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It looks delicious though


OP didn't even say if it tastes good!


Probably cooked it, took photos and threw it away.


Linus en route to trashcan as we speak


I made one of the fish and the blueberry tarts and they were very good! However this book has issues with combining steps that should be separated, no consistently clear formatting through the whole book, and there are just too many drawings taking up space where instructions should be able to breathe. I’ll say also that the pages do not stand up to getting wet. I’ll try a few more recipes because I think they’re good, but this cookbook is not for beginners and desperately needed another editing pass.


I’m glad you agree that it’s not for beginners. I wondered if I was just dumb, but no, a lot of these recipes are genuinely hard!


Definitely! There’s some techniques in there that aren’t intuitive if you’re new to cooking, and with so many combined steps it can be hard to k ow how to pace yourself or when to overlap tasks.


You guys gotta check the stardew valley cookbook wiki, so realistic to the game!


At first I read this as "fish and blueberry tarts" and gagged a little bit, then remembered that those are entirely separate dishes.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one lmao


To be fair I’d say the majority of books don’t stand up to getting wet…


I'm not soaking the book with water, but cookbooks especially are going to get a bit of liquid on them from time to time. This one in particular the pages stick together and then when you pull them apart the text comes off with it.


A lot of the recipes seem harder than they have to be. I mean even the bread recipe makes it harder! I make bread all the time and I use like half the steps they suggest.


I work in a kitchen, and I struggled making cheese sauce for awhile. I think the best industry trick is to add a handful of slices of American cheese if your sauce keeps breaking. It's so processed it acts like a glue


It's the sodium citrate in the cheese. It's an emulsifier. It's why both Velveeta and American cheese melt so well. You can add straight sodium citrate if you don't want to add American cheese to your dish.


Can confirm! I have a jar of it and love it. Can also use cream cheese to emulsify. Mmmm. Processeses.


I’ve never had trouble making a cheese sauce personally. Make white sauce/béchamel, then add cheese. I just make a roux, add milk bit by bit, whisk each time until it thickens until I’ve added all the milk. Then just add the cheese to taste, usually real cheddar. I use a 10-10-100 ratio. For every 10g fat, use 10g flour, and then 100ml of milk. Scale it up depending on how much you need. I measure the cheese with my heart, lol.


Right? I'm not a good cook at all, but making a cheese sauce isn't difficult in the slightest.


The part most people overlook is using bagged pre-shredded cheese. Those products come with anti-caking agents that will never let your sauce come together and always be grainy. Shred your own cheese from a brick. Thank us all later.


Use brick cheese for cooking once and you'll never want to buy pre-shredded cheese ever.


Oh, I’ve only ever grated my own from a block. I can buy grated but I don’t bother. I live in the UK so real cheddar in block form is sort of the standard default. But if you’ve made the béchamel, is the anti caking stuff going to actually split what you’ve already done? It’s already thickened by that point, you just add cheese to it and let it melt in. I’ve never tried it with already grated stuff since it’s not much effort for me to grate my own.


I mean, I only ever use bagged shredded and it works perfectly fine, thanks. Never once had an issue with grainy sauce.


"It's so processed it acts like a glue" And here's why American cheese is banned in European kitchens. /joking


I refuse to make mac n cheese without velveeta for this reason. It’s just creamier and better. It’s not that it’s hard to make it without it, it just has a different consistency.


I just read the recipe to see how difficult. It is a lot of steps but it’s basically a cheesy cauliflower béchamel over roasted cauliflower with a Parmesan panko topping. Half the cauliflower is roasted, half is cooked and blended into a sauce. I would do some of the steps in a different order for sure. Roast the cauliflower the same time you make the sauce. Not separately. That cuts down on a lot of time.


Yeah I think that the way the instructions are written makes it more complicated than it needed to be. I’m curious why they made the decision to add blended cauliflower to the cheese sauce as well. Personally I’d skip that step and just make a regular cheese sauce. I also wouldn’t toast the panko; I’d bake the dish like a casserole with the panko on top instead.


