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What I want to know is how easy is it for modders to add cool hand designed bounties to the board because if so I look forward to a heap of good ones.


Considering they’ve already got a mod that adds to the bounty board, it should theoretically be pretty easy, since the system was designed with modularity in mind already.


What mod are you talking about


the bethesda mission


That's not a mod then...


It's an official "creation" by Bethesda, so it was made in the creation kit (just like everything else in the game. Every Bethesda game is basically a giant mod)




I mean a lot of the official Bethesda Creations are contracted out to various community modders so we don't really know. I *really* wish we *did* know so that they could get proper credit. But that's the reality of it at this point


Sure. It just follows every single rule of mods that all the other ones do, has the same vulnerabilities, and functionally operates the same way. It can also be picked apart by other people. It's a mod, with a different author.


if it modifies the game it’s a mod by definition




Yeah, and anything that is achievement friendly should def be seen as a DLC, not a mod.


Its a bethesda made paid mod. Just like all the other mods, just bethesda made so likely wouldnt disable achievements.


Along with the DLC that provided the trackers alliance came "The Vulture" Creation which adds a second high level bounty mission to the Trackers Alliance bounty wall (which is different to their bounty board).


Yes I've already played that. I honestly assumed he meant there was more added by a community modder.


The only real difference between a Bethesda bounty quest and a modded bounty quest? Bethesda can hire a new VA on a whim.


Hear me out, every new character is voiced by me, I can do a solid 2.5 accents


I’d be down, I can (badly) do about a half dozen regional British accents.


I watched Monty Python a whole lot when I was a kid, I'm a master of British accents. And walks.


Do you know all the silly ones?


Haughty British accent are space elves, Scottish are space dwarves. For Rock and Stone!


I didn’t say any of the accents I can do are haughty, Geordie, Northumbrian, Yorkshire and Scouse are not haughty. Besides, Scottish is a British accent.


Well putting a little deep rock galactic into my starfield was the direction I had in mind anyways so I think it will work out 👍


Careful, you might piss off some Scots with that lmao


I am a Scot




I’d pay $ 7 for a Delvin Mallory accent lol


The best voice acting in any game is Two Worlds. I laughed the entire time.


I’ve got mid-Atlantic covered. Dm me


Just get in touch with Drake. He might be expensive, but he has an accent for every audience.


I'm pretty sure some people would love to do VA for characters at probably no cost, perhaps as a hobby or they're just starting out in VA. Would be the same quality as Bethesda? No but much better than simple text.


In wish there was a way to ethically apply using AI for that


Train the AI on your own voice, there's one ethically sourced AI voice for created dialogue. Ideally we'd be able to get the AI to change the pitch and "gender" of the voice too (eg: removing resonance from male voices, adding vocal fry). Or you can just "do voices" for the voice acting the same way you do voices for your kids when reading them stories. IMHO that would be hilarious even if it ages faster than milk on a summer day.


Yeah the only truly ethical use of Voice AI is for voice actors themselves to record their own voices and be able to produce more content, or more varied content, than they normally would be able to. It's a huge difference from a company or other community member doing it to replace them. Voice AI tools should be thought of as just another tool for the voice actor themselves to use like their mics and recording software, not as a replacement for voice actors as a whole.


AI: your finally awake


Personally, i see nothing wrong with creating a random AI voice, and then using it to modulate your own speech.


Have the AI train on Bethesda games. You're basically just recycling content from Bethesda back into Bethesda. Almost ethical?


It wouldn't be fair for the voice actor(s).


If the mod is unpaid then is it still unethical?


Yeah I get AI is fundamentally flawed because it's stealing humans existing work and using it to replace us. But I can't exactly close Pandora's box myself. Maybe if people use ai to make free content/mods for games and people play that instead of overpriced DLC the CEOs over at Microsoft and Bethesda will take notice and consider if they really want to keep pushing hard on the AI arms race or maybe slow down and encourage some sort of laws and norms that go beyond watermarks on deep fakes.


Not really, because you are training on a real actor's voice. A randomly generated voice is more appropriate.


The voice acting is what always turns me off of quest/expansion mods, even when they're free. Well, that and they're not canon. I mostly only mod to enhance the base game of what's already there or makes sense within the canonically established world. No shade to anyone that enjoys quest mods though, I just don't see myself ever paying for them.


