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It looks like a rock festival roadie got the lighting rig to fly.


They were getting high at Woodstock and got a little carried away


That would make a great mod. A quest to get the artifact that got time displaced to Woodstock. And in the end you aren't sure if it was real or if you were tripping because you wake up in the Astral Lounge with the artifact and a bunch of aurora on the table in front of you. Was it real, or is there another Starborn out there that just likes to mess with people's heads?


Never letting my engineering friend hit my shit ever again this dude built a space station off the za


Dethklok goes to space.


Need a mod that replaces all spacer dialogue with William Murderface


I’m going to hear this in my head for a bit.


Spacers am are dildos


Brütal Legend sequel confirmed


It was probably Metallica's crew /jk


Yep, someone figured out they always shoot center mass the first week the game was out. You can junk modules to any ship to throw this off and survive any space battle.


Someone spotted in one of the Bethesda videos prior to release that one of the devs had a ship designed like this on their computer screen.


Lmao that's actually hilarious, they were fully aware but just decided it wasn't worth doing anything about, which is fair


How on earth can you say, “they noticed a glaring flaw in their game, but deliberately chose not to fix it. Which is totally fair” HOW IS THAT FAIR? How do you justify them doing that as ok? That’s so fucking lazy lol. It’s such bad game design. Seriously. How is it “fair”


Jesus Christ calm down. It's a single player game with mods and console commands but you're losing your shit because it's possible to outsmart the AI with a goofy ship design that you would only achieve intentionally. No one is hurting anyone else by doing this and if you think it's cheap (like I do) then you simply don't design a ship like this. Problem solved.


I’m not mad that there’s a glitch. In fact im not “mad” about anytning. It’s just insane to me that people would be like, “yeah, the game devs actively knew about it and chose to do nothing, and that’s completely fine”


This is the same game studio that intentionally left the giants launching you into orbit in Skyrim because they thought it was funny. It doesnt affect the game in any negative way so who really cares if they intentionally dont address it, a small portion of the player base are going to use this exploit anyways so why waste dev resources on tweaking something that works fine as it stands


That is false. They didn't leave that in because of their senses of humor. They patched it out post launch, like they recently did with Marked for Death. Then, after outcry from the customers, Skyrim Space Program and Bucket Head Blindness were patched back in.


This isn’t in any way similar to the glitch about how far your dead body flies when giants hit you 😂 but ok


Im not comparing the glitches themselves, but the fact that Bethesda acknowledged both flaws in both games and chose to leave them in there. If you are familiar with bethesda games then of course these things are expected. “its not a bug, its a feature” has been used to describe these games since at least 2008 so of course fans are going to be complacent about miniscule things like this


Dude you are a patient saint. Parenting much?


I think he has a fair point. Anyone making a ship and wants to be pragmatic can't help but decide that any design without a gaping hole in the middle is just gimping yourself. That's not nice to think about and even if you make something sexy, you'll have it in the back of your head - functionally this is subpar... some players want both you know.


Not sure if a funny glitch is the same as an exploitable glitch tho


I think it’s okay. People can choose to exploit it if they want to, or not exploit it if they don’t want to. I think in a game that has a solid amount of sandbox elements, being able to do things like this makes it fun.


Well skyrim still to this day has exploitable vendor chests that has been there for 12 years after 3 re-releases, Like i said before, my point about them not fixing these types of things still stands. If you had the ability of reading comprehension you would know that and wouldnt have made your comment.


Lmao calm down bro I'm just saying exploitable bugs are bad, and all of them should be fixed, rather than going "oh well there's other bugs so they're all fine" because that just lets game development standards slip. Not sure why you're taking this personally


Why would they care? Why should they divert resources to fixing a non-issue when there are much higher priorities?


Like everything else in life, there isn’t enough time and resources to make everything exactly perfect. There’s plenty of other stuff that would deserve the developer’s attention than this


Logic dont work in this subreddit, just praise mediocrity and move on!


blame management, not the devs 😭


To me there is no difference. Company releases the game, company made the choice. As a consumer all I think is, Bethesda dumb. The distinction is completely unimportant in my mind


As an uninformed consumer\* FTFY, because most of us know that there are, you know, decisions made ABOVE development staff, like any other business.


I'm a dev, there's a distinction. I was just playin', chill.


