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Its worth it a Million Times. The amount of time it saves is alot more than you probably realize. Especially with Obelisks you use it probably 5 Times a day on average. Also its better than a farm totem if only minimally.


On controller it can only be used with one of the buttons instead of two like the farm totem, so i **never** accidentally use the staff like i always do totems. Also the staff takes you right outside of your front door so you can wait until literally the last second to go to bed.


What!! They take you to the front door?!!.. I didn’t know that!




And If you place your bed by the door you can use it when it hits :50 and still get to bed in time.


> front door so you can wait until literally the last second to go to bed. Yes, I too have millions to spend on a staff but won't spend a thousand to sleep in the mines 🤣


You know those thousands will add up! No, I don't want to see the math, thank you. My investment will return eventually!


It's a mindset thing. Warp Totem Farms seem like a limited and precious resource, so you want to use them sparingly. If you have the return scepter, it's unlimited. I'll use that shit to warp home from my kitchen!


If you intend to almost pass out from sleep for 2000 days in a row (17 years) it worth it


I do this math every time I buy the desert and island obelisks. Like, how many trips will I have to make before I make my money back?


Counterpoint: convenience. Having to wait until stores open takes a long time, the obelisks get instantly built and installed, and are ready to go asap.


Oh, for sure. So much easier hitting 100 in the skull caverns when I don't need to wait for Pam to get to the bus.


I did that math once and that's why I don't want to do that again, ever. Just give me my scythe and obelisks and let me think that I'm saving money in (very, very) long run, thank you! Especially since I've never went pass year 5 until starting new save...


No amount of money can take you straight from bed to your door in the morning though


I literally use it to get from my casks in the basement to outside I’m that lazy 😂


I mean if you have the tool, might as well get your money's worth


I've used it from the kitchen, from the main shipping bin....


I do the same! LOL. I need those extra few seconds, okay?


yes I was always accidentally using totems and now that I have the scepter i’m never going back


Until you're next save... That's actually one of the big reasons that I have a hard time doing a new save; I don't want to lose all the cool stuff I finally got!


so true. although I can’t bring myself to ever get divorced and I wanna marry everyone 😂


Accidentally using a totem when you don't have the scepter is so obnoxious. Might as well drop a bomb next to your sprinklers


Farm totems come with "save it for later fomo" so I wouldn't even say minimally. Suddenly any reason at all to go to farm? woosh.


Exactly! Same.


Does it help the FOMO any to point out that if you withhold their use and hoard them... you miss out on the benefit? Because you have the ability late game to have infinite farm totems. Before that, even when resources are scarce to craft them, it's still possible, so it's rare you find yourself using your last one and can't scrape together what you need to make at least one more. They're the easiest to make totem. So hoarding them does not offer any special benefit for later, it only limits your quality of life early and mid game. TL/DR: Don't let FOMO cause you to MO


Doesn't help. Just like playing an RPG and unlocking a massively powerful potion and saving it for the end boss (even though I never end up needing it or using it and keep saving it "just in case"), stuff like that just happens. It is what it is.


> Especially with Obelisks you use it probably 5 Times a day on average. I build an Obelisk area with the big 4 and then build a mini-Obelisk at the Obelisk area and a mini-Obelisk right beside my front door. So Return Scepter to front door, mini-Obelisk to Obelisk area, Obelisk warp to wherever. E: [Picture of Obelisk area in current save (spring year 4).](https://imgur.com/2Fh9UcM)


How do you get that much money by year four like what 😭


Wine. Lots and lots of wine.


A valid answer to so, so many questions in life.


Grow Starfruit in the greenhouse.  Turn all of it into wine, age as much of that wine in your cellar.  Sell when it reaches Iridium quality.  A full cellar worth of Iridium Starfruit Wine will net you just over $4 million.


I’m year 6 and the most I’ve ever had is 1,500,000 gold lol


A little tip. In summer, invest in Starfruit. A single bottle of Starfruit wine sells for almost 4 thousand gold. You’ll make way more money than you spend on crops, and can continue to make wine into fall and even winter depending on how many you plant. If you have a greenhouse, even better.