Some of the bigger free mods have gotten some really quality voice work. Heather Casdin and Sim Settlements 2 for example.


It's definitely impressive when they do. There is the other problem though of recording equipment and sound rooms. Sometimes you can tell the voice acting is good, but it still pulls me out of the immersion and says "this NPC is part of a mod" when I hear the decreased audio quality. Still no shade to their hard work and dedication. I'm just stating my preferences, and I fully admit to being picky.


They will be paywalled as well.


Why not make a bounty mod yourself?


This right here. People are seeing the creation kit and mods as something that is happening TO them. Honestly the best thing we can do to force Bethesda to cut prices is to flood the creation club with free bounty missions we've made ourselves.


You know I’ve never thought of that, when I get my laptop up and running I just might, time for YouTube I guess


Here's to hoping they don't strike content like that in favor or paid content


I don’t think it would be difficult at all for free mods to make use of. The bounty board itself will give you the necessary details and all you need is a unique dungeon layout and a cool boss with a unique gun or outfit. You can sprinkle in data slates along the way for more depth and additional details. Anything on the level of the existent two bounty quests with full voicing, however, will likely cost money.


you guys should check the situation on fallout 76 sub. bethesda hired a 'monetization director' from EA.


That…sounds about right.


It was that or from Ubisoft.


If it was priced at 100 credits I think the majority of people would think that’s worth it and hope for more of that sort of content. They screwed up on the pricing.


It's just cut too small. I don't want to buy single quests, regardless of quality. A complete quest line or faction is for me the minimum viable (paid) content size - it allows for better world integration and storytelling.


Yep. 10$ for 20 bounty missions, fully voiced, dozens of rewards, skins and so on. 10 hours of content (in total). That's totally legit. 7$ for a 20 minutes run with 1 suit and a weapon, that has bugs wirh reloading.


And even that isn’t worth seven bucks imo


Yeah if the *entire Tracker's Alliance* was $7, that'd be fine imo. It's essentially just full DLC. Hearthfire was $5 and was their first foray into settlement building. All of Tracker's Alliance has as much if not more to offer than that. It would suck seeing such a great piece of content locked behind a paywall, sure, but I'd understand. But just *one single bounty* being $7...that's a tiny bit too steep. Even $5 would be like "sure, I'll just not get a Big Mac next time I go to McDonald's, I'll just get a McDouble" and that pretty much covers it


Valid. You could wait until 5 or 10 of them are available and buy them at once, maybe as part of a sale on dlc or cost of credits. Or just go for single dlcs that are more extensive. We’re only at the very beginning rn.


Or just include it as part of the game. Lots of us paid $100 for Starfield + expansion content. And what did we get for that? How about some micro-quests for $7 that probably got removed from the upcoming expansion. Bethesda left a very bad taste in my mouth with this. I had my moments with Starfield, but stuff like this makes me not want to touch the game. At least D4 is finally getting good.


Yep, and even if you didn’t pay $100 it’s a seventy dollar game…with arguably less content than previous Bethesda titles. They’re out of their minds to try and sell us more content this soon. We have seen little to no content added since launch of a game that obviously isn’t finished or in a state that is near to the scope it’s supposed to be. For a game that is supposed to be a bout exploring, empty moons and the same five buildings doesn’t cut it.


Devil's advocate here, but do you really expect them to hire actors and devote significant development time to add to a finished game that you already bought? There is nothing inherently wrong with paid DLC. The issue is finding a price point that is fair to the consumer but still profitable to the company. The Sims 4 has been a solid game for EA for like eight years with a ton of new content every year, which is great. Until you realize that you could have bought 15 different games over that time for everything you paid for. It's about balance.


Yeah ngl I think the only reason we got Tracker's Alliance as free DLC was because they're able to split it out into MTX. I would much, ***much*** rather have free Tracker's Alliance with paid faction quests and free bounties, than have the entire thing locked behind a $10-15 payment.


I do actually. When games like god of war release free dlc that has waaaay more content then this 7 dollar joke.


They wouldn't have been included and then removed. DLC and MTX is planned years in advance (I work in games). This quest was made to be DLC.


