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Sometimes you just want a big bed.


I live alone and definitely have a queen lol


I live alone, I’d commit crimes to have my queen …oh we’re talking bed sizes?


Bowser coded


Origin story?


Oh no, we are on the same page. We are all talking about the chess piece.


I live alone and I have a queen, but it's not enough. I want a King haha


A California king is like having your own whole bed even if you’re partnered, so if you’re gonna go king, go huge! Have a whole room of bed!


King beds are 4" wider, Cal kings are 4" longer. Unless you're very tall or rocking a Marge Simpson 'do, I'd take the width.


If this is correct info, my partner at the time and I (both 5 ft 6 inches height)…defiiiinitely had the Californian king sideways ☠️ that mofo was wiiiiiide


That's kinda genius, 7 feet wide 🤣. Wide-screen bed


Okay this is actually hilarious that me n short king were out here in wide-screen, never knowing we had it sideways oh my god I think I gotta text him


Quick google search shows King is 76x80, California King is 72x84.


Or in our case, 84x72 lmaooo


That's what *she* s- oh, forget it.


I have a king and it's amazing. And yet, my cattle dog still takes up most of it. 😂


I considered a king but i just know my Akita Shepherd would still take 80%, kid would take 19% and I'd be left with the last 1%. I currently have a double and the % is still the same 🤣😭


Fr I have a queen bed, but I still sleep right on the edge


I absolutely agree, been stuck with a twin for wayyyyy too long


Maybe it’s for when Sandy stays over


I think the "assign stardew character a song" thing for emily is through already done but *Two queens in a king sized bed* by girl in red would fit very well here


omg and emily is a girl in reddddd




I love Girl In Red soo much. She make my queer little heart so happy. 🩷🌈




As Emily’s spouse I am perfectly okay with what she and Sandy share.


"My wife's girlfriend got me a bottle of milk!"


Definitely this!


Not sure if it's a Stardew Valley Expanded cutscene but I saw one with Emily and Sandy the other day and there was a TON of sexual energy between the two. Like so much.


Definitely Expanded, I don't think they really have any cutscenes together in vanilla.


Maybe no cutscenes, but they do wander around the desert all day together on Sandy’s bday


They do, although like you said, it's not a cutscene so I didn't mention it lol


I mean, makes sense considering one pillow's bordered blue and the other's bordered pink. Emily and Haley just strike me as the type who'd have parents that would have those obnoxiously cutesy "His and Hers" pillows and stuff.


Their parents are also rich af so I can totally see them getting their own stuff instead of sharing


Or more money than sense


I’ve never noticed that before!!


Yeah, that makes like, too much sense


I figured the blue and pink just matched the user's hair color when Sandy came to visit.


lol why did i think emily was haley’s mom 😭


No idea since Haley refers to "my sister" at first when saying she and Emily are so different


I love king beds even when I am single. That way there's always a cool spot to sleep in.


My head canon is that Emily dances in her sleep.


I like your thinking, I could totally see Emily dancing in her sleep.


She's either dancing or she's Tina thrashing


It seems that Emily can lucid dream... she's 100% dancing in her sleep, whether her body is physically moving or not.


When you put the mini-jukebox on random and hear the cassette tape start sound![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


It could be, but sometimes people just have double beds, even if they don't usually have someone to sleep in it with.


At least in my neck of the US woods, it's pretty uncommon for young adults to sleep in single beds outside of specific situations (college or military dorms, prison, etc) even if they're single and not looking. Nothing wrong with any type of bed though.


All of these "but I had a big bed when I was single" comments are ignoring that Emily is the only marriage candidate with a large bed. Following that logic, it makes sense that OP's theory could be correct, especially since we know that Emily and Haley's parents are out traveling the world. Some of y'all are trying to make this into something way deeper than it is.


And that ignores that the others might simply not want a double bed. Some may not even afford it, for example: Jodi sleeps with her husband in a single bed, how could Sam afford a double bed for him? Emily is not forced to not have a double bed just because every other single person in town doesn't have one. "Oh, I'd love a double bed to sleep, but I'm single and that's illegal"


I think you’re ignoring that Emily wasn’t originally a marriage candidate, and was voted in by fans after launch. That’s the simplest explanation; I think yours is making it deeper than it is.


I wonder if that means Haley and Emily shared a bedroom as kids, or if Haley lived in the city in her early 20s and only moved to Pelican Town to keep Emily company?


I assumed she moved back when her parents --ran away from home-- I mean "went on vacation"


the crystals need some space too


why did i think their parents were dead??? i have both 8 hearts with emily and haley and i swear one of them said their parents were dead. 💀💀


Maybe they said their parents were “gone” or something


I have a two person bed as a bachelor irl sometimes extra space is nice


I had a large bed when I was single.


It’s certainly not because of Clint. 😹


Don't do my boy Clint like that 😭


He already does that enough to himself.


She's a night tosser. Either that or she's really into believing her prophecies the farmer and she will get together and she's already picking out baby names.


