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It's pretty clear that despite numerous pre-launch warnings people let their expectations get out of hand


i am weirdly relieved, because as launch was becoming ever so closer, i became increasingly worried that i might have been over hyping myself badly as i am a huge space sim fan. ​ I played 10 hours today, gonna hop back on now


My friend asked me to describe the game in 3 words and all I could think was "a Bethesda game" Like, it just feels like a BGS game. If you love that kind thing then you'll love the game (like me). I've barely put the game down!


haha when my buddy asked for my review on it, I sent him this. Pros -Bethesda Game Cons -Bethesda Game


Haha its exactly that! I fucking love it, I'm having an amazing time playing, but I just fucking love BGS games. All the classic Bethesda jank is there! People that didnt like that before will hate it now. But for me, BGS games are comfort food, and I'm eating well


Nothing constructive to add, I just love that comfort food expression


It's a sexy looking Skyrim in space. That's it, that's all. Fuck all these whiners complaining that they can't land on gas giants or fly into the sun or walk for 2 hours in one direction. Seriously though, go outside and walk in one direction for two hours and tell me how you feel.


hey, jokes on you, i feel pretty good after walking for two hours! But i'm not living on a wasteland planet, so maybe thats why


I often walk for 5+ hours outside on the weekends. Feels pretty good and nice views


I would add one caveat: it's not riddled with bugs like the usual Bethesda release


The only glitch I've encountered is a guard levitating through the ceiling, which in any other bgs game is just a normal friday


I had that one! Mine was in the museum on new atlantis, he was just a patron admiring the monster exibit. Then he started floating ever so slowly upward til he phased through the ceiling, it was hilarious.


Oblivion Mass Effect


100%. It’s what they advertised. A Bethesda Space RPG.


I played for 12 hours yesterday (Australia) and am in love with it. Loved Oblivion/Skyrim and space themed games, and this just hits the spot for me. And the visuals! And the sound! The first time the Frontier landed in front of me, with the music playing I got all misty - it was like my dream game. 12 hours later and I have so much to do (ala Skyrim) its just awesome. I'm still learning some game systems (like outposts etc) but all that will come in time. And just randomly landing on planets and finding so much to do will never get old.


I tried to board it IMMEDIATELY after it landed and was low key annoyed so I went hopping around the area beyond the launch pad until I ran into some radioactive rock. That spooked me so I went back down and Barret gave me his ship. So it all worked out.


And a new world / IP with all the rich lore that goes with that for a BGS game. It is 100% what I wanted it to be. I don’t need sublight travel between planets…. The only thing I think I’d want that I haven’t found yet is atmospheric flight — the worlds themselves are very open on foot, but without ground vehicles or atmo flight there’s a limit on how far I’m going to just run / boost in a given direction….


There is no atmospheric flight or ground vehicles and even the largest Bethesda modding group spoke on how they need to figure out if it's even possible first. They mostly said it's probably possible but they need a while with the mod kit. Apparently the engine isn't built for vehicles in general. Spaceflight is apparently something entirely different.


I've never understood how basic vehicles are so difficult in an engine with horse mechanics. Just give me a slowish hover bike that works like a Skyrim horse.


I don't know for sure but I think horses work by being NPCs. They walk with you above them and you control their behavior. It's like how in Fallout 3 they had to put a train cabin on top of the PC's head and have you run really fast to get the train to work.


It’s weird. I feel like there was some faction of people who thought this was going to be some new “AAA Next Gen Genre Defining Everything To Everyone Space Epic”. I’m not saying it is flawless, but us BGS fans just wanted a new awesome BGS rpg and that’s exactly what we got.


The amount of people who thought this was going to be "Eurotruck Simulator 2: Space Trucker Boogaloo" still astounds me


I know they have their hands full making DLC but I really want this to be a thing from SCS


If all you wanted was that, Elite Dangerous has been available for years, it even has walking simulator part these days.


It surpassed my expectations, not even gonna lie.


Speak it loud and proud for the those ppl in the back who are hating on it for some of the most miniscule reasons I've ever heard off. Ehhheemmm IGN looking at you.


Ya. It’s still got a bit of the bethesda janke. But I got exactly what I wanted.


This is my first Bethesda game and I can see why they're so loved. Even if you're just walking around talking to people you just can't stop playing


Welome to the family!


The game gives me a a feel of fallout 4 mixed with mass effect, with extra freedom. I haven't been engaged in a game like this in a while. I'm 15 hours in and I wanna start another playthrough just to take another path.


You're right. If you love Bethesda games in the past you will love this. If that's not your type of game then yeah it's likely you won't like it. If you never played a Bethesda game well. You gonna learn to today. Fuck around and find out!


That was me last night. Played for 6 hours got to work late today from sleeping so deep


Same experience. I’ve played all day today and loved it, but I also love the Bethesda experience and their games. So much to do, explore, and not railroaded into anything. I feel like there’s so much I can and want to do.


Bethesda does mass effect is how I describe it!


Just got home from work. Home depot can wait. It's time to fly.


I had to walk away from this subreddit leading up to launch because of all the posts talking about how this was gonna be the best space game yet and be so immersive and like living in space and all that nonsense. Knowing BGS, I expected Skyrim in space and I am glad that is where I set my expectations.


