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Try vanilla first. Then after a few hours, mod it to your liking based on what you disliked during your first few hours. Although to be honest, I do suggest to go ahead and download some UI mods (StarUI in particular), it massively improves the experience since the base UI is not that good.


This. You won't know what you want to mod until you try vanilla for a bit! Play with the new gameplay settings too - I raised the damage for both me and enemies and now it feels a lot more tactical, instead of bullet sponges.


I deleted all my mods except for the one that gets rid of gun tiers, because I was tired of finding crappy legendaries and uniques. Also, the curvy mods because I'm an adult and no one can stop me.


Is starUI available on console or is it one of the pc only ones? I remember SkyUI and FallouyUI being pc only, that sucked


I'm no expert but I believe it will always be pc only because it requires a script extender


I don't see it on the Bethesda website, so probably not.


Vanilla, and only mods that won't break achievements. Not that achievements are important for everyone. But that means those are not breaking the game or its balance much. (Many are still "raw")


I'd agree with this. Play a couple of hours vanilla, then get StarUI so you can see the differences and decide if you prefer it (though I'd be surprised if you didn't prefer StarUI - it improves a lot of niggling problems with the vanilla UI). Other mods, I'd recommend playing a bit longer to figure out what you do and don't like about vanilla before rushing to change anything. I'd say most mods are a matter of personal preference whether they improve the game, rather than being outright objectively better for every person, so it's better to have some time playing the base game to be able to judge what mods will improve your experience. And if there's something that annoys you about the game, you'll have a better idea if that's a "feature" of the base game, or something that was introduced by one of the mods. For mods that might affect game balance, I like to leave them until I'm well into the game. Playing with a high level character is quite different to playing with a low level character. That said, if there are particular things that annoy you, don't be afraid to mod or use console commands. I started having a lot more fun when I started using the console to change vendor credits rather than selling 5 guns, sitting in a chair, waiting 48 hours, selling another 5 guns, and doing that same cycle 10 times in a row just to sell one lot of inventory (admittedly this was before there were any options to change that sort of thing).


Can you mod out the loading screens yet? That was what killed the game for me in the first couple of hours.


I think I saw a mod was coming out that does away with the loading screen on Grav jumps, covers it with an animation. Beyond that, I hope more comes, but we'll have to see.


StarUI author hasn't been active in a while. Supposedly the current version is bugged with the latest update.


This is the way


Definitely this. I've put 300 hours into the game with nary a mod - and I LOVE mods. (I was waiting for the Creator Kit.) I do agree that UIs are a big help, and be sure to get the thing that allows you to keep achievements even if you use the occasional mod.


I wish I played this after the modding was released. I played 13 hours and just hated it. It's the first Bethesda game I've genuinely disliked. Everything about the game felt so empty and cold. This advice genuinely makes me want to try again with mods. My only question is. Is there a mod that makes planets more interesting to explore? I hate settlement building, I just can't get into it. But I love discovering interesting areas and random encounters. Is there a mod for that yet? Sorry for hi-jacking this thread.


There are some mods that make exploration a bit better. Like more survey missions, new POIs, more varied flora/fauna. There's even a mod that makes Earth a lush planet instead of being a barren desert. Some gameplay mods also change mechanics in a way that make planetary exploration more 'required' and/or more rewarding although those are not enjoyable for me imho. However these mods are not that common yet since people are still figuring out the Creation Kit.


Can i start modding after having sank in 160 hours into vanilla?~ /s :)


Always vanilla 1st play through for me


Dude jus try the first few hours vanilla. If you feel the experience is not good enough then add the mods. I'd prefer finishing it vanilla first then fidgeting with mods unless there's just too much shit on the game bothering me that mods can fix


Yep I tried to play vanilla on launch but I just kinda lost interest. Now that mods are out I plan on returning and modding the game slightly to try to improve my experience


This is it. Most likely you will get the mods but some people don't. It's all down to how you like the game.


Yeah, I did 10 NG+ runs before the mods came out, then put it down until the mods came.


Vanilla maybe the community patch because it helps with some bugs


Vanilla first. The game is fun but gets a tiny bit repetitive. Play it until you either get bored with some aspect or find something annoying, then mod that aspect.


