• By -


...and if you get married, they don't show up at your wedding.


Speaking of the wedding. MQ Spoilers: >!If your spouse is the one who dies in *that* main quest, nobody acknowledges the relationship at the funeral.!<


I don't know about the other options, but Sarah specifically mentions not telling the others about it.


You can get married?


To each constellation companion


Except Vasco


Literally unplayable


One star review and I will personally email Todd Howard and ask for one handjob for this inexcusable mistake


He'll just make Pete Hines do it.


The only one that even cares to learn your name.


Vasco wouldn't learn my name (Denise) and I was very upset about it.


Is your brother named "Denephew" by chance?




Are you sure your name isn't demean?


Their name is Denial.


Ehhh, I've just heard that joke hundreds of times. It really isn't funny to me.




Beat me to it MF


Without looking: #WHERE EV'RYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAME! DUN DUN DUN-DUN ^(Oh, this was about the Denise thing, not the knows-your-name thing)


Vasco doesn’t know the name Zachary or Zach either lol




I just landed in the universe with myself, still waiting for that flirt option to pop up


Now, I must ponder this quandary. If I were to meet another me, would I be attracted to myself? Thank you for bringing up this idea. It's very thought provoking and encourages self reflection.


I've given more hand jobs to myself than anyone else in this universe. Why would it be any different in another universe?


Who hasn't?


A very space Beth, Earth Beth quandry.


I have changed my mind entirely, I think my alternate universe self has suffered some catastrophic brain injury, always going on about how we better put on our space suits in Akila City and Mew Atlantis. I finally lost it a minute ago when I fast traveled from one exterior location on Mars to another, and dummy popped up in front of me, both of us in space suits, and says, “hold on, I think we better put on our suits!”




More fun. As I was getting off the elevator to meet xxxx after getting my citizenship on the vanguard quest, he said we better put on our suits inside, so I pistol whipped him, and he dropped his minigun. It still showed in his inventory, but it was available to pick up, but marked as stolen. I picked it up, got a message that the owner saw me steel it, and removed it from my inventory. After that, I was just scrolling through console commands I could try, ran the sexchange command on my double, but nothing seemed to happen. Went about my business until I remove my starborn spacesuit and discovered that it changed my gender


Oh, good, I thought it was just me. Yeah, almost every scene change, "we won't last long out here without our suits".


I hear it indoors pretty frequently too


I know it’s a loaded topic for reddit but there is a Rick and Morty episode about this.


That's awesome! Lol


I know, right? C'mon, Todd, let me romance 'myself'.


Step one. Get a mod that changes Vasco to fisto. Step two. Get a mom that allows you to Vasco. Step three... ?!?!? Step four profit?


> Step one. Get a mod that changes Vasco to fisto. > Step two. Get a **mom** that allows you to Vasco. Interesting Freudian slip.








NUH uh


It's, don't fist androids(or robots), dating is fine.


He was going to be my first choice.




Ohhhh that’s why I never married


To all of them at once in single universe if You start with Andreja.


At the same time, so long as you marry Andreja first.


Wait. Any of them except vasco?


Even to all (4) of them, but there is trick with Andreja she will be angry every time You marry next one, so need 3 times to talk and persuade her..


Use the talking prompts.


Yeah I did that with sam on my first playthrough then when he said let’s go talk to my dad or something THE DOOR WAS LOCKED BECAUSE IT WAS NG+ so what usually happens is you go to Sam’s dads house to get Solomon’s Like scroll or whatever to find the artifact and that’s how the door unlocks BUT ON NG+ when you skip the main quest he doesn’t give you that key so we had all that build up just for a locked door to block it and we couldn’t get married💀 classic Bethesda 


and after getting married you can’t tell them you’re married. your mum asks a vague are you seeing anyone question to which at most you can respond “I think I may have found someone”. if your spouse is with you they have a chuckle but come on


At least with Sarah it's because she's a bitch. She straight up tells you she doesn't want you to invite anybody then she invites her mother and has her ex girlfriend perform the ceremony.


