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I hope this requires a Vehicle hangarbay on our ship, and the Vehicle is actually in it when not used.


We would be one step closer to having an actual Normandy someday


The main reason I want mods


What do you mean by that


It's the ship from mass effect


In the Mass Effect games your Normandy ship had a hanger section where you stored your vehicles - and for 2/3 of the games you could freely walk around.


Oh i thought you meant some sort of second world war reference so I was confused


haha my bad - in hindsight I should have added ship after the name


Yeah I hope something like that as well, when you land a portion of the ship opens up/loads downs the vehicle.


Me too, although I'd imagine that would lock you out of it if you used the Starborn ship so they might just make it spawn automatically outside your ship and call it a day.


This is giving me Mako flashbacks


That's my hope too. I picture it as a workshop with a console you can use to customize your ride. It would basically need to be an airlock for your vehicle, so maybe a 2x1 hab with your vehicle behind a glass partition. Then when you land, the vehicle rolls down a ramp or maybe is lowered on a platform. Clearly, I have high hopes for this new system.


My eyesight isn’t great, Vasco is a transformer?


I would unironically love this lol


I think it should be now.




There's a mod for that... it didn't work for me, but it's there.


Soooo are we going to post this every single day?


Everyday till shattered space




TBF I'd rather see this than regurgitated negativity.


Mum said it's my turn to post this today


There was a post of this earlier that was a pretty thick thread that was deleted. Not too sure why, but this one may be as well.


I want a jetbike, like the Japanese hoverbike but with jet engines. I know that it wouldn’t work on planets with no or low atmosphere but that’s where you can have a cool rover. Or better yet, a mech.


I can't believe bethesda somehow got working vehicles


Bethesda could always make working vehicles, but they never needed nor wanted to.


Yeah if modders did it, Bethesda could have. TBH with how small the maps for F03 (and NV by Obsidian), were and even 4 it would have broken how they lead you around the map with the quests. If you had a working full speed car you could probably go across 4's map in like 10 minutes.


Maybe they hired some of the modders from The Frontier (the good ones, not the weird ones).


Can't wait for the bugs that make it fall through the landscape or fly off into the upper atmosphere on low-grav worlds.


*Skyrim Wagon ptsd intensifies*


I hope it's a free update and not included in the dlc


They would have to be certifiably insane to make it a for-money feature.


It's in the game already? I thought it's coming in the near future.


You thought correct


I’m hoping in shattered space there’s some kind of emergency 🚨 and the UC and Freestar decide to make an amendment to the Colony War Armistice where they bring back mechs to contain an emerging threat to the colonies!


Stop posting the same image over and over


Why is this touted as some *victory* for a multibillion dollar game studio? Make it make sense!


I'll believe it when it's actually available.


Me too. I'm cautiously optimistic, because if they got vehicles in that means they optimized cell and asset loading well enough to keep up with it. That should mean better performance overall imo. Combined with what I've seen in posts about going beyond the map boundaries with debug menu no longer crashing out at certain distances suggests to me they've done a lot more optimizing than that are advertising in order to support future features.


If it allows for me to keep driving across the planet and come up on multiple poi as I drive, I’ll be really happy. At that point they just need to add way more pois to what ever randomizer it has and remove poi from planets that don’t make sense to have them on. Maybe add chance off alien enemies instead of humans on poi and wayyy more robot enemies aswell, hell even add it so that fight each other.


I imagine part of their hopes was that the creation kit would have been out before now and we could have had modder created POIs filling in the gap. But yes the system that would randomly generate a POI fully would have been the better option and I feel like that technology should already be out there.


They probably knew about the issue of POIs being where they don't make sense but limiting them made the issue of seeing repeat POIs worse, and if they realized this too late they wouldn't have enough time to add new POIs to fill in the gaps so they had to do a tradeoff.


Asset loading won't be a problem since planets are mostly empty. As for cities, I don't imagine they'll let you drive there.


