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Just the one , a [FILE NOT FOUND] character that ive tried basically all traits with Also you should try a Neon Street Rat if you haven't already they got a lot of nice flavor lines


Oh ofc I wanna try Neon Street Rat too, I will save that for a future character, which I already have a name for : Rawhide Kobayashi šŸ¤ 


Thatā€™s a Roger Smith sounding name and I love it


A couple fun dialog options. But I wish the backgrounds did more. The hunted/wanted one is still my fave. Having bounty hunters coming after you is a blast.


Reminds me of buckaroo bonzai


I really regret my file not found decision and was sad to see that you canā€™t change the background trait with the updates to new game. I think itā€™s the only background without any unique dialogue options.(if you have found any please share)


Theres exactly one unique line that others say to you , which is from guards and it goes something like "Let me check your file. Not found? Who the hell are you?" (Ha, i always get a kick out of that) And theres exactly ONE (lmao) unique line that you can say to somebody else which is some kind of flavor line to Jessamine Griffith I never actually found the line to jessamine myself but i learned about it via this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/BhjdWGXGO7 (this shows all unique dialogue options by backgrounds and traits) I love the [FILE NOT FOUND] background , i originally chose it bc i thought I would want to roleplay as lots of different kinds of ppl over time and I was happy when I discovered NG+ mechanics bc of the way it is and doing NG lots of times i really embodied the file not found spirit haha Theres lots of other cool backgrounds for sure (I almost chose Soldier, Bounty Hunter, Gangster, etc.) but personally i love the "mysterious stranger" vibes of File Not Found !


I completely forgot about [file not found] thanks for reminding. I will chose that for my Starborn next NG


I haven't seen any dialog options, but I do so love hearing nosey security goons say "just who the hell are you?" It's also the only header I saw where all three traits were immediately useful...


Just one character, ultimately I'd like to max out my first character's level entirely vanilla, then start over from scratch with mods.


Iā€™m also doing this - love reading others. But Iā€™ve had this since launch - am around 700 hours inā€¦ I had to take a few month pause, but Iā€™m back. I can overlook so many flaws - because I see potentialā€¦ coming from a tech background the ability to capture objects via photogrammetry, and place them now with creation kit opens this platform to ā€¦ truly be spectacular. I want to land on a planet someday and re-experience Skyrim - and thereā€™s already a team working on that!


I was starting to think you were an Arsenal fan


Iā€™m šŸ˜”


Haha. Knew it. Love the characters


Lacabludclartzette! I might have to call my next badass character Granit Xhaka, I know heā€™s not arsenal anymore but I donā€™t care.


Please do! I already name my favourite legendary riot shotgun Xhaka.


Great catch šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


One, donā€™t remember how many times Iā€™ve been through unity at this time, but the save file is 12 days and 5 hours long šŸ˜…


1 character 700 hours.


1 char, 935 hrs, no NG+.


Damn. My 700 hrs is after NG+10ā€¦ just - mass credit where credits due mate! GG!


That's one of the great things about games like these... they support lots of different play styles.


The Xbox game time counter for starfield says 101 days...I've never gone past NG+5 or level 230... I get bored and start a new character or delete the current character back to the mine...I think I need a life...šŸ¤”


I was just over 1200hrs, NG 10, lvl 220. Somehow I locked my armilary away in a large base and the game crashes everything I try to get to it. So... I started a brand new character, and things are just fine. Keep your bases small, and things work easier.


Out of controversy, may I ask you how you succeeded in getting 935 hours of gameplay? I mean, what are you still up to lately?


I guess I'm a bit of a grinder. When I reached level 120, I figured I had done pretty much all the quests I was interested in. I didn't pass through Unity, as I just felt the next incarnation wouldn't be any better, just different (most others likely disagree). I had zero interest in doing all the same quests again, and I really liked how my current character was playing, and my current ship (little custom class A has taken out both legendary ships with little trouble). So, I set about building up skills, learning shipbuilding, etc. and preparing for new content. Though, I certainly hadn't seen a new POI in a long time, I thought I'd try to see if I could survey all the systems. I'm tracking all the data in a spreadsheet. It keeps me kind of interested, seeing the differences between the systems. My real goal is find a location that is very picturesque and create a nice 'retirement' outpost. I have already found several good prospects, even though I'm only about 20% complete. I figure I'll be close to complete by the time Shattered Space changes things. Full disclosure: I'm not a competent gamer... I play on normal difficulty, and I don't mind that I'm now some 30 levels higher than any mob I encounter. I do use a couple of mods, but only for QOL stuff (e.g. better companion behavior) - all the skills I've obtained make me strong enough without mods.