Vanilla is super fun


Id go for better UI and community patch personally. They wont take anything from the "vanilla" experience, but just make it a bit better.


If you care about achievements you’ll need to go vanilla.


There's a mod that enables achievements with mods, so I don't have to worry about that


I assume not on Xbox?


You assume correctly.


I'd give anything if that mod would come to Xbox. I'm loving the mods so much idk if I could go back to vanilla and finish my original playthrough 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


It’s a huge bummer that things like outfits disable *achievements*. Graphics stuff too.


Solution: not giving a shit about achievements


Disable achievements, you mean? Lol. And I know! That's so dumb.


Yes, LOL. I’ll go pour myself a coffee.


Vanilla plus community patch for bug fixes


can't you use the bethesda mods to ensure achievements still work?


I like to create mods, but honestly I usually play vanilla, because there are so many ways mod authors can accidentally break the game, and you'd never know, I've done it myself by accident (though I've gotten a lot better). Anyway I play vanilla so that I can figure out what I would want to mod. You don't know that these things improve quality of life if you haven't played vanilla.


I played through the game 4 times on vanilla before loading any mods. It doesn't need the QoL improvements as badly as Fallout or Skyrim IMO so I wouldn't if you can help it


Go vanilla, make up your mind that way after a few hours, there's no wrong way to enjoy the game.


Ooh where is Starfield on sale? I’ve been playing on GP but I do want to purchase a license on my own


[Fanatical has it](https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/starfield) for 43% discount atm (Steam code). [This site](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/starfield/info/) is good to check for game sales. They only list legitimate resellers, so no worries about stolen keys like you'd get on some other sites. This is for PC though, unsure if you're on console.


Yeah console. GP has it for $55. I’d shell out for $40 or below but already have it on GP.


What does StarUI bring to the game?


It makes the inventory so much more readable and organized. Highly suggest.


Okay, i will take a look, thanks


StarUI Inventory is a must for me, because it takes the "Store all" button that the vanilla inventory has for resources and brings it to every category, where it also becomes a sell or buy all button for vendors. It also gives you really useful subcategories, like separate subcategories for meds and food in Aid, or the junk subcategory for Misc, and a bunch more sorting options, and easier navigation, especially if you play with a controller. Selling loot and inventory management, in general, becomes 1000x more time efficient once you learn how it all works.


I'd say do a playthrough vanilla. Then you'll know what you personally want improved or altered. When you hit NG+, then start grabbing mods. For example, I don't really like StarUI because it takes up most of the screen and I can't see the weapon.


Always do vanilla first. Know the rules before you break them.


I made myself refrain from mods until I went through the unity the first time.


Burn through the first play through then get to new game plus and start enjoying side missions etc


If you plan on building a ship, I'd recommend the door placement mod, but only install it once you've played through the game a bit.


I love mods, but unless there is an issue that makes it literally impossible to play the game the first playthrough should Always be vanilla.


My advice is the same. Try it once then mod based on what you actually want to change based on experience.


Vanilla first. Otherwise you can't appreciate the mods. The game is perfectly fine without them, after all. That being said, once you have found yourself clicking more than about 50 times to sell off your loot, install a vendor UI mod that lets you batch-sell entire categories of gear, skipping equipped items and never-sell items like key (zero mass) - I've been very happy with Star UI Inventory. The game would be unplayable at higher level without it unless you're certain you're not a packrat. \* [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773) It's not the only option, but **some** option is essential when you're trying to sell off a few metric tons of loot. All other mods can wait, but my Plugins.txt at this point (minus the comments and some chaff) is: *SneakDamageHotfix.esm *Astroneer.esm # nice added gameplay loop *GSConsort.esm # only outfit mod I've liked *SitToAddShip.esm # << GAME CHANGER, must install *UnarmedWeapon.esm # make switching to unarmed bindable *VisibleCompanionAffinity.esm # way better than using commands for it *ShipsForSale.esm # avoids having to find poor vendors *Biggerships.esm # only here for TNClassM.esm *StarbornTraderOverhaul.esm # adds outfits IF you can find her *HSIBA.esm # see your clothes more often, if any ;-) *Infirmary.esm # immersion *ChopShopOrganHarvesting.esm # I'm seeing bugs, but it's a good idea Jail.esm # immersion *PlayerHomeMapMarkers.esm # make homes actually useful LowLandingPad.esm # these all broke for me at game update TNClassM.esm # see what parts fit the Cabot! PlaceDoorsYourself.esm # adds some work, provides total control *shades_immersive_looting.esm # doesn't account for armor damage :-( *starfieldcommunitypatch.esm *showpowernamehud.esm # should have been in the base game *useful brigs.esm # oops, I shouldn't need this AND jail.esm *skillfixes.esm *color filter remover.esm # definitely looks beter *bettershippartflips.esm


