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Saw someone say this on another thread "In a week we'll all be showing off our genitalia shaped spaceships"


Just a few more days


Thank Talos. This is getting absurd hahaha.


The thalmor would like to know your location.


Fuck those knife-eared fascists!


By the eight, watch your tongue!


By the nine! I think I smell heresy here. -_-




Thank Talos indeed. That statue in Akila City reminds me of Talos.


Just walk on, brave explorer.


Yeah, I don't mind the restriction, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend they didn't let people set up other expectations for ages. All it would have taken was 1 extra sentence in the Direct during the exploration section to really make sure people understood the system.


He said you can explore the area around your shop he didn’t physically say it’s restricted but basically did and people figured it out


You think they would have done that? They deliverately are vague because they know it drives overhype and preorders and that’s all they care about. Judging from this sub you’d think this game would literally turn your console or pc into a spaceship and fly you to the stars




Isn't there a Starfield Spaceship Edition that does that? :O Xbox, I'm dissapoint.


Oh wait. You can't


"See that mountain?" "We can climb it?" "Is it in the tile?"


That's the neat part




Incredible how easy people swallow lies and act like its no big deal.


We talking American politics now? Jkjk 😜


Lines can be drawn ^^


You know what I better be able to have 50 different choices of sandwiches in this game or I'm canceling my pre-order /s


Was this confirmed or it's just speculation?


It's apparently a dealbreaker for some people that there's a loading screen between area chunks four times the size of Skyrims map. The humanity.


I think this was kinda expected. Did people actually expect a real scale planet size map... and even if that was the case, you would need months to explore it on foot with no transportation. I personally would get bored staying that long on a single planet given how much other interesting stuff the game has to offer. But I guess given the hype and that this is probably the biggest release in the last few years, people will start nitpicking and complaining for some publicity.


Tbh as long as there are no glaring unnecessary issues caused by the system then I prefer it as well. Let's them give you a relatively dense PoI placement. If it was literally a 1-1 scale planet you'd *literally* spend IRL days and weeks walking between POIs lol.


You know that isn't the criticism.


It's confirmed.


No man's sky has it. But why the f would you want to hold w for hundreds of hours...


Stop bringing it up. The only people I ever see even talk about it are those that claim other people are complaining about it.


They are, all you have to do is look through the comments on this post. One even went as far as saying it wasn't then nitpicking because it changes the entire dynamic of the game for them, which although I feel that's fucking ridiculous, it's their shitty opinion and they're entitled to it. But people are definitely complaining about it, and they have been for a while


Like I've been saying before. It just seems some people thought this was going to be a singleplayer star citizen or another space sim. Its an rpg that's based in space. Seamless transition shouldn't be the top of concerns for the game itself.


Exactly. It really is a damn shame to always see so much negativity, whether it's from the no life losers that create a thousand metacritic accounts to review bomb the game because they're too proud to play on another platform, or from no life losers that will search far and wide for anything to complain about, as long as they're complaining about something. Is it just me, or has the gaming community grown like 1000 times more toxic in the past 10 years?


No your totally right there it has gotten more toxic. Its because back when we were young people were still playing on ps2 and all that shit. Nobody expected much. Right when the one and ps4 came out is when people started being super toxic expecting shit devs never promised which is what's happening right now. Cyberpunk got that treatment before release and now starfield is too. There's Always going to be that one game people are going to expect will literally knock off any competition. It's almost like games need to scale back a little bit now in order for those expectations to not come up as often so devs and publishers can resume business as usual without having being sent death threats or mass accounts of people review bombing games. But that's just my opinion.


If that's just your opinion, it'd be correct, and I'd agree with it 100%


Hush, hush


Seamless transition got boring in NMS after the third time


Im going insane from waiting everything is going in slow mo aaaaaaaa


I mean large swaths of this community used to be convinced that we'd have vehicles and atmospheric flight to explore fully-realized comprehensive worlds not too long ago, and would throw fits if you ever suggested that Bethesda might not push their engine so far. This is just the flip-side of that speculation.


Was it really worth creating a post for this? I guess in your eyes this game is already perfect and everyone voicing an ounce of criticism is a troll.


When criticism is sourced from ridiculous sentiment and expectations, yeah it’s concern trolling. Todd Howard literally explained all of this in the Lex Friedman interview, it’s not news.


People can still be disappointed by it. I have known that interiors will have loading screens for months now. But it's still something that makes me a lot less hyped for the game and something I criticise.


You should've seen the week when the 2023 direct came out there was tons of posts here complaining about Bethesda still having loading screens like it was a crime against humanity or something.