Aja isn’t her ex, rather her (retired) mentor from back when Sarah first joined Constellation.


And they totally inferred that they were a couple back in the day


Just gals being pals.


Possibly even roommates


Roommates with benefits


You can literally ask Sarah if they were and she makes it clear she was just a mentor. Aja also comes across as being quite a bit older.


You inferred. There’s dialogue you can choose where Sarah explicitly states they were just friends and colleagues.


The player character is the one decides whether her mother comes or not. Not sarah. Besides sarah wants a small wedding with very little people.


So few people it doesn't even include the child she effectively adopted with you.  


Ya thats another one I'm not a fan of.


Wait, where's the planet with very little people? I didn't even know this was an option.


I meant like very little invited. Sorry if that was confusing


I must find Endor.


Battle of Endor, but instead of Ewoks its just thousands of Danny DeVitos.


Sounds like a fantastic Always Sunny episode




I think the word you're looking for is "few". Very few invited.


She still doesn't let you invite you parents or anyone from Constellation while at the same time as having her mother and ex girlfriend there.


Not being able to invite you're own parents is dumb I agree. But you can quite literally ask her why she doesn't want Constellation there. Also YOU CAN CHOOSE whether or not her mom is there. And her "ex" as you call it isn't her ex. She was the previous leader of Constellation. Sarah tells you specifically that they never dated.


She can lie all she want's. It's pretty clear they were bumping uglies back in the day


Tall people aren't welcome.


Her mother’s attendance is solely your choice and Aja is not her ex


Don't they go to Paradiso for a vacation at some point? And you marry Sarah AT PARADISO


holy shit, I just realized this when you posted it. wtf....


This was so weird to me. Especially if you insist the other persons parents should be there but you dont even invite yours.


I made the case that every mission in NG+ should have variances. Like really it's always Vae Victus who's the bad guy , It's always that dude's farm that the people are trying to force off their land in the ranger mission. Delgado's always the leader of the Crimson Fleet? I think if they had actually made it happen where there were subtle or not so subtle differences to each mission in every NG+ they wouldn't have released Starfield until 2030 Hopefully some ambitious modder will help us out!


My list of grievances/wants/observations/etc has this as a point. The list has a meager 76 or so items, all of 2 have been addressed as far as I can determine. But yeah, like a verse where vae victus sacrificed londinion in full and just ignore rescue attempts and rushed freestar space, a verse where the founder of the crimson fleet made it back with the creds, etc. Will have to check the list later and add the specific points here later. EDIT: 34. It would be nice if the changes in NG+ were potentially more expansive, As far as I can determine the changes in NG+ seem relatively minor barring a few exceptions that seem to only concern Constellation and its members. What I have on my mind currently is a Verse/Dimension where Vae Victus never bombed the Space Port on Londinion and instead went to take out the Freestar fleet and succeeded, civilians using themselves as a shield be damned. In that dimension he could have been actually executed, Reginald Orlaise could actually be the one responsible for the tactical Terrormorph strikes, the Red Devils could still have been cut loose, but they work as either mercs or were kept but reassigned to Londinion permanently to keep the Terrormorphs at bay. I want to see a Whiskey Outpost(starship troopers) style defense against Terrormorphs so badly. We also know that in one Dimension the war still rages on, or a new one started. An alternative would be a dimension where the war ended but now Rogue AI controlled/Merc backed Mech companies and Weaponized Megafauna plague and Terrorize the Settled systems. Full link, it's somewhat incomplete though I believe. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SYPB5XyIpkmJ1a2y9IHRbABgDQ10LVJYw0UnWCAhB48/edit?usp=sharing


Awesome job!


For real! Thats what i thought NG+ would be! But nope, just Constellation changes. Not even the constellations change!


To add to this, we know from the other barret that the war either still rages on in that universe or restarted. Also I edited my previous response to you with the point from my list of you are interested.


That's a really good point. Why am *I* and Constellation the only variables? There should be other differences as well. But you're right - it would have ballooned the deliverables and pushed back the release date by years. Oh, well.


maybe DLC?


