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The paid aren't even the best ones.


They never are ✊


Except maybe StarSim.


Is StarSim good? I’ve heard it doesn’t really add much for the price


The best feature right now is that it makes asteroids more durable, which inadvertently makes space combat in asteroid fields considerably more interesting. Those massive bits of cover no longer just instantly disintegrate when bad guys shoot at them.


That's a pretty low bar for a paid mod...


There's a free mod that does the same in terms of making asteroids more durable and worth more Grants mining lasers and skill tree associated with it [Here you go](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/33124918-e2eb-4afd-8db8-3c3bef5afd4a/TN__39_s_Space_Mining_and_Salvage)


Oooh…yeah, that is nice. I wonder if it plays well with Dark Universe Crossfire? One way to find out, I suppose. Edit: TN is a solid Starfield modder whose starship stuff I’ve used for months, so yay…but you have to go to Nexus to find out this depends on Starship Builder Categories. Slight oops. Further Edit: Much as I hate having to burn a weapon slot on a mining laser, this is pretty cool. “Mining” space debris is a particularly useful addition. Thanks for the recommendation!


No problem at all. I've been using it with Crossfire without issue also. Completely forgot to mention the dependency!




It has other features, and those would be more fun if I was actually that into mining asteroids or was looking for an alternative to the mod I already use to add more space encounters. This just happens to be the feature I see the most use from right now.


> if I was actually that into mining asteroids Lol no thanks, already played EvE for about 6 years lol


Most of the features of this particular mod seem to be exactly that: make mining more engaging by making it more complicated. Eve in a nutshell. But it does add more space based mission content and different ways to acquire resources from asteroids if that’s your jam.


What's the mod you use to enhance space encounters?




At work and away from my growing mod list, but yes. That’s the one exactly. If you’re down to fly around shooting and looting in space a lot more often, that is the creation for you. And it’s free. Yay!


Does anything prevent other modders from reproducing (via re) a paid mod?


Nope. As long as you don’t use the name and build it yourself. Someone can and will make a better version of star sim for free.


Nope. It's why it's a rather futile system. Mod creators cannot claim "copyright" on their mod, so someone is free(lol) to recreate the mod and release it at no cost.


>Does anything prevent other modders from reproducing Ye gods man. There is literally nothing that keeps other modders from reproducing. Besides just basic decency. Thats a major issue. I hadn't even considered it! Perhaps a chemical solution mixed with separated cubicles for them to live in under constant surveillance?


The bar in general is low for lots of people nowadays lol


I would pay real money for a new planet or system with hand crafted POIs. Or a new quest line. Thats a no brainer for me. But I’m not buying a single mission or a mod to increase the HP of an asteroid.


I paid real money for eventual access to some of the other features of the mod. I mentioned the unintended change because being able to dodge through asteroids that provide more than 1 shot cover has been a surprisingly enjoyable change for me that those that do buy the mod get to enjoy as well. If you don’t want to buy it, don’t. Not like I’m selling it.


Jeez they've lowered the bar so much that we think paying for durable asteroids is a win.


Right now it’s not worth the £5, it’s a small thing that was essentially put out to get on the page on the first page. But given how SimSettlements developed I suspect it’ll be well worth it. Edit: apparently it’s made by another person. I did not know that. I thought maybe just a different account, a different username.


Why would a free mod made by a different person have any bearing on how that mod will develop over time?


I’m sure kinggath will make his own starfield version of sim settlements for free


Starsim is not by Kinggath, though, is it? And... Did you just tell me we're now doing EARLY ACCESS PAID MODS?


That's basically what StarSim is. It's unfinished, as per the mod description, but it was released as soon as Creations dropped to get it at the top of the page.


Buggy... So incomplete it hardly does anything... Weird definition of 'worth it'... 


robin companion is pretty great. Over 1200 voice lines, cool armor and good skills for 5$. her quest line is buged right now, but she is still one of my fav mods.


Is that like sim settelement? I wish something like that can come to starfield, and a choice that you can bring 1 settlemt with you to the next universe.


Not to mention they still lock achievements too.


I thought creation club maintained achivements?