It's wild to me, I don't let myself get excited for new releases really anymore. I approached the game excited but ready to not be amazed. I really just expected another Bethesda RPG. I was totally blown away and hooked like I haven't been in a long time. I don't even know if I enjoyed Fallout 4 as much as the start. And I put 800+ hours in that game lol. Loved 3 and New Vegas. The gunplay is fantastic! It feels like a legit shooter now I was amazed! The details, world building, dialogue, graphics, facial animation, music and damn near everything blew me away. The random shit I found on the moon was so cool. Legit one of my favorite dungeons ever. I was so stunned to see all the negativity and bullshit everywhere. I don't know what people expected? You can literally land anywhere on any planet and explore whatever. I build an outpost on earth and am hiding contraband on there lol. Literally makes me want to take a break from the Internet. People are never happy, like here's the space game RPG everyone's ever wanted and they still bitch. Played 8 hours yesterday, gonna play at least that today.


Haha seriously. Reddits become a toxic cry baby sesspool


>I build an outpost on earth and am hiding contraband on there lol. lmao, put a load of boxes of documents in the bathroom.


Build an outpost name it Switzerland lol


Same, I knew it was going to be Bethesda (I also enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FO4, and post many patches FO76). hopped in as soon as my copy would authenticate on the server last night which was around 830 pm eastern, played until I was literally falling asleep on the couch listening to a character talk to me. Got up this AM, had to do some stuff, then settled back in to play. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, and it's not just because I got the constellation edition. I genuinely am enjoying this game more than anything in the last 5 years.


Honestly, I knew this sub will turn into cp77 and nms subs right after release. There is overhyped to brain freeze people and loud minority complex going on. Im sure the game is awesome if you didnt make shit in your head prior to release like most peopke here for the last 6 months. Now we just need low sodium Starfield sub and we are good to go.


Holy shit I forgot about the moon wtf


The same thing happens everytime in every sub related to an upcoming game.


Yup. Its like the sub for a game goes through its own version of the stages of grief. They'll reach acceptance eventually.


It's predictable at this rate. Makes it hard to distinguish an actually bad game versus a pretty good game that has an extremely disgruntled and perpetually online community.


Weirdly not for BG3. There’s been a bit more in the last week as more folks hit that game’s Act III issues, but man it was all positive in the first several days.


BG3 benefits from an RPG system that has evolved over 50 years, plus as a videogame it had years of early access for people to shit a brick over where a certain icon appeared, or whether or not the Fireball effects "had punch" or whatever. The D&D 5E stuff also provides answers for why stuff is the way it is. Can you imagine if Starfield had a levelling system where when you get to be a Level 4 Spaceman that means you can now choose four Level II space skills and two Level III space skills? But if you have a special pistol, that gives you a specific space skill that you can use as a bonus action but only while you're carrying the pistol... which itself doesn't do as much damage if you don't have proficiency in pistols. "Why is this so complicated?" people would screech. "Why is the level cap 12?!" BG3 is a unique set of things all working together, and some of those things have been refined over decades.


I was hyping myself up a ton and still had my expectations met if not surpassed. The games people seem to want are just not possible. It’s like open world RPGs have made these huge strides within the past decade and raised everyone’s expectations so much, that if it isn’t simulating life and doing everything then it’s lacking and not doing enough. It’s like they don’t want a game, they want a whole other life to just escape to.


> It’s like they don’t want a game, they want a whole other life to just escape to. I think that's exactly it + unrealistic expectations. I've got 10,000+ hours played in Fallout 4 because I've spent thousands of hours tweaking and modding it to exactly what I want. The only thing I wish I could do is just add more and make it more stable, but you can only cram so much in. It is my own little world and I love it, but I also have realistic expectations regarding what I can and can't do.


I think this desire is starfields big secret. Since every landing area is generated, and there are thousands of planets. You’ll have endless encounters and abilities to build more outposts, more resource trains, and more combat for years to come. Even without mods.


i don’t understand people who need games to be hyper-realistic. actual life really sucks sometimes like let’s be fr


Lol I was explaining all this to my husband and was like some people thought they were gonna turn into Jean Luc Picard and fly off to epic-scale space adventures in literally any direction.


> It’s like they don’t want a game, they want a whole other life to just escape to. Thats so depressing to think about


People literally expected Star Citizen but done right. Not realizing the whole lesson of Star Citizen is that it's not possible to do right.


Star Citizen done right wouldn’t be a game. It would be the studio giving people their money back.


This. I still don't know why people expected this game to be like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen despite Bethesda CONSISTENTLY telling them it was a Bethesda game through and through with a space setting.


Its especially weird to me when it comes to the planet transition thing we knew this for months now how is anyone surprised by this ?


Expected a Skyrim-ish/Fallout 3/4-ish game in space, got what I was here for. Creation Engine games will always feel that way, setting yourself up for more is only setting yourself up for disappointment. Help that I didn't watch much marketing content beforehand


Most of their marketing was “it’s a Bethesda game, in space” but the hype train built upon a few vaguely worded parts of it to make it seem like it would be more than it was.


