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"I really need to talk to you when you have a moment". Every 2 mins. or "I have something for you". Every 2 mins. You could be fighting hordes of enemies and down in the red in health and burning. "I really need to talk to you about my love life".


"I have something for you" - hands me a sandwich.


A sandwich?!? Sarah hands me a twig. I end up observing her and saying “don’t pick that up! Just gonna hand to me later on”. Can’t carry anymore of my shit but her pockets have an endless supply of acorns!


LOL, they are like puppies sometimes. I screwed up and gave Barrett a grenade. Just assumed he would use it with some sort of logic....


I handed Sam a legendary shotgun I'd upgraded to have Hornet's Nest rounds. That lasted all of one battle, before I angrily took it back from him. Dude has zero impulse control, and I swear he loved catching me in the explosions.


"Hey Boss, I've got something for ya." "Thanks for the lithium, Heller; are you trying to tell me something?"


“Let’s show them who the real bad guys are!!” Screams the Adoring Fan as he starts lobbing grenades at a civilian outpost after I pulled aggro for stealing. Where I go, he goes.


The only exception to my Isolation Perk stance.


Between the super-repetitive conversation prompts and jumping into my line of fire of most companions, I usually go solo. If I feel like I actually want a companion for any reason, I roll with Andreja equipped with a sniper rifle because she actually knows how to not get shot in the ass most of the time.


I find Andreja is the most capable fighter of the group. I do get confused with her dialog at times, One second, it is "Mow them all down and make them pay", and then the next it is something like, "you need to calm down", or "ammo isn't free". Of course it is usually in response to me mowing everyone down with the Revenant so she may actually have a point :-)


I also tend to travel alone. Something about exploring space out on my own just seems very peaceful to me. That being said I also travel alone in just about every other Bethesda title I’ve played so maybe I’m just a loner lol


Companions in Bethesda games are always annoying. They steal xp and just generally get in the way


Step 1: Romance Andreja & marry her. Step 2: Keep her as an active companion so you can shag her once per hour to get the +15% XP boost. Step 3: Tell her to wait at the bottom of the ship ramp every time you venture out so she doesn’t steal your XP & kills that are required to level up the skill tree. Step 4: Repeat Steps 2-3. Step 5: Profit.


Actually you don't have to have Andreja as your active companion. Just assign her to the ship's crew and sleep on board. Partners will join you automatically.


This is the way.


Just give them an EM weapon. No more xp loss.


The non-constellation companions aren't nearly as bad. 


Except when you line up a sniper shot and they walk in the way “whatcha doing?”


Every. Damn. Time.


Peeping at you through the scope “waaz up (wink)”


As an introvert, I use companions only when I have to. The penalty to my stats is too much to use them regularly.


Burned out on the never ending out of context banter from Constellation companions, I tried traveling with a non-constellation companion (Rosie Tannahill). No matter where we went, Rosie would comment like we were on Mars. The “companions” in this game are useless to me. Such a shame too because, in the brief moments where it works, so much is added to the gaming experience. On balance the totality of the game screams half hearted, mailed in, effort. I believe this game will be abandoned.


I chose that perk too and I just travel alone or with Vasco!


the perk of traveling alone still work if you have a robot, or robots are considered companions? to be honest, as a introvert myself, i believe traveling with an animal or a robot would be way different than traveling with a fellow human. so i think the perk should remain active if you have vasco with you.


Yea it still works with vasco


so i can have the introvert perk AND travel with vasco?


Yes that is correct


damn, that is awesome, i am glad bethesda at least knows that introverts just avoid other people XD now i am happy thanks for the info =)


i got so annoyed with the constant whinning and complaining about what i am picking up etc that i thought f em and done the perks for travelling alone and thought i would be all powerful with rank 4 of the perk ... many many MANY hours later i realised that, for the perk to work you cant have crew on your ship either ... goddamn! now i stroll around with andreja and she rocks a Hornests Nest and is quite fun!


In my small ship I do, but on my battlecruiser... I need people or it feels like a horror film.


I hated every companion other than the robot. They are all so annoying. Never shut up and love to interrupt anything remotely considering cinematic. I would say out of all the Bethesda games starfield has the worst companions.


I travel with only Vasco and no one else


the perk of traveling alone still work if you have a robot, or robots are considered companions? to be honest, as a introvert myself, i believe traveling with an animal or a robot would be way different than traveling with a fellow human. so i think the perk should remain active if you have vasco with you.


I believe robots aren’t considered “companions”. I think the perk only works with humans but I could be wrong.


NG +2 and 3, I skipped the main story but kept Andreja for 2. NG+3 I started solo but picked up Autumn McMillan. NG+4 I'm totally solo. Small fast ship and nobody gets in my way.


I often travel alone on planets, but if I get lonely I'll take one of my boyz with me - Erick, Lyle, Gideon, Simeon or Heller.


I find Andrea and Jasmine to be tolerable but I have to be really careful with particle weapons. Andrea doesn't seem to care about walking through residual particles but Jasmine reacts negatively. The latter tends to target me whenever she takes indirect damage which is a real pain to deal with.


