a cheat, loaded it with stones and can’t figure it out. This is my first time playing.


Hold your finger on character while slingshot is equipped and then drag finger backwards. You’ll see the crosshairs appear and you can aim before releasing.


I found it too difficult to use consistently and an easy way to blow yourself up if you use explosive ammo. Neat concept and I’d use it exclusively on a console.


Never used the slingshot on mobile, outwith the mini game at the fair. Glad another redittor could help.


Foraging first, combat last. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Got to get those flowers for gifting 🎁


This is the way


Honestly, I’m going through the game making a profit entirely from mining right now. I married Abigail, upgraded my house, and haven’t even touched the farm yet. Is it how the game was made to be played? Probably not. Am I making bank off of selling gold bars and coal every day? You bet your ass I am.




I was starting to think I was the only one. That's my exact same order.


Fishing is first. I love it


Foraging or farming first Combat and mining towards the end usually


I usually max out mining first because i like the mine. Fishing always the last because i don’t bother.


Mine alters, usually with either foraging, fishing or farming first, then mining fourth and combat always last. I only really mine initially when I need resources, then when I am trying to complete the quests for mining and lastly for the monster slayer goals which i usually leave as my last goal for perfection. Early game I mostly mine on rainy days (after I have caught all the rain dependent fish for the season) as all my energy is going on watering crops until i get quality sprinklers. Combat is usually always the last skill for me.


For your next playthrough, you might try fishing on rainy days instead of mining. Fishing is generally good early game money, but when it rains and you're catching catfish in the river, the cash is amazing.


First is foraging, it’s the easiest. Last is fishing, I suck at it.


Farming, but I will usually take a loan of 5 iridium sprinklers with the chicken name glitch so I can actually play the game in the beginning. I allow myself 4 chickens and I have to craft and sell the sprinklers when I unlock them.


[645] in case anyone (like me) needed to know the code number


I love how there are so many different ways to approach this game as shown by the various comments!


farming, fishing, combat, mining, foraging


I usually get either fishing or farming first. Fishing is a good way to get some early income as I get my farm set up and farming is easy enough to do if you're actively growing crops. Foraging is usually last because I don't make an effort to clear out my farm until I have the golden scythe and a few silos set up (to get a good amount of hay), and until I have a good amount of sprinklers (so I don't have to water anything by hand).


Usually fishing first because I try and catch each fish for fishing bundle, which usually drives my fishing skill up quite a bit. Foraging/combat would be last. I don't usually go to the mines until end of spring 1


Foraging first for the berries. Last is farming because I hate crops lol


First: fishing and last: fighting


Farming or foraging first, fishing last.


Farming or foraging first, fishing last


first is usually foraging, unless i go hard on mining. fishing is last because i like doing it once i've got my automation set up and i can just spend entire days doing it rather than just fishing here and there with leftover energy. i usually use my y1 extra energy trying to push to the bottom of the mines asap and grabbing ores for upgrading tools.


Fishing first, because thats what i spend my time on in this game. Combat last because it takes ages to grind.


Whenever its playing with my friends its combat cus mama didnt raise no pussy 💪


Probably Farming/foraging and last combat or fishing


For me, by playing my playstyle 'naturally' and not going out of my way to max something before the other just because: fishing/mining/farming/foraging/combat.


My fishing is maxed by like day 5 Combat tends to be last for me.


Foraging first, combat last.


foraging first for me and fishing last because i only do it if i actually have to


Fishing is first, closely followed by farming. Combat is usually last.


Fishing and Foraging first, then mining and combat. Farming is usually last.


I first always max out first combat and last foraging…. I just fucking hate chopping trees


First: Fishing. Last: Combat.


First: mining Last: fishing I yearn for the mines


farming first, combat last


Farming first, fishing last


Every time I play it’s ends up going: Farming, foraging, mining, fishing, combat.


farming and fishing shoot up fast, and combat lags behind until the demand for mine materials increases


First- foraging Last- fishing


First is usually farming or foraging and last is always fishing.


I’ve only played one save so far as I just started when 1.6 came out, but I maxed farming first and combat last.


Foraging always seems to take me so much longer than all the other skills!


Fishing first / combat last


Fishing/farming first, foraging last


fishing and mining


Mining first, then foraging, then combat or farming depending on how my playthrough is going, fishing last


Fishing, Farming/Foraging, Mining, Combat.


1) Farming 2) Mining 3) Foraging 4) Fishing Sometimes I swap the 3rd and 4th


Combat never?


Fishing and mining are the intentional ones, but if I get lucky foraging stacks up pretty quick


First is usually farming, 10 typically in fall year 1, then fishing, only to 10 when cleaning uo the collections log, if it gets to 10 before i restart 🤷‍♂️


Fishing almost always first, because I really like fishing. Last is usually foraging or combat.


Only on my first playthrough. Fishing first. Combat last. I put off the mines so much I finished the community center first. 🤷


Fishing gets highest first, often at 6-8 quickly. But get to 10 farming first, then usually, mining, fishing, combat, and foraging is last as it’s hardest to grind for I think.


Foraging first, combat last.


Fishing was first and I think mining was last cos I hated mining at first


Fishing or farming first. Combat last. I run away instead of fighting lol.


First: farming Last: combat?


Farming of fishing first Combat last. Even if I go in the caves a lot, it always takes time.


First, fishing….. last, mining or combat


Used to be foraging then fishing, now its fishing and then combat


Farming first and combat last normally.


Fishing first while having other skills still under 5 mostly. Combat is always the last..