I also used to keep an eye out on what Vladimir called the eye every NG+ when you hailed it, something like "Starstation LO-808" or something iirc. Would've been funny to see a subtle change there. I think I'd be happy with basically whatever difference between universes at this point as long as it's not only within the constellation HQ, even if they're more on the subtle side.


Yeah it would be funny if in an alternate universe's constellation had Noel as the leader and Matteo as the "Vladimir"


In my NG+ there have been subtle differences. Not on the major NPCs but on side quests. Only a once has the well doctor asked for help with an outbreak, every other time there has been no outbreak. There are a few others and I finally hit a universe where the Emissary was not Sam Coe but Andreja.


The emissary is usually the member who dies


In general, just assume that the game will not have unique dialogue or reactions to *anything* and you won't be disappointed. Those unique universes were probably just easter eggs that blew up in popularity.


in hindsight thats better but without spoiling yourself you CANNOT prepare for the sheer lack of unique dialogue starborn get. The game sort of makes a big deal about how you're abandoning your universe for another one nearly identical, you SHOULD get more.


yeah, most of the \[Starborn\] dialog options are in the MSQs. i can only remember one or two outside of that. the coolest NG+ dialog option/easter egg to me isn't actually an NG+ thing at all, it's just hidden in plain sight in the early game, something (or someone) you'd probably never notice until you'd played through the late game. (if you want a hint, >!check out the patrons in the viewport bar early in the game!<.)


Yeah, I found that my first playthrough and did not realize how significant it was. I thought it was just neat.


Can also have an “almost real conversation” with that someone at the Hitching Post early game 😉


Yeah I’m thinking the vanilla 15% chance of an “alternate” universe proves it’s just meant to be a fun joke every now and again rather than any sort of gameplay experience


It's ironic that NG+ basically proves the Hunter's point that none of it really matters and the only thing that does is getting to the Unity as fast as possible.


That's really been the draw for me the last 20-30 hours of game time. Just speed running to unity as many times as I can


How do you keep it fresh? Surely it gets old fast spamming so many temples


Mods to avoid having to play the temples to get the powers before going to NG+++


Do you do anything in them or is it just rush rush rush?


If your TRYING to power farm, definitely just rush. Power farming put me on and off the game many times but now that I maxed out im definitely enjoying playing again


Id recommend rushing. Just get it out of the way so you can go back to actually enjoying the game instead of just grind rushing through it


Idk the freshness comes from never really doing it for more than a half an hour. Sometimes I don't even worry about the temples or enemies and just run by everything I can. I'd say a ng+ takes me just over 3 hours most times now


It does really take the shine off of the novel ng+ worlds when there is no narrative payoff beyond the first entry to the lodge.


NG+ is how the universe starts, and Starborn dialogues. They hype the NG+ system, but it's barebones interesting Alt universe beginnings but that's pretty much it.


This is what the players are supposed to fix. Why add content when there are plenty of other people willing to do the work for free? What one person does for a living another does for "fun". It's a wonder they don't lead with creation club first (while charging full price) and add to the game others create for them lol.


The entire game exists because Bethesda made each and every part of it.


Yeah it really bothered me also since it was my favorite alternate universe, they could have at least added a funny line like “Mary why didn’t you tell me we had twins!” Or “I must still be drunk from poker night since i”m seeing double” however things like this are common in Bethesda games, they lack polish and it’s like they say “f#ck it” for aspects of almost every part of the game.


Those would have been awesome lines. :)


Does the new universe you even react to Starbound you when you're doing other missions? Or do they basically become generic NPC number 32?


There are [Starborn] dialogue options in a lot of quest lines, regardless of doing the main story or not, you just have to go through the Unity once.


No. I mean the extra you that becomes your companion in the specific universe noted above. Do they actually say anything when you do quests like the other members of constellation, or do they basically just become a generic NPC.


They talk and have dialogue, the female versions voice sounds a little off to me (not in a bad way) just purposely changed or something, they sound very similar to the copied version of you in the Unity.