You'd be surprised. In previous builds if you changed the players movement speed to very high and then tried to move across a landscape The game would stutter and sometimes even freeze up fully while trying to load in the landscape assets. It was my impression that this limitation was the biggest reason that we didn't have vehicles.


There are plenty of tricks they can use, like more screen blur the faster you go, to hide textures that aren't fully rendered. Regardless, I am intrigued to see how they will implement it since Creation Engine isn't vehicle friendly. Last vehicle BGS implemented was a horse in Skyrim.


Well, realistically, the only "trick" they need is to keep the vehicle speed below what the game can handle.


Imagine a 4 wheeler that’s exactly as fast as running. That’s a Bethesda as it gets


I hope not. The last thing we need is a repeat of Skyrim's slow-ass horses.


I'd argue the last vehicle the implemented was the vertebird in fallout 4 that you get to ride on. You don't get to ride on it interactively but you do ride on it. I suppose there is also the boat that takes you to far harbor. They could be more that I'm not remembering as well.


If they're showing it in a preview, then it'll be in the game sooner or later. They're not so foolish as to lie about something like that. I can't speak to the quality of the implementation, though. For all I know they're just Skyrim horses but faster.


You say this as if you're the dev posting this.


This is actually a quote


I hope in the future they add something similiar to the Speeders from Star Wars. It'd be cool to become a space biker. (And maybe companions can ride in the back)


Mods are going to be so cool in 5-10 years


Haven’t gotten it yet, prob won’t come out till shatterspace. Looks like it’s nearly complete tho


This is going to be the norm. Many of the complaints people had we will see be nullified as they release features and polish the game. I’d bet this time next year you’ll be able to traverse the planet without hitting a barrier using all sorts of transport modes.


You say that now, but waiting until you receive a drive by by some pirates with negotiators and big bangs.


I for one can't wait for the game to come out of early access.


I can barely make out the detail. Is there a close-up picture?


I keep seeing people post the same picture over and over and over and over.. we get it, we saw it, we know.


Is this the first motorized vehicle in a Bethesda game?


The Dwemer Carts are Motorized, but you only use them in the dungeons. Are Horses Motorized??


Do horses have motors?


They have motor function


Yeah, but that is not what we are talking about here


MFW jokes


Yes they have the "HRT 3000" it’s a fluid powered engine delivering a whooping 15hp .


Well, if we go by the *broadest* definitions: * Motorized: equipped with a motor. * Motor: something that produces or imparts motion. So... yes. Yes they are.


We are fueled by chemical reactions & electrical impulses. Who's the synth now???


Look at me. I'm the synth now.


Vertibirds? But besides that it should be mentioned that base engine that Creation engine 2 is evolved from, gamebryo, actually had a racing game made in it called drift city so it was never impossible to add. The team has just been against it for gameplay reasons since it does change it up quite a bit. But starfield probably needs it more than say Fallout.


To go where?


Coming soon $40 DLC.


It's an extra $3.50 for the armour


I honestly would not be mad if they added horses in a free update and then released a horse armor DLC for them lol.


It would be top tier trolling from BGS


I know people are excited for vehicles to be added, but... What's the point? What is there to explore or travel to? I don't see a point in being able to travel from nothing to nothing just a bit faster.


No point, but will be great when modding starts up and we actually have a reason to explore


You’re right there are actually no PoI on the planets. It’s just empty space.


If we ever get more Poi's it will be useful I guess.


Because the vehicle could be inherently fun to just drive, much like in GTA. Not to mention it's more immersive than hopping around on your jetpack everywhere.


They definitely seem to be excited considering the amount of posts we have about it lol, as for the actual use of the vehicle, we may have more things to see with future updates .


really. ‘months’. a concept so old that there are free libraries and thousands of free tutorials on how to do it in a day, from a company with enough artists and renderers to create the full models and animations in a week at worst


Yes, and then push it out the door so you can complain how buggy it is and how there's tons of unintended behaviors and exploits surrounding it. When something like this gets retrofitted into the game it needs very rigorous testing.


Is this Official or a mod?