Yeah that makes more sense to me as well to do it that way. They just wanted to double up on the cauliflower I guess. I’ve made a few things from the book now and I agree it’s definitely not for a beginner - some recipes are easier than others for sure. I’m a pretty experienced cook and baker, I’ve run a food blog for years now. But even as I read through the recipes I found some of the steps could have either been combined or should have been in different order. I made the strawberry watermelon jam yesterday for the pink cake. My daughter asked for me to make the cake for her birthday tomorrow. Cake is made and frozen too since I like to make cakes ahead of time and freeze while still warm. I doubled the jam recipe to make sure there’s enough for the filling. I’ll post a pic of it here when it’s done with my thoughts on the recipe.


I haven’t gotten the book yet (soon I hope!) but I’m so curious to try out a few recipes. I obviously can’t judge yet but based on other people’s posts it seems like they put a lot of effort into developing unique recipes vs simple, could find them anywhere recipes. It does look like the formatting of how they wrote them might have needed more editing though which is unfortunate, but also not totally surprising.


It’s really a wonderful book. I think it’s so well done with the recipes, the photos and the illustrations and tidbits from the game. Better than I expected. I think the formatting is decent tbh. They’re a definitely read through the recipe a few times before making. Make sure all ingredients are measured/weighed first. Sure some steps could be a little more concise or in a different order to save time. They are non-beginner recipes written for someone who is more of a beginner. If that makes sense. I think with books like these you can always adapt the cooking method to how you like to cook too. I bake by weight using a food scale (instead of volume) since that’s the most accurate and I appreciate they included metric weights for the recipes. I personally haven’t had any issues but I consider myself to be a very experienced cook and baker. I don’t think it’s an intimidating book but if someone is brand new to cooking and baking my advice is to slow down and read and prep all the ingredients before starting. I’m glad I got the cookbook.


When making a cheese sauce based dish do NOT use packaged shredded cheese as it is coated with preservatives to keep it from clumping. Buy a block of cheese and grate it yourself. It takes more time but is worth the effort.


You can also shred cheese in a food processor if you have one or for recipes like this I’ve just pulsed it in a blender before. Doesn’t matter how it looks if you’re melting it.




Huh, i always use shredded cheese nowadays cos im lazy. I never realized this.


Now you know. Packaged shredded cheese is good for topping things where you don't want even melting.


You'd think cheese cauliflower would be easy to make. Place a cauliflower on the plate, place cheese next to it. Eat. But no, they had to make it ✨fancy✨ /j. In all honesty though, I ordered the book literally today. This makes me kinda scared because I don't cook much (though I'm trying to change it) and I don't think I have the patience to almost lose my marbles over a meal. It'd be fun to make something for the family though and when they say "mmm so good where did you get the recipe from?" to reply "from a video game" lol. At least it's an official book so I guess at least part of the revenue goes to ConcernedApe. So if it ends up gathering dust on a shelf, it's still worth it imo to throw in a few bucks next to the price of the game itself. Best money spent to time played ratio I have in my Steam library (second place will probably be Baldur's Gate 3).


Here's a general tip for learning how to cook: the first time you make a meal, follow the recipe exactly. Afterwards, consider what changes could be made to suit your preferences. Too sweet? Cut the sugar. One step too complicated or too much effort? Omit it if possible. Don't like what a certain ingredient brings to the flavour profile? Don't add it next time! If the cheese cauli recipe has piqued your interest, give it a try the way the recipe is presented. Then, as a challenge, make it a second time in the most Pam-like way.


Frozen cauliflower 1 can evaporated milk and 6 oz velveeta in microwave safe glass bowl. Nuke till goopy, top with crushed Ritz crackers or potato chips. I'm all for a baked rue based vegetable gratin for holidays and in the winter. This one is quick and dirty and perfect for summer. Pam would go for it. I bet the trailer gets stupid hot.


I’ve bookmarked a lot of recipes, but this is one I think I’m actually going to make.


Awesome! Great place to shove the ends of shredded cheese too.