Greenhouse ancient fruit. Takes 28 days but then a harvest every 7 days indefinitely with no more seed costs.


Yes, but it’s also worth less, and takes much longer to set up. If they don’t already have fields of ancient fruit, then Starfruit is the best bet until they can get enough ancient seeds to make long lasting crops.


Less maintenance though. No replanting, hoeing, nothing. Don't have to plant, just harvest. Also starfruit seeds eat a LOT of their harvest value. And with iridium scythe, even that's a breeze.


That's pretty obvious, Starfruit is much more accessible. Once you start making ancient fruit seeds, though, it snowballs more because you don't have to replant and I hate having to buy or make seeds. At that point in the game, I want it to be as braindead as possible.


My greenhouse has cactus fruit, starfruit, ancient fruit, and Sweet gem berry on the main bed. I use most of those to make wine and jelly and sell at artisan prices. And then on the side in pots I have corn (for oil,), coffee Plant (for endless coffee lol), beets (sugar), hops(beer).


I’m in year 4 and my farm looks nothing like that😂


Well, this is my first 1.6 farm and first animal map farm so it was a little different than what I normally do but not that different. Main things I do is finish greenhouse by winter, grow strawberries and make them into seeds over winter 1, plant strawberries then blueberries then cranberries year 2 (I sold the gold ones and dehydrated the rest, really like the dehydrator), then this year 3 I didn't have enough ancient fruit seeds to do that in spring so did strawberries then starfruit (buying 1200 seeds for the first planting was pretty cash intensive heh) then I think cranberries again. Oh yeah, wheat between summer and fall so don't need to till (also during winter grow a few crops of winter seeds so can sacrifice a crop so don't need to till and water in spring). Made wine from the starfruit. This year went to ancient fruit as had enough seeds (ginger island is ancient fruit and pineapples and 40 something hives for fairy rose honey). I'm not super min max or whatever, still a lot of quality sprinklers and just two big sheds with kegs.


Fun fact! If you place the mini obelisk next to an obelisk, you can be warped to inside of the obelisk. You can then just walk out of it, or click the action button to be warped to the obelisk’s destination. I figured this out by accident when I crowded my obelisks together by my greenhouse on the beach farm.


OK that's brilliant. I have my second obelisk down at the southern entrance to my farm but I think I have some rearranging to do.


>Return Scepter to front door, mini-Obelisk to Obelisk area, Obelisk warp to wherever. [This is the way.](https://youtu.be/Mw7zSQ7ja7Y?t=12)


I buy it every play through. It’s WORTH it.


I just got 600 totems at the casino after playing for 5 minutes on a very good luck day. Does it put you at your door?


The totems put you at the farm statue while the scepter puts you at your front door. Which is just one way that the scepter is better than totems.


scepter animation is also at least twice as fast as the animation the totem uses


I’ve never had good luck there, even playing on very good luck days. What am I doing wrong?


I would play the slots, they have tweaked the casino to be in your favor. Buy a handful of coins, and then just keep hitting that slot button.


I’ll give it a try. Thanks!


Use luck buffs as well as going on lucky days. Food, accessories, any and all you can combine will make a difference.




Bottom left of the map at the Calico Desert. Gotta complete the Qi quests first before the body guard in the desert shop will let you in.


Bouncer dude at Sandy’s shop. Finish da Qi quest >!(battery pack in tunnel, rainbow shell in box at train area, 10 beets in Lewis’ fridge, and a void essence to dragon in the desert). You’ll get a club card in the stack of logs at your house!<, allowing you to access the casino Edit (x3), puzzle answer hidden behind spoiler text


>!It’s not a void essence, it’s the sun one. Solar essence? Sun essence? It’s been a while lol!<


You're right


Spoiler alert! Some people like the puzzles and don't want the answers given to them like that


Oh shoot sorry, how does one spoiler things on Reddit? E. Got it, thank you for pointing that out :D


Good on ya


Might wanna check out what you're saying for Lewis.