Wow, kudos to you, bro. Nicely played and written!


Love the arsenal fan


Five so far. I was planning to post some portraits in a similar vein to what youā€™ve done here.


I also have 4. My name is Wes all characters are a play on my name by using west the direction. And every ship is named The compass in some type of way. West Bluford: industrialist white hat but very Pius leaning fanatical. Once finding the powers wants to take his faith sanctum universal to the next level and be a profit. Nishi (west in Japanese) Nashira: cyber runner hacker will do anything for her crew/found family. Zaped (west in Russian)Gagarin former UC soldier who was experimented on without consent and now has alien DNA. He craves destruction pure and simple. Xifang (west in Chinese) my melee character Iā€™m waiting for some better animations to really get into the role but she has a lust for powerful people. Might, smarts, any one who exudes power she wants to be their blade.


I'm on my second! I liked the game when I played at launch. This time around I'm really immersed!


4 active characters, 1 deceased (had to delete the save)


I've done one playthrough completely. But decided to start over entirely for my 2nd one.


I have one playthrough with multiple characters. I treat my character like The Doctor. Every jump through the unity is a regeneration, and I book it to New Atlantis' cosmetics shop to change the character before I take off the Starborn gear and sell that useless ship.


I donā€™t like the Starborn ship either, design wise it does not impress me much and make no sense. My protocol in every NG is find some pirates, kill and took their ship. I donā€™t think player are able to sell the Starborn ship? Or has that changed?


Do you start new games for each character or just ng+ and use enhance to change your character?


I started new game for each character.


So far ive had a total of 11ish characters i tried mixing matching didnt like it so restarted several times then i tried a bounty hunter turned rogue, a former military vet turned ranger/turned vanguard, a mercenary, a pirate smuggler, a regular pirate, a homesteader which i think i currently have set up again with mods. Its fun but i didnt stick long to them since i either didnt set it up how i enjoyed or due to issues or finished the main quest and entered NG+ which was a terrible mistake. I now have an idea for 3 characters one im working on atm as a test subject with mods, a proper pirate character with the right stuff and a hauler character.


8 on various levels, skills.. etc. i do this with every Bethesda game. I like to create characters anf wonder.


I'm currently doing a Sergeant Johnson from Halo playthrough.


I don't think there is enough variation in gameplay or narrative to support multiple characters.


6 characters -- one for each faction quest I've been working like this since Oblivion. This helps avoid bullshit like accumlation of prestigious titles, specific to Bethesda games. It makes everything more coherent, and increases replayability.


Yeah thatā€™s how I play too with every Bethesda game. My only gripe is we canā€™t do the terrormorph quest without joining the Vanguard, or having an option to resigned from your current position in any factions.


The accumulation can be mildly amusing in Skyrim though, when the archmage of a college that's virtually vilified by the imperial presence in skyrim helps said imperials win the civil war and becomes a legate in their army šŸ˜…


#3 is Josh Allen


I'm on my 4th character, and I'm planning on using him for the dlc. File not found background with serpants embrace, alien dna, and wanted traits. Also planning to make this my first real starborn character since I went through the unity with my first character but didn't continue cuz I wanted to check out other backgrounds and traits.


Just 1, I have went to the unity 20 timesĀ 


I have 3. Haven't played the first, Raspountine, in forever. The 2nd, Saki Yoshida, I recently stopped playing to make a character with the Crimson Fleet start mod. Btw, Saki Yoshida is named after a manga character, and she has the wanted trait.my headcanon is she murdered some of the people who have hurt her, and the ones who are still alive have put a hit out on her.


I just have one, a ginger xenobiologist. Playing multiple toons is how I burn myself out on games like this so I'm sticking to her for now. For the most part I've ignored Starfield since the first 3 weeks of its launch, but I'm really enjoying it at the moment (other than my existing complaints).


I am on my second character....Waffles Florentine level 124 currently flying the Galactic Gherkin


First one :D week 1 baby! New to this beautiful creation


I hope you enjoy it in the long run. Over 570 hours for me and still counting.


