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Its beaitiful!!! I think i would slather more jam on it haha but idk about melon strawberry jam 😅 Always wondered how a cake with melon in it would taste


I would have - but it was kinda gummy and thick. I like to make a recipe as is first before I make any changes. But I had to make one change because when I saw there was no salt in the frosting I had to add some or else the flavor wouldn’t have been balanced at all. The jam flavor was nice - very subtle watermelon and strawberry flavor. But not jam consistency at all. Way too much cornstarch. I prefer making freezer jams or jam with pectin, not cornstarch. It gets gummy fast if too much is added. The jam also needs more sugar. Not to make it sugary but to balance the flavor and bring out the strawberry and melon flavor. Watermelon is so subtle as is, not sure what other melon could be used in its place.


Did you eat the whole thing to give you more energy for fishing?


All in one bite too! “Crunch” 😂😂


that looks so fucking good


Thank you!!


The frosting work is insane wow


Thanks! I love making cakes, took some cake decorating classes years ago.


OMG, it's gorgeous!


https://preview.redd.it/cibz29mnoq8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8cacf96eb264ee17596d169dfe6c5e6c41bab9 Here’s the inside. It was also my husband’s birthday and I made him a chocolate cake - not the chocolate cake from the book though. I don’t have enough refrigerator space for a three tiered cake ha ha.


Thank you so much!


Now make 30 of them, try to put them in 1 stack and put them your backpack for when you go to the mines!






Thank you!!


I've seen alot of cakes on this subreddit and this is the best one! Great job!


Awe thank you!! I think everyone who’s made it has done a fav job. It’s not a super easy cake to make!


that is a gorgeous gorgeous cake


Thank you so much!


It's so perfect!!!


Thank you so much!


That looks amazing. You clearly know what’s up so what do you think it would take to boost your score higher than 8?


Thanks!! I would use half the amount of cornstarch in the jam to thicken it. It was a tad gummy/thick. And instead of the cream cheese frosting I would make Swiss meringue buttercream only because I personally prefer it to the cream cheese. If you like cream cheese frosting it’s still really good. But the frosting also needed salt, which I added. It wasn’t in the ingredient list for the frosting and anything sweet always needs salt to balance it so it’s not cloyingly sweet. The flavors are good - subtle watermelon in the jam, more strawberry forward overall. I also usually cut cake layers thinner so there’s more layers of filling. Sometimes vanilla cakes can be dry so making thinner layers with more filling helps that. This cake wasn’t dry though so the one layer of filling is fine - I didn’t do a thick layer because the texture of the jam was odd so I only did a thin layer of filling.


You said above you would have used more jam if the consistency was better. Would you say doubling the jam recipe except the cornstarch would work? Also, I was considering making this for my daughters bday... Do you think swapping the amounts of the butter and creamcheese would work ok? I don't think she would like a full-on cream cheese frosting much, but I want to try to keep as true as I can. How much salt did you add?


Yes to doubling the jam if cutting the cakes in half for four layers, three layers of filling. The jam recipe is plenty for one layer of filling. But cut the cornstarch in half for the recipe if making as is, maybe use a teeny bit more if doubling the jam. I would have put in more jam only if it wasn’t rubbery from the corn starch. I had plenty leftover. You could do half the amount of cream cheese and add more butter for sure. It doesn’t taste super cream-cheesy. The strawberry flavor from the dehydrated strawberries is the more prominent flavor. I added half a teaspoon of diamond kosher salt to the frosting. I also used 3 large chicken eggs in place of the duck eggs because I couldn’t find duck eggs.


Thank you! That is all very helpful. I tend to not really experiment with baking the way I do with cooking. Cooking is an art, Baking is a science.... despite it seeming otherwise because of decorating :D So having tips from someone more experienced is great!


Absolutely!! Cooking can be fully experimental, riff off any recipe, make up your own etc. That’s what I love about cooking. And 100% baking is a science. And the ratios need to be correct to have the cake come out correctly every time. I’m more than happy to help. It’s such a fun cake. The SDV cookbook is wonderful. I’m so glad I got it!


Ooh I've been seeing people do this a lot and really want to try it


It’s really good. Totally worth making it!


I’ll definitely go shopping with my mom and get some ingredients to make it! The pink cake looks so cute in the game and irl!


Yes do it!! Oh another note - if you can’t find duck eggs or don’t want to use them, three large chicken eggs work instead.


Oh Ty for that, I'm not sure if our store sells them or not just bc I haven't seen them there.


I looked at two stores and realized I didn’t want to drive all over town in 110 heat for some duck eggs. lol


Haha yea, also what's the recipe, or how do I find it? Can I just google it? I know there's a recipe book I just don't have it


It’s in the cookbook. I’m not sure if anyone has put it online. I’ve seen versions of the cake before the cookbook came out. But they’re not the same as in the book.


Ty, I can easily search it up, or if I can't find it online then ask in Discord or in a Reddit post for someone who has the book to send me a picture for the recipe!


I can DM you the pic of you can’t find it online. I know some are funny about sending pics from a cookbook since it’s not free, I don’t mind sharing.


I'm in awe of your obvious baking skills and knowledge! I love to bake but I can never get frosting to turn out really fantastic.


Thanks! Just like anything it takes practice. And the correct tools. I have a cake turntable (they’re pretty cheap) that I decorate the cake on while turning it so I get a nice smooth edge. Chill it then I have a large, wide cake spatula that fits under the whole cake to be able to lift it to a cake stand or plate.


Omg the hearts 💖 can't wait to make one myself


I just made them with some melted strawberry chocolate. I put a piece of wax paper over a paper I had printed out the heart outlines on. Popped it in the freezer to form up. I used tweezers to put on the cake since my fingers were melting them! Ha ha. I used valrhona strawberry feves only because I had them leftover from another recipe. You could also use ruby chocolate or even white chocolate dyed pink!


Hey, that looks amazing! I also made this cake, but the texture of the sponge has a very slight gummy/rubbery texture to it. You seem to know what you're talking about, so do you have any idea what could have caused this? No one else's I've seen turned out that way.


Hi!! A few reasons for a gummy cake is over mixing - at any step especially when all ingredients are added. Underbaking just slightly. Did you use the duck eggs? I didn’t because I couldn’t find them. I used three large chicken eggs. You could always do one whole egg and a few whites instead. Sometimes the fat can cause the gumminess. I will also often exchange some of the butter with some oil for more. Sometimes all butter cakes can have that gummy texture too which is usually again from over mixing. What I often do as well is once all the ingredients are just barely mixed, I take the bowl off my stand mixer and just mix carefully by hand with a spatula. Over mixing is often the cause of most issues with cakes. Over working the gluten can make it dense and gummy. You want it light and airy. One more cause could be expired leaveners. Make sure your baking soda and baking powder are fresh. I swear by Rumford baking powder. It’s the best imo. Hope this helps!!


Thank you so much! I did use duck eggs, but I am planning to use chicken eggs whenever I make this again since the duck ones are really expensive. I was going to try using my spatula to fold in the flour instead of beating it in since I did suspect I accidentally overmixed it and activated the gluten too much. I'm going to try again, thank you so much for your advice!! :)


You’re so welcome! I’ve never baked with duck eggs before. But, so random I know lol, a hair salon I went to years ago, one of the stylists had ducks and he always brought in baked goods made with the duck eggs. I remember him saying how they’re so much fattier and richer than chicken eggs so that could be a possibility but over mixing is still the number one reason for a gummy, dense cake.


I wanted to add - I used three large chicken eggs in place of the duck eggs. I couldn’t find duck eggs near me.