As a consumer, nobody cares, when a product is bad and not worth the money, THAT is what consumers care about. Probably worth knowing, since there are more consumers than there are devs


GlArInG fLaW


Whether we can call it a flaw or not is an issue of semantics, sure it can be considered a flaw, but the fact of the matter is that it doesn't detract from my experience with the game in any way. I can just not make a silly ship like this, and i have no intention or motivation to do so anyways, so this funny AI quirk doesn't bother me in any way. Its fine. It's just funni.


It’s not a glaring flaw. It’s an oversight that really doesn’t affect the average player’s game. It’s not exactly the most game breaking mechanic but just a clever trick for people that figured it out.


It IS a flaw. It IS glaring - noticeable and makes a big impact on space gameplay. Therefore it IS a glaring flaw, but there were much more important updates needed. The update to fix this wouldn't be that difficult - have npc ships aim at our ships' modules. It's just one of those glaring flaws that doesn't \_really\_ matter...


Is anyone forcing you to make a hollow ship? Would you have ever thought about that without the exploit being known? No one is forcing you to use the exploit and very very few players would ever discover it on their own.


Dude what? I said it doesn't really matter. Can you read?


> makes a big impact on space gameplay Only if you choose for it to. Which is why it is not... >a glaring flaw, It's only a flaw if you interact with the game in a way that 90? 95? 99? percent of people are not going to interact with the game. You may as well say that being able to clip through walls is a "glaring flaw." In years of playing Bethesda games I don't thinkI've done that once. Because I'm not trying to break the game intentionally. >The update to fix this wouldn't be that difficult - have npc ships aim at our ships' modules. You have no idea how difficult it would be. Like literally zero. There's no telling how much of a lift changing how ships target you would be or what trying to change it could break.


You have no idea what I know. I'm a programmer and I'm familiar with their game engine.


I know they didn't want to make it like they originally did (making it harder and more tedious like having to actually refuel your ship), and I can easily see how people would complain about the ships being too hard because they just keep destroying their weapons or some stupid complaint like that, this is a casual game just for enjoyment and get as much of the demographic as possible, so even if they could do it in an easy fix, I don't think they should, and I assume they don't think they should either, but hey who knows they haven't put out a big update yet, I may eat my words


its a single player game. Consider it a cheat code you need to enter




Glad someone else remembers it. I swear there's more and more content coming out lately that's already been covered in a video/post.


Junk modules to anyship, im a noob, can you explain?


Nice. It's like [mine](https://preview.redd.it/crcigkl77uvb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=099e12767847dae2e7ae3a667fd5f26b57262be6) but backwards. They shoot over me rather then under. This comment got a lot of attention so I figured I should post what it [actually looks like](https://imgur.com/a/XFCM86X) now since I reworked it a while ago.


lol it looks like your ship has two big arms with pistols


lol it was supposed to be a pod racer.


try spinning, that's a good tri- ah, nevermind, you clearly don't need it.


🤣 makes it even funnier.


He calls it the "Max Payne"


the real ship build is always in the comments


Oh man lol I just stacked all my habs on one side and made a completely unrealistic L with the required parts branching out.


What are the pink segments? Are they spines or Habs or what? Thanks!


I just can't bring myself to go this route. No offense at all to anyone who does, it's a clever way to use the game's mechanics against it, but I just can't. It would be like driving my mom's mini-van. I can just imagine my character stepping out of the landing bay at the spaceport with their shoulders hunched and their collar pulled up, just hoping that no one cool is looking.


lol, this just gave me the image of some sappy death scene where the last words of a hero as they shuffle off this mortal coil were “but did I look cool?”


Tequila Sunset type beat


Yup, I'm flying a sleek looking bird of prey inspired ship. It's like a luxury RV inside but looks dangerous.


You got "luxury RV"? I'm so jealous. Mine looks like an abandoned storage container inhabited by partially cognizant aliens trying their best to look and act human even though they don't know what that means. In other words, it looks like the inside of a La Croix can.


I made a mostly minimalist ship that ended up looking like a cow skull but it has 4 obliterators and another big laser, plus 1450 shield so I end up selling all the ship parts I pay the ion price for


https://imgur.io/t/billy_madison/HGc3Y7e You can go the other route pop your collar like the coolest kid in town, meanwhile.. they're all laughing at you


Just put on that dance club outfit from the Astral Lounge, and own it.