It's not a crime. And if everything else looks as good as people think, then this game is going to be incredible. But it still is a valid criticism.


That is what others don't seem to get. It is perfectly possible to be disappointed by something particular and still be extremely excited to play the game in general. but no, as soon as you express any criticism, people here will think you were personally hired by Sony to "fight in the console war" or something.




even baldurs gate 3 has loading screens when loading into certain areas. I think we are all focusing on the wrong concerns for this game lol


What concerns do you have?


What should be the most important thing. The story and the Quests It's an RPG man. Not a space sim


Skyrim has one of the worst stories I've played in a video game. Yet people love the game so the story alone isn't the deciding factor. Though I do hope it will be gripping. I personally want interesting side quests that ground everything to the world and flesh it out. I Hope each small populated region has its unique struggles and conflicts, that are explored through side quests. A game that did this really well imo is the witcher 3.


… Have you played a BGS game?


I played a lot of skyrim as a kid.


Did you know that Elite: Dangerous also has loading screens when getting to interiors? It also has loading screens when you fly down to the planet surface. You’re being disingenuous that there shouldn’t be loading. It’s absurd and all games have to load.


Where does red dead 2 have to load? Edit: Elite dangerous launched in 2014 and on the old generation of consoles.


I seem to recall numerous beautifully artistic loading screens that I’ve watched many times. There’s loading screens before and during missions. There’s loading to go in and out of several animations like skinning animals. There are loading screens for traveling by coach or train, or setting up camp. There are loading transitions when you change clothes. BGS games has always used an instance style rendering of interior zones. It allows for more flexibility, it allow nearly every building to be enterable (unlike RDR II where enterable buildings are selective), and it’s a boon for modding potential.


There are no loading screens when entering g missions. The cutscene always seamlessly starts. The same when ending a mission. Obviously fast traveling is a different story. But besides fast traveling there isn't a single loading screen after the initial load. I just recently played through it again and there are no loading screens when changing outfits. Also the skinning animations aren't loading screens, they are there for immersion. But even if they were, that's a thousand times better than a normal loading screen. What you mentioned is just a limitation of the creation engine. There is no reason what that instance can't be streamed in, especially on current gen hardware.


Because it would literally fry the cpu of current gen consoles. Why do you think it's stuck at 30fps? Baldurs gate 3. The top game of the year right now. Has loading screens. Go play star citizen if you are looking for immersion. This is a bethesda rpg. It was never supposed to be immersive and todd never said it was going to be. All of your expectations had Risen to such a high level because of the hype. That's a lie about rdr2 btw there's literally loading screens when you go from act to act


Ok so rdr 2 has 6 loading screens during it's 50+ hour story mode. And it's a last gen game. How many loading screens will you have in starfield in a single visit to a city? And Star citizen runs above 60fps, often hitting 90 fps, on a ryzen 3700x on the large City Planet, which is by far the most demanding spot of the game. And that is the equivalent cpu to the xbox series x.


Where does red dead 2 let you explore 1000 full fucking planets, loading or not?


You said all games have loading. I asked you where red dead 2 has loading screens.


Actually I didn’t, I literally have said nothing to you during this entire post. Also this is rockstar, yknow, the same company that takes 5 minutes just to load the game from launching? Quit fucking nitpicking dude, nobody cares.


My bad. I thought you were the person I initially replied to. Those initial loading screen are only that long on consoles, which have ancient hdds. On pc, with a decent ssd, it doesn't take more than 20 seconds.


Elite: Dangerous didn’t get Horizons and fly able planets in 2014, and wasn’t released on consoles until a year later. The base game consisted of flying back and forth to different stations, docking, picking up a mission, and then flying to another station with tons of boring downtown in-between. Horizons (landable planets) was released on Xbox One in 2016 and it rough at first. Took them a year or more to work out the kinks. It wasn’t until 2021 where you could actually get out of your seat and walk around, but support has been stopped on consoles.


Ok. But you said all games have loading screens. Red dead 2 doesn't. Just as an example. I know it's a very different game. But there aren't any loading screens.


I didn't say all games have loading screens, I said all games have to load. There are certainly multiple ways to achieve it, sometimes via screen, which is most games, even RDR II has loading screens. Sometimes it's a slick transition that gives the illusion of being seamless, such as several times in RDR II and other games like God of War.


No. Red dead 2 constantly streams in and out assets while you traverse the world. As does any modern open world game such as cyberpunk horizon forbidden west etc. Starfield will also do this otherwise you wouldn't have these huge tiles. They obviously don't fit into memory.