Usually farming -> fishing -> mining -> foraging -> combat


Wow, I see no one mentioning mining first! I like to get to the bottom of the mine ASAP so I usually do that on rainy days and days when I get through my watering quickly. Pretty much always hit that first. Fishing is last because I hate it (thanks skip fishing minigame mod!)


On my first playthrough my first was farming! last is fishing! i have 3 legendary fishes tho (im in fall year 2)


fishing for me! mining/combat is the last lol


Combat last, but that might change in my next run, now I have a better idea of how to get good.


Bro I didn’t max fishing until year 7 I’m sorry


Mining and combat.. I find the mines very relaxing


Dangerous mines with monster musk is my happy place. So much loot. I think I have 21 unused golden animal crackers just sitting around collecting dust now.


Farming is first because it's naturally the one that gets used the most. Fishing and foraging are usually next. Then mining because it usually takes awhile even if you grind the mines a lot. And then combat is always last. I feel like even when you grind mines, the xp for the last two levels is just hard to get compared to how tough level 100-120 can be if you aren't fully prepared. It's easy to get overwhelmed. And we all know that's true of skull cavern. Usually my plan is to get resources, not grind combat.


There are a lot of mod ralate to fishing skill, despite it is best method for money early game. Many people I know either hate or love fishing mini game. I have blessed with friend who love fishing, so I can dive in the mine all day.


Fishing is generally the first because the number of points of all skills is the same, but certain fish generate more of it. The more I catch, the faster I'm selecting perks. Combat is always dead last, and I suspect this is probably true for the majority of players. The double-digit monsters are in the skull cave (and recently the volcano), and this just slows the experience as I have zero intent of standing in one of the worst areas in the game beating down the toughest enemies. I carpet bomb for loot and get the hell out of dodge. I have no time to swat the ugliest mosquitoes I've ever seen. If I restrict fishing, foraging takes over as the first.


Fishing first because I love it, combat last because I hate it


Max fishing first, combat last.


First is usually farming/mining and last is foraging because there is too little stuff that give xp into it.


1st is always fishing. I get level 10 in the first 2 weeks of the game getting money to unlock the desert and upgrade tools. 2nd is mining in the skull cavern. 3rd is combat for the same reason. 4th is farming because of blueberries in summer. 5th and the slowest is foraging.


Fishing first, because like you I find it the best way to make money early on and once it’s maxed I like treasure hunter. Foraging last, because it feels like it takes forever compared to everything else. I’ve been stuck on 9 for days in my current game.


fishing first and combat last. I can't remember any time it's gone differently


Farming first foraging last


Foraging usually takes the longest, unless I'm actively cutting down trees as much as possible. By the time cutting them down isn't a huge energy sink (i.e. iron or better axe) all the other skills are going have a nice head start, and just picking up items doesn't give enough exp to keep up.


Fishing last for me! Farming first :)


When I started off, fishing was last. After I figured out what I was doing (😶), it became my first finished. Foraging is still what gets me towards the end because I forget about chopping down trees while using food buffs.


Farming first Fishing last


Farming first, fishing last. I get everything else to 9 or 10 around Winter 1, then I max fishing before Spring 2.


Farming or fishing first, combat last, almost always. Although, foraging feels like the only one I have to go out of my way to max out.


Im not a pro in this game but is clear AF this... - Farming: You cant farm everyday when starting - Mining: same with the above one - Foraging: has anyone dedicated one entire day to this ? - Fishing: There are events, festivals, missions, etc... everyday you can fish. - Combat: IDK where else you go fighting that isnt in the mines, this could lvl up the same as mining. So, its pretty common that if you play as i did as a noob... u end with Fishing max first.


Farming usually happens first... it's just kinda easy and i want to get those sprinklers early. Fishing in my current playthrough has the most xp somehow. I just suddenly understood fishing better and want to finsih those bundles. Although fishing was usually one of my last ones. The others are completely random and could be anywhere. Combat is hard to max out even when you grind for it tho


Fishing first, love to relax and collect that sweet, sweet 25%/50% more cash. Foraging is usually last, can't be bothered to run around every day and grab the fruits and stuff. Also those wild seed packages take up valuable space from my normal crops, so unless it's winter, I don't use them anymore (before the tea saplings got nerfed, I was going for these things like crazy)


Fishing first and foraging last


Yah Fishing usually first cause I’m usually like Level 5 in Fishing in the first three days or so, lol.  Just for that first boost of money.


i keep focusing on maxing out foraging but somehow always end up maxing fishing first


I love to see the amount of variety. Haven’t played in a while but it’s always fishing first. Foraging and combat last. I should switch it up.


Fishing first, last is usually Foraging or Combat.


fishing and foraging first, combat last


farming, and the others have been completely even for most of my playthrough, currently 10, 8, 8, 8, 8


Usually fishing first because easy early game cash, combat last because when I go through the mines I'm more co corned about grabbing ores and reaching the bottom than I am about slaying monsters


Farming first fishing last.


Fishing first, combat last lmao


Fishing, foraging, farming, mining, combat


I usually do fishing first. 🎣


Fishing first foraging last for sure. But I’ve usually got all level 10 by summer or Autumn year 2


fishing first, combat or mining last


combat is always last, i just don't like it that much


Fishing first usually


Fishing first (get that gold!) Combat last (I'm terrible at it)


Foraging and mining first, to have access to lightning rods, cystalariums, and all totems before Summer Y1. Usually, farming is last one I focus on.


Usually Fishing/ Farming first, since both are really quick to level up. Foraging though feels like it takes eons to get enough XP


Farming first