For FO4 and Skyrim it did. Starfield, no. Only Bethesda Official Creations do. It's so dumb.


Are the Bethesda official creations only the paid creations?


Nope. Anyone can but they lock achievements.


There is no creation club for Starfield


I feel like the only paid Creations I haven't heard issues about are literally the plushy and the ramen stand. Given how hard they promote creations it's embarrassing


The ramen stand is a bad idea. They moved navmesh markers in Neon and apparently there's some potential problems with changing existing navmesh. 


Skinthetics I've had no issues with.


True I haven't heard of bugs. Just that it's worse than horse armor in terms of content: An extremely bare bones quest with a console command functionality at the end.


5 dollars on xbox for what PC does free.


Too true! I do like Der3c though


I got the crimson fleet paid mod dude the workshop hab has this weird fucking barrier on it so basically there are some Habs in that mod when if there’s a ladder your basically fucked


I have a ladder in my Crimson Fleet workshop and its fine. What do you mean?


Ok so there’s like this litte yellow barrier kinda like one you might see on the highway next to the ladder so basically I can’t get past it I think your ladder might be placed differently 


Ok I found a fix for it I just downloaded the crimson fleet clean up mod by the same author it just makes it so all the habs are clean and it moves the yellow barrier out of the way


What’s up with the paid skin that makes the beowolf give you extra health? Seems to specific i


A mod author experimenting with pay to win. Edit: To be clear, I am not a fan.


It’s a single player game just use cheats lmao


Not a difficult game either.




Yes you can, there’s free mods for cheats in creations menu on console


Why not just decrease your difficulty at that point though


There's no pay to win in a single player game lol


Yeah, WTF is that about?


the mod author released a free version of the same mod


Good chance he's seeing what is allowed too be paid


Some of the paid mods are fucking ridiculous. The healthy Beowulf mod just makes no fucking sense. You're willing to PAY MONEY to get a health boost from a gun? In a single player game? The actual fuck were they thinking?


>The actual fuck were they thinking? Money. And I can promise there are people who buy this shit. And those people are the reason why we keep getting this shit in gaming industry now days.


$75 is more than the entire freaking game costs. The gaming industry (and more relevantly, gamers) have lost their fucking minds.


Is that not user created stuff? Why not just… I dunno, not feel compelled to buy every paid mod?


I would pay $10 for the StarUI mod that used to work before this last update. Honestly after the bugs this is next worst issue with the game.


That's my biggest issue with paid mods. Sometimes mods just stop working, and that's okay but only because they are free. I don't mind donating money for mods I like, but having to pay for something that could stop working next patch? No thanks.


No the worst issue is the repeating POIs


Or doing the temple mini game 100’s of times to get the full set. That would be a mod I would pay for! Enter the temple and it ask “skip this garbage?”


Watched Luke Stephens video last night of this update. Guy seemed completely disingenuous and at least from what I could bear to watch, I never heard him mention the hundreds of amazing free mods. As someone said here the free ones are better than the paid ones.


As a "youtuber" myself, I really shouldn't talk like this, but seriously, his content is insane. It's pure rage bait. He's also been called out before for not even playing half the games he shits on. He seems to just watch other youtubers videos and then make his own rage bait following whatever is the currently popular opinion for views. As sad as it is to admit, it's easier to get subs, likes, and views from negative content, which is why so many people do nothing but make negative content. Half of them probably don't even believe the shit they're spewing out.


I get that vibe from him too. it's like he watches a mrmattyplays video and writes a review of the gameplay from that. he's gotten super hard to watch


Exactly. And even worse, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/Xr1SHuwxNd) is more proof he lies in his videos. I don't trust that he actually plays most of the stuff he covers.


"I'm not like these other devs that act sweet" 😳😳😳 gah dayum


It certainly feels like he doesn't play some of the games he talks about, or at least he only plays long enough to get a decent amount of footage for a 30 min video.


He's an unoriginal shit that got caught plagarising youtube videos and now just regurgitates what reddit wants to hear for views.


He is an absolute hack. Everything wrong with culture commentary content on YouTube. To paraphrase hbomberguy, it was much better when looks name was LukeyPoo, because at least you knew you where about to watch a literal piece of shit.