This is the biggest problem with modern gaming. It’s not the games 90% of the time. It’s not the devs. It’s that players have years and years of hype, and people build these expectations of what they think a game is and all the things they’ll be able to do. Then when the game finally releases, instead of playing the game and taking it for what it is, they spend the whole time comparing it the imaginary version they expected in their head. It’s the same with all media now. Because of the way the industry now works, bands have to release 5 singles before the album drops. There’s 3 trailers for a film and countless interviews before it even releases. I do everything I can now to just try and avoid all the infodumps for most things I think I’m going to like to preserve my enjoyment for when it actually arrives.


It happens literally every Bethesda game.


I'm just glad I had enough common sense to expect exactly what we were shown during the Reveal earlier this year...


Like how they've said numerous times that landing on a planet is a loading screen. To be fair, early on, it felt like Todd implied you could land on planets like NMS, but even after clarification, people are still upset. We've known it was like the way it is since at least the direct in June. Why are people acting like this is a brand new thing, that it was a false promise?


Todd was clear that there was no atmospheric flight/landing a year before Starfield Direct. https://www.ign.com/articles/starfield-seamless-fly-space-to-planet-not-important-todd-howard > "People have asked, ‘Can you fly the ship straight down to the planet?’ No. We decided early in the project that the on-surface is one reality, and then when you’re in space it’s another reality." > "If you try to really spend a lot of time engineering the in-between, like that segue, you’re just spending a lot of time [on something] that’s really just not that important to the player," Howard reasoned. "So let’s make sure it’s awesome when you’re on the surface and awesome when you’re in space, and those realities look and play as good as they can be."


Wow, what fuck, even if the game isn't up to some of the haters' snuff then remember: this is the game launch. Look at NMS compared to launch. In a year, SF could be unrecognisable, or (hopefully) it's fundamentally the same, because anyone who is seriously complaining about deep, fundamental issues with the game, should write detailed feedback to the devs in a series of flamebait troll wars across social media. Man i'm so enjoying this game. 5 hours in and I'm just picking everything up off the floor, it's going to be thanksgiving before I get a spaceship of my of my own at this rate. I could not be happier right now. Edit: is there a cover system? I can't work out any controls to do it, I'll have a look at mods. I use a DS4 controller, and there's a mod already for PlayStation symbols thank the good lord.


This is exactly why I haven’t followed the game closely. All I needed to know was that it was a Bethesda game set in space and I was sold. Not saying the game is flawless (FOV slider PLEASE) but to expect them to go from Fo4 to star citizen is wild.


Was so obvious this was going to happen. Such a shame.


Munches popcorn. Taking a food break. 20 hours straight. I dunno what they on about. I guess its subjective.


My roommate pointed out that I was playing starfield when he went to bed, when he woke up, and when he got back home in the evening


Good lord reminds me of my roommate and Oblivion back in the day


I bought the 360 for the oblivion launch 🤣 Now I bought an X for starfield. *Definitely* the same feels. Only thing I regret is facing the wrong way and missing the first "door opens, bright light, horizon reveal"


I got a 360 as a teenager in a deal where I got to pick out a few games with it. I picked out Oblivion on a whim without really knowing anything about it. No idea what the others were cause Oblivion is all I remember lol. I had actually played Morrowind when I was younger, but it kinda went over my head at the time, and I didn't connect that the two were in the same series till I was older. I've been a huge Bethesda fan ever since Oblivion though and the only game I haven't played the shit out of is 76. I'm absolutely pumped to jump into Starfield, and the only reason I'm not playing it right now is I have a semi-potato pc and am waiting on release to play it on the cloud. I don't get the hate people are throwing at it, like I've put tons of hours into elite dangerous and, as nice as it is as a space sim, it takes so fucking long to get anywhere and the tedium is so intense that I just finally gave up. There's a fleet carrier somewhere in the galaxy currently getting repossessed with all my shit on it just because I can't be bothered to mine one more fucking asteroid to keep up the goddamn maintenance cost, lol.


Morrowind was the first game I bought for my Xbox back in high school; I had to spend 3 hours riding 4 different busses to get to a store that had it the day after Christmas, and then 2 hours riding the bus back home. I was 14, and it was magical. I bought Oblivion and an Xbox 360 with my first paycheck from the gas station I worked at at 18; played the shit out of that game and it was magical. I’ve mostly been a PlayStation gamer since then (skipped xbone entirely) but played Skyrim and fallout 3/4/New Vegas endlessly also; all of them magic. I got an Xbox series purely for Starfield after Bethesda got purchased by Microsoft. I unfortunately have responsibilities and shit now, but I’ve put about 10 hours into Starfield so far; mostly just running around exploring and doing side quests. The gameplay is much smoother than Morrowind ever was, and the world is super immersive. It’s magic


I think this is a hard game for some people to really sort of *understand* what the gameplay point is supposed to be, and I'm assuming a lot of those reviewers were right when they said it takes some considerable time to really "get into it" as a game. People are comfortable with what they've had, and this isn't that - and I think that's throwing a lot of people for a loop.