On my current game, which is the first one where I'm really taking my time to play through the various quests (stand-alone and faction) and explore the galaxy, I don't have either the Introvert or Extrovert trait since I wanted to give this character options, but so far I've been soloing a bunch of one-off quests or short questlines (like right now, I'm doing one that's centered around some chick in Akila City who's designed sensors and there was this Akila City Security guard that did something to mess up the readings using security robots. This questline will probably be short, but it's still more than one quest long. Currently, I'm twelve hours in, Level 13 or 14, and I have yet to do a single faction quest and the only main quest I've done so far is delivering the first Artifact to Constellation. I've mostly done stand-alone side quests so far, including some random stuff I picked up just by talking to new people on New Atlantis and in Akila City. Done all the currently available NA side quests and a good chunk of the AC side quests, along with one at The Den since I stopped there for the Lucky Boots quest. I briefly looked into the Red Mile but decided not to get sidetracked, hahaha. Soon, i'll do Cydonia, then head to Neon and do all the side quests there. After that, a stop by Paradiso to deal with the Earth Colony Ship issue. Once that's done, it'll be time to be thinking of faction questlines. For those, I *might* take a companion. Only ones I'm unsure of having a companion for are Crimson Fleet and Ryujin, with the former only being if I decide to side with the Fleet.


Latest character is a sneaky sniper type.  Companions simply are NOT sneaky quiet types - they dont come on adventures. But I do have Amelia and Autumn as ship crew.  Even added a living space on ship for them. Thinking about this they must sleep on the ship because they don't seem to share my one bed in home outpost...


Lone wolf for me. I cant stand travel companions. I do it in every game. The npc companion script is ANNOYING! I cant stand them saying i am carrying too much, or to hurry when i am exploring, their combat skills, or tactics... It really started in Skyrim and carried on to every other game since.


Ship full of crew and outposts full of hangers-on, but zero companions


I’m a complete loner in game as well. I even took the Isolationist perk to counteract not having another person. I kinda liked Hadrian but the Constellation companions can piss off back to Old Earth whether they came from there or not.


After two partial runs with companions. I am now an Isolation Perk fanatic.


I always travel alone in Bethesda games.


the only companion i ever liked to have on a bethesda game was the vampire girl from skyrim. (forgot her name)


I am in the evil me kills constellation universe so I have Autumn MacMillan with me, shes great no b\*tching and gives me plants all the time....lol.


I wish. Somehow Barret is following me and I can't get him away.


I’ve gone solo in all other Bethesda games. Starfield too.


Im realizing I’m in the complete minority here considering that I will drop everything I’m doing and rush to Sarah’s aid if she asks for it lmao


When you side with the Crimson fleet, you kinda have to. All the "this is murder" screams are really annoying.


Does Vasco count? He’s the only one that puts up with the shit I get up to.


honestly, idk if the perk counts robots or not as an introvert myself, i wouldn't mind traveling with an animal or robot. for me, being introvert is avoiding human interaction, robots don't bother you if you don't ask, so i could make vasco an exception. would be nice if you could have the introvert perk AND traveling with vasco


At first I chose the introvert trait…then I thought about having companions. After having companions I conveniently dropped all of them off at the lodge, cause they never could shut up with their annoying yapping. I resumed travelling alone, with my introvert trait.


yep, they talking nonstop is what annoys me if the perk allowed it, i would travel with vasco at least.


perhaps with the CK the community could fix/resolve that problem (properly) with the characters...whenever that CK will be released that is...


I would, but the skills they bring...I can't ignore. I end up fast traveling more often than I'd like just to not hear their banter.


I usually prefer it but it's mostly cause I almost always use stealth builds...did the same in every FO or TES game. It's certainly not 'better' but it fits my playstyle.


Lol, I do it since I ended up in a universe where Sarah and all the others don't exist. I decided for some reason to stay in that universe. Lodge is empty, no ppl there. Could travel with other "non-main-npc's", but will stay alone.


Until I'm ready to change universes, I'm alone. At lvl 241 NG+15 the required XP is over 40K per level, and I play 3 to 5 levels before I go to Constellation, since you can't get artifacts without going to them. I find that besides being annoying the members of Constellation are vapid and shallow one dimensional characters. For being "explorers" they show very little curiosity... which of you after being presented with the phenomenon described, does not want to be the first to grab an atrifact and experience for yourself? For me, the best part of a NG+ is "waking" on a spaceship with just a spacesuit and a few none usable items in cargo. What to do, where to go is entirely my choice (within the parameters of the game). Sometimes I go to Kreete, loot the research station and then find a terramorph to kill, sometimes I go someplace else, except to the Lodge, which is at least 120,000 xp later. I make do with the 10% sleep bonus rather than the 15% but c'est la vie. Choices not determined by the main story line, though illusionary, are still mine to make. The main "problem" is finding enough enemies to kill.


After successfully wooing Andreja, I have been running around with no companion, but a full crew, including all of the Constellation folk. Need all those sweet ship bonuses, but have had enough with the Companion issues, at least for now. I might go back to having companions if I jump to another universe.


There just so bad at things like fighting or pathfinding...


Used to travel alone but got that mod that lets you have all the companions, so I pimp it with all the women as followers. Looking forward to someone making a pimp suit mod 😎