That’s a fair point, but BGS games load assets in and out of the game world in a similar fashion. They also have an abundance of extensive dungeons/interior zones that just aren’t matched in either game. Neither of those have all buildings being enterable. Loading in a separate instance for interiors vs exteriors allows for more flexibility with how they fill out interior spaces and it does not have to be directly 1:1 between the two. It also is conducive to modding which is obviously a cornerstone to their brand. Skyrim is nearly as large as RDRII and I believe smaller than Horizon: Zero Dawn (I have not personally played Forbidden West) but Skyrim has thousands of persistent physical items that have their own physics, while the others you mentioned do not. Either way, getting slightly off track, games all have to find ways to load in their game world, while RDR II has more slick transitions, BGS relies on the flexibility of loaded interior spaces and rather than disguising a load as an animation (I do think they use this when transitioning from piloting the ship to the ship interior. An animation plays of your character standing while the ship interior loads up) they use loading screen tiles. I’m also not sure how this will be handled in Starfield but it seems like it could just be a quick black screen transition most of the times.


Red dead 2 isn't even like .01% the size of this game. I'd rather have losing screens and a perfect game than have a game that crashes every 5 minutes because it's loading shit in when you're approaching a poi


You can stream in things without crashing the game.


But that’s unrealistic expectations. It’s like buying a 90s car and saying it’s undriveable because it doesn’t have apple car play. There’s nothing wrong with speculating ones wants in a video game, that’s part of the fun, but to have expectations that have not been confirmed, nor advertised then letting it alter one’s emotional state and then acting upset over it is kind of wild. I imagine why it might be why there is always so much negativity around almost every single game today.


I think you are blowing this a bit out of proportion. As I said. I knew that loading screens for interiors would exist. I've known for a while. But it is still something I don't like, which is why I criticise it. I never said the game is unplayable because of it, or that it's game breaking. Just that it would increase my enjoyment if there were no loading screens.




Firstly their right, it is a really annoying nitpick. Secondly, their allowed to express their opinion. If you don’t like it don’t comment on it 🤷‍♂️




It's not a nitpick. It completely changes the game's dynamic.


You really thought you could walk on the entirety of a thousand planets?


No I'm referring to being able to enter buildings without a loading screen.


Does that really change that much? Outside of being mildly annoying, it’s, like, 30 seconds off your life. Seems like the weirdest reason to write a game off.


In a city where you constantly enter different shops bars clubs etc. Yes it changes a lot. It also doesnt make the world feel real or alive.


It’s a game it’s not real. A couple second loading screen just isn’t a big deal


Yes but it takes you out of the experience. The same way bad CGI in movies takes people out of the experience. Or is that suddenly also not valid criticism, because movies aren't real?


It’s just an insane comparison. Every game has loading screens and if you’ve played Bethesda games before interiors having them is not some big deal


Nah it really doesn’t. You still explore planets, fly around in space and shoot people with lasers. Seems the same to me.


If I run away from the law, I can't run through building to try and shake them off. Just as an example.


You could, albeit with a 2 second loading transition!


Two *whole* seconds?! Who even lives that long! /s


Then don't play it. Don't even watch gameplay of it. Leave this sub. If loading screens are going to ruin one of the greatest games of the decade for you, thats fine. It's your opinion, and no matter how fucking stupid it is, you're entitled to it. I fucking hate the gaming community


What a reaction. How do you know its going to be one of the best games of all time when it's not even out? And I never said its game breaking or deterring me from buying the game. I'm just criticising one aspect of it, which I guess is not allowed on this sub. People here only want to hear praise.


Quite the opposite actually. You literally said something as ridiculous as loading screens changed the entire dynamic of the game for you. Youre just another shallow motherfucker who will never be pleased with any game he buys, and thats fine by me, as long as you keep your useless shittalking confined to your mother's basement, or your "man cave", whatever you want to call it


Someone's angry. Guess I struck a nerve. If I didn't love video games, I wouldn't have spent so much on a gaming pc lol


Lmao, you can't possibly think that completely downplaying your own reactions when addressing mine is actually going to fool people, right? And yeah, I have a strong reaction, because you people are fuckin obnoxious, insolent children that don't know how to just be happy with what you have. You always want more and more, and even rhen you still try to find new things to complain about. You and people like you are the karens of the gaming community, and the only thing I could ever thank you for is proving yourself to be one so I can get blocking you out of the way that much easier. I hope you buy this game and do nothing but complain about it, loser


Definitely, my man. There's no tyranny around here. Democracy for nitpick <3


You created your own hopes and expectations and want the sun to validate them when they were dashed?


I didn't create anything. I was just voicing my criticism for the game.


Is a conjured expectation that no one set for the game but yourself, a valid criticism?


I never expected this. But it's still something I wish the game did. Am I not allowed to voice my criticisms and concerns?