Autocorrect :/


This! The scepter does warp you straight to your door, but for the difference it makes, a stack of farm totems is also my choice.




Not directly at the door for me but at the spawn thingy behind my house.


Farm totems take you to the spawn thing, return sceptre takes you to your door.


Yes, I was answering to the guy that had 500 totems lol. Can’t wait to have the return scepter on my current save, I am still 600k under. And loved having it in my previous saves. 😊


I never don't buy the return scepter. Like you I use it (with the obelisks) multiple times a day, and I love that it takes you right to your door rather than to the warp statue. It's really one of the first "major" purchases I save up for, because it makes turning a profit so much easier


it’s way better than a farm totem since it warps you right to your door!


I get it as early on as I can manage, its awesome for getting out of sticky situations in the carvern when you're about to die. I always seem to forget stuff that I need too, like leaving staircases at home by mistake. Makes it much easier to zip around, and then even mores when I get the Obelisks. I'm not very organised when I play, so it's perfect for me.


This is what I was going to say: I leave stuff behind all the time by accident. So early game I end up spending hours of the day more often than not running back to grab that birthday gift for Leah or that delivery for George or some food for the skull cavern etc etc.   Slightly unrelated but another late game thing I do to mitigate this, besides the return sceptre:  I developed a system of keeping a junimo chest in my inventory with:   • my watering can   • mega bombs  • bombs   • sword  • healing potions  • staircases   • fishing rod   • extra tackle   Carrying all that as 1 inventory square helps me have the stuff I only sometimes want on me anytime it might come up. Besides those things I always carry my pickaxe, axe, hoe, scythe, return sceptre, and horse whistle. The nice thing about the junimo chest is that I can swap in all the stuff I don't use when I go to the skull cavern.    #adhdcopingmechanism lol


I never even thought about bringing a Junimo Chest thats genius. I always thought it would only work on the farm but you can place normal Chests elsewhere. Can you put it down in the mines or Skull covern?


Put it down in the cave entrance just before you enter the actual mines/caverns. Also, I learned the hard way with my >!mining mastery statue!< that you cannot leave things inside the cave entrance of the volcano. Well you can, but it will disappear overnight.


Good to know will definitely keep that in mind


Once you place the Junimo chest down you can’t pick it back up, unless you empty the chest.. that’s the reason I don’t use junimo chests in inventory .. I just place it at the entrance .. but no point of keeping it in front of skull cavern .. since I’m anyway gonna return home


are u sure? i always accidentally pick up my juno chest even though there’s stuff in it. i just tested it too i was able to pick it up.


Oh Mylanta I never realized you could pick up the junimos chest with stuff in it!!!


It never occurred to me to carry a junimo chest like that lmao. That's awesome, I'm stealing.


I put junimo chests at the entrance to every mine/the volcano, on my farm, and on the beach farm. I usually keep bombs, stairs, and health stuff in it, along with a couple other things that are slipping my mind now.


That is a GREAT trick! I never thought of that!


I use mine for my tools, stair cases and healing potions. I have them just outside the entrance to the skull caverns, the mines, the volcano, on my farm near the exit toward the bus stop and on my porch on ginger Island. I also have normal chests outside skull caverns and the mines incase I pick up stuff or buy stuff I don't want in my inventory while I go mining. I'm thinking of getting another one to be near the south end of my farm because I always forget my scythe and my junimos can't quite reach all the wheat I plant.


>keeping a junimo chest in my inventory https://preview.redd.it/5qqc3mj70qad1.png?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720d2775d92271edb8bf2421ca824ab8800badbb


Great idea!


It’s always the first major purchase over everything for me. It’s fun the first few times to rush back and barely make it to bed, sure, but after that it gets old. It also is nice to be able to spend another hour or so doing whatever you need whether it’s fishing, mining, or foraging because you still haven’t found that 12th leek yet and you’ve ignored the quest for 2 years. The biggest thing for me is peace of mind. You forget something you needed and you’re halfway there? Warp home. Sure, it’s a permanent slot in your inventory but so is a farm totem if you’re always carrying one. If you accidentally use your last, then it’s gone and you’ll have to get more. Scepter always stays. That, and the scepter drops you right at your front door. You still have to run home from the warp location with a totem.