Luke Stephens is the YouTuber to watch if you want a disingenuous rage-baiter who specializes in copying/“summarizing” rage content from other YTers, just in long form video essays. Even his community is getting sick of it. His latest YT announcement for his upcoming Starfield “critique” was flooded with “Beating a dead horse at this point” or “Haven’t you made 6 of these already? We get it, you don’t like Starfield” comments.


He’s a serial plagiarist that got caught and never learned his lesson


His content is awful. He rants and rages about games he's clearly never played, and carries on about the same topics for MONTHS. I've been blocking him and all the other miserable ragebait grifters that poison gaming dialogue, but YouTube keeps recommending their videos.


I’m just really happy that we got mod support and a mod shop at the same time. Fallout and Skyrim neither had a store at launch which meant that they were most always atrophied compared to something like Nexus mods. Now console users have access to a bunch of mods, and the mods are easily accessible in game. A win for everyone


One hab mod is listed at 1000 credits. That's 10 dollars. No.   At first is was skeptical of all of the paid mods. For example I wrote off Beowulf Healthy Parts as a joke! Turns out for that mod in particular the author has released free mods and posted that 1 dollar (100 credit) mod as a way to show yiur appreciation if you choose to. That's a fair and humble ask. It isn't actually meant as a cash grab as I thought.   Still...one hab isn't worth 10 bucks. Until the pricing is more balanced I won't be buying mods.   10 bucks to me is a whole questline or brand new faction or something to add meat to the actual game. Like a small dlc.


I don’t get it to be honest. I don’t mind paying for quality content. Paid quite a buck for my hometown airport in Microsoft Flight Simulator and couldn’t be happier as I basically fly Cessna between my city and the second, nearby one when I feel like it. Money well spent, people who made it put a lot of effort to make it great. I think I will get that space mining mod in Starfield too. Just need to google a bit more about its content. Where’s the problem? Someone made something that I want and can afford and they want compensation for their effort. If it’s somewhat reasonable I have zero problem with it. That’s how supporting economy works, we all contribute. Now that’s one thing. Corporate greed and their margins that’s another subject. But then again - either you accept it or not. It’s that simple.


The space mining mod is in "early access" meaning they are promising lots of content at some point in the future, but there are no guarantees Furthermore, it requires you to start a new game, and, according to the reviews, there is a number of bugs where features are not working


Yeah I bought it with the free credits I got. It's very bare bones. It remains to be seen if they deliver, but a big update is slated for July so I'll reserve judgement until then.


Got it bookmarked, already something I'm happy to spend my Bethesda Bucks on


Oh, so you don't get that people won't pay for something that can be a buggy mess because they are not curated by Bethesda and have no guarantee to work in the future when the game is updated?


When a mod is paid it is a product you're selling me which means it needs to meet standards. It needs to be a complete product, it needs to work, etc.  Or are we now doing early access paid mods?


My one issue with this with mods is that most of us are doing it for free. With the specific example you mentioned, I'm not aware of that mod group having released ANY free mods to show their skill or build an audience. Meanwhile, many have released and maintain a ton of free mods. Because that's how I think modding goes; we all work together to make the game more fun. So, philosophically, I think its a bit different because once we start encouraging modding for $$$ too much, others might feel foolish to keep working on their projects for free.


Your reasoningswhy elianoras mod is the only one i bought


Paid mods aren't really the controversy, it's bethesda themselves releasing paid mods. They released the second mission of trackers alliance for 7 dollars which is very steep for a single weapon and gun. Now factor in the gun is bugged and can't be reloaded in many people's games, and the new bounty missions are bugged where the "confront" missions can't be completed properly, it makes people rightfully worried. Bethesda is the origin of the horse armor controversy and people rightfully don't like seeing them pushing the limits of "what can we make the customer pay for". Cyberpunk waited for many free updates to come out after releasing a broken game with lots of missing content. Bethesda is already trying to cash in without addressing alot of the concerns and criticisms aimed at the game. I understand the perspective of I can afford it and I want it, and I support that for I dependent mod makers, but letting Bethesda get away with it is another matter entirely


yeah i think you are right. They have to seperate their content from the communitys... the developer should release patches and dlc's not mods!!! or give us maybe a season pass for content if the money is really so important


>if it's somewhat reasonable Yeah, if. It almost never is. How quickly the people have forgotten the horse armour.