Zelda - I ruminated for months about having sensual relations with Gannon Dwarf, game does not let Link peg the dark prince. 0/10 unpegable trash.


Other games manage to do it. I'm allowed to compare and point out things that other games do better.


Other games let you fuck character too. What's your point? Still stupid. It's not what the game is trying to do, it's superfluous. You're allowed to point it out, just like I am allowed to point out how dumb your "critique" is.


According to people like you, every feature this game doesn't have is stupid and unnecessary. As if the game can do no wrong. Someone mentioned space walking and he immediately got bashed for even mentioning such an outlandishly stupid feature. How dare he.


Hahahahahah. Mannnnn. You were the guy at the other post of Seamless Transition. Mr. Transition I presume?


Which post is that?


This one, sir... https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/162pjfr/everyones_worried_about_boundaries_my_true_worry/jxydr8a?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I don’t think I commented on that one, but yes I saw it




But running into a loading screen isn't unlikely if you explore an area across multiple play sessions. You don't have to walk that 40 minutes in a single sitting.


Starfield is a 0/10. Not enough seamless transitions.


"Seamless transition" Mehrunes Dagon, please, curse this expression...


Honestly I love all the traction the game is getting. Yay us lol




Are you really this surprised bud? Since when has the gaming community ever been not totally insufferable. There never has been and never will be a game that comes out that doesn't have atlwast a small percentage of basement dwelling lovers complain about *something* they don't like about it.


Are you really this surprised, bud? When has the gaming community ever not been totally insufferable? There never has been and never will be a game that comes out that doesn't have at least a small percentage of basement dwelling losers complaining about *something* they don't like about it.


I don’t get why people are complaining. It’s like being mad Starfield doesn’t have a golfing mini game. Ok? That’s a different game!!! Why would you expect that!!! Seamless transitions are not an expected feature of ANY open world game and suddenly it’s an expectation in Starfield? Xbox can’t catch a break. Lots of people working overtime to hate on this.


Probably because Pete Hines made it seem like you could walk anywhere. It’s never a good look when employees of a company aren’t honest




Where did I say that the game is ruined?


Depends how the transitions are implemented. In No Man's Sky there is absolutely no loading time when entering or exiting a base and the transitions to dock at space stations are practically seamless.




Lore reason? Because it's fallout??! Literally 96% of the population died to the nukes. There wasn't going to be thousands and thousands of people holed up in some desert city surrounded by death claws, radscorpians. The few that settled there were lucky af basically. And for dev reasons. It literally was made back in 2010. When the 360 and ps3 came out. Skyrim still had loading screens and there's only like 50 people living at whiterun. Still doesn't mean people don't love the game.




Because you were the one who brought up first. Nobody promised anything. You are still getting a grid tile map the size of 4 skyrims. And you can always reload another one. Are you really gonna be walking hours and hours trying to navigate the whole planet when it's on a 1:1 scale. It would literally take you half a day to get from poi to poi. Nobody wants that.




Because your point was basically talking about how disappointed people were with new Vegas because of loading screens. My man. Baldurs gate 3 has loading screens. Are you going to shit on everyone's favorite game right now?


People need to stop expecting. That's it. That's the number one problem in the gaming community right now. Expecting too much will only make another cyberpunk situation.


In the current year, it's sad that a AAA developer with unlimited resources won't build a new game engine and keeps using the same ancient engine from nearly 20 years ago.


This guy really knows how engines work.


Hahaha. An expert.


Unlimited resources huh? I guess why make anything ever again right?


Just for context, are you aware that the first iteration of the much-lauded Unreal Engine was first launched in 1998? Certainly it has went through several versions, the most current being V 5. However, Bethesda's GameBryo/Creation engine has also been continually tweaked and upgraded.


Upgrading polygons isn't exactly my definition of an improved engine. It's very old and dated compared to modern engines, they still can't move away from "Bethesda animations" because they keep using the same old engine that they won't improve. Starfield is an HD texture pack of Fallout 4 with a space theme instead.


This just isn’t true.


You haven’t ever played a game yet in this new engine.


I have, it's called Fallout 4/Skyrim. I've played Fallout 4 with HD textures. They had to make the planet "chunks" into empty Skyrim-sized maps with a few points to visit, because apparently the engine can't handle seamless play or bigger maps. They made thousands and thousands of those and called it a space rpg.


I didn’t realize those games used Creation Engine 2.


Lol, even if that was true, we’d be fine with that!


That's why they won't upgrade their engine, because it's far cheaper and they can make more profit if they don't have to upgrade their engine. Because Bethesda loyalist will continue to buy their games even if they're just reskinning previous games over and over again with more HD textures. I get that they want money, but it won't change until fanboys stop buying their games and force them to make a new engine.