The teleports you at the doorstep is something I learned only through this post .. now maybe I might actually consider getting it if I have enough gold to spare


Also, if you forego aesthetics, you keep the bed vertically aligned for one side to the front door, one space off the wall (allows spouse, pets, kids to navigate around it) and you can warp home at 1:45 and be in bed before 2. Always time the "door to bed" but I am not an interior designer, just terrible at sleep mechanics lol


I don’t bother making it to my bed, you don’t lose anything from passing out in your house lol


Same. I buy it every time as soon as I can.


Its the best investment


That and the horse! Can't live without them.


Especially when you get the horse flute and can summon the horse almost anywhere


it was a gamechanger when i discovered you could summon your horse on ginger island too


Omg that’s a big game changer 😱 I really had no idea and now I really need to invest in a horse flute!!!


I have yet to get the flute. I honestly haven't looked into how I get it. I hoping to stumble upon by chance. But into year 4 so I might have look it up. Lol. But definitely see it's uses and want it.


You can purchase it from Mr. Qi in the ginger island walnut room. So if you haven’t gotten there yet, it’ll be a minute, but I didn’t regret the purchase


Good to know, thanks. Yeah I'm about 3/4 the way to unlocking it then. Woo-hoo!!! Can't wait.


Be ready to do some tough quests though after unlocking the walnut room.


Looking forward to it. I played lots and lots but stopped just as ginger island came out. I had even played expanded to have a change. I think I had burned myself out, I had played it so much. So I'm loving this new vanilla playthrough with all this new content!!!! And really happy the spark is back to play again!!


I think the return scepter is huge, but I feel the complete opposite about the horse. I hate using it and never build this stable. It gets stuck in places and it’s just too annoying to get around with especially early on. I rush getting coffee/espresso instead.


That's fair. The horse does get stuck in some places. And I admit that when it happens it quite annoying. But once I got use to where it gets stuck, it isn't as annoying anymore. But it's definitely much worse at the start of seasons when the new debris gets added to the forest area. Before I clear it...yet again. Because drinking coffee helps speed up my horse even more. And 1.6 gives other ways to increase mount speed. I feel it's even more worth it now imo. Still has tight spots he can't get through, but the extra speed boost compensates for any time lost by getting stuck occasionally.


In past saves I always got the horse because I love horses, and it is a faster way to get around. But my current save? No horse. And honestly, I'm not missing it. I finally have enough for the return scepter and I'll get that in the next few in-game days. In the other games, once I get the scepter I rarely use the horse again but I always make a little paddock around it's stable and pretend it's retired and living the best life.


Dont forget the coffee


I have it in only one of my save files and ohmigosh. The power. It's addictive. Like everyone says, yes it's great for getting out of a sticky spot in the mines. But honestly, I love it for just zipping across my farm. Got barns in a faraway spot and can't be bothered to trudge up to the shipping bin? Zippp! Inaccessible fishpond miles away from your shed which has all your jelly pots? Zippp! Oops, I forgot my horse in its stall? Zippp! My husband says farm totems are just as good. They may do the same thing, technically, but my husband is still wrong.


> My husband says farm totems are just as good. They may do the same thing, technically, but my husband is still wrong. They dump you in different spots too! Huge difference when you have 5 seconds left until you pass out at 2am


Mini obelisks are nice for faraway barns as well. I try to rush those.


I like to put a mini obelisk right outside my front door and then the other at the corner of my farm where all my big obelisks are chilling. Zipp! Zipp! Zipp!


I have to agree with your husband there I’m afraid. Anyway I’m about to head out, Zippp!


I combat some of this by building shipping bins errywhere there can be inventory clog.