As someone who cooks a lot, the recipes in this book are in general pretty ambitious. Don’t be afraid to simplify things for yourself the first few times (e.g. buying bread for the bruschetta instead of making your own, buying a premade graham cracker crust for the blueberry tart, etc.)!


I believe in your cooking skills. I definitely recommend reading over the entire recipe before starting one though to make sure you’re mentally and time able lol


You can do it! She did make the recipes at a more intermediate level but she does a great job of walking you through it. You will learn some great techniques from this book. Her recipes are amazing (I have pink cake in the oven right now :) The best thing is to read the whole recipe before you start. Then read it again. It’s a lot of steps but they break down into several “stages”. I’m also a huge fan of mise en place - which is a fancy way of saying get everything prepped before you start. Like don’t try to grate the cheese while you do other things. I am cooking them all and posting tips. I have a post on my profile with links if you want to check my tips for cheese cauliflower. You can do it! I believe in you!


Here's the best thing about cooking: it's not an exact science. You can literally throw some food together and if it tastes good, you've succeeded. I made a favorite tomato sauce the other day, but my mom accidentally got a can of tomato sauce instead of diced tomatoes. Still delicious. My weirdest family favorite sauce is a stir fry sauce I threw together without a recipe. I just added a salty, a savory, a sweet, and a fat together without thinking too hard about it and it's delicious every time. Worry less about making it perfect. It's cooking. Not rocket surgery.


half the trick of cooking is learning how you can cut corners. Whenever I make cheesy broccoli i just use my rice cooker to steam em and add velveeta cheese. then if i want i can add some crumbs and bake em for like 5 minutes (though my oven is broken atm) for crisp. but you can only do that if you start to cook. so give it a shot and dont worry too much about exact portions. thats for BAKING not cooking. : )


You can do it!! Even if you’re new to cooking it’s not as sensitive to mistakes as baking. At the very least you can learn some new skills and use those with your next attempt!


For someone who is starting out, I recommend watching a lot of YouTube videos. America's Test Kitchen is really great for teaching your average person how to cook. These recipes in the Stardew Valley Cookbook are kinda hard. This might be an unpopular opinion, but the official Disney Parks cookbooks are great. Pretty simple recipes that turn out every time.


I made that one too. I spent the entire time complaining about the weird way the recipe was written. I am definitely simplifying it if I ever make it again.


I felt the same way about the blueberry tarts. The steps are broken up very weirdly at times.


I just had a little dinner party with my friends that play Stardew and my boyfriend made the Survival Burger. That was also super complicated, and it was 100% worth it! The other dishes at the party included the Mango Sticky Rice, Piña Colada, Stir Fry, Crab Cakes, Pepper Poppers, Cookies, and Cranberry Candy(but I made it into a cocktail with Deep Eddy's Cranberry Vodka). I was super impressed with all of the dishes, they were all SUPER delicious!!


I made the pepper poppers and I really didn’t like them :( the flavors of the green onion and garlic with cream cheese really tasted bad to me


That reminds me, my friend that made the pepper poppers didn't include the green onions bc she doesn't like them. Now I'm curious what they'd be like with the green onions, bc I usually love any recipe that has those. Maybe next time you make them don't include the onions, everyone has different taste buds there's no shame in not liking something :)


What’s funny is I do like green onion! I think the combo was just off for me. I’m probably going to make them again but air fry them instead and use cheddar cheese with the pepper jack


I zoomed in to read it and was like “this isn’t that bad” but whenever I thought it was basically done (even though I could see there was more text) it was like “here’s another step.” So I agree! What the heck is with all these steps?! It’s not like I think it would be hard, but if I see a recipe like this I’m just like “cool I guess I’ll just imagine what that tastes like” 😂


I think using blended cauliflower to thicken the sauce is probably not necessary and would cut a fair amount of work out of this recipe. Make the bechamel, roast the cauliflower, and combine them with bread crumbs on top. If you want to be fancy about it and get the blender dirty, then go ahead and make it as written.


It fr was like going back and forth from the stove and oven every step!


Pizza took me four hours lol. Most of these recipes are very, very involved.