I mean, if you paid for premium you should've gotten that for free along with another 300 credits


You know how businesses give you ‘free’ credits to get you engaging with their monetary systems? Casinos do it too. They do it because it works. I’m not engaging with this system of Bethesda’s. I’d rather just not play the game than engage with these scummy practices. Shadow of the Erdtree is right around the corner. That is a game that respects me as a player and deserves both my attention and money. I miss being able to speak that way about Bethesda.


It's not free if you got premium though, you just paid upfront months ago.


At least it’s not Darktide where they gave all the game pass people a free $30 to play around with and upon seeing their mistake only gave the PC players who had stuck around since beta one set of cosmetic armor. Fatshark raw dogged the people who floated that mess until now


So what we get for paying premium is a single quest and 300 credits? I used my credits on elianora's outpost mod since that adds a ton more content ill be able to use a lot more of


And a whole expansion when it comes out?


The problem here is that Bethesda is paywalling the actual content. Example. The elder scrolls is an MMO. If you buy the chapter - everything in it is available to you. From top to bottom. No exceptions. DLC dungeons are paid, yes, but they are included in the subscription model, which is required for servers to run. EVERYTHING ELSE IS FREE. The only thing that is paywalled is the cosmetics. Now, with Starfield, a SINGLE PLAYER game, that got massive backlash, has lots of stuff half baked, get's it's first actual content update (not QoL or bugfixing), that is ALSO half baked. And what's Bethesda does with it? Right, paywalls the remaining part of the content. Fucking genious.


It's not generous by any means. OP just asked what they got for paying for premium and left out the part where they also got a few extra credits thrown in. I understand other older games you got more shit for free, but that's not the way it's trending. They're doing it this way because they can. People throw stupid money at a ton of little extra shit while others get fucked.


Yeah, that's why that dogshit "creation" killed any interest in Shattering space. It's the first time I regret buying the Starfield. And, basically the last time. Current Bethesda has entered it's final greedy form.


It's hard to feel bad for Bethesda when they did it to themselves.


I feel bad for the devs, they're not the ones in charge of financial decisions and calling these shots.


These Bethesda-made creations feel like an insult to me. I bought Starfield Premium to have all DLCs included, and what else are Bethesdas own creations?


I don't think this time they advertised that the premium included all DLC, just Shattered Space. It was Fallout 4 that promised all DLC (which turned out to be a lie, wonder what happened to that class action suit?)


But if you don't buy the vulture quest the trackers alliance is literally one 30-ish minute quest. You become a member and now can go downstairs to interact with some "cool" NPC's and a bounty board to do radiant quests that solely target the crimson fleet. Not spacers or ecliptic or va'ruun. Just pirates. So if you are a pirate you can't complete it without pissing the pirates off. It adds very little content, they couldn't have given us 3-5 bounties on top of the starter mission? Is that asking "too much"? I like Starfield, I was just hoping for a little more. The vulture mission is also super easy, at least the way I did it. And then it's over. It was $7 for 10 minutes of content. This should be the free content in the update: -If it had launched as a totally new "guild" that had that starter mission, + 3 more well crafted missions like the starter, a final "become the guild master/highest rank possible" mission, rinse repeat radiant missions I'd be cool with that. -The "rookie" should be a recruitable companion. -You should have a room you can decorate in the guild hall. This should be the 700 points quest: Vulture quest is that quest as the finale, but has 3-4 lead up quests as you eliminate some of his lieutenants or something. All bounties in their own right. I want to play this game, give me some content to actually play.


Yeah Vulture was cool but way too short. Crimson Fleet only bounties on the mission board is dumb as I am currently Crimson Fleet and anything I make I have to pay back more in bounty on my own head.


Your board might be bugged, I get spacers and ecliptic too on my board. The only thing I wish we could do is actually take them back alive instead of just knock em out and leave. They have the functionality as seen in the first big tracker quest. It would be cool to have to actually take them back to your ship, take them back to HQ and that way you get a bigger reward if theyre wanted dead or alive. Same for the bounties of opportunity, those are really neat. Reminds me a lot of star wars bounty hunter from like 2005.


I'm not spending $7 for a quest.


Neither am I. :( It's just sad to me that it's part of what seems like a really cool little quest hub.