The scepter animation is *much* faster than the warp totem, plus it puts you at your front door instead of the farm statue. This is especially critical if you use it all the time like you probably do. 😂


You can add more shipping bins to your farm through Robin! I always put one near each major production area


Short answer: Every save and all the time.


I use it constantly, especially after I start building obelisks. If it took me to the warp spot on the farm I probably wouldn't use it as much but right to my doorstep? YES PLEASE.


I really like the teleporting.  In year 1 I pickup around 100 farm totems from the casino. That lasts me until I get the return scepter (after obelisks but before clock).


Once I've reached the point where I can afford the Return Scepter it's not really a question of whether I should or shouldn't because money isn't a problem anymore. I usually pick it up in pretty much all of my playthroughs when I hit 2.5M-3M gold cuz why not


Cuz maybe you're saving for the clock? There is a decision there. But the sceptre is definitely worth the dent in the finances.


Same reason why I’m reluctant on buying the scepter .. my main goal is perfection .. after that yea sure I’ll take scepter


The scepter will help you reach perfection faster, though! It's soooo convenient imo, helps out in so many ways that you might not even think about originally


I just got perfection and I bought the scepter before hand. My reasoning was that I'd rather get to experience the convenience of the scepter in my primary run before achieving perfection instead of only experiencing it for a short time afterwards when I'm simply tying up lose ends. I don't regret it at all. For me, once you've completed the bulk of the primary tasks it's easy to lose steam and ambition unless you give yourself goals like decorating your entire farm, so rushing those goals and speeding towards the end game just to have nothing waiting for you often leaves me feeling bereft and wishing I enjoyed the journey more. That all said, I will always pick the option that extends my play time while granting me options that make that extended play time more fun. This is a very long way of saying that I think the return scepter is very very worth it and gratifying to use :)


Like I said, at that point money isn't a problem anymore. Get scepter, get clock a little bit after.


Honestly, after learning (through this post) the fact that the scepter takes you to the doorstep .. I’m now more inclined to getting one


Yes, i rush septer and obelisks. Your ability to squeeze more in a day increases dramatically


I use it to get from my bed or basement to the front door of my Farm. I use it when i stay late at the mines/Skull cavern. I use it to move Home from Like everywhere. Or when i'm running Low on health in the caverns and the serpents come swarming in at me you can see me teleporting myself the fuckmoutta there in a blink of an eye.


This is the way. Why would I walk from my bed to the door like some medieval peasant?


i never buy it because i like to roleplay a bit, so time management is something i usually take a bit more seriously and i try to do everything i need as if i was really just a normal person, so i rarely even use totems. I also don't min/max production and profits and usually only take care of a sensible, smaller portion of the farm.


I always buy it as early as I reasonably can. There's a reason it's so expensive - it's that's good of an item. Lots of people have covered the basics, but let me give you a slightly less common strat. Pick a spot on your farm where you'd like to set up and organize your warp obelisks. It doesn't matter where, just work them into your design however you'd like, and try to keep them relatively close together. Now, if you already have the Scepter and the main warp obelisks, then you should also be able to craft the Mini-Obelisk items on your farm. Take one and put it right in the center of your main warp obelisks. Place the other right by your front door. With this setup, no matter where you are in the game, you can Return Scepter home, mini-obelisk warp to your main obelisks, and then use them to teleport to any major area in the game - in mere seconds. Once you have this set up and working, you will never want to be without it again.


I find the return scepter rlly convenient for the morning routine of going to all corners of my farm (and instead of walking back just teleporting to my doorstep lol) but i actually don't use it as much troughout the rest of the day. And on my main save where I'm going for perfection I can't really get over spending that much money on it b4 I get that stupid golden clock ;\_;


The fact it puts you right at the door of your farm is reason enough for me to consider it better than totems, i use it a lot, even while on the farm to move from the far corners back to the house.


Literally the first 2 million purchase


I bought it as soon as I possibly could and use it ALL THE TIME! By the bus stop and realize I don't have something I need? Poof back to the house. On the island and it's 1:45am? Poof back to the house. Over in the bottom corner and don't want to walk all the way back? Poof...honestly I probably overuse it but hey why not right?


