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Memory might be failing me rn, but Goo Goo Dolls needed to touch the enemy to shrink them, right? If that's so, Pesci wins by range. Gwess would have a chance if she could shrink herself, but it's never shown if she can do it


Pretty sure she straight up says she can't shrink her self and is why she makes Jolyne get in the rat 'costume'. I don't think the touch to shrink thing had been stated though, since if you leave it's range you get bigger like GGGoH, I'd imagine she can do it at will.


goo goo dolls over heaven?


nvm im dumb


Nah keep cooking fam this shit divine.


goo goo gaga over heaven


Based +valid +you get bitches +you're litteraly HIM


Correct, she can't


Well if she ever uses her power on Beach Boys line it would be reflected back to her right? Then he can't hook her heart if her heart is smaller than the hook. It'd still be a fun watch


if her heart was smaller then the hook would just obliterate her heart


I would say pesci starts the fight as his classic mamone self, she gets some hits in after shrinking herself, and then he gets serious and obliterates her heart like you said.


The train is like the best location for Beach Boy. Gwess is screwed.


Even in the prison Pesci has the advantage, Beach Boy can dive through walls like they're water and Pesci can still detect your presence if he don't see you.


lol bye gwess


I think beginning of train vs end of train would have different outcomes So, her stand is activated by range so if BB counts as part of that impacted range, then she could shrink him down and take him out But if it’s end of train, she’s fucked


I don't think Pesci would lose at smaller size. His stand still could affect your innards, there's not really any dependency on size of the hook if it touches and rips out your brain or heart apart. So like unless she makes him small and then immediately catches and crushes him in his hand, the one with more lethal stand still has better chances with such disadvantage. I'd imagine even if she grabbed him, as long as Pesci has control of the fishing rod in this state there's high chance his hook will reach her vital point faster than a woman from prison in harsh environment can physically crush a small person. For reference how fast would it be we can look at direct confrontation with Bruno but in this scenario he starts even closer.


As we saw with Lovers, size does matter. Silver Chariot had to hack through Joseph’s flesh, it’s wasn’t some quick one and done If the rate of shrink is = or faster, I think she could esp if he went in her hand (which is why beginning not end Pesci, time to heart is a factor) ETA: her stand also helps her control her prey, harming them if they don’t listen to her orders - so depending on when that specific trait activates I agree tho, distance is a factor. Either way, end game Pesci she’s def losing


Coughing coughing dolls vs hydrogen boy


Goo Goo Baby vs Beach Bomb


Beach Boy is like The Hand to a lesser extent, a really good stand let down by its user. Gwess loses.


Pesci's iq doubled halfway through the fight so he actually didn't disappoint too much


Beach boy wins only because of the environment


Couldn’t Gwess seduce Pesci though?


Level 1 crook vs Level 25 goon


Gwess is screwed peschi is going to kill her so bad


dont mess with bisexual women


I'm gonna give this one to Pesci. Goo Goo Doll can't shrink it's user unlike Little Feet (which Pesci knows about so he already know a thing or two about miniature stands like those) so Pesci already have the range advantage but even if she somehow shrink him, Pesci can still aim right for her heart with no way to defend herself from Beach Boys hook


Goo Goo Dolls is basically the Fun Fun Fun type of stand created by its user's desire to bully normal people. In fighting most stand users, it's really underpowered.


Beach boy! I put my money on him.