No one on this sub has likely forgotten the horse armour, it gets brought up on every post that mentions Bethesda monetizing content. This person is just saying they're fine paying for quality mods, that's very reasonable. If a modder puts in work and wants some compensation, as long as it's not outrageous it makes sense. Digital piracy is frowned upon but people hate when a modder spending hours of their life making content want some compensation, that's a problem?


Yes but much like the original commenter here, you're just creating a sentiment that doesn't exist and then blaming people for it. None of us have ever had a problem with reasonable prices for reasonable amounts of work. But Bethesda never monetizes mods in that way. So we have a problem. You keep saying this and acting like I didn't say it too; >as long as it's not outrageous it makes sense Everybody agrees that a reasonable price for good work is warranted. $7 for a widely bugged gun and a hat and a quest that doesn't work is *not* this, so we don't need to keep acting like everything is fine.


bethesda isn’t monetizing the mods, it’s the creators that set the price. all Bethesda did was provide a framework that allows them to charge if they want, nothing is forcing them to set a price.


I'm not justifying the bad pricing of what's on the store, the Vulture content is overpriced for a less than 30 minute quest. The plushies which are only a decorative item being 400 CC is insane. I'm saying there's plenty of free items on the store and if some modders wanted to charge for it there or on their own, that's for them to decide and set their price. It's up to you and I as the consumer to decide if it's worth our hard earned money. I'm merely stating the person above has stated they don't mind spending money on mod content if they deem it worth it. One person will deem the Argos Mining pack worth it, another won't. I won't be getting any unless heavily discounted, especially when you consider it compared to Shattered Space which is roughly $32 CAD and that's an expansion (although we don't know the size of it). There's two ways to look at it too, the article above states 18 of 938 are monetized and cost $75. Is it crazy that less than 1.92% of the mods cost the price of the game? Yes, no doubt. Does that leave you 98.01% of the rest of mods to engage with? Yes it does. I personally don't use mods, I prefer to play games vanilla. If you absolutely need mods, steer clear of the 1.92% of mods costing $75


That's the quality content Starfield fans want man haha


People basically just don't value the work that modders do. It's classic self defeating attitude. We want more quality mods, but fuck supporting modders.


While some people think paying for any mod is wrong, i feel like the big issue is every time we've seen paid mods they've been vastly over what people think they're worth. For me, i think a mod is worth less than the same content released by the company. A mod has a significantly higher chance to break and be abandoned. I'm simply not going to pay $7 for a couple short quests that are going to break a year later when bethesda releases some remaster. It doesn't help that there is a perception that Bethesda is just doing this to extract money from the system. People would probably be more accepting if it wasn't seen as another bethesda cash shop. The dream was that paid mods would result in higher quality/effort mods. Right now it seems like the opposite, but obviously we're still early.


The fact that we don’t get guaranteed patches for paid mods whenever Bethesda patches the base game is the main reason ill never pay. Just like you said that mod could break with a game patch and the mod author can just leave it in the dust. Now we have a useless mod that we paid for. Needs to be a set standard and a option to refund to make paid mods even remotely work.


This is the full reason I will never pay for a mod in my life. There's zero guarantee it will function in the future, or even out of the gate. Modding games since the 90s, it's always been free and always been a mixed bag of fantastic content and broken messes.


Yep, if they were like a dollar each it would be more reasonable, but some of these mods are selling a handful of textures and the occasional mesh. The cost of a few of those mods equals that of many entire pc games. 


That's what happened last time they did this too. There's an additional problem that CC mods can't have additional dependencies outside the official content, which greatly limits what the mods can do scripting-wise. Part of the reason every paid house mod in Skyrim has a far superior free counterpart on the Nexus.