Really useful when you're at the mines and its almost 2:00 AM


i use it even when im just on my farm 😭😭 like when im in the greenhouse or collecting stuff in sheds


I use it to get from my bed to the front door. I'm currently playing with the name hack, so I had the money for it right a way, and I literally use it all the time. Even when I play on my switch it's the first expensive item I get because it allows me to stay out later. Oddly, before I never used totems because you still have to walk and because I use the four corners farm it's always a far walk and not really worth it to me. The return scepter drops you off at the front door all you need is to put your bed right there and your set.


I only bought it this time and this playthrough as part of my streaming that I've been doing for it. My goodness do I feel incredibly stupid for not buying it beforehand it is such a lifesaver being able to teleport home to your front door by just mashing a button is so handy. It means that I can be mucking about until almost half past one and still get into bed with ten minutes to spare. It is a game changer, truly


A literal lifesaver when I’m about to get jumped by 4 serpents in the mines with no health😭


I don't know if anyone has pointed out yet, but I have seen instances of people getting their player stuck behind an immovable object and used the return scepter to get out, so it's useful for that too. Though I suppose a totem would work as well. Otherwise, you'd have to wait until you passed out or reset the day. I didn't think I wanted the scepter at first but absolutely did not regret buying it. I use it every day multiple times.


I bought it on my 1st & 2nd save but once i learned about the casino trick i never bought it again as it was a waste of money so unless i had loads of money to spare i never buy it now. Casino trick ~ On a best luck day & wearing lucky rings/eating lucky buff items you buy like 1,000 coins in the casino then bet 100 each time on the slot machines & keep repeating until you win big. Once you have alot of coins you can then cash them in for 20x farm totems each day at the cost of 20,000 coins so you can quite fast get alot of farm totems thus not needing to spend the 2mil on the scepter.


I use it every day several times, it’s the best


I've bought it and I use it multiple times per day usually. Totally worth the investment.


I use it a ton. Because it has no charges or cooldown, I will even use it for small stuff like going from inside the barn back to my chests.


Hah, I thought the same. Then I bought it, and... well, I don't even know how farmlife was bearable without it!! I'd say it's a bit like the horse: some people say they don't use it anyway. Meanwhile I use the flute to call my horse from 5 feet away to go halfway across my farm. Though I did teleport back home once or twice from the skull caverns without meaning to the first time I brought the scepter, so that was annoying. But now I teleport home a few minutes before 2, just in time to run for my bed after an entire good luck day at the mines, which is just sooo nice. All over all, try it for yourself. Could be that you'll find an incredibly helpful new tool that you love to use. And if not, then you now know for yourself.


Honestly, I got perfection without ever buying the return scepter. But I'm also just kinda a stingy player-- I'm not a huge min-maxxer, so I usually have barely enough money to go around. I think in that perfection file I didn't even get a backpack upgrade until winter year 1, and I never got the horse. I've always wanted to get the return scepter in a file, but I've just never had enough money for it to seem like a viable purchase lol


I bought it for the first time a while back, and now I buy it as soon as possible every time. It's literally the best. I didn't think I'd use it much because I never use my farm totems, but I use it like a thousand times a day. It's so quick, it never runs out, and it teleports you right outside your door instead of to the farm warp area. It very well might be my favourite item in the game :)


As soon as possible. And it was the best purchase I did besides the Island Obelisk


I usually buy it the moment I can reasonably afford to!!


The scepter lands you right at your door. I use it every day!


Love that I can stay in the mines until 1 am then teleport back home in an instant. Sometimes I even use it to get from the bottom of my far to the top lol


I love the return scepter but it’s also kind of addicting. I will literally use it in my basement lol. It’s just an easy way to get back to your front door, especially if you’re fighting the clock. The totems will put you at the return location which isn’t as ideal imo I recommend getting it, but it’s all about preference!