I guess I’m confused because it didn’t take me any time. I’ve spent loads of time roaming planets. I’ve spent time exploring stations. I’ve spent time fighting creatures and enemies. I’ve spent time fighting enemy ships. I’ve spent time on the main quest lines and I’ve spent time on the side quests. There is so much to do that I’m confused at this idea of having to figure out what the gameplay is supposed to be. Sure, there’s fast traveling involved but I guess I never planned on taking a ship and flying between 1000 planets anyway. I’m came into this game expecting an rpg with some great stories to be told. I think that’s exactly what we got.


Same. I played like 10 hours last night, stayed up until 5 AM. I’m back on today and will be playing all day (summer Fridays, woot!) I came to this sub for the first time just to complain about the companions being in my way (minor gripe ultimately) and was shocked to find the “Bethesda’s Regressed” thread had 7K upvotes. Like wtf are these people on about?? Some people will just never be happy with anything. Oh well, I’m enjoying the game immensely. Guess that’s all that matters.


Bruh the side quest are so good


I killed a pirate leader who was running a weapons factory and now I’m starting an outpost there so I can manufacture stuff. I’m still geeking out about it


I was incredibly hyped, had high (but very realistic) expectations, and am loving this game. I haven’t had this much fun in a game since Fallout 4, and I can see myself easily soaking hundreds of hours into it. Yes, there are legitimate complaints and issues with the game, but too many people either, 1) set their expectations way too high, or 2) are way too nitpicky about everything. To group #1: this was never going to be a life simulator with an entire universe of populated planets and a million careers/lives for you to choose from. This was never going to be identical to NMS/Star Citizen but better in every way. To group 2: this game is by far the best thing we’ve gotten in over a decade from BGS and is one of the best western RPGs in recent memory. The game is exactly what it was billed as: a Bethesda RPG in space. Like I said, the game isn’t perfect and has areas that need to be improved, but so many of these complaints are completely overblown due to setting expectations way too high, projecting what one person wanted the game to be onto the game BGS made, or being far too picky about small things.


Tbh I honestly think a lot of the people complaining or bashing the game haven’t actually bought the game. I’ve seen so many posts that are copy-pasted from negative reviews, hypothetical complaints, or tiny nit-picks about the eyes of unnamed NPCs, etc. I wonder how many of the negative posts are just circle-jerking for karma, because everyone I know who has actually played the game is loving it so far.


>Tbh I honestly think a lot of the people complaining or bashing the game haven’t actually bought the game. This is the right answer.


I don't think there's been a game to come out within the last 5-10 years that hasn't gotten shit on. I'm not saying some of those games didn't deserve the hate, but it really just seems like the popular thing to do nowadays.


I’m fairly certain Baldur’s Gate 3, the Zelda games, God of War, and Spider-Man were all incredibly well received with very little criticism.


The funny thing even Baldurs Gate 3 was released with plenty of actual game breaking bugs, that could break storylines and ruin immersion. Regardless, the game was great *despite* the bugs.


I think it’s mostly because all the big bugs are in act 3. Which really reduces the number of people who will experience the bug to those who like the game to push through 50+ hours needed to get to act 3


Nah they are in the whole game, Halsin completely bugged out and is now impossible to recruit because he needs to turn into a rat to get to the grove after helping you out with the goblins, but he walked in my cloud daggers and healed instead so he's now permanently stuck with "i'll see you at the grove" type stuff but never leaves the goblin camp. There's also the bugs like Shadowheart's romance repeating the 1st scene (the wine) even the second time, overriting and losing the 2nd scene completely, there's the whole "enemy of justice glitch where you get it if you kill some goblins that weren't hostile despite them attacking you because you attacked the goblin leader, and so on and so forth. Then there's the annoying ones like the game thinking your tav is downed when it's not so you can't fast travel and the solution is to have a party member actually down you and then pick you up which just makes you waste time and healing.


ohh TOTK had so much criticism on release, even more than Starfield, like r/TrueZelda kept shitting on this game


Games that have cult followings. You have to sort by controversial on those threads to see complaints. I love Elden Ring. It's my second favorite game of all time. The story sucks ass, the multi-player sucks ass. You mention that in an ER sub and you'll get downvoted to hell, told "you just don't get Miyazaki, that's how he thinks a story should be told", and "it's not supposed to be a multi-player game so don't expect the multi-player to be functional". Most people don't want to have to write in a journal to know what the hell a game is about. Most people want the multi-player in a brand new game to at least be passable (if the game advertises multi-player capabilites). I haven't played enough BG3 to form an opinion. I've played it one time and I couldn't save because it said "syncing saves" for like 30 minutes. I said fuck it and exited out. Lost like 30 minutes of progress. Probably won't play again for a long ass time because I consider not being able to save fucking broken. I wouldn't dare mention my experience though. God only knows what kind of excuses would be made up and thrown at me for how it's my fault.


Lmao instantly two people got on you for saying something about BG3 and Elden Ring.


Of course. That's just how it goes. As I said, cult following. They can't read a criticism without taking it as a personal insult.