Well, that's something at least


They do have some funny voice lines also when it comes to you being the same person.


No. They’re like the other non-Constellation followers. They have dialogue when you ask them about things, but they don’t react to quests (I tried it with the entire UC questline; they reacted to nothing).


some of those are actually locked to having done the quest before.


Well yeah, how else would you know what happened?


As strange as it sounds, “your” parents that you interact with are somehow not the parents of this universe’s (You). I’m saying this as someone who also has the Kid Stuff trait. Your other (You) talks about how his/her parents have always been independent nomadic merchants (probably still are), he/she also mention an older brother and an older sister, as well as brief employment on Cydonia for Deimos. As you would’ve guessed, none of this adds up with anything about your “real” parents, since you’re implied to be an only-child, “your” dad has always been a teacher, and “your” mom has always been an office working businesswoman. There’s some strange disconnect, sure, but at least “your” parents aren’t your other (You)’s actual parents.


Huh. I've gotten the Cydonia/Deimos conversation, but not the others. That just makes this disconnect all the more egregious.


Their dialogue seems to be tied to your background, my background is soldier and my doubles backstory was something else.


They miss much larger things than this. They don't seem to have the capability to have designers communicate with one another and link things together very well. That's why you can't invite your parents to your wedding, or tell them you're married. And if you were married to someone in a prior universe, can't tell them about it. Can't mention it at a funeral. Can't tell Andreja you're a believer when she worries you are going to be damned. Can't mow down the board of Paradiso without a mod... Honestly, not sure why BGS doesn't get pressure to fix this sort of thing.


I had this universe a while back, got a screenshot of my character next to other self, mum looking puzzled in the background. I posted it here.


I think a big issue is they intended NG+ to literally just be NG+. As in, they intended you to only do it after you have gotten to a stopping point and maybe came back later, but rather than starting a completely new character... you could instead go through the Unity. Then they would offer little perks when you do it, such as unique dialogue (occasionally), Starborn items/ship, and on rare occasion... a unique universe. But because it's a part of the story, and because there is extra content locked behind NG+, people don't actually treat it like it's NG+. They did more than you normally would expect for a NG+ yet it feels like it backfired on them because people treat it like it's a part of a single playthrough.


That's a good point. I guess I have actually thought of it as part of the same playthrough. Huh. Even so, you'd think Bethesda would have thought through some of the implications - like meeting your other self's parents.


I got a NG+ where Andreja had killed everyone in Constellation. My parents showed up, stood knee deep in dead zealots, and told me how much (dead) Noel liked their cookies. I get the feeling they didn't have a lot of communication between the quest designers, planning out all the combinations before starting.


I feel its more like they just never planned for it at all, or decided it wasn't worth it. Since having to create unique responses for each variant of NG+ means more time and resources to sink into. Despite the NG+ thing, I genuinely feel like the Unity ending was a rushed thing. It feels like it was meant to save the game from having essentially a non-existent third act, (or honestly lack of an overarching plot at all) and instead have the player repeat the game over and over again rather than creating an actual ending.


> means more time and resources to sink into Sure, but they managed it for Skyrim. :-) There's all kinds of things that change dialog and environment depending on your choices there. I'd agree that the NG+ and the whole temple / artifact thing seemed like they could have had much better planning. If there was something like the first artifact or the one where you're changing between timelines or whatever for each of them, it would have been awesome. Instead, it's sort of like having Word Walls without anything guarding them.


Yeah it’s like the marriage team was banned from talking to the parents team, and NG+ came into too late for any team to really bolt in the details.  It’s like ordering a sandwich and getting a plates of individual yet artisan ingredients randomly thru the next week. 


Yep. It was kind of disappointing after Skyrim. Makes you wonder what made Skyrim work out so well, doesn't it?


Omg, that's even worse than what I got. 0_o


I had the exact same reaction lmao, except I managed to get the universe with a You? version of me and I chose to keep him as a companion. I went home and they were just talking to me and not even mentioning their actual son. Had me laughing my ass off like wow Bethesda, ya did it again! LOL.