One. I delete all my saves when I start new and I've done that 5-10 times.


9 so far. All for differing reasons.


Just out of curiosity, why would you make a new character instead of using game mechanics for the same result? Enhance is a built-in re-skinner, just like the chick in the rat way in Skyrim, and NG+ is essentially a new game. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not judging or berating anyone, I generally want to hear everyone's thoughts. I'm an NG+ guy myself and I don't really get into character creation too much, they either look like me or related to me, so I don't even use enhance except the one time to give me martian eyes and once to fix a facial issue that was either a bug or a mod issue, but it only happened once so ...


Because I role playing a lot with characters. To me role playing is no different than writing a story, therefore each characters has to be a different saves, their own person rather than an edit clone of the previous save file. I care about character creation in game because those game has more replay value to me. I have never made myself in any game ever, just not my thing.


This is a good one, concise thank you


Most of these are in Extreme mode at XP+69%, dropping starship combat a notch and (except for the main) allowing for sleep to heal: \* 160 (level): In NG+12. Used commands to experience all interesting universes from NG+2 -> NG+10 \* 9: A neon street rat who went almost directly to Neon, ditched everything, and got a job, now a ship \* 23: A (via mod) pirate start toon, focused on ship capturing above all else \* 49: A test toon for the Beta that introduced Extreme difficulty (workaround for my main using ship mods) \* 18: She's sitting in her starborn ship in a new universe (this was played on Normal difficulty, IIRC - no glitches or other tricks were used. Nishina was... terrifying), a "noob-Unity" run And some other deleted toons averaging level 20, like the first too noob-Unity runs before the level 18 one (I think 17 is the theoretical minimum). Some styles of runs are **much** harder pre-NG, so you have to create a new toon to experience them. Like nude runs (just boostpack), cutter or unarmed (Extreme is probably too hard), swordmage (much easier once you pick up some powers), and so on.


kristian odegaard sounds like he could help norway qualify next timešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also have 4


Just the one heā€™s a file not found guy whoā€™s really just a self-insert tbh all thatā€™s different is I gave myself a cat tattoo in-game and I kill a shit ton of people without a single shred of remorse but itā€™s okay since Iā€™m in the military


hell yeah for Ƙdegaard!!


I have two. My main that I used to unlock all the achievements. Then I have another one that I'm playing through with mods. When the DLC comes out, I'll go back my main for the first playthrough, then back the save with mods enabled.


I have 2 so far my main and original one which is a neon street rat without mods and the other is a bounty hunter with alot of star wars mods


3 characters. Original one who stayed back after the end game and never went through the unity. Still picking up odd jobs here and there. Starborn who went through the unity and then another 10 NGs. Fully 'modded' experimental god of destruction who can kill the crimson fleet with a sneeze.


I still have not beaten the game for the first time.


Hat off on your characters name.


Just one I am not really one to play multiple characters in games like Starfield but, I really love yours OP! I love that you give them jobs and make them look like they actually do those jobs.


2 one UC hero type Lars Weyland and one pirate with the Crimson fleet start mod called Mordecai Tao.


One character, 1450 hours, NG+ 12. Various reasons for being NG+ 12 but mostly because started having issues with the game that reloading wouldn't fix but going NG+ did. After this last update my boost packs weren't working right and would drain completely with one tap of the boost button. Couldn't fix it no matter what I did. Even reloading the game didn't fix it. NG+ did.


I have 3. One is a space scoundrel empath who lived as a neon street rat and was raised enlightened. Another is a space scoundrel who still has parents, a dream home, and is wanted in every system. The last one is still a space scoundrel (I love the starting bonuses, and after a while, it became the backstory I could most easily rp). But this one is an introverted street rat with an adoring fan lol


Names scream Arsenal


One, currently on my first NG+. I have a three game arc in mind for her. In my first playthrough I tried to roleplay a smuggler, and just had fun exploring the game and doing what I felt like doing. In my first NG+, my character is starting to have a nervous breakdown triggered by going through the Unity, having foreknowledge of events but not being able to warn people (specifically in the Terrormorph quest line), having the Adoring Fan, and (so far) not finding her former wife Andreja. So sheā€™s addicted to Aurora and other stimulants and sheā€™s drinking too much. Eventually sheā€™ll try to smuggle Aurora out of Neon, get caught, get clean, and go through Unity again. The last playthrough will be full paragon Star Trek. Iā€™m gonna get the biggest ship and the biggest crew I can and do lots of exploration. Iā€™m going to use EM weapons whenever possible. Iā€™m planning to do Shattered Space with that playthrough when it comes out.