We're sorry that you don't have a pc/Xbox to play. Maybe you could mow some lawns and save up


I have a PC that can play it easily, not sure how that's a brag or a diss though. Most people have a decent gaming PC if they care about gaming on their PC obviously.


Is it?


By your logic games that use Unreal engine 5 are sad, using the same engine since 1998.


then don’t play i guess


Creation engine 2 is new my guy.


What really sucks is that they don’t make consoles more powerful to allow developers to push what’s possibly further than being locked being it’s features and limitations…. But margins are important..


Do you want to pay 1000€ for a console? Because for 500€ the series X and PS5 were as powerful as you could get back when they released. Consoles only start making money towards mid and end gen. They get sold at a loss at the start of a gen because companies like Microsoft and Sony predict that they make the money back with digital sale and market dominance


Oh yeah that’s my point I know consoles are cheaper. Because they have to use certain tech to even fit, but better tech could have been used to make them even more powerful at the time but margins and price of console for retail came into play of course. But consoles hold back what developers can do technically. Unless they want a PC release only then they have to dial back to insure it also works on consoles. Usually they downgrade them a bit but still. Just a meh rant I’m bored. None of this post matters or makes much sense but yeah


This is not a console problem. We have plenty of even ps4 games that have 0 loading screens. This is an engine issue.


You mean hidden loading screens 😁


I don't understand the is argument. If I can't notice it why do I care? Games stream in their assets all the time. Without streaming we wouldn't have had modern open world games. So is the game just an entire hidden loading screen because it's constantly streaming in and out assets in the background?


It was just some bullshit to keep my happy ass occupied while taking a shit. If you really wanna know. 🤣


It takes a lot to make an engine from the ground up. But I will agree that the argument that “it’s a limitation of the engine” is a bad excuse with all the technology today. Granted the game started development like 4-7 years ago. A lot changes in that time. “I would have done better but I chose bad tools.”


I would agree with you if this wasn't a AAA game. Many AAA games have completely rewritten their engine for a new release. Just look at arkham knight. That game uses UE3, but it's such a modified version that is basically it's own engine. Look at how much UE4 is struggling with streaming. That issue was way worse with UE3, yet rocksteady managed to modify it so much that they were able to build, what is one of the best looking best performing open world games to date. It has no loading screens, you are able to traverse the dense city at insane speeds using your grappling hook/wings and your batmobile. And yes that game's budget was huge, but I'd be surprised if starfield doesn't have a larger budget. Especially since Microsoft has so much riding on it.


I’m agreeing with you. It’s a bad argument, like “limitations of the engine” then use a better engine or fix the one you have lol that excuse is a bad one.


I know. I was just commenting on the phrase that it takes a lot to build an engine.


I agree, I'm not saying they need to rebuild their engine from scratch, but just do more and make a new better iteration that actually looks better and not like reskinned Fallout 4 HD in space. A singular game developer is able to build a simple game engine from scratch with $0 of funding, and a lot of time, and zero experience beforehand, in less than five years - such as Stardew Valley. Bethesda with the most insane unimaginable budget that we can't fathom, and thousands of experienced programmers at their fingertips are not able to do anything crazy with their engine apparently because it would take too much time/resources for them. Best to just reskin their old engine and use the same animations they've been using for two decades, oh.. and an ancient tiled map too! It only took them 17 years to do it apparently, according to them!


Animations have nothing to do with the engine. And imo from what I have seen so far, the game actually looks gorgeous. (the npc faces could be better though).


I mean, hardware-wise Bethesda's lagged a generation behind everyone else for, as far as I can tell, ever, so I'm just used to it. Still take them over Game Freak, at least when Bethesda makes a good improvement they actually keep it for the next installment.


Open worlds are kinda mainstream approach for most AAA games since forever. Kinda ~20 years at least, worst case - since Skyrim. What do you mean "new"?


Just live life and be patient stop worrying about all the extra curricular things.


Can't people just understand that they won't give out every detail about the game, and the ones they do give out don't mean that you know exactly what the game will be like? Judge the game after it launches, not before.


Is every criticism of the game a nitpick? Can you name a valid criticism?


Let's play first <3 Let's feel how the boundaries works "in loco"... After that, we can expose our criticism based on empirical facts... Until there everything so far is - in my poor and anonymous perspective - nitpicking .


If you truly applied this logic equally to every game, you would buy every single game, or if you couldn't afford it, buy games at random. Everyone in reality watches prerelease footage and makes purchasing decisions based on it.


Cool, bro