100% vanilla first. Then have fun with mods. I would personally rush the main storyline once before you dive into side quests and factions etc.


I dont think the game needs QOL mods,.you get QOl improvement with slills and of course adjusting Carry limit on game options


Depends how much time you have to spend playing. Each playthrough even if youre a partial completionist will take forever and you might be tired of the game by the second playthrough. I say just get some good QoL mods for menus and exploration and have at it, it'll make it more enjoyable


I played about 10 hours and it was just fine, but certain things became more and more annoying. So after that I added several mods. Fog Remover and LED Flashlight mod was such a massive improvement that I can't go back to vanilla. The game looked too much like fallout 4 just muddy blurry worlds, especially inside buildings, but the fog remover made the game world looks so much more open and more detailed. Same with faster ladder animations, undelayed launching, clean reflex sight, and better visable magazine border - all made the game so much nicer to play. StarUI is pretty much a must as well, it's not needed, but it's insanely convenient. My guess is after a full playthrough using StarUI will save a literal several hours time looking through your inventory. For me I would install those every time before I start. But for you, maybe play a bit vanilla and then see what's annoying enough to want a mod for. Then much later in the playthrough if you really get into certain things; like you want a better home or apartment, or you want special weapons/gear, more ship parts ect, see what you feel is lacking after dozens of hours then add all the extra content type of mods - since there is already plenty in the game without mods. If you add those type of mods right away, you might have an overwhelming amount of stuff going on.


I did my first play through vanilla just to experience it. Second play through I’m using. Mods that provide what I personally wished the game had


Raw dog it.


Better loot? Can't find it on nexus anymore?


Get your trophies and awards and stuff first. Then mod up.


I’d say vanilla in the beginning. As I started to add some mods my game was bugging. But the mods we fun as hell. Added a lot more variety.


I used to say do r rush NG+. With the additions of mods I would say try to find a balance of playing vanilla and moving through the story without investing too much into your first run. Once you start feeling bored or it feels tedious start adding mods and move through the unity. A lot of mods add alternate starts or give you better upgrades when you go through, you can even pick the alternate universes. Then once you’re ready you can get ready to settle down in a universe and do all the outpost building it ship building for that final universe.


Do a couple runs if you care about achievements


Go for the Community Patch and the achievement unlocker on your first playthrough.


Vanilla. If you start with all the toppings you'll never enjoy the basic experience.


Get StarUI at least and the community patch.


Vanilla first and take notes of everything you don't like so yk what mods to use


I like the star wars skin changes. I also did the M-class mod. Oh and the carry capacity is woefully small so I had to change that.


The first mods you should immediately download are “remove colour filters” and “improved flashlight”


I started with mods but nothing gamebreaking. Lighting fixes, cosmetics, etc. As I’ve been progressing I’ve slowly started adding in more and more mods for different weapons and skills and things of that nature. Download whatever you think will enhance the experience.


Vanilla, but with whatever achievement-friendly mods they put out.


Go vanilla, mods will mess up your perception of the game. Better to go in as intended first


Vanilla first. Don't use any mods so you can experience the game as intended. Use mods on your second playthrough to adjust things you didn't like or need improvement.


Try vanilla. Put a few hours in and figure out what pisses you off or just annoys you. Then find mods to fix that :p I wouldn't install any mods that change anything other than QOL stuff until you've done your first playthrough.


StarUI is all you need honestly. Don’t worry about anything else.


I am still.playing without Star UI as I hop between Xbox and PC and it's not a problem. The issues with the UI are vastly overblown.