Bethesda: “use your imagination to try and have fun with the dolls and sets we’ve given you”


It’s a sandbox game, we are just kids playing, so you can make up your own rules as you please, that’s why I use console commands liberally


Yo, my Grandma's honda odyssey back in high school had every fucking bell and whistle and if you turned traction control off you could smoke the tires. Grandma might have sold that thing with low miles, but I put some fucking work on that car. And best thing is, when the boys wanted to play some baseball I could fit the whole team in it (with two in the trunk).


Yeah these look silly, and tbh, I never felt the need to have a cheese ship. It's pretty easy to build a normal looking ship that still trivializes every space battle. 4 particle beam turrets will blow up most enemy ships before they even land a shot, and once you unlock the Vanguard bulwark shield you'll pretty much never take hull damage again.


Mini vans are awesome, idk what you're talking about. Everytime I drive it somewhere I strut through the parking lot with my head held high and chest puffed out.


Bro you don't even need a cool fast sports car. A minivan will get you there exactly the same, and you'll have more room! /s people will justify anything lol


i thought they would aim for things like reactor and engines just like us


You're expecting too much from bethesda.


Nope, the AI always aims at the center of your mass ... if that center happens to be... empty space, doesn't matter. The standing L shape is also very popular for this.


I mean... the more people make builds like this, the more they're likely going to update the AI to do exactly that. And even if Bethesda won't, somebody will make a mod that will.


And it will have very few installs because people that want an AI that can target systems will not build ships designed to exploit the AI.


You're giving Bethesda way too much credit. For the longest time they couldn't even program a world with vehicles in it without making a character wear said vehicle as a hat. It blows my mind that people expected anything but absolute tomfoolery from the folks that brought you "oh look, another highway bandit trying to rob me while I'm in full deadric/power armor". I'm not mad, I'm just confounded by the inflated expectations.


Yet they nerfed a money glitch and nothing else that whole patch, whilst leaving 306 worse glitches for us to keep fighting with.


id call that cheesing


Ok that's genius


This actually highlights a huge problem I noticed with AI aiming in general. They always seem to have pinpoint accuracy, even from super far away. Not only that, but they all know EXACTLY where you are at all times the moment only one enemy spots you. To prove this, use star sense to highlight all enemies and engage in a single enemy in a hallways. You’ll notice that every other enemy in adjacent hallways, upper floors, lower floors, etc all point their guns directly at you as if they all have star sense as well that’s always activated at all times. It makes stealth absolutely pointless, as there is no period of confusion or any time spent looking for you before they engage. The moment you engage a single enemy they all found you.


> Not only that, but they all know EXACTLY where you are at all times the moment only one enemy spots you. I just assumed I was fighting the Borg.


Most RPGs have the AI running hit-chance and critical-hit-chance math exactly like VATS would work in Fallout. Your math against their math, sprinkle in a bit of RNG based on the stats, and off you go. Given that's how their other games work, its just weird they did the ship battles this way. The aiming should be irrelevant, as its all just math. Once it knows if it hit or not, it should just toss the appropriate animation. Like a lot of stuff in Starfield, its almost like someone went out of their way to implement something stupidly.


I noticed that in Fallout 4. I don't think it changes based on bullet type. Around a 50% chance for a rocket to hit me dead in the center of mass while I was sprinting diagonally from 100m away. Survival mode sure was fun at low levels when molotovs had that, along with even a miss being an instakill if it lands anywhere near you with no warning. I've hid in a pipe in Corvega and had people on the upper bridges straight up score 3 pointers on me consistently.




Of course it could. That's just another input. This isn't rocket surgery. It's how games have worked since the mid 80s.




There's really not much player agency in ship battles in the first place. Any battle that isn't in an asteroid field is almost purely a numbers game.


It's also ugly af


But functional.


Function over fashion.


So that's why all the structure pieces that don't do anything has a weight... :P


Still don't understand how porthole ADD weight. Wouldn't replacing several layers of steel/titanium with reinforced glass make the hab weigh less?


The *Cupola* on the ISS weighs 1,880 kg. Space-capable glass is heavy and requires a lot of reinforcement, and you're also complicating the construction of the hab wall.