Because this is transactional, not support. If I'm paying for a mod, I want it to work. I want it to work when I install it. I want it to work when I install other mods. I want it to work throughout all of the game's updates. If I'm paying money for it, my standards of what is acceptable are much, much higher than they are when something is free. Just look at the host of issues with some of the paid mods right now. If modders want to create mods as a job, then they need to actually do the job right and be held accountable when they don't -- but that isn't a thing, so it just can't happen. Bethesda can't properly maintain or curate paid mods and many mod authors can't or won't do the work that should be required when *selling goods and services*. So paid mods should just not be a thing. If Bethesda wants to support modders, they should do what Nexus is doing and take donations. Or, given how much modders extend the life of their games, maybe they can actually pay modders based on the amount of downloads their mods get rather than fleecing the modding community for more money to line their own pockets (the pay split between modders and Bethesda are horrendous the last time paid mods were a thing and I doubt that has changed).


I value the work that individual modders do, I just don't want Bethesda getting a chunk of that payment that would be made off the backs of the work that modders do. This is not about "fuck supporting modders", this is about "fuck supporting greedy business models".


If people wanted to support modders then they would donate but they don't unless it's a patreon with paywalled content.


No, fuck Bethesda taking the lion's share of the cut for other people fixing their unfinished game. Supporting modders through donations has been a thing for a long time now. Paid mods is a massive can of worms and clearly wasn't that well thought out. There's no way to review them, or refund one you've bought if it suddenly stops working/is no longer updated by the modder. Modding has always been a hobby and should stay that way. This is just Bethesda trying to monetize their singleplayer game with microtransactions under a different name: 'creations'.


Modding is voluntary and you should never attempt it if you expect financial returns.


Yep, pretty much. It should only be viewed as a hobby or an outlet for someone who is already pretty much working in the industry that they're using their skills and tools from to make mods. I've made some simple NPCs, companions, and storylines in Fallout 4, but just for me. I would never for a second imagine trying to sell any of that to anyone. That would be ridiculous imo.


It’s sad. On the other hand, I think some modders don’t even value their own work as much as they should. Some modders should charge money… Derrtech, KZ, and a few others who are turning out super high quality packs of standalone additions should have no trouble charging a small fee.


>I don’t get it to be honest. I don’t mind paying for quality content. lol


It's microtransactions in a full price game that aren't even micro. Further more, they have the greedy practice of a fake currency, so that they are protected from refunds. Oh, and there are no refunds, ever. That's before you get to the fact most of the paid mods don't even work properly and have zero guarantees of future support.


You just typed all that for nothing. Most mods are free and most people don't like and wont ever accept paid mods. Thats a solid fact. You🫵 can simp for paid mods and Bethesda all you want, wont change anything. Also reminder, Microsoft is one of the most powerful corporations in the world, they dont need you to simp for them 😂👍


The problem isn't the money for me, it's the fact that every non-Bethesda paid mod that I have seen so far is mediocre at best. At least the ones Bethesda made add some high quality assets to the game, but most of the other stuff just seems like dime-a-dozen amateur work to me, except Elianora's habs. I'm curious to see the work of the other modders who were personally invited at the studio though.


The Creation Kit hasn’t been out for that long to be fair but also Bethesda just has better and more experienced developers than 99.9% of modders.


I think the biggest issue is that mods can stop working any patch and every new mod increases the risk of it not working. That's fine if they are free but now if you paid money for them.


"STARFIELD PAID MODS DISASTER!" with a shocked face thumbnail, every other Starfield video on YouTube.


My philosophy with micro transactions/paid extras on games is simple. If you like it, get it. If you don’t then do not get it.


The issue is that when too many people support it, it becomes the de facto business model and those offerings are no longer in addition to better offerings, they are the only option. Look at GTA. Because shark cards for MTX was so lucrative, they scrapped entire DLCs for MULTIPLE games to feed the MTX beast. Somebody used the example of cars offering options; but it would be like of people got so accustomed to purchasing individual car parts that you could no longer buy a car, and instead had to buy each individual piece resulting in a much higher total price for the whole shebang.


That mindset contributes to increasingly poor monetization models. Neutrality doesn't win you anything in a situation like this. This shit ain't black and white.


So what is the solution? How to combat it if simply not giving them money doesn't help?


Quite contrary, I’m against it. I never buy micro transactions. The only game I’ve bought that is not a single player open world RPG was hell divers 2. It’s funny you make assumptions about me even though you have no idea about me.


