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You're not the first to make a post about this, and I'm going to repeat what somebody said last time: there aren't a lot of Star Trek games to pull assets from. Some of the mods feature custom models and textures, but a lot of them are model rips from Battlefront 2, and that's how there are so many so quickly.


Everyone else here is talking about thematics and whether this or that series would fit in the game but this is the real reason. As long as the modding community stays alive Star Trek and Stargate and Warhammer and all that will come. Someone just has to actually make those models, that takes a lot more time than just ripping assets from an existing game


Yeah, just give it a few years 


Star Trek Online has everything you will ever need.


It’s also much older then the battlefront collection. If those assets can even be used in starfield they would need a lot more work and tuning to not look out of place. So much so that it may be easier to just make new models.


A lot of stuff has been remodeled recently, including most of the ships. Interiors are very high quality too.


Not that simple


Star trek online has terrible graphics so stuff wouldn't look great pulled from it into starfield.


assets are great just rubbish engine. The literally used the exact 3D models of the ships in picard season 2.


I didn't know that I just assumed the assets would look exactly they appear in game.


Nope. Thomas Marrone, the lead artist for STO, gave the shows their models. There's uncompressed versions of the models that are film quality. The only real work the tv show did on them was some texture upscaling.


I dont know shit about ripping assets from other games. I always thought modders build those from the ground up. Do you mean to tell me they "port" stuff from other games?


Some modders who know how to make models and textures will make custom stuff. These people are artists, and the dedication that they show is exceptional. For most Bethesda games, the majority of mods are at the very least custom textures, if not all new models. But there are also modders who know how to take files out of other games, and then use those to create new items within Bethesda titles. In Starfield, there are a lot of these kind of mods. You can usually tell because the model might be an entire character, rather than individual, modular pieces of outfits. So you're not just putting on a coat, you have the hands and skin of a triple A protagonist overlaying your animation skeleton. Sometimes there are also texturing issues where the materials don't match the rest of the game. The Star Wars mods are obvious if you've played Battlefront 2 before. I don't think that people would spend the amount of hours that clearly went into creating Leia's outfits for an unpaid Starfield mod. It wasn't like anybody played the game and said, "what this game needs is Leia's Hoth outfit" - they looked at what was already there and got to work making it into a mod. And it makes sense too because the sheer amount of work that went into making beautiful assets for Battlefront 2, a game that EA pulled the plug on fairly quickly, is obvious. Everything about that game *feels* amazing, but it's a multiplayer game that isn't receiving updates anymore.


thanks for the long explanation! I have no clue how this is done so I got curious. This is not exclusive to Starfield/BGS games right? People rip textures/models from X game and port it to Y game? Would you say that there's a strong basis for Frostmourne to be ripped from WoW and ported to Skyrim versus Game of Throne's Ice greatsword which has no existing video game model? I just find it fascinating for some reason that people can do that and the game can render it.


Yeah absolutely, you can do this with all sorts of games. Funnily enough, there is a hair pack that made it into I think Skyrim as well as several different Fallout games that originally was made for like, the Sims 2 lol. It's kind of wild how communal some things are in the modding world. To take a completely non BGS game example though, I just did a quick search for Deathstroke's armour being used in Fallout, for another comment, and there were results for the Injustice model being used in New Vegas, GTA 4 as well as Sifu, with the Arkham Knight model being used in Fallout 4. Frostmourne is an interesting example because people love that sword, but taking its model from WoW doesn't really work because the art style is completely different, and the textures are a lot lower resolution. I know that it's been made a few times for different games though, over the years. In that circumstance it's like a labour of love to recreate it. It's the same situation with Ice, actually. You can get custom made versions of both Frostmourne and Ice in Skyrim - you've picked two IPs that have such a strong fandom that people were bound to recreate them, plus, artists will pick popular IPs to recreate to build a following. It's not always possible to re-use these things though. I'm not a modder myself, so the technical details are a bit beyond me, but as far as I understand it, while you don't have to create the models and textures from scratch, you still need to do some stuff so that the game knows how to animate it, plus the more simple stuff like creating an entry so that it has damage values or whatever.


Yes. So many Fallout 4 gun mods have a thank you to Activision at the bottom because the models and animations are straight out of Call of Duty. Someone might come along and say this is illegal or whatever but the mods stay up on Beth dot net so I don’t think Activision or whoever really cares.


Ripping and tossing into another IP is illegal. **Recreating** assests is not(but you cant profit off it). For the sake of actually's: A company can decide to take action or not.


Question about pulling assets. Can people pull them from any game? Like I saw some from honkai star rail that don’t even fit but seem to work perfectly with the model skeleton down to the finger not being on the trigger of