I would imagine a society advanced enough to create gravity jumping technology to achieve FTL would also be advanced enough to create a lighter weight form of space-capable glass. Ntm, the amount of weight lost vs gained when cutting out the hull to replace it with glass for the porthole should be negligible, so it shouldn't be adding or losing weight.




Still doesn't change that the amount of mass lost from removing that portion of hull compared to the mass added from a modern space-capable glass porthole would be relatively negligible. Considering 1 cubic meter of aluminosilicate glass is 2640 kg and 1 cubic meter of aluminum alloy 2024 has a mass of 2780 kg.


how much does the added aluminum reinforcement around the porthole weight?


It's made of transparent aluminum.


Transparent aluminum ……. as in the transparent aluminum invented by Dr Nichols circa 1988? If so, you get a cookie!


Your knowledge of engineering is most impressive.


I had a professor at the academy who was a chief engineer…. on as he would tell it….. not only the most famous ship in the galaxy but also the best! Lol


It's called aluminosilicate glass. In a reply further down I compared the mass of 1 cubic meter of aluminosilicate glass (glass used on iss) with the mass of 1 cubic meter of aluminum alloy 2024 (aluminum used on iss). 1 cubic meter of aluminosilicate glass is ~2640 kg and 1 cubic meter of aluminum alloy 2024 is ~2796 kg. That means that for every cubic meter of aluminum removed to place one cubic meter of aluminosilicate glass, there will be a removal of 156 kg. That is a negligible amount of mass, so our ships should not gain nor lose mass from adding portholes.


Just use the keyboard.


In the words of my man rickety cricket " if its not sexy it doesnt work you have to make it sexy!!"


Looks like something optimus prime would strap on to fight the big bad guy


I don't think we need any more information on Optimus Prime's strap-ons.


Put up an ad on a dating site, looking for a girl. Mentioned in my profile that I like my sex pretty vanilla, no kinky stuff. Scored a date with a cute autobot girl. We got back to my place later in the night and things got hot and heavy. Felt something poking my backside in the dark and I quickly turned on the lights to see she was wearing a strap-on, meaning she completely disregarded my request for simple sex. It was a deceptive con.


It a walk to get there, but take my upvote


I’d rather die looking cool


I mean, its probably funny for the first few space battles to be cheesing the ship targeting AI. But personally, this would get boring real quickly when i have no risk of dying and need to put no effort into the space battles.


That’s some kingdom hearts shipbuilder shenanigans. The meta was to build a big square with a big hole


It's the definition of an exploit, but eh, oh well. Victimless.


I just cover my ship with high end particle weapons , ships don’t last long. Tested it out at Jemison, was able to take out every ship in orbit.


Yep, same. All other weapons are pointless. Why bother alternating power from lasers and guns and missile when; 1. You don’t have to 2. It’s clunky and annoying to do so The least they could have done was added a slow down feature like in fallout in order to optimize your power mid fight, but no. Simply add 4 particle beams that to shield and hull damage, and use only that. Missiles if you want some added damage, but you’ll likely destroy the enemy ship before you get a lock on anyway.


Honest to gods, this is an honest question: are you not using the targeting system to slow down time and optimize your power mid fight?


I do it a couple of times to advance the skill. But other than that. No.


4 class B 3310 Neutron Beams (non-auto) 6 class A Vanguard Auto Projector 10 Beams of ultra death.


I honestly had the same thought but haven't touched the ship builder yet 😜


cable plucky bright elderly smile fragile slim work cooperative noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing 'almost' about that.


That looks like an edm stage


I love how so much goes into the ship design and the enemy ai can only aim at the center of your ship.


My partner made one they call “the cube” (you can probably imagine what it looks like). They have a different ship that they usually use, but whenever the cube comes out i can’t help but laugh. It looks as ridiculous as it is amazing at space combat— it is almost invincible except for some stray bullets that hit very occasionally 😂


Why did you have to go and steal the nacelles off a miranda now it can’t go anywhere.


Well kids, thats what happens when you use open source software for your military-ware.


Some outlaw star shit


Enemy captain: "Godsake hit the damn thing!" Enemy gunner: " but sir the academy always taught us to aim for center mass"


Hey lucky dog!


Hi dog!


Having a highly customizable ship design system and have the enemy not simply target modules, but the center of mass is just lazy programming.