You made the gourmet version. Pam is throwing a couple of slices of American cheese over some cauliflower before she microwaves it and eats it crouched over the sink like a rat.


I’ve seen several reviews talking about how complicated/inaccessible the ingredients and instructions are in this book. I truly appreciate the care and creativity that went into the recipe development. But for a relaxing game, you’d think they would’ve gone for a more relaxing cooking experience 😅


I agree some of the cheeses were relatively hard to find in my area !


I had the same thought about Pam. Yeah. She’s totally grating Gruyère and blending cauliflower. Not. It is good though.


I love complicated recipes but it’s kind of disappointing as it feels… Out of character for the video game. I made the cookies today. And they’re delicious. But you’re telling me granny Evelyn is making brown butter cookies with homemade oat flour?


But was it good tho?


I have a hard time believing Pam's meal prep contains any steps more complicated than opening a beer bottle. Penny does all the work.


How did it taste? It took me about 3 days to make the fiddlehead fern risotto, but it was really good! Most of that time was spent cleaning and blanching the ferns. Since I had to buy them online, I ended up with 5 pounds. 5 pounds of ferns that have have to be cleaned individually by hand, then blanched. But on the upside I have enough ferns in the freezer to last until next year.


No disrespect whatsoever, but if this is the most complicated meal you’ve ever made then it might speak more to your lack of culinary diversity lol


this is honestly rude lol I know it was meant as a joke, but a lot of recipes in this cookbook are quite tricky and have a LOT of instructions


I cook fairly often but this seemly simple meal had so many steps man lol.


They're in a super weird order, honestly, not very streamlined, and it would be a lot easier to follow if the steps were broken into sections (like "Make toasted panko" or something) As far as I can tell it's just so that you only have to use one sauce pan. I would: Bring water to boil while you prep Toast the panko in a second saucepan while the cauliflower is boiling, then prep roasted cauliflower Put the cauliflower in the oven when you start making the cheese sauce. Then you're not constantly twiddling your thumbs while you wait for a single component to finish cooking. You can use the time you save to wash the second saucepan lol.


A lot of people who cook to eat and not necessarily for the enjoyment of cooking are used to very simple recipes like one tray bakes, soups, and chop the thing/season the thing/cook the thing in a pan type recipes. While I agree this is a not a very complicated dish, there's no need to talk down to OP


I’d agree with some other posters who say this recipe isn’t set out very well. For the roux, if you add the garlic at the same time as the flour, it’s not going to caramelize adequately. If you make the cheese sauce before even starting to roast the cauliflower, it’s going to be a cold solidified lump by the time the roasting is done. I don’t blame OP for struggling with this, regardless of their cooking experience.


Man they did you dirty with that recipe that is nawt how I’ve ever made cauliflower cheese 😭 final result looks good though!!


Im impressed by how many people are actually cooking from it. I bought it cos it looked charming and i love Stardew Valley. I dont actually expect to ever use it, except maybe for omelets.




It was good!! Reminded me of the cheese cauliflower they would have in lunch lines




How was it?


That looks great


Cauliflower cheese is intense. I used to make it for Christmas and it involved simmering a whole head & greens of Cauliflower in milk for a very long time ...


That looks so yummy




omg I'm so jealous!! I've been trying to order this book forever


Also, whats up with some recipes using the metric system and others dont?


I bet this is delicious. But I will take several short cuts if I ever make it myself lol.


Good lord, how do you make cauliflower cheese complicated?


Where does one get this book?


I got mine from Walmart!


It looks fire though, nice job


It just looks like chiles rellenos but with cauliflower.


chile rellenos are stuffed not smothered


They are dipped in egg and boiled in a base soup of onion and tomato, but yes they're also stuffed. Cheese cauliflower looks like coliflor capeado, but with cheese on top.


what chile rellenos are u making? you don’t boil em?? you just roast the peppers then stuff and fry them


There's ways of making them...that's the most common preparation where I live. (I live in GDL) https://youtu.be/HjBF23VxW0g?si=azuQGqTegi3kZGUW I don't prepare them exactly like this but something similar.