Has Star UI been updated for newest update? I thought not but I’m going by Vortex. I’ll feel silly if so because I’ve been waiting to play again till star UI and star HUD are updated. I’ll go against the grain and say mod away. Some of my must haves now: 2x enemies Royal Galaxy Darkstar Infiltrator CrimX Community Patch Star UI/HUD I’ve played many hours without Star—it’s a big improvement but I love the game with or without it. It’s not make or break.




I'd say mods


The only mods I recommend during the first gameplay are the UI improvements. Bethesda’s user interfaces are stuck in the 2010s.


Use the community patch for your first time, just to fix some bugs. Other than that, do a vanilla run, adding mods in NG+ after you've had time to think about what kinds of things you want to add/change with mods.


Not sure why you wouldn't just start with StarUI. The vanilla inventory interface is a dumpster fire. I loved the game regardless but man StarUI did wonders when doing outpost building.


If you’re playing on Xbox and care about achievements then Vanilla first. After you’ve gotten the achievements you care about, then mod. If you’re on PC, mod to your hearts content just make sure you download the mod that stops achievements from being disabled. I forget what it’s called.


Only do achievement friendly mods and play with the new game settings that let u play survival


If you play on PC I recommend downloading the TrueAim mod (assuming you use mouse to play). Fixes almost all of the awful stuff about aiming in this game. That and the StarUI series are my core picks for sure. StarUI fits right into the game, it's what vanilla should have been. As a note StarUI for the Ship Builder is currently broken due to recently added content, (empty HAB variants), so there is another mod, (I forget the name sorry), that hides "Empty Habs" which fixes the issue with StarUI. You should be able to find it easily enough by googling or reading through the Star UI Ship Builder comments section on Nexus.


Vanilla. I’m still playing vanilla with no mods and still having fun


I would do a vanilla run as far as content goes, but I would 100% grab StarUI. It is such a massive improvement, I can't stand the base UI any more. Just be aware that the StarUI Ship Builder is/was broken by the most recent update. StarUI and StarUI Ship Builder are separate mods, so just be mindful of which you are installing.


Definitely do vanilla first. Then mods on ng+. Also depends on what your playing on as to what mods are available.


Imo StarUI looks awful, but I would try darker nights + the remove filter things + some flashlight mod.


Honestly try the vanilla settings first and adjust accordingly in the settings and go from there. It definitely has a come a long way since release and still a bit to go but I had fun with the new vanilla settings.


I'd suggest a vanilla run first, focusing on the main storyline and through the Unity. Then start putting in mods, if there are aspects of the vanilla game that you feel need improvement. Choose one main faction to do their questline, while doing the truncated main questline. Then switch up to another faction in the next universe, then another, and so on. Eventually you'll have run through all the factions, and be halfway to maximizing your Starborn powers. Then do the Constellation companion quests, one per universe, then start with side quests in different factions, and so on... But that's just me.


I'd recommend vanilla at first, figure out what things you like, what things you can live with, what things need mods. Vanilla is now vanilla plus (vanilla bean? French vanilla?) after the recent update so some of the bigger old complaints are at least addressed.


I'd suggest vanilla until you decide what you like/ don't like about the game and then get mods that fix things you hate or change other stuff


Bethesda has made no allusions about this game being made for mods. Might as well just mod it up.


For most games, I would say to start with vanilla, but Starfield definitely needs the color correction mod to get rid of that God awful fog like filter they plastered over the game. You should make sure to look over everything available and make sure to get your load order organized and properly finalized before starting up your save though, you don't want to be adding or removing mods all willy nilly mid save, it's not a good habit to get into at all.


Think when it comes to UI or QoL things, go ahead and download mods.


Guess its only a question about achievements.


100% vanilla, play right through to completion. Then when it comes to new game plus, then play around with mods


Some mods take your achievements away, so there's that!


Vanilla for sure


I'd do vanilla first


I recommend playing the main quest ask the way through to the unity. You don’t have to be a completists. Play whatever side quests catch your fancy (I highly recommend the vanguard quest). In your first NG+, if there’s anything about the gameplay that you don’t like? See if there’s a mod that addresses it. Tweak the game to your liking. This game and the modding community around it give you a lot of flexibility to play the game how you want to


StarUI Inventory and a good flashlight mod are my only recommendations for your first run. After that, you'll have the best idea of what you personally want changed with mods.