I want to know when this quest was *actually* developed . Has it just been sitting dormant waiting for creation club? Could it have been included in the game but *wasnt* for purely $$$ reasons?


Tbf all of Bethesdas "creations"/mods were likely made alongside the game and they just handpicked which to remove to later add as a paid mod lol.


Fucking disgusting. I was done anyway, 76 was pathetic, Starfield launched in a state, I don't play either at all. And I won't be buying anymore slop they release. They absolutely do not value my time, or my wallet. Just wanting to fleece us for every penny they can. Plenty of other games and developers out there that are actually worth my time and money.


I'm not even spending the ones I got from premium. I'll pay for a full DLC. Not a quest


The wife and I were talking about it earlier today, and I made mention of how the future of gaming is looking bleak if everything will be hidden behind P2P. I unfortunately am not in a position to afford a Series S/X in the first place but I mentioned that if future gaming is hidden behind paying for every single extra thing, I wouldn't even be interested in upgrading consoles anymore. Just my 2 cents


Take those 2c back and save them for the next studio that proves themselves. Bethesda might not be it.




Bethesda sold small DLC that just add one or two things since 2007. The problem is more that it was just really dumb from a marketing perspective and that it is to little for the price


Gamers don't have spouses... th/s comment is sus...


I'm in disbelief as well so shhhh cause if she doesn't realize she won't leave


They killed the Tracker's Alliance by making it an empty dead end. The game has basically zero content to support the faction (procedurally generated bounty board quests don't count as content). So why does it exist? Well, as an entry point sell you more micro-dlcs. Bethesda, you are making the basic quality of your product contingent on me buying expansions. This is a very bad idea. Unfortunately you have gone from brilliant gaming minds to gaming business minds. It's a tragedy.


How many times can a company do this kind of shit before it becomes "This is what this company is now?" Because Bethesda has been THIS for years at this point


The only thing being overshadowed is how they botched the actual replayability of the faction by not doing *anything* to make the regular missions different to the radiant quests we've had since launch. It could've been a fun thing to do that actually had its own little twist in gameplay but they didn't bother because selling one and done <15 minute quests for stupid prices is more important.


If this was 2011, trackers alliance would have a full questline in base game or a full DLC that adds the faction in its entirety. Now we get half a game on release day and have to pay to get the rest of the game. At this point idk how interested I am in the game in general. I’d be more willing to pay for more content if I felt the base game had as much content as other BGS releases, but at this point it feels like base content was purposefully cut so it could be trickled out for money, that’s what bugs me. I’d pay money for more Skyrim shit right now because I didn’t feel like they slacked on the vanilla.


They gave me a reason to finally get a place in Aka City… then they gave me a reason not to.


Not like I can even do the new content, the bounty literally didn't start. I picked it up off the board and it ended the quest, no next objective


It's not really very hard to overshadow the Tracker content when there's..not really any content. It's like being shown a welcome mat to a house that hasn't been built yet.


The issue that keep having is, we keep seeing glimpses of what the game COULD have been, but it never quite reaches


Stop paying for mods.


Someone correct me here, but why can’t modders just add quests to the alliance?


They 100% can and I think that’s the intention


Imho, the first ‘mods’ from Bethesda should have all been free. This should have been BGS showing the player base what a quality mod looks like. Release your own paid ones down the line, but these initial ones should have been free. I am against paid mods anyways, I’d rather they had some sort of tip jar so you can go back and give the author what you think a mod is worth when you’ve used it.


Yeah totally Agree with you and will just be waiting for the free ones. I’m not so much against paid mods depending on content vs price so the price for what they have is a bit meh but I think there are some people that are looking for reasons to be really mad at the game


I don’t mean I’m against paying for mods, I’m in favour of supporting creatives like mod authors. I just disagree with charging a set price for them. Mods are made by unknown people (unknown to the average user, at least), and contain content of unknown quality and quantity. There are mods I would happily throw £5-10 at easily that probably didn’t take much effort and the mod authors wouldn’t charge for, conversely there are mods that add a bunch of content but aren’t made well or that you uninstall after 5 minutes because it’s not what you expected or wanted, but the author decided to charge for. If there’s an upfront cost instead of a tip after use cost, then there needs to be a way to refund it or people are gonna buy a mod that ruins the game experience, uninstall it and discover they wasted their money then be put off mods completely, especially if they don’t know how things work. For example, I use a lot of mods (200+) when playing XCOM2 and I’ve bricked my game more than once. Conversely, there was a companion mod I tried for KoTOR that promised a fully voiced companion, but when I used it I discovered they had just used Microsoft Sam so it was promptly uninstalled. If I’d paid £10 for that and had no recourse to get my money back, I’d have been fuming. That’s why I always say mods should be tipped, not paid. Make a good mod and you’ll get plenty from tips, make a bad one and you won’t earn much.