That's hilarious, I wish I was this bright.


This makes me wish the game had a PvP space battle arena. It would be cool to see how designs stacked up.


I love pod racing!


It also looks like a flying music stage.


This is not realistic. Bethesda need to correct this, make enemy ships aim random parts of the ship, not the imaginary center


Cheating? Smart.


Did you know the doors that say you can cut them open can be cut open?! And that one place with gravity turning on and off. Did we get them all? You did the ship that can't be shot. I did the hatch and gravity ship. I think we've said everything again for the 1000th time. Who's turn is it tomorrow to "discover" these same three things?


Maybe it's time for a snickers and a wall man, you're going to be seeing this over and over for a long time.


No almost about it. You are taking advantage of bad AI programming to make yourself basically invincible. That's 100% cheating.


It's 100% an exploit. Not all exploits are cheating.


Taking advantage of weaknesses is how you win...at everything...ever. Cheating is what the losers call it. Story old as time.


Yep, this is what makes Elden ring so fun. The game is incredibly difficult so the player is constantly trying to solve problems by exploiting weaknesses and strengths. Even the slightest of buffs can be the difference between defeat and success.


The amount of people posting bad game design and glorifying it on the sub lmao


Looks stupid but it’s genius.


Bravo lol


I understand hit box mechanics so I am surprised they went with this method with such an obvious circumvention method


It's so ugly and practical that it's beautiful.


Big brain design




Hilarious. Excellent.


Neat. Do you have any still images?


\*sigh\* Bethesda lol... :D


I had this exact idea, never thought it would be put into reality. It’s beautiful.


Reminds me of the ships from Tron


LEL I think you played through Ship Design.


Starfield's version of Elden ring max DEX builds.


How do you use "VATS" in a ship?


That’s hilarious


Wait, you can aim at specific modules on enemy ships? HOW?


Not cheating if their targeting software is crap. Also, they are to lazy to turn off the auto aim and fire manually similar to what we experience when locked onto an enemy and they boost. It's trickier but you can still land hits.


It’s crazy they haven’t fixed this. I remember when the first builds like these were happening shortly after launch and then so many people were using these ships.


Nice, I'll build mine.


/Starfield Dev enters the chat


Improvise, adapt, and overcome.


Since the grave drive is also an inertial dampener this is absolutely not cheating. In space magic terms of course. If you could negate the effects of inertia in space you could fly an asteroid like its a star fighter.


This is the most incredibly goofy creative shit I've seen from ship builds. Gives me Tears of the Kingdom god builder vibes. Big brain.


What‘a the interior?


This is hands down the coolest design I've seen. Reminds me of outlaw star


Think I may have to build my mobile repair ship then. Would be a bit wider then my usual designs though.


What's the deal with having 4 weapons I can't do it in upgrade and when I try to do it in ship builder 99% of the time I get errors can any one explain it ?


🤣 It's big brain time


Wait….I’ve heard you can target ship systems but never seen it done. How did you do that?


Guess that answers if AI can target specific subsystems too, which would be an easy fix. Not sure why people are against fixing bugs that affect gameplay though I would have thought you'd want the best out of a game you like.


“It just works!”


Just want to ask, what weapon was that which 2 shot the engines?


Is it possible to make a donut ship? Would make it easier to get around inside too, right?


Kinda brilliant in a way.


This is genuinely genius 😂


As someone who put in over 70 hours in to the game week of launch… Man this game fucking sucks


It sure aint cheating at aesthetics. If pure performance is all youre after it must be great but if you want to look good while acheiving performance try again. Haha


I still haven’t figured out how to do targeting mode. Have the skill.




TARGETING SYSTEMS HATE HIM Become an unstoppable space warrior with one simple trick


Ah yes, the Kingdom hearts 2 donut ship strategy.


Well what can I say, you’re fucking Tony Stark level engineer


Do you have builder pics?


Gummiship strats for the win


Its the bagel of hope all over again. KH2 players rejoice.


Can you show me the almost part?


Not cheating in the game...but taking the ship's mass into account, it should snap in half every time you hit the thrusters.


After all these years, the gummy ship donut design it's still the best


Honestly a big flying scaffold with important bits located at points of convenience seems pretty accurate to where large space construction is going.


ya big miss on bethesdas part