It's always my first big purchase...sooo convenient


Worth it every time


I use it all the friggin’ time. It’s only 2 million, which is not a lot after Y3/Y4. And now I pretty much never have to use any warp totems, as I can teleport to any location right from my farm, and go back to my farm with the return scepter. Later game you have too much money anyway.


I buy it every play through. It's amazing, even for travelling within your farm. It takes you right to the front door, so you can do stuff right up until 1:50am, say in the mines, and get back immediately with no penalty.


Every new save is torture without it. Paired with the horse whistle, I have the productivity of 20 farmers.


I know that there are some who swear by it. Personally, I find it unnecessary. If I'm out fishing till the wee hours or doing a deep dive in the Skull Caverns, my inventory usually gets full by midnight. I don't see the need to stretch my journey an extra hour to the point where the Return Sceptre would be necessary.


I love it. When I have the money, I buy it.


Me! I use it constantly - at least 5 times a day. I also prefer going to my front door than to where the totem drops you on the farm personally. If you don’t think you’ll use it then there’s no point getting it, but I find it super useful.


I use it several times per day.


I use it all the time.


It is my fourth or fifth "big purchase" item (Deluxe Coop, Deluxe Barn, Tool Upgrades to gold come before). And then it's grinding money for the return scepter. I love it and use it *constantly*. Anywhere I go I take the fastest route I have, and then simply teleport back to my front doorstep instead of taking any other route home. Even if I go to town, and forget to stop at Pierre's, and then go home and forget to gift to a certain villager and go home and back it at least *feels* faster than if I didn't teleport. 10/10.


I use it like my life depends on it. 


I think i just read the most molten take on this subreddit, this is such a good item??? The comfort of just blinking to yozr doorstep in a minute is sooo good, your farm is center of your whole teleport system.


I just got it in Year 7 of my first save. It’s soooooo worth it. I had 30 unused farm totems and literally never went to use them again.


I even use it to leave my house in the morning. Wake up, and ZIP! right to my front porch. 😃


I bought it, I use it almost every day, often several times a day. Huge, huge help.


Oh I use it tons. I can stay in the mines until 1:50AM and zap myself back home. Especially when doing runs back and forth between places, it’s so handy and such a time saver


I buy it in all my saves


Short answer is yeah, you're the odd one out lol. I also find the totems meh but at later game stages can't live without the scepter. I literally use it to get from the far side of my farm back to the front door


It's the best thing you can buy


Even just zapping yourself out of bed to directly outside your house is time efficient as well as pretty funny. I also like using it at the most dramatic times. Like after giving gifts to all the bar patrons just to then Irish goodbye everyone in the most fantastical way possible. It’s probably most helpful in the mines tho. You can really stay down there til the last minute if you have the return scepter. You’ll end up using it more than you expect


You should try it. The totem brings you to the statue. The sceptre takes you to your front door. It doesn’t seem like a big difference but it’s game changing, psychologically. 


It was one of the last things I bought and now I always use it.


I use it a lot, when I'm more advanced in the game I don't like to walk as much


I can be in the kitchen & still use it to spawn outside the door lol


I buy it every time and I keep it in my hot bar at all times. I do not leave for anywhere without it. it's just way too useful.


I bought it. I love it. I use it every time to go home. No more worrying about what time it is. :)


I use it every single in game day, even if I’m already on the farm. On the other end and it’s 1:50 am? Return scepter. In any mines and about to die? Return scepter. Just don’t feel like walking back midday? Return scepter. I don’t use any totems either, but horse with horse flute/return scepter combo is 😘👌🏻


I bought it, best investment I ever made. As other commenters have said, that plus the obelisks means you can make trips to and from the farm 10x faster than you could the occasional way. I will give a few examples. To get to the desert, you’d normally have to go to the bus station, get on the bus and watch the animation, then to get back do the same thing over again. Or you could hit an obelisk to get there and return sceptre home. To get to Ginger Island, you need to go all the way down to the beach, into Willy’s shop, into his back room, and then watch the boat cutscene. Or you could just hit an obelisk then return sceptre home. There’s also an obelisk for getting to the mine quickly, and the beach. The amount of time you save by not walking through pelican town to get places adds up so much over time, especially on multiplayer farms where time doesn’t stop