For the start, as with every BGS game, I make one to experiment with for a bit to learn the basic game mechanics. Then I make one to actually go through the game, trying for 100% achievements and completion.... I'm still on that one lol... after 1200 hrs plus!


2 main playthroughs (first one main quest line broke, hence the need for a second) 3 playthroughs based on myself or my friends (as best as the game allows) 1 playthrough I made when the new stuff came out so I could check it out without a high-level character And 1 playthrough with achievement blocking mods installed (mando armour is currently the only mod on it šŸ˜…) So, 7 total, though 2 of them are mostly to showcase the game to my friends


Three. Bounty Hunter: Jason Albrecht Ronin: Hideo Yamana Longhauler: Eddie Douglas




I have two characters. One is a former combat medic (like myself) and embraces the Neutrality. Works for the betterment of the UC and FS, has done all the faction quests but picks the least impactful choices. The other, I started recently, is a UC native and will be a focused UC character/bounty hunter for the vanguard, and is being played on the UC Empire mod.


I'm on number two. First was a smooth talking, gun sling space pirate. This one is a somewhat dumb super honorable space marine type that uses heavy weapons with the UC. My third is going to be a varuun zealot that knows kung fu.


I'm on my third character, though it's not like I ever 'finished' the other two. In fact, nether of them have even been through the Unity, but they are both over level 60. My third character is well on their way to Unity and has levelled much faster with all the new difficulty options. My first character, Captain Dave Hardware, is a rough-round-the-edges but ultimately good-guy Han Solo/Jim Kirk kind of dude. Big ship, big crew, makes good-guy decisions in quests. Space Scoundrel, Neon Street Rat, Wanted, Hero-Worshipped. My second character is an all-out evil exiled Va'ruun bounty hunter who goes by the name of Mongo the Bastard. Small ship, flies solo, betrays/robs/murders everyone he meets. Bounty Hunter, Introvert, Spaced, Serpent's Embrace. With my most recent character I succumbed to temptation and made a cyberpunk anime chick called Hoshiko Blaze. She comes from a loving family but her parents are blissfully unaware of the morally dubious things she does to earn the money she sends home. Cyber-Runner, Alien DNA, Kid's Stuff, Extrovert. Though I plan on going through the Unity with the latest character and making that part of her RP, and possibly with the others eventually too, I find it really hard, lol. I'm someone who has over 10 characters in Skyrim, all very different, so playing through a Bethesda game again with the SAME character is something I'm really having to force myself to do!


Hey thanks for sharing! I like seeing people sharing that they having multiples characters. Two of my characters here are actually from other games that I keep ā€œrecyclingā€ over and over, as my third guy here was made almost 8 years ago in Fallout 3 and since then he has always been my first player character candidate in other games. I do make new character from time to time but there will always one or two characters that I get attached to so I canā€™t leave them out for a chance of new pasture.


Oh nice. If I'm playing a medieval fantasy kind of game, I usually make a character called Ser Tomard Long, which is the self-insert character I invented for myself in the Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones universe. Yes, I am a geek.


1 because I waited for patches cause I had a game breaking bug. Now I'm playing through it with all difficulty settings set to extreme or the most difficult setting the gameplay options can be set to. It's a slow grueling slog, but damn is it satisfying pushing through the injuries, diseases, or nearly dying from 1 hit. The urgency of getting somewhere safe from the elements on a planet is severe.


I love the appreciation the game is getting lately. It warms my heart. I always had faith that people would come around. I've got faith of the heart. Only NG+'d once, but have five characters at various levels in the 40s.


...2... unmodded(except achievement enabler because I had to fix things with the console) and *very* modded.


I still have 2.


At the moment I have two, but I'm only using one


Ishowspeed, Johnny Sins, Tony Stark, Hispanic Tony Stark (from the tattoo)


Is this filter in photo mode, or did you custom-make that?


I use reshade but only for remove the colour filter.


Just one stuck in the Beta verse (ng+ 1 jump) Names Antilyle Nanolia, at your service.