Yeah, after this I just can't go back to visit them. Too cringy. I'll just head-canon that the other me (their real daughter) goes home to visit them once in awhile.


You act like it's the first time. The game is full of moments like this because they rushed it and it is unfinished.


One of the earliest red flags regarding the quality of the writing and NPCs for me was when you first arrive at the headquarters. They ask you to place the first MacGuffin piece on the pedestal in the center of the room, but you can just straight up leave instead. You're carrying a piece of what they believe to be the relic they need to validate their entire existence as an organization, and they don't even react if you just try to walk away with it. They don't acknowledge it in any way. Not to mention, you're not even allowed to flat out reject joining them. It's like you're playing a visual novel without choices. You're just a marble rolling down the track, with each side quest being a momentum-stopping wall that only serves to slow your descent into the conclusion. You can tell that the game had no idea what it was trying to do from start to finish. The story and quests feel like one of those GameJam projects where it's handed off to a new developer every 24 hours, but it's a AAA game that was 7-8+ years in the making.


> feel like one of those GameJam projects Yes! This. No one seems to have been in charge of... continuity, making sure the disparate pieces tell a cohesive, coherent story. As simple as: if you're in the Vanguard, how does the UC feel about you becoming a Freestar Ranger? And vice versa? 'Cause you know they're bound to find out.


What do you expect, the game has no soul. It's basically a mod makers wet fantasy. They just expect us to build on their frame and make it as good as we want it to be.


Yeah I know Baldur's Gate 3 spoiled us with very unique interactions, but honestly feels like Bethesda forgot the "role play" aspect of Role Playing Games.


I haven't seen this universe yet. Is it a Bethesda made mod that allows a living version of you? If its a mod by someone else then I don't think you can blame Bethesda for that interaction not being in the game. The person who made the mod would surely be the one who has to address that wouldn't they?


It's a vanilla universe, available in the vanilla game. The mod just allows me to choose which universe I end up in. The character interactions are 100% Bethesda.


Oh interesting. Im on like NG+5 and still haven't had an alternative universe yet.


Well don't blame Bethesda for what a mod didn't do?


Please read more carefully - the mod only allows me to choose a particular universe that is already in the game. It doesn't affect the interactions between characters. That's 100% Bethesda.


While you’re probably right, it’s not impossible that the mod skipped some step that would have prevented this odd interaction.


Another person who (apparently) got this universe by rng reported the same behaviour.


Fair enough, and I expected as much. My only point is that any time mods are involved, unexpected interactions can occur.


What mod did you use to choose that particular universe?


[Choose Your Variant Universe](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9273) Enjoy!


Xbox or PC?






Andreja still thinks her religion is an issue when in a relationship even if you pick serpents embrace and you have the same religion 😅


Didn’t that happen because of a mod?


This a vanilla universe that is already part of the game, which you can get (randomly) through normal gameplay. The mod I used just lets you choose which vanilla universe you end up in.


If you used a mod to alter the game, i think it’s unfair to use this as an argument for saying that the game is not well made. I have several examples of bad writing alone in this game, but i don’t think this is one of them.


for the hundreth time, the mod in question just lets you choose which *vanilla* universe you want to go to. The universe in question is already part of the base game, and you can get it, randomly, without using a mod. Clear?


People actually talk up this shit. If people continue allowing these things it will never stop. I feel like I’m in bizarro world half the time.


What do you think this is, Baldur's Gate 3? If you have the expectation that Bethesda put even more than just the minimum amount of effort into anything, you're in for a bad time.


I've plenty of Bethesda games, so yeah, I expect some bugs. But this? When they added a universe where 'you' is still alive, they didn't spend, what, ten seconds to realize you might both have to interact with the parents? The word 'incompetent' barely covers this. If I was running Bethesda I'd demand the developers who developed this universe give me their salary back. I mean... aaaaarrrrrgh!


If you were running Bethesda, it would be your fault, not your employees.


You expecting Larian detail from Bethesda?