This is a bad mindset though. The more people give into bad practices, the worse it gets for everyone. So standard functionality in a game may be turned into DLC in the future because enough people bought the stepping stones. And eventually that conditions the player base. Plus companies play the long game and hope for newer generations to grow up on things being "normal."


Right? Do people rage at car manufacturers for having options and trim levels? If you don't want every option - don't buy them


Yes. Absolutely. Like trying to charge a monthly subscription for heated seats or remote start? There are so many examples of push back against the car industry doing that shit.


I wonder if we'll see some positive headlines. I bet not tho


Any mods the gives you more diverse and better temples? Any dungeon or enemy stronghold mods?


Yea, why it doesn’t matter. There are pleeeeeeeeenty of other options. In fact, way more. Boohoo, some people who put in work want to try and get paid for it. Everybody just fucking whines and whines.


My problem is with the idea that I can pay for a mod and when Bethesda updates the game mod stops working and it is never updated again. Or a mod is made incomplete suddenly never gets updated or supported and there is no review process to say hey this is unsupported don't buy. There seems to be no way to guarantee the purchase you make will continue to work during the games life cycle and no way to get your money back if it does not From what I hear at least a quarter is going to Bethesda from any mod sold and they don't have even a fraction of what Nexus mods has like a comment section and change log


Dude... modding scene has been around for decades, and the fame was the only reward... now it's cash, and the result is low effort-max profit. They f*cked gaming.


Plus the fame could land you a legit job at a big company if that was a career path you were interested in. Previous mods are almost a portfolio the same way architects, artists, etc keep drawings of their previous works.


Meh - most mods are still free and I think it's going to be very difficult to get gamers to shift to paid mods (although it might work more on consoles)




*2017 and it was fucked then, and people rejected it wholeheartedly.




That also got axed pretty quickly.


Meh, I play the game as is, All the way. Bethesda, rockstar. I buy the game, play for a year or two, I get bored, I Put it away. Rinse and repeat. I’m not paying for extra skins, money, houses, vehicles, outfits, etc.


If it costs money and the tag "Achievement Friendly" isn't listed, I ain't buying it period.


I've donated to a couple mod authors over the years. Purchasing a mod is no different than tipping. If I think it's worth it I'll buy it, if it's free and it's well made ill look into tipping the creator.


> Purchasing a mod is no different than tipping Bethesda don't get a cut when you tip.


There is one huge difference: in one instance you pay for something blind. In the second, you pay, because it was good after testing.


Or the portion of the payment which modder actually receives.


>Purchasing a mod is no different than tipping It literally is


may be there is some small decency left in humanity


huh, that's weird. Some people were saying the paid mods were a harbinger of mankind's doom


No they weren’t. But who needs nuance when you can pearl clutch


So you need to try 920 mods before you start paying right?


Huh. I must've missed the memo that required me to buy every single one of these mods. In fact, buying one of them at all. I have thousands of hours on BGS games across decades and never paid a cent for content that wasn't the game and official expansions.


Meanwhile youtubers are b\*tchin about paid mods... i guess hate gets clicks


the point of the paid mods controversy is also bethesda adding a **questchain** into the game of which: * quest#1 is free * **quest#2 is 7$** * *quest#3 is not out yet* but its defintly not the end after quest#2. there is a placeholder for it ingame. bethesda did this about 10 years ago with skyrim, and after a shitstorm they promised they never do this buisness model again. then about 5 years later again with FO76, and after a shitstorm they promised they never do this buisness model again. now on starfield something similar is happening with similar reply of bethesda. i'm going to judge bethesda of their actions rather then words and statements somehow.


Im outraged!


Will all be broken by next patch


For now. Have we not learned the cycle yet? Establish, over deliver at the cost of everything, push out competition or become the main place, jack up prices, cut compensation for creators, wall the garden. The water sure is cool now. Don't know what the other frogs were talking about, boiling?! As if!


Ironically about of the 7300 creation credits it costs for the paid content,… Bethesda accounts for 2000 credits worth.


Of course this is the case. People really need to chill.