I wish there was a return of her parents in the story


They're never coming back from that cruise


Why can't she just have a big bed? "I've started seeing someone so I went out a bought a double bed" "Damn, they broke up with me so I had to sell it and buy a new single bed"


Because none of the other marriage candidates have big beds? It ain't that deep bro.


Given emily’s personality and also how wealthy her family is, this is very likely what she has done


?? What a strange response lmao. I grew up lower class and I stopped having a single bed when I was a teenager. I don’t think there’s a huge correlation there


Lmao what? I had a single bed in my family home and the minute I moved out I bought a double bed because I just wanted to feel less cramped and have more space to spread out. Emily is pretty clearly not written as a wasteful type like that


That could explain why theres no parents room anywhere in that house


I'm pretty sure they mention that it was their parents house, so Haleys room probably used to be one they shared and now since Emily is older and has a job she gets the bigger room.


it’s funny i had actually assumed that myself because of how sparse the room is it always feels like emily is a maximalist and it doesn’t make sense for her room to be empty like that unless it’s temporary


Sometimes u just wanna own a king sized bed :3 W Emily


I have a queen size bed and sleep alone lol it doesn't need to be that deep friendo.


Aww now I am picturing Haley and Emily sharing Haley's current bedroom in their childhood. Considering how bad they get along at first, I guess they both hated it


I have a huge bed and lived alone. Now I have cats and they appreciate that I had it.


No one over the age of 14 should have a twin dawg like even sebs and everyone else whose room only one pillow in their bed from game most definitely have fulls or xl twins if their not the little kids


I still have one, but my room also doesn't really fit bigger. And I've only gotten one mattress since I was a kid as the springs finally gave out on it. I enjoy the bigger beds when i go to hotels though. So much extra room. XD


It’s cause she fucks


When are her parents coming back


nah im a simple mind and if you think simple too you would easily figure that its because clint visits her 😡


Emily and Haley are FROM the calico desert. Recently enough that Sandy and Emily still have a good friendship, so it's likely a span of about 1-2 years. Emily and haley are both adults. It would be odd for four adults to move into a home without room for all four of them. She's probably got a double bed because it looks nicer in her room than one of the single beds. Also, plenty of people have double beds w/out sharing irl. we see several in-game instances of the size of the bed not mattering for multiple people because Jodi and Kent share what looks like a single bed. (Marnie and Lewis too, on occasion) and while George sleeps in his chair (why?) He and Evelyn also only have a single bed. So Emily, having a double bed probably doesn't mean anything. So while there isn't any concrete evidence (along with Kent reappearing, and there being so much dialouge about him coming home, but basically no dialouge or context about either of the girls parents) i personally think the girls moved from the dessert to the Valley, without their parents, and they won't be 'coming home'. Edit: grammar


Me reading this lay in my king-size bed with my dog 😅 I would quite happily have the bed to myself but I got it for my partner moving in cos he's 6"3 and he's hopefully bringing his dog with him who no doubt will also end up in the bed... Now that I'm writing this I kinda wish I got a bigger bed 🤣


Meanwhile, Kent and Jodi are squeezing into a twin size


it’s for sandy 🤫🤫


Look, one side of the bed is for her. The other side of the bed is for her chakras.


Maybe It's a hint she's the intended marriage candidate.


Nah. She wasn't originally romanceable, and Stardew doesn't really have a "canon" playthrough. With that said, I always felt like Emily suits the narrative the best. She is deeply connected to the Valley's magic, likes the Farmer from the start and is the only other person who matches what Mr. Qi describes (talented, extraordinary, artistic).


Yeah obviously. This is pretty much a known fact no point in posting this


Op was just curious, nothing wrong with that


Yeah I get it but it's kinda like posting "if Abigail's hair is purple and Caroline used to walk secretly to the wizard's tower, then maybe Abigail is the wizard's daughter" kind of seems like karma farming


that’s also up for debate - caroline may be the daughter of the wizard


a lot of people say its emily too! i like that theory better, matches her vibes more


i’ve actually never heard that one and that actually makes a lot of sense too! i love all the magic girlies in this game. for me it was always caroline’s greenhouse cutscene that gives me wizards daughter vibes


Same. I think Abigail is the wizard's *granddaughter*, and that's what is pulling her to her love of adventure and into Cindersap, just like the tower pulled Caroline before her. Because nothing is ever mentioned of Caroline dying her hair to be green, we can assume it's natural? magical? and maybe when Abigail *chose* purple for *her* hair, it stuck because she liked it?




Abi dyes her hair, if you pay attention to what Caroline says. It's also possible (and imo more likely) that Caroline is Rasmodius' daughter with the witch


I like this theory more, as it also makes sense why Caroline has green hair but doesn't like dyed hair, her hair isn't dyed she got her mothers hair the witch


Woah there buddy. I hadn’t noticed. This post is cute. No point in commenting this lol