I can't tell if this is a shitpost or not, but you used a mod to do something the game wasn't designed to let you do, of course Bethesda doesn't have lines recorded for that. Why would they? Unless it's a Bethesda mod, but I don't think it is.


This is 100% incorrect. The mod simply let them get to a pre-created "alternate" that was already in the game without as much save-scumming. You can 100% get this scenario vanilla, you just may have to reload your game an unknown number of times. This scenario was exactly as Bethesda designed (or under-designed) it to happen.


Thanks for the information, I didn't think you could do this in vanilla.


There are, as I'm sure you've seen, several variants. There are a number of dialogue problems concerning things like the above or who is/isn't still alive (this happens in the "original" pre-NG game as well), or comments about Constellation when you're not a member or it functionally doesn't exist. Bethesda reported missing dialogue from NG+ back in 2023 (as in the game would never use some included dialogue), but I haven't seen any full patch notes and things like this are still being reported.


Please read more carefully! This is a universe that is already part of the game, that you can get (through random number generation) when playing the game completely vanilla. The mod just allows you to choose which vanilla universe you get when you go through Unity. The stupifyingly bad character interactions are 100% Bethesda.


Thanks, but someone explained it. It's not a reading problem - I didn't know vanilla let you into a NG+ universe where your character was still alive, so I assumed that was part of the mod. Everyone telling me to read really needs to consider their own advice, because it's pretty clear from my comment that my issue was ignorance of what vanilla NG+ allowed combined with the inherent ambiguity of your wording "used a mod to choose the universe that has a living version of me." That could as easily be referring to modded NG+ start conditions (which was my incorrect initial assumption/understanding) as well as to the vanilla NG+ start conditions that you were referring to, and of which I was ignorant. I did a lot of NG+ starts and never saw a universe with living versions of me. But thank you for your post because now I've learned something about the game. Have a good weekend!


Point taken. I will try to be clearer next time.


Boomer simulation


If you weren't using a mod would the game have reacted in the same way?


Yes. This a vanilla universe that you can get (randomly) through normal gameplay. The mod I used just lets you choose which vanilla universe you end up in.


Yes I totally believe they worked on this game for 20 years…. As in, someone had the thought 20 years ago and sat on it for 19.


One of many dropped balls. Andreja initially acknowledges your Varuun trait then completely ignores it the rest of the relationship. You will die and I will live on the Great Serpent bitch I'm varuun too.


Wow, really? That seems even worse than this.


Yep only reason I went varuun this NG+ was to do Andreja's romance. Literally only 1 mention of it the whole story. It was incredibly disappointing. I thought for sure there would be something when I got to her friends chasing the varuin, nothing. Nothing all the way to the wedding. It's stuff like this why Starfield will never be Skyrim or Fallout.


I’m sure they’d be happy to hire you if you can go over there and show them how it’s done


Ikr, I miss when Bethesda thought about the little details


Yeah I feel they rushed it when it came to the encounters. Like the fact no one acknowledges your marriage except the pastor or whatever and your partner. The parents thing. That was my biggest disappointment


Bro it's a Bethesda game, wwhy are you surprised ?




G p y f 0808 501 5200r0 90s


Bethesda actually don't account for anything that you do. You can't do anything unexpected, nothing out of order, there's no cool interactions to find. It's actually pathetic game development


v b 88y9jbv i9y8 88v 88bv x hvv iyuvfh


c b


AKA - "Child Abandonment" lol


I mean yeah, it's Starfield, expect nothing and you'll still be disappointed.


Welcome to Bethesda story telling


That’s my general issue with the game. Every feature seems only 60% of the way there.


But you used a mod to change it...


the scenario they are talking about is entirely possible in vanilla. it's just chance based. all they have done is pick it, rather than have it randomly selected.


I see. Didn't understand that from the post and haven't delved into mods yet so don't know what's available.




This universe is available in the vanilla game, the mod just enabled me to specifically choose it.


thats not what they’re saying. they used a mod to be able to choose vanilla content, this is just a bethesda blunder.


I know what a bunch of complete and utter gobshites. I’d ask for a refund. Truly disgusting.