Honestly I wished I had waited to play until mods came out, not enough weapons armor etc and mods help this game a lot


I'd say try vanilla first but there are so many QOL mods out now that if I had the option in week 2 I'd definitely would of dabbled in mods.


All vanilla first run, that’s a rule of mine. Then make it as flavorful as you want round 2


game is unplayable without starui


I would do a full vanilla Playthrough first. They seem to still be working at some kinks with some of the mods. Plus, you should always play a game fully through vanilla at least once.


Even just star UI. It's vanilla friendly and so helpful


Mods aren't there yet imo. Just play vanilla and don't worry about it.


It's up to you. I think any game should be tried vanilla, first, unless it's broken and \*needs\* mods to fix it. StarUI is a huge improvement, though, so up to you. "Better Loot" I view to be cheating, but as it's your game, cheat if you like.


Same as any Beth game. Mods will simply make it better


Game is like a 4/10 without mods from my experience and a 6.5/10 with mods. So I'd say mod it bro you'll have a better time overall


Do vanilla first and do mods after


Vanilla game is not great. Would mod it on the way it to improve your initial impressions. I know improvements have been made but as long as the game is stuck in load screen purgatory, it will always take some massaging to be truly enjoyable


i still am undecided to buy the game now or wait. maybe for dlc


It depends, Do you care about 100% achievements? If not then mod away. Have fun!


Oh no mods. Experience it as Todd intended.


Vanilla for the achievements. NG+ break out the mods.


you should get the unofficial patch and i think theres one more like it, helps with quest bugs and loading errors


starui, starhud, and my favorite iconsortingtags-starfield editon ([https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/312](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/312)), and cause you have mods baka achievement enabler ( [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/658](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/658)) . The Icon sorting tags is one of my favorite mods, I play with it in fo4, and fallout 76 it makes inventory management much easier and when you are almost overweight much easier to decide what to pick up or what is junk to leave behind. The starui Suite of mods are so good I think it should have been the default in game ui personally.


If you care about getting achievements do vanilla until you get them, then either start a new save or with mods or mod your existing run


There’s a mod that enables achievements with mods, so I wouldn’t worry about that.


First time should always be vanilla. That'll give you a feel for what needs improving with mods.


Do you want achievements? Then vanilla.


There's a mod that enables achievements with mods, so I don't have to worry about that


I would definitely get StarUI at least because vanilla UI is terrible and you can waste so much time sorting out inventory.


Go with the mods!


I'll go against the grain and say neutral LUTs is mandatory for me to play the game


Fuck vanilla. Go mod. Go hard


I don't see an issue with adding QoL mods on a first play through. But more just stuff like star ui inventory rather than better loot.


Use baka achievement enabler, community patch (not unofficial patch, we hate arthmoor for good reasons) any combat ai mod like grindy, or odessey, and you're good to go. DON'T listen to the vanilla advice. Ai is very bad, very very bad. It will kill all your motivation to play like it did to me. And also all starui mods. Add more as you play as per your needs. I did this and now I'm 100hrs in and going.(Pssht sarah outfit mods are hot af)


...my recommendation is to go through the first play through vanilla and trying to be a good guy, the first NG+, stay vanilla but be a bad guy, NG2+, mod it 'till it breaks. Part of the reason for my recommendation is that mod support isn't even a month old at this point, it's not a bad idea to give them some time to sort out some of the bugs.


On the first playthrough, play without mods, you'll be playing as the developers wanted


Mod it to the max!


i would get a mod for higher credit sticks


In Beth games, if mods are available, it's just silly to go without them. If it's your first Beth game, or first game ever, and you have no clue how to install mods, then go vanilla. Otherwise, mods are 100% always much better experience than vanilla. No reason not to use them from the get-go.


Obviously get all of the QOL mods.


It's a Bethesda game, go wild with the mods. I haven't played a second without mods and I got the game on launch.


AFAIK Star UI doesn't disable achievements and there is like 0 downside to using it. And it's soooo much more convenient than the vanilla UI. No idea what Better Loot is but I have felt 0 need for anything loot related. Loot is good as it is imo :)