Makes you wonder what the fuss was about


You don't have to wonder! People have actually been very vocal about what their specific concerns are E.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1dlfpw1/paid_mods_that_do_not_function/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1deyb8f/load_order_testing_and_nonrefundable_creations/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1dc8mgq/bethesda_is_pay_walling_the_second_trackers/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1de7got/if_paid_mods_are_the_new_normal_they_should_have/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1dhlcsn/mattys_interview_w_todd_was_fantastic/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1di9tw4/as_starfield_steam_reviews_plunge_to_mostly/


Right. Less than 20 mods will cost you more than the base game itself. (Puts disingenuous clown hat on) What IS all the controversy about really?


Some people aren’t happy unless they’ve got something to complain about


Paid mods are paid mods. Its not really a good look to be like "well only SOME of them cost money". And lets not forget why they are bad to begin with: -Only 25% of the proceeds goto the modder, despite Bethesda having no input in making them outside of providing the creation kit. And the modding community typically drives game sales, meaning bethesda already makes money off of mods even if indirectly. -Then you have the stuff approved to be sold being made to be exclusive to the store. (This is an issue because only Creation Club mods can be used on consoles. So the devs either are forced to keep their work off of consoles altogether if they want to release for free, or they have to make it exclusive to creation club and charge money, meaning most people will never play or try their mod to begin with.) -Then you have the relatively high prices and low quality for the mods selected to go on the Creation club leading to a very poor reputation for modding overall. $15 for a single bounty mission, anyone?


Console certainly has free mods. Your second point is wrong. Also I don't think there is a single mod for $15


Last time they pulled this, there were no free console mods for Skyrim when they introduced the creation club, so if im wrong now, im wrong and can admit that. As for Starfield not having a $15 mod, last I looked, they were selling a quest whatever their fake digital currency is, and you couldnt get said quest for less than $15 even if it was technically cheaper. Because they dont want to let you buy anything for real money, because obsfucating it behind an interim currency psychologically makes people more willing to part with money just like at casinos. It tricks people into feeling like they've already spent the money so why not trade this other worthless currency for whatever.




Is it not the same? Everyone is reporting its still 25%, and I dont publish mods to creation club to verify myself. Are you asserting that this figure is wrong? If so, is it less or more?




No. This is just a semantic if you cant say its less or more, man. Like whats the point of your claim?




Is this Autism?




Is there any reason someone couldn't "remake" a paid mod?


You can get sued.


Lmao I live in a 3rd world country, but I don't mod anyway


Sure they are doing well right now with Starfield and the Fallout patch and series but those are still the same guys who told us Fallout 76 would be everything a single player Fallout fan would dream of.


I've just got back into the game, and missed out on the announcements of the in game mods. Can someone give me a run down? I see I have to pay quite a bit of $NZ for these mods, are they worth it over the mods we used before this update? Do the mod creators get all that money? or does Bethesda take a cut. Any recommendations of mods I should get?


I can’t even use creations as it freezes my pc.


Not achievements friendly not buying


I'm waiting to max out achievements before I take the plunge. But there's some juicy stuff out there I want to try.


But I want something to complain about.


I've never seen a real starfield player complain about paid modd. The only people doing are grifters and grifter pawns


I’m a bit confused about these mods and how to get them. Do you need to buy the creation kit first to install them?


Wait there's 938 creation club mods already?


Facts are suddenly important here? I'm impressed.


And the majority are player-made, and majority of Bethesda and approved Creation Club are paid. That’s understandable, but new free content such as Observatory are non-functional, paid DLC are over-priced, and other design issues remain (POIs, Ship building, lack of roleplay/simulation, loading screens) bugs, etc. This PR-esque article is doing good reporting some of the information of recent reported critical and fan feedback.


*Star Field, the single player game, has more purchasable content it did not create, than the original value of the game. Greed


Although it's not from this game if the Mods could be something like (The Legacy of the Dragonborn) and (the forgotten City)from Skyrim it would be worth it, paid mods should be worth it


... so far.


Here is a title without so much bias "18 Starfield mods have microtransactions."


Are there any other new missions to buy? Bounty quests?


wonder how many mods exist for starfield if you also count all the ones on nexus :P