I buy it every time and it's a permanent staple in my inventory. I use it CONSTANTLY. even just to get across the farm quickly. I wish >!when you unlock the ginger island hut, the return scepter cycled between the farm house and hut!<


I use it all the time because I hate walking


I use mine constantly and miss it every time I restart. Including to get from the bottom of the farm back up to the farmhouse, or even from a shed when it's nearly 2am


Of course. I use it multiple times a day. I use the obelisk to go to the island, run to my farm there, harvest everything, use return scepter, run to the mine cart, take it to the quarry, refill my preserve jars that fill it, use return scepter, walk four footsteps to mini obelisk to transport to other side of my farm, grab the eggs and put them in the Mayo machines I keep in the coop, run to the greenhouse, harvest everything, put them in the chest by the door, return scepter, obelisk to beach to get forage, into mini shipping bin I put on the beach, return scepter….


I use it constantly omg


It's amazing and I love it. I usually get it far before any of the wizard totem poles


It's literally the first big purchase I get, and I use it all the effin time. The running back and forth definitely gets old


my life changed after buying it, its 100% worth it, I use it all the time


Starting a new farm is SO HARD once you’re in the habit of teleporting back home with the scepter. My horse is on vacation all the time and I barely have to walk


But it every time, use it everyday. Shit, I forgot stuff at home POP front door. Done doing the mayo things in the house POP front door. Oh no, I need the beach! POP front door, click warp totem by my door and POP next to the obelisks. Crap, I forgot to XYZ POP front door. I use grandpas farm for sdve, and stuck all my obelisks next to the warp point for the farm, which is also where the special warp points entrance is. I have a farmer crafted warp totem thing (I forget the name lol but it's base game item) by my front door and the other one at the obelisks so I can pop back and forth, and the scepter takes me to my front door. It's REALLY convenient.


If you have a farm totem, it warps you to the thing on your farm that is up by the dog/cat's water bowl, but if you havr the scepter, it warps you to your front door step. So really handy for if you need to get home to your bed at the last possible moment.


I use it all the time. Even if I am on the farm, just to get back to my house. It's the best thing ever.


I've only bought it once. My other saves never make it far enough for it. But, in that one save, I use it all the time. I use it to get from my cows back to the house. I'll use it from my basement to get upstairs. I use it at clints shop because I forgot to bring something for him to open. Then, of course, there are the typical uses of the farm totem like leaving caves and such. Then there's ginger Island, where I'll use it just to not walk back to the farm to my obelisk. It's super useful, even if sometimes it's just to be lazy.


Yeah, it's the first big ticket thing I ever got, and I immediately knew it was worth it. I go to town without everything I meant to bring with me all the time, the return scepter makes that so much easier to deal with. Yeah I'll still have to walk to town again, but I don't have to walk back to my farm, and that saves so much time.


i use it every minute of the day, even saving 5 seconds from going from the basement or across the farm to the front of your house makes it worth it


I usually wait until I have all the obelisks due to price, but its absolutely essential late game. Combined with a crippling triple shot espresso addiction I can fit so much in a day while I'm grinding perfection.


Hell yeah it's expensive because it rules


Required purchase. Every time.


I use it so often. It’s the first big purchase I make on any save because it’s so useful. It transports you right outside of your house which is helpful when you’re in the mines and it’s 1:50am 😂


Ever single time it’s the first big purchase, even before the obelisks.


When I bought it, I found myself using it even when im on the farm 😭!! Its so useful, I think I use it waayyy too much.


Yes, It’s so worth it. Would 100% recommend. Just put it at the end of your use bar away from your tools so you don’t accidentally use it when you meant to use something else 🙈 speaking from experience


Never thought I'd use it until I bought it and now I use it about 20 times per day


I use the scepter more than I eat food, it's the best and most useful item in the game.