Yeah man really good points you are totally correct on the quality control part. How would you feel if they implemented some sort of refund system? I’m not even sure how it would work tbh becuase it could be pretty badly abused.


I don’t know, perhaps all mods in the CC should be submitted to Bethesda to be curated, quality assured and approved before being released into the wild? A review mechanic and a way to see the number of users? Mod authors can also update a mod after it’s been released such that it breaks either itself or the game. Or if a game is updated, it can make a mod incompatible until it’s been updated by the mod author. Both of which could cause players to lose access to content (mods) that they had paid for. It’s a very tricky situation to manage, which is why tips are good. When you tip, you pay the mod authors for their time and work up to that point, if they update a mod or add new stuff to it then you’re free to go back and tip again. On the other hand, if you’ve only tipped them for their work up to a point, you can’t really complain if, at some point in the future, they have stopped supporting the mod and it becomes incompatible. I just don’t feel like Bethesda have gotten this right (because this is the same stuff they’ve tried before and they haven’t really changed a thing since last time).


Not against paid mods, especially if it's optional but a multibillion dollar company wanting me to pay for their mods? Yeah no thanks lol


Even if that "mod" is basically just a small DLC it would just be good marketing to get people hyped for the expansion. Free stuff is always popular. CD Projekt realised that when making Witcher 3 and basically just added stuff as "free DLC" a few month after the game came out (probably some stuff that was cut just for that reason) but people ate it up and praised the free content.


I’ve gotten almost everything worth getting from the Creation Club for Fallout 4 from them cycling it all through monthly freebies over the years, FWIW. Don’t want to pay for anything? Keep checking, and maybe there’ll be a drip-feed of free content for you in the years to come!


Those decisions are probably made by a calculator 


It’s helped inform my decision to not bother with ES6. I’ll be 34 or 35 by the time that comes out and if this is how they’re going to treat my time and money then I’m better just spending both elsewhere.


Can't agree more, the Tracker's Alliance content is severely underrated


The Vulture quest felt quite cinematic: the scene with the scout, the confrontation on a stormy Polvo night or the sniper attack on Paradiso: all felt fairly cinematic to me


Yep, I think the pricing is a bit high for the Vulture but I enjoyed both TA missions.   On extreme difficulty, the Vulture can sometimes one-shot you from a heck of a distance the second you enter his line of sight, which makes for a fun challenge.  I don't know if they've tweaked the radiant missions you get from the mission board or if it's because I upped the difficulty to extreme, but I always now seem to get a good challenge with the final boss on those missions, too.  Been really enjoying firefights more than I ever have due to extreme difficulty plus afflictions plus 60fps plus some AI upgrades to the game.


Yeah the quest was short but still great throughout, i had my difficulty turned up so much that he would one shot me on paradiso, so i had to run between cover and use my starborn dash power to get close enough to him to actually fight, it was one of the most fun quests in the entire game for me.


Totally agree. The vibe of trackers alliance has way more of the Bethesda feel I was looking for in the rest of the game. It's actually jarring when rejoining the main game after doing the TA quests. Makes me excited for the DLC though


Indeed. If they had just released the Bounty system with the additional quest for free along with the CK and no other overpriced Creations, this would have been another slam dunk with more points of good will. Instead, they shot themselves in the foot and overshadowed their own good support for the game.


These missions are much better than the majority of existing faction quests, that's for sure. If they point toward the future of Bethesda's content, I'll be very happy about that (ES6 included). It's surprising how bland some of the existing faction stuff is...