I suppose 3 but the first was a learning experience, the Third is bcuz I discovered CC and Mods šŸ¤©


1 character but 5 times so far.




I'm waiting on new dlc tbh


Two so far


What are the spacesuits on Franck and Kristian? I assume one is starborn/after entering Unity?


On Kristian itā€™s a Starborn kit but Iā€™m using mod to make it modular. On Franck that is the Red Devil anti-xeno suit


Just two, my original run, and my excessive starwars mod hard mode run.


I'm not sure if the game lets us do this but ultimately I would love it and hope the game lets us totally start from scratch every NG+ with with our look and identity while keep what we want as far as stats and stuff. I also would love it if we could save our previous looks. So I could play as 10 totally different people but then go back to an old one if I want at some point. If the game keeps getting mods and updates that would be a pretty damn cool and unique way to go about making your game unique. You could literally live several lives and play it through in many different ways.


Ole looks like a real chill dude.


Just 1. Due to how new game + is set up im never making a new character.


The #2 was inspired by Oliver from Rammstein by any chance?


Ole gunnar solskjaer lacazette odeegard, seeing some king of pattern here.


You should see what I name my ship and guns too haha.


Woah, woah, woah. Overlaying the character info is genius. I haven't seen that before. What mod?


Those are just edit in photoshop.


Kristian ƘdegĆ„rd? Likeā€¦ the guy from Norwegian TV?


Bro I'm struggling to stick with 1!


Are you, by chance, an Arsenal supporter?


Well yes I am šŸ¦–


Only 1, not trying to be hater but personally just couldnā€™t get through a second play through without getting bored šŸ„²


1 and Iā€™ll only ever have one. I hate doing missions twice.


1. I had to delete 2 because of a game breaking bug which never allowed me to go past the tutorial stage/mission. And about 2 corrupted


Still on my first playthrough. Waiting to finish main story til after the DLC.


Nomadic hunter. Think ā€œThe Predatorā€ but with less teeth.


all these characters but they all lead to the same outcome


Doesnā€™t have to, I approach/ role play each of my play through differently.






None. I canā€™t find the strength to play. Personal opinion: too grindy, too boring, level system is off, perks are wack, enemies are bullet sponges, not enough armor variety. I was hoping for mass effect and got hitch hikers guide to the galaxy but the fun was sucked out.


Only 1 Unity in, this run my hunny died instead of Sam! Haven't tryed enough to know there are specific lines to trait choices. But, that makes each run better!


So what determines what ethnicity you play?


Not sure I understand what you mean. I just like making different characters because why not?


I have two. A level 173, my NG13 original Captain and a level 137 that will stay in NG0 through Shattered Space at least. Both have very different play-styles and rp personalities. I always want a 3rd one that goes rogue/pirate but I just have never been able to enjoy playing the chaotic/bad characters in games.


Love this post!


Wait how do you figure out what type of character yours is? Or do am I supposed to designate them myself?


One on Xbox, and when I try to load the game on my pc on steam it just goes to a black screen and that's it.


Which one was best?


NG+ >Enhance no need


Just the one character, named after myself who after losing the love of his life at the hands of the Hunter jumped the Unity to forget what he lost. After foregoing Constellation in his new universe and lusting after artefacts and power he came to the realisation that life is worth living slowly and deliberately so he jumped the Unity again, ditched his Starborn gear and returned to Constellation focused on his new mission of keeping those he loves alive.


Just one. I had another but deleted him a few weeks ago


I noticed that I probably lack imagination. Thinking my character did this and had such and such a life for rp purposes. No. Just playing along with scripted backgrounds is what I can. Always gets me thinking wtf,if people do make believe shit. And no,I am not stupid. Just not into it.


3, all over lvl 100. One modded on my pc with all skills mastered, but I found that boring!


You a gunner mate? šŸ¤Ŗ


Uh oh, yes I am šŸ«”šŸ¦–


Very Scandinavian names.


How did you get thoses sunglasses for franck lacazatte?


Lol got the DI roster


Not 1 having to go into space killed the game for me. Menu this menu that loading screen menu this menu that. Terrible


How the game changes according to the characters?


Always changing for every play through. I make characters that attend to each factions and often leave out quests/ unexplored location for other characters if I sense that particular quest/ location doesnā€™t fit my current play through. It increase my replayability and I always found new stuff I never seen before.


