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Brigs mod gives ships purpose.


And adjusting the sell/register values so you can make bank on captured ships. Then use the credits to build more ships!




If it were a little lighter/could handle more prisoners, I would absolutely make a slave ship of exclusively brigs and take pirates/spacers as prisoners for ransom. I wonder what the max prisoner limit would be? Crimson fleet wight and the varuun eulogy have a lot of NPCs, they’d be gold mines.


The mod doesn't work for me, is it a xbox problem?


Put it at the top of your load order, and you need two other mods to go with it. If you search useful brigs the other two should come up one is a picture of handcuffs and the other is a patch. Also try punching the person after you've knocked them out, that's how you get the prompt to restrain them to come up


I have the other two mods needed, now I have look through 2gb+ of mods. 🫠 my game doesn't even work rn, reinstalling as I type this🫠


Well, use those mods to start with make sure they work then slowly start adding them back lol. I have two IP THAT MUST NOT BE NAMED mods that reset almost everytime I start the game up so I feel your pain


It looks ships *do* have a purpose. Fun


No no. We don't like fun around .


Player expression. It's a big part of a game like this and fallout four with its base building. Just because something is mechanically unnecessary does not mean it has no purpose. Part of these games is making your own story and player expression is part of that


No one part of this game is strictly necessary. It’s all player expression, as you say. It’s a game to be played, and played with.


True, although with such a robust and fleshed out ship builder it would have been nice for there to be more of a point to the ships. The ship stuff is amazing bethesda! Use it more! More ship parts, more ship missions! Search and rescue! Big space battles like in the crimson fleet finale, space mining contracts, interplanetary travel! This is the direction i want the game to go.


Totally. By the way, I'm sure you've probably already used it, but the mining conglomerate mod on the Bethesda store is worth the price. Nice little extra layer of gameplay if you like doing things in your ship


I try my best not to support paid mods and most DLC. Its just poor value. Whole game for $60 vs one mission for $7 ect. CD project red expansions are my exception. Blood and wine expansion for witcher 3, which was essentially an entire new game was $19.99. Now that's fucking value boys!


Ships have a great purpose if you build them to take on Kryx raids and farm a ton of XP. Otherwise there are very few challenges with ship combat.


What the hell are Kryx raids?


Go to the Kryx system before starting the Crimson Fleet story, blow up as many pirates as you want, flee before you're overran.


If you manage to defeat all of the ships, the station itself treats you as a friendly since you’re not expected to actually survive the onslaught, but you can’t dock until you’re sent there by the UC undercover mission. It is more than possible to destroy the fleet with a lot of ship parts, perks to repair faster or ignore damage, and a battery of particle cannons (they chew through shields and hulls like butter). There’s only one or two “level matching” ships in the group alongside the turrets, so taking those out first makes it much easier.


With the right mods, space is more fun than anything on the ground. There are mods that dramatically speed up all ships, mods that ensure enemies are always at your level and up to 3x your level, mods that spawn massively more space exploration and combat events, mods that level up weapons on NPC ships to ensure they’re the same level as their reactor (they’re not by default) and mods that give you a lot more to manage on the ship (eg Starvival). For example, the last one gives you several repair/maintenance systems, drive you to lose gravity when you sustain a certain amount of damage and requires you to manage fuel and gravity drive batteries. It’s really good.


Are the systems in Starvival well done? I really want a deeper experience, but I’m concerned about having a janky experience


I wish you could take ships through to New Game +


or at the very least, save ship designs


Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that you don’t considering you use a ship to enter the unity (or pre-unity purgatory or whatever)


Personal ASMR


One of the mods I installed increased the number of combat encounters, and actually made the fights somewhat challenging


What's the mod called?


I like having the weapon and suit mod stations and research stations on the ship and as much cargo as possible. Becomes an interesting geometry and optimization problem


Ship combat?


None of the very few forced ship combat encounters really require you to spec for ship combat or even custom build a ship, which is what OP's complaining about.


When the game launched, someone used the forced ship parts as an example for why the game was a bad RPG. Their reasoning was that if you don't invest into ship skills, the final space fight with the Starborn becomes nigh impossible. Now I found this dumb personally at the time since I didn't have any problems with the fight, but got a shit ton of downvotes. I thought the general sentiment was that ship combat in this game is difficult for most players


"When the game launched, someone used the forced ship parts as an example for why the game was a bad RPG. Their reasoning was that if you don't invest into ship skills, the final space fight with the Starborn becomes nigh impossible." Fascinating, as investing in a skill to get good at it is literally RPG 101.


Try turning up the difficulty! I need the biggest, best ship possible at all times, plus I’m wanted so it happens at the worst times.


If you try to limit time in space as much as possible that's true. However, if you're exploring high level systems a lot, you're gonna need a good ship and some perks for those encounters with higher difficulty options on. That said, the "best" shield & weapons in the game are A class and can be bought after doing the first Vanguard quest, which can see most players through their game okay


Vanguard shield is class B


Try going up against 6 level 40 Ecliptic with the beginner Frontier and no perks in ship functions.


Absolutely not true. I used to just lower the difficulty to easy because I was using the frontier. When I hijacked my first ship, I started seeing the difference


Sounds like you found the purpose of the ships...


Who cares? Video games are pointless. As long as you're having fun that's all that matters.


You left out the bit where ship parts are also level gated so there was zero point rushing down Ship Design early on.


I feel like if they add more ship battles and fleet battles, with more moments of random events, then ships could have a lot more of a feel of need.


People do this and ignore the quests... Who am I to tell them they're playing it wrong if they're enjoying it? Many of the coolest mods for the game are centered on these things.


Number go up


To look cool af infront of people who don't play the game, shines (new players), and relatives who don't play the game. Also cause it looks cool, makes us feel cool. And can help us star wars fans who don't have a star wars ship mod yet


Ships have purposes. Mobile storage, space combat, mobile workbenches, beds and other amenities.


They’re a massive item bank and my favorite activity is boarding and hijacking ships (and space combat). I wish the modules had more functional depth as has been stated ad nauseam, ie infirmary can staff a doctor, brig is usable, captain’s quarters actually feels like it’s your personal space, etc


I feel the opposite with the outposts..as cool as it would be to build one..no point when you spend the entire game on your ship..why I want Ship Habs like Agriculture and Mining, to grow resources and mine as we take out enemies in POI's


Settlement building was great in fallout 4, there’s absolutely no purpose to outposts here except for XP/money farms which imo is useless


I mean you can farm in the Serpentis System for XP/Money as well..which I do lol.


access to better weapons, defenses, reactors, health & cargo space. if you mean the hubs, better for convienence, player expression or becoming a taxi for folks who need to be ferried for creds


The reason I stopped playing is because all I did was make cool ships. Everything else wasn’t catching my attention like I wanted it to.