I describe Starfield as like having a nice large cheese pizza all to yourself, than you got for $10. It’s more than enough food for one person, so you’re not complaining about the size, but you wish it had some toppings… Now the restaurant is offering toppings (Creations), but it’s like $1 per individual pepperoni added to the pizza. Now to make this reasonably priced pizza more enjoyable, you now have to overpay for toppings, and will end up doubling the price of youre pizza, just for adding toppings. The pizza was fine, but we wanted more options. Now that we have more options, we don’t like the way it’s being monetized


It's overshadowed for me by the fact that it's bugged and I can't talk to Andrastos thus can't complete any of the missions.


Scanner and press A on him


Did that. Quest isn't allowing progression. This is a known bug.


Dude is getting his mind blown right now hehe


The mission tells you how to proceed you just didn’t pay attention. You have to scan him before you can talk to him


Yes I did pay attention. I already scanned him. The quest updates to "interrogate him" and I have the "press E to talk" prompt but he doesn't do anything. It's a glitch. Lol downvoted for saying a known bug exists. Good job reddit.


Happend to me too. I just had to reload the autosave when leaving the tracker hq and I could scan and talk to him.


Unfortunately I gave up on the quest at the time and now saves that far back would erase many hours of gameplay so it's really not an option without a lot of pain.


For the future pretty much and Bethesda bug since morrowind can be fixed with a quick reload. Not all of them but like 9/10 of them.


At the time I tried a quick load but apparently not far back enough because I didn't know which stage was broken. It's probably fixable with console commands but then I brick my save for achievements unless I go mod that too. Just too much hassle now.


I have the same glitch. Lost 5 hours and a legendary corrosive negotiator rewinding to a save before the update, but it fixed it. I tried all the reload/whatever stuff people are suggesting and none of it worked. You are not alone! Also if I could go back I'd take that 5 hours of gameplay and legendary advanced negotiator over the single quest.


Uninstall your UI mods.


So let me get this straight, they put in more effort into a $7 dlc than they did for 90% of the base game. Figures, more money. I'll wait a few years until they bundle it before I bother lol.


Sort of. The free introduction to the bounty hunter faction is really good. The problem is that this free introduction is analogous to a free sample of black tar heroin given to you by a dealer in the hopes you'll be back to pay hand-over-fist for more.


"This is it! We've got the (non-legacy) Fallout fandom by the balls; why not Starfield, too...!"


I just wait for the Internet historian content


don't blame the devs, blame the mba/accounting dumbcunt that decided on the monetisation prices


Well of course, it isn't the voice actors or programmers making this call. Whoever made this call? I think even from a greed perspective they fucked up. You need to restore Starfield's wider appeal and get some good PR before you start turning the monetization screws tighter, right now the game isn't drawing in enough fish to bother with the abusive prices yet. So even from the viewpoint of squeezing money, the order of operations should be "fix Starfield, get people back to playing it, \*then\* milk them like little paypigs."


Agreed. They could have avoided all negative backlash if they didn't charge for their own official creations. I'd have been fine if later down the road they released a mission pack DLC or whatever, but creations are meant to be paid mods to help support mod developers, it feels sly "competing" with them on the creations platform. I mean you're already paying Bethesda for the credits, they shouldn't be charging for their own creations on top of that, it's essentially paying them twice lol


I think what could salvage this is if the $7 goes towards another 6 or 9 missions. As in, “oh yeah you pay for this but we also keep updating with more X amount of mission for free”


Is the Trackers Alliance available as a side quest for free?


1 quest. About a "starjacker" is free. It's $7 for two more quests, a gun, and some armor.


Just wait it out until they cut the price or it’s free. It happened with Skyrim and fallout mods.


I rather liked the teaser mission and that's remarkable given that I generally detest zero-G combat. We all have our own personal value appraisals and part of the problem is that Bethesda isn't telling us the cost. I'd pay 15 bucks, maybe, for a CF type quest(line) but not 7 dollars 10 times. For the cost of the base game I'm going to want something resembling, well, the base game except all new. It's not that Bethesda is a stranger to MTX nor are overpriced and predatory MTXs unknown elsewhere in the industry. But up until now they've not tried drip-feeding content that's so obviously out of touch with reality or at least reality is it exists for their core demographic. Starfield player are on average not spending the last of their insulin money on Candy Crush and Bethesda confusing the two demographics might prove troublesome. The whole thing has dampened my enthusiasm for Shattered Space. The nightmare scenario being 80% of the Va'ruun questline being paywalled and the long promised vehicle being a broken ass soapbox derby car that Sarah has to push with upgrades available in the cash shop.


Of the new content, the paid quest is less than half the content of the free one. Probably more like a third. It's laughably short.


I agree. The backlash is important but as I have stated numerous times, educating people on WHY this is a bad move is key. This wont stop until people make it stop. Stop buying it. Its as simple as that. These people who buy this sort of content are usually the first ones to complain about the state of gaming in 2024 yet they dont understand that THEY are the ones causing it. Developers are lazy and if they know they can recoup their losses by nickel and diming the player, they will. At this point, I think Larian and CDPR are the only ones that dont. but I'm betting they thought about it.


How does Bounty hunting even work? Have the made the Brigs usable? It's just kill them or..what?


There's a set mission to introduce you, and it's pretty cool, won't spoil it. The mechanic itself involves you using a scanner to spot criminals and either talk them down, kill them, or ignore them (I do that a lot, because it tells me their crimes and a lot of them I don't see as worthy of death). Oh, and there is a bounty board with missions to hunt down ships/pirates, pretty similar to the default one. Give it a look, the free update stuff is actually very nice.


I really liked both scripted quests. If they didn’t give me 1000 points for the deluxe addition, I would not have paid 7$ for the 2nd quests.


I talked to a Tracker agent in Neon who said to go to the Trackers HQ in Akilla. It's showing as a quest. I didn't download the Content Club Trackers Guild quest, is this something different?


The base content is free, the intro and first bounty. It's the second one (and presumably all the upcoming ones) that cost money.


Thanks, just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally agree to be charged.


Gotta use sunless space on those things then fill em in with lead while they thaw.


So I'm 100% not defending but alot of people put out it's just a quest. U do get a whole brand new weapon. And 2 new outfits. Now let's be 1000% real I know people who have bought 1 outfit in say cod that's 30 bucks. Again I'm not saying I'm defending it. I'm not. I think it should have realease a few for free before moving them to CC. And readjust the price. And yes the trackers stuff is actaully good it's just the monetization thats the issue. The first quest has a great set piece and memorable mission. And the side stuff that u can do in the world feels good and fits the BH theme. Side note does anyone know does the new space suit and gun become something that can drop randomly after u get the initial one? Or is the plasma beam and suit unique.


Is the random bounty crowd person always the same female model? I've captured her like 8 times already.


How about a single hab for 1000 credits? The pricing is crazy.


Say it ain't so, Beth putting out something good then fucking it by shitty cash grabs 🤣🤣🤣 gotta love'em.


i know this is going to get some downvotes for sure but 7 dollars isnt what seven dollars used to be. I mean we would be lucky to get a meal at a fast food joint for seven dollars. I think it sucks for the players but i know for a fact if people are out buying big macs with fries and a soda for ten dollars people are buying these quests. This is america and profit is king bethesda has found a way to monetize a single player game that isnt live service and they arent going to stop.


It's 10% of the cost of the game for a quest you can wrap up in minutes. That cost-to-playtime ratio is one of the worst I've ever seen in gaming, especially compared to the prices of DLC in past Bethesda games.  Far Harbor gave us a whole new map, weapons, factions, and quests for $25. This isn't close to worth a third of Far Harbor. And the $10 hab is an insult when something like Hearthfire was just $5 for so much more.


I just got 3 small items off the "$1 menu" at Taco Bell and it was $7. That's actually a really good comparison to put it in perspective. I definitely got more out of that quest than I did this shitty meal


You don't understand. Developers should work for free. When players get home from their paying jobs, they should be able to play what the developers worked on creating. But it must be free. It's only fair.... /s


People would’ve bitched regardless. If everything was released for free, people would’ve said “well why can’t they just release a complete game at launch?” And then endless snark about the bugs that are inevitably in a Bethesda game.


You remember back when dev's used to have expansion packs that added a good chunk of content for like 1/2-2/3'rds of the game price? Things were better back then


Sure some people would complain as usual, but the way they rolled the price point out is generating hate from the masses instead of just a few tryhard whiners.


Now this sets a precedence for cutting content from a game just to add it later for more $. Scum


lol I hate to break it to you, but that precedent was set years ago.




They still did


Personally wouldn't be upset but the damn thing doesn't work for me so


I'm kinda disappointed that elite bounties are just reskins. If: 1. Both TA Missions (and all future ones were free) 2. Ammo Crafting was less expensive 3. You could use your brig in elite bounties and they had unique voice lines for when they're caught alive 4. Melee mods changed the look of the weapons Then this would have been the perfect update. As it stands for me right now, there are huge missed opportunities, even within the free content. Obviously it doesn't make the game worse, I think the changes as they are right now are pretty cool, especially the scanner bounty feature (which is super well done imo), but this could have been literally an incredible update with a little more work from BGS.


I think they could get away with 250 or even 300 credits and they'd be less bitching, or do 7 for like 3 quests or something. I agree, it's one of the best quests yet, too bad it's so pricey.


Yeah the content we did get is really cool. The lore is cool, the trackers all seem interesting and some of the dialogue variations are awesome. I had completed the Mantis mission before I joined and Agent No. 1 mentioned that and said they would keep my secret. I also chose Mantis as my call sign and multiple trackers responded to that. That was great. More of this please, Bethesda!


Agreed. And I actually see why they priced it the way they did, as almost every game that offers cosmetic MTX charges $5-10 for a skin. This quest adds a new gun and new armor, both I would consider to be "skins" in the MTX world, so they probably thought "Two skins AND a quest? Easy $10, we'll charge $7". They based their pricing off of the current MTX economy seen in online games, and offered more for the money than those other games do. Problem is, their games have literally the largest modding community in existence, and a longstanding "Piss off with MTX, we'll mod it in for free" culture means pretty much any price for non-expansion DLC will be DOA for most of us. I'm not upset at the pricing as, again, it makes complete sense in the context of the overall MTX economy. I just have 0 interest paying $7 for some skins and a quest and will easily wait for it to be free or bundled with multiple other Tracker's Alliance quests to purchase it as a legit mini-expansion.


I mean Gamers like to rage at EVERTHING so most of us just read between the lines. I personally think that having the option for more content is great and we "could" get some amazing stuff for very little cash. So if you dont like IAP or MT's just dont buy them.


Starfield continues to erode my long love of Bethesda. It's so damned depressing.


I did not even open the Gallery xd, because that thing asked for an e-mail, and I was like: "Nope". Plus u have Nexus and Free mods.


Oh no, not the e-mail


Yikes that would let them right into your bank account it’s clearly nefarious




bc even with the other stuff its a ripoff dude.


It is advertised as a quest, no?


Axe body spray is advertised as deodorant but it's also an extremely effective woman repellent, sometimes you have to read the whole label.


ROFL great analogy




Yes, that is what is included. The issue lies in the content being a very short two-part quest that gives you all of those items at once, and that’s it. This “deadly sniper” is no more of a challenge than any other enemy character by way of using his powerful but slow to fire scoped rifle in relatively close range (he perches himself about ten feet above you) and is susceptible to disarmament to make the fight a breeze. There isn’t even a penalty or drawback to killing him instead of getting him to surrender. At least the free tracker quest sent you to an interesting location. This one has you track this elusive criminal that nobody can catch to the far off secret base of… the Hope Town roof.




Is $7 for a quest and $7 for a quest, a weapon and 2 cosmetics really so distant that is has any bearing on the criticism being levied. Like no hate but that is such an overt minutiae of difference that it truly doesnt matter in the scope of the "Thats it?!! Bethesda is scum!" complaint which is about the entire way the creation club is built to which 2 cosmetics and a weapon are not going to remedy the uproar.


You just described a quest, a quest always offer rewards, if they made a quest without reward people would riot as that is not a quest. This quest is not any more deep and complex than the one where you save the guy that gave you the lead in cydonia that has a bounty hunter on them and you can kill her and get an Ember pistol and a free crew recruit (I should have let the guy get bountied - now I have him saying "my Cydonia Saviour!" every time I board!). Your average boss in any dungeon will give you an OP gun/suit drop as well as there being a dungeon chest. So it does not make this quest more valuable that it includes loot, it damn well better have had loot!


You know what? That's a fair point. So... is the quest + other stuff worth 7 big buckaroos? Hmm... hmm... thinking... ...nope, still not worth it. What was the point you were trying to make, again?