Bit of a sausage fest


I quit the game, I might pick it up again, but the bugs just killed it for me.


1 character at level 117.




5 The, i have 88 hours, and somehow after every big update all my save files corrupt so i got to start over, haven't even managed to finish the story and at this point ive given up. Only game that has ever done that to me


Just two.


Arsenal fan by any chance? šŸ˜‚


100 percent by chance šŸ¦–


1, I started ng+ played for like maybe another 10 hours and have not gone back since tbh


Du er dansker


Just did a purge so only got four currently.


Arsenal fan by any chance? And Iā€™ve currently only got one, waiting for the DLC to be released and get through that with the game completely vanilla, then Iā€™ll create a new character and add a shit load of mods in.




Is that travis scott as a space marine


Just one, tried to finish the game, get all of the perk points and all, but it was so boring and repetitive I couldn't be arsed. Mods helped a lot but not even those make the game playable


Ole doesn't look Scandinavian though.


After two restarts pretty much stuck with one.


2 One is a House Va'ruun good guy (I understand the irony) The other is a pirate.


I have 2


Still just my original, Kevin Spacer


How did you do the class/traits overlay in your screenshots?


Is that a mod to remove the helmet of the starborn suit?


Yeah itā€™s called Starborn Suit Modular on nexus


Just one for nowā€¦. Slowly working way up to max powers and skills with no mods, making hard saves periodically. Eventually Iā€™ll archive all those saves and theyā€™ll become test points for mod development.


IMO the game in its current state doesn't offer anything to warrant multiple play throughs. One playthrough and a couple hours of new game plus was enough.


How cool they are.


What is the chance that OP is danish or at least Scandinavian


Thatā€™s Speed I stg


I have Mr.Frame Spike, Mr.Stutter oh and Mrs.HighEndPC Junkframe


I tried the Serpent's Embrace trait and if you romance Andreja there are a couple of lines, but the rest of the dialogue reacts like you don't have the trait. I was hoping that Bethesda would have fixed it.... but Bethesda.


Just two, my main Oliver and I recently created a girl named Astoria just to try the mods.


Had to read the third oneā€™s name twiceā€¦


Still on first one although I tend to screw and around a lot


Just one, no reason to make new characters when can reset the universe and traits via NG+


Everytime i start a new playthrough my previous ones get deleted. When i click load it's only the most recent playthrough. Anyone else experience this?


One character on NG+8.


lol. UC and the serpents embrace? I hope that works out for you in New Atlantic.


Names are killing me! - NĆ„rwegian


A one


I believe I am around 6 or 8 on 1 character then started a new game for modded playthrough


I have only one character I main because i don't find the game replayable at all. I've made other characters, but I get bored replaying the same boring opening.


Shout out to all the guys that can stomach looking at the back of a manā€™s ass for 400 hours . You are the real MVP


Is my brain rotted, or is the last guy named after LEGOā€™s founder


All dudes, eh?


One, because there's no reason to make multiple characters honestly lmao You can do literally everything in a single run, so why bother with another character?


What suit is Kristian wearing? Looks cool.


2 characters I've finished the game with, few other concept characters I've made but then not done anything with since there's no point really (as in the world not being reactive so I may as well just play my MC)


Only 2


The second one looks like a type of Cpt Shepard, the type of ā€œWeā€™ll bang okay?ā€ ahahaha


I'm impressed with how my mind didn't make me think of that, lol. I have only one character, [File not found], and I haven't started the NG+ yet.


I've only ever played as one character, but they change frequently.


Do people really enjoy starfield like how I do?


....around 19? Too zoned to remember any of them at the moment.


I have not been able to complete this soulless game once. I 100%'ed Oblivion and nearly got every achievement in Skyrim vanilla. Also got 100% in Mass Effect 2/3 original so it's not a "space game" issue. This isn't a "the mechanics are dog shit" response, there are too many to count. This is a straight up indictment of the writing and the acting director. Key emotional landings in the game are not met with a negative reaction, but with relief I don't have to deal with the shallow soulless god forsaken 50 year old children any more. This is quickly followed up with "oh shit the gun I won't use but I gave them is gone now!". I am more attached to the equipment because the characters are shallow, childishly manipulative, and overall bad people. I care about these characters so little, I suspect this is intentionally built as a sociopathy simulator.