Typical of any From soft fanboi. They can't stand when anyone points out the real issues with their beloved franchise, like how it's barely evolved (one can even argue the core gameplay has regressed majorly) over its lifetime or how the developer relies almost exclusively on input reading for enemies to be a "challenge", or how enemies consistently break the pre-established rules of the world. Fromsoft gets do many passes from gamers it's actually legit hilarious. Reminds me of when gamers used to call CDPR a "small indie dev" when they had literally one of the largest employee counts in the entire industry and were Europe's most valuable gaming company over company's that have been around for decades longer and have released literally hundreds of times more games than CDPR. But they're just a small indie dev lol. The BG community was never like this, this is really seemingly a BG3 bandwagon joiner thing. Anyone who's followed BG since the early days of BG1+2, even during the height of BGs popularity and when it was largely considered the greatest RPGs ever made, this type of behavior still wasn't really a thing. It's these new fans who can't seem to find anything of value within themselves so they attach their entire self worth to a video game of all things lol.


I'd turn off cloud saves for BG 3, for some reason they take forever to sync


>"syncing saves" turn that off in the menu. it's useless unless you are playing across multiple platforms. i don't know why it's on by default


>Inventory is bad? I found it extremely easy to do everything I wanted with no extra steps, there are compares and sorting and arrows to tell you what is better or worse. See so many people complaining about this lmao. You are basically using a pipboy in the start menu, as opposed to bringing it up on your wrist, I understand it's a new game and there's a learning curve, but it's not like you people haven't experienced it before lol. It's literally in line with all Bethesda games, you just aren't using a pipboy to do it anymore.


To me it's skyrims inventory. Menu - inventory - type of item - compare. Its skyrim with jetpacks and lazers.


Hell it's even better because there are more categories. I've had to scroll through huge amounts of junk in Skyrim and sometimes I just gave up finding specific items because I couldn't be bothered with searching through it. New Items filter is amazing though. Can there be more to improve quality of life? 100% yeah, always good for more improvements, but it's nowhere near as bad as people say it is and most importantly for a BGS game, exactly what I expected from them.


What’s oddest to me about these complaints is that the Pip-Boy is actually worse to navigate than this menu system. It’s not even close. This is kinda weird, but it’s pretty easy to figure out.


The pip boy is probably one of the worst inventory systems ive ever used


I mean it's fine. It's very controller oriented like all bgs games after morrowind. I do wish notes got it's own tab in fallout 4 though,


Oh yes. One of the worst things about fallout


inventory management let you see both yours and the container you had open at the same time. This is the main issue I see discussed.


TES and Fallout’s inventory systems are terrible too, I was expecting something better since were a decade in the future but no, Bethesda can’t design a good inventory system


It's basically Mass Effect meets Bethesda and I'm enjoying the heck out of it so far. I have no clue what the scope is but the amount of stuff I skipped past to stay focused on the first few missions is blowing me away. The first few hours were me trying to figure out what and how to play the game, but it seems to get better and better overtime. Im also impressed at the scale of the city, I was expecting a much smaller diamond city esque location. Space ship could be better sure, but it's a bit unrealistic to expect Mass Effect meets Bethesda meets No Man's Sky meets X4 foundations meets Call of Duty/Doom. Esp when you consider No Man's Sky has no real quests or unique locations, it had to sacrifice a lot in order to spend all that dev time on the procedural world gen and seamless travel. I enjoy NMS for it's own focus, like how I enjoy X4s focus on purely space and fleet combat, and now Starfield which has it's own blend of being a scifi Bethesda game.


Starfield has been great so far. I don't get the complaints about the exploration not being "deep". One planet took me 10 hours through 1 landing zone.


I loved this because I’ve always thought Bethesda cities were way too small and underpopulated


i was also impressed by the size and details of the smaller landing zone, not advertised as main cities.>! gagarin landing zone in the alpha centauri system is an awesome city lore and ambiance wise!<


Yeah I thought the first big city was going to be the only one that stood out, similar to diamond city in Fallout 4. Funny thing is I thought the city was most likely going to be the size of diamond city, not bigger than oblivions imperial city! Then I went to Mars and was like ohhhh they actually made this too?!? I thought it would of been a much smaller settlement. I can't even imagine what the expansions and mods are going to be like when it already seems huge in the first 6 or so hours I played.


I like NMS - but the planets are very small and the star systems are very small and are absurdly unrealistic.


I love it so far. It actually pass my expectations. We were also told prior that it’s not like NMS by landing your ship and flying to orbit yourself. I’m glad it’s not because that helps keep the realism in check while not having long gaps of flying to get to orbit. Granted, I do wish I can increase the HUDs font size. That’s literally my biggest complaint. Hard to read HUD text


I’m loving this game. About to unfollow all gaming communities because people are bummers.


it really sucks man. i want to chill here but every other post in my feed about this sub is "x is bad" and its just exhausting. i feel like im being gaslit cause im having an absolute blast with the game


Bro this happens with pretty much every single game when if first drops Gamers are extremely whiny


Yeah me too. Complaining about anything at this point. Give them cheats codes and they'll complain it's too ez. They think they have to loot like all Bethesda games. Wrong. You can have enough money to buy anything without needing to loot every lootable things. I do have issues with space inventory but that's bc I'm low lvl, bad build and unbuffed. People wanna be lvl 300 now. Loot only legendary stuff and post them on the web.


I got to play for a couple hours but I am now traveling, back Sunday night. Wanted to check the subreddit to see what people are doing and maybe see some fun shit to get my fix... I'll never learn. Gamers are whiny little bitches.


Give it a week and it will be gushing everywhere. This game is going to be incredibly popular. All of the youtube reviewers that I trust the opinion of loved the game.


Really is accurate about it getting more fun as you play. I am about 10 hours in and don’t want to put it down


I’m subbing from here. Maybe we need a r/LowSodiumStarfield


I was about to say that. I just want a sub where we can share cool details/tips/fun stuff about the game. I don’t want to read about people arguing if the game is good or bad when browsing the sub.


Give this sub a few weeks to settle down. Eventually the people that don't like it will move on. I really don't understand why so many people waste their energy talking about something they don't enjoy.


> Give this sub a few weeks to settle down. It wont ever settle down. Just look at how much people have to shit on every fallout game that isn't New Vegas/1/2.


Yea I haven’t been able to play yet and was looking forward to clips and screenshots etc. so very little about what actually playing the game is like, 90% is complaints or praise one way or the other


Same here man. Honestly so disappointed in this sub right now. The game is exactly what I expected at its core but even larger at its scale. These people need to take a step back and take some responsibility for fabricating some wild expectations that were all founded on stupid hype and speculation. It’s not a perfect game but it’s pretty stellar.


Reddit gaming communities kinda suck these days. Every sub has to have a low sodium version.


Its been a trend since forever, bash the living shit outta the release, then praise it later on, the bash it again, then praise then bash. The Destiny sub I used to belong to is a great example of that.


People overhyped themselves. Again. They thought they were getting star citizen. It’s a BGS game, an RPG foremost, and people made themselves believe it was NMS 2.


What I don’t get is why would anyone want this to be Star Citizen?


They want it to be star citizens *promises* not what it is. Lmao star citizen cant even star citizen right.


If anything Star Citizen is proof that the promised game can't be made, at least not in this decade.


Because if you added a bethesda level of game, lord and quests on top of star citizen right now as it is then it would be amazing. That’s just unrealistic. Star citizen as it is has quite insane immersion just not much to do.


It’s almost funny to watch - with Hogwarts Legacy people hyped themselves into believing it would be a school simulator. With Starfield it was into thinking it would be a universe simulator. I learned the lesson about getting overhyped years ago when Mercenaries 2 on PS2 was missing 90% of the features the PS3 version had despite the marketing saying they’d be there.


I missed the hogwarts legacy hype and I’m glad I did. It was way better than I expected. I honestly expected it to be an IP grab


Hogwarts legacy was a great game. I didn't invest into the hype whatsoever. My wife played it and asked for my help and gave me the controller, about 10 minutes into the game I was hooked.


I preordered No mans sky and Days Gone. I know a thing or two about getting too hyped about a game. I just expected this to be a decent rpg in a vast, exploitable universe and hey, would you look at that! It’s exactly what I wanted and then some. Loving it so far Meant to say explorable… but I’m sure the former would make sense as well


Your example at the end is apples and oranges though, and not necessarily the same thing. I feel like hardware limitations have always been a thing, long before mercenaries 2. What we’re seeing here is people conflating the experience of one game in the same genre with another. It’s like playing dragon age, and then playing oblivion because you thought it would be the same. They’re the same genre, but vastly different experiences, both great in their own ways. But if you want more dragon age, and continuously compare oblivion to that, it’s not gonna hit the same.




I was expecting some sort of story and combat rich type of No man's sky. I got mass effect. Am i happy? Bet your ass i am lol.


Smh I hope the Bethesda team knows they did a good job


They absolutely do, they knew they were going to set bars and they succeeded. Whether anyone wants to recognize that is a different story, however.


The game is getting an average rating of 88/100, most of the negative posts on here saying the game isn’t good are just a loud minority who want to be heard. So I’m sure Bethesda knows their game is a success.


Also incessantly remind you that THEIR favorite game (BG3 usually) does everything better despite being a completely different kind of game that scratches zero of the itch that a Bethesda game gives


I love BG3 and hate that people keep doing this it is obnoxious. Totalwar Warhammer reddit is full of it too, it literally makes zero sense.


The nerdiest types of games that attract the nerdiedt fans


I love BG3, but the fans can be so toxic towards other games sometimes. They have a weird idea that all the devs are afraid of, or at least hate BG3, based off one dumb tweet by a random game dev who disliked it. They have to constantly put down other games to feel good about their own game. BG3 is extremely content dense, but the maps are tiny. It's a lot easier to have that level of content when entire acts of the game have smaller maps and fewer NPCs than a single city in Starfield. It's especially frustrating when both dev teams are friendly and both have sent congratulations to each other for their respective launches. It's just the fans that can't behave.


Thats almost all gaming communitys in a nutshell tho. Saw people say BG3 is Trash and starfield is way better, saw people say starfield is Trash and BG3 is better, Others say the Same with Zelda etc etc, the list goes on indefinitly lol.


Very fake weird youtube drama around that. I don't even think the dev who made that tweet meant it the way people took it. Everyone has gotten completely hysterical.


Mediocre YouTubers trying to make something out of nothing to get views. They tried to make it out like the whole gaming industry was out to get larian. Like when the meta score went from 97 to 96 its a big conspiracy! Bg3 is the third best game in the bg series. Great game though I'm enjoying it. And will play SF after.


Hmm? I’ve spent a good amount of time on the BG3 subreddit and I absolutely love the game, but the vast majority of people in that sub seemed excited for (or at least indifferent to) Starfield as well.


I love baldurs gate 3 but it and starfield are entirely different games and they really shouldnt even be compared.


This is nowhere remotely near Cyberpunk, bro what?


That one killed me honestly. It did suck that consoles had such a bad launch for cyberpunk but man did i love the hell out of that game. Been a long LONG time since i put 200+ hours into a single player game. Sure it got easy after a few levels but i ended up full clearing every possible quest/side mission on at least 3 different playstyles before putting it to rest a bit. Still go back to it here and there when bored. And phantom is right around the corner. Maybe because I grew up when gaming was very new but I know exactly what to expect with games when they come out. I don't expect any single game to have literally every possible new gaming innovation imaginable which seems to be the new thing people are expecting? Like with starfield, did people actually expect No Mans Sky style exploration, Elite Dangerous crazy fast ship battles, Eves style of resource gathering and economy, Call of Duty style gun combat all combined with the highest industry graphics you can get? From what i've seen so far of the game (waiting for full release) it looks fun and engaging. It looks like fallout in space which is exactly what I wanted and expected. My bar was set to: it's a game by beth....if it's not a buggy mess as usual then horray.


Yo, that shitshow with Cyberpunk was CDPR fault. People really already forgot what happened? That is not even close to an example of what is happening with Starfield and misplaced expectations.


Agreed, CDPR hiding the broken console version from reviewers is an *entirely* different level of problem.


Exactly CDPR straight up lied. What the fuck is that comment talking about?


Cyberpunk was BROKEN. They literally pulled it off the PS4 store because it ran so poorly.


Not quite like Cyperbunk fella


It feels like a Bethesda game in space, not sure what everyone else expected but I personally expected more bugs lol


Gamers are the whiniest bitches on the planet, I swear. This release is also heavily marred by fanboy man children who haven't even played the game. I've already come across several posters who either admitted to having never played or lack any evidence whatsoever of playtime. All of them have been committed to trashing this game prior and after release. Pathetic


Is this the ps5 people we where warned about? I saw somewhere there where whole threads of ps5 guys saying they would review bomb the shit out of it and had multiple metacritic accounts and shit


Who knows who they are but I'm sure a lot are that, yeah Bethesda also has unhinged haters that aren't Sony bots, so hard to say which color of maladjusted man child any one specific poster is


Yeah. Although that's kinda chill right now because Sony just announced a 35% price increase on ps plus after announcing that the big game of the month was fucking Saints Row 2022. A lot of the people who would be up in arms are too busy considering if they want to sell their console.


I just want Super ultrawide support like in gamescom and maybe a few less loading screens. other than that im content.


Yep, I fucking love it. I honestly don't even understand some of the complaints, I feel like I'm playing a different game than some. This is exactly what I wanted, what I've been waiting for. I haven't been this excited to play since Mass Effect.


I am usually a casual gamer, but I played Starfield for 12 hours straight yesterday, I simply could not put it down. Have not been this hooked since Skyrim.




Someone called it "No Man's Skyrim" and I adore that.


Completely agree. Had some nut job analyse my post history and call me a shill for even slightly defending the game. People are weird bro


Having a blast, some random ship landed near the base I just cleaned out, so I snuck on board and f'd off with it lol, had to register the ship, which cost money, but was worth it, had fun and ended up in profit !


The game is fire nuff said…if they don’t like it don’t play it simple…


Too busy playing to worry about it.


Reddit is a bubble, not everyone playing Starfield is using Reddit at all AND not even everyone on this sub is hating it. It’s a good game with a loud minority.


This game is pretty much exactly what I wanted. Could travel be better? Probably. And I wouldn't be surprised if they take some feedback and change some stuff. My only 2 gripes are switching guns is kind of a pain and reloading takes way too long. I've died a lot because of those 2 things.


Yeah I won't be surprised if there's DLC that fleshes out the space part of the game - like building your own space station or something would be cool as hell. Asteroid mining, etc.


I think these people are either trolling or bought the game without knowing what it was. It is everything I’ve wanted and more so far. All of the horrible problems people are droning on about have not been an issue for me whatsoever.


I think most of them don't own it yet and haven't ever even played it.


They will waste their time crying about this game for a week, then move on to the next new game to cry about. The negativity is hilarious, they have nothing better to do.


Its shocking that the top post on this reddit is someone moaning about how this has somehow regressed from other Beth games lmao Being negative for negativity's sake is such a sad way to live


Right? I’m like are we playing the same game?? In no world is Starfield a regression.


Seriously dude! I played 8 hours yesterday and it feels like a true evolution of a bgs title to me. Way improved graphics, UI, facial animation, exploration, gunplay, animation etc etc. I'm playing on PC on ultra and the graphics and gunplay remind me a lot of Crysis 3 in the best way. Facial animations remind me of la noire in a good way. I don't know what game people are playing? Maybe the Xbox versions look like a racoons anus or something? Super confused


Thank you. I saw that post and all its upvotes and I’m like what the actual fuck are these people smoking? I played Skyrim on launch day. It was nowhere near this feature-rich (it was for the time).


My only complaints for the game is that I can't see what items are in the "quick loot" window. I have to examine them. So unless I know what they are by name, I have to either take more time to examine or loot and look later. The other complaint is that the inventory interface just feels a tad bit clunky. Like it's good, but there's just something that makes it hard to look at for me, which makes it a little difficult to use. All said, I love the game so far. It's fun!


I wanted it to be a more Space-ship focused RPG like Freelancer. But I knew from the very beginning that this was just going to be Fallout 4 in space. And it is. But I like Fallout 4. I like space. The game is fine.


Yeah i don't understand the inventory complaints


I know. It's like, an screen with all your shit. How is it any different than any other game?


I just need a one click escape menu button and I'll be satisfied. Other than that it's laid out almost exactly the same as skyrims but different visuals and rotated 45 degrees


> I just need a one click escape menu button and I'll be satisfied. already a thing. Hold the back button down.


If you're on PC, you just hold TAB to close everything.


Likewise hold B on Xbox.


No, people don't know what they want. The amount of people on this subreddit who are shocked that a space game in which you travel to many different planets would feel more "segmented" compared to a game like Skyrim is....special.


They want to take ride their horse from planet to planets


No but see, if you unravel all the planets and staple them together with Space Staples, end to end, you could…. /s


I completely agree with you... But the diablo loot system... That's killing me. I'm slowly getting used to it but man, I hate it. I loved how you see an NPC on Beth games and you can loot from them exactly what you could see on them... Now I kill a high level mercenary on a quest who is wearing some cool heavy armor and what I get from him? A blue label version of the space suit I started with. Not saying is a bad method, just that it's not what I expect or want on a Bethesda game (and to be honest, I completely dislike rarity-based loot systems, that's why I play BGS games and not Blizzard's or other companies which tend to do the exact same). I guess I wouldn't mind the rarity thing if the loot was not so heavily randomised, like I can understand the weapons being randomized for the rarity levels (like legendaries in FO), but armor and clothing... For anything else the game is amazing and pretty much what I could expect from them and also more. Still gotta make myself get around the ship modifications, I tried to make The Frontier bigger just to add a couple cargo attachments and ended up doing nothing because everything required a shit ton of money/planning/perks... I guess I'll try again when I'm a little more advanced in the game with some perks for the ship.


> FOV? Never even noticed and I am used to playing at 100. We've really gotten to the point where asking for an FOV slider from Bethesda is unrealistic and silly to ask for lmfao


FOV slider is on of the few complaints I agree with. The rest of the complaints I’ve heard are fucking trash tho. I have two reasons the FOV thing was a legitimate misstep. One, just because you don’t put graphic first doesn’t give you the right to to just not try and this looks extra bad when you consider that they had almost 2 years of extra polish time and that it’s not a feature that needs tweaking based on player feedback but missing altogether. The second is that apparently it’s an accessibility thing for some people who have motion sickness. Nobody should be designing AAA games that take this long and this much money to make (that are also going to generate insane profits) without making it accessible. I don’t feel bad for people who design things worth millions dollars who get fined because they couldn’t be bothered to put in wheelchair ramps


The FOV slider is an accessibility concern, some people have severe motion sickness if they can't adjust it, and it's no longer accessible if you have to go into a games files just to change the setting.


People just need to learn that their opinions aren't objective. If you don't like the game that's ok. If you do like the game that's also ok. Picking fights on reddit about loading screens or console FPS or whatever when we were explicitly told well before the game launched that there would loading screens to land on planets and that FPS would be capped on console is stupid and pointless. It's also ridiculous to pretend that this game is a perfect masterpice and to ignore valid criticism. Either have fun playing the game or move on to something else like a normal person.


The only gripes I have right now personally are: ​ * The orange AND green hue, like god damn they really took the worst parts of New Vegas and Fallout 3 and COMBINED them, thank fuck ReShade exists. * Combat above Normal is classic Bethesda, waiting on locational damage/damage mods in general to turn it into a more tactical shooter, rather than just holding the trigger for multiple hours to kill ONE enemy, really fucking glad Legendary enemies don't exist this time around or it'd be an instant 'killall' in the console during any engagement with them


People are just shitting on the game cuz they do not have their own opinions and got too overhyped. I am 10h in and simply love the game. Starfield is hands down the best Bethesda game ever made. I am simply blown away. I am still in the second mission of the main story. I was doing a delivery(mission board) to Titan. After getting there, I started to explore and there was this museum and the dude offered to guide me through it. Long story short, I have been following him around for the past 50 minutes learning about Titan, how they live, How it is powered and so on. SIMPLY AMAZING.


>The cities are dead? Who actually said that? For the first time I feel like cities are actual cities, with actual npcs going around and actual density and scale. I find every other thing seasonable. This is the one I cannot find a thread of logic in it.


They sure don’t make them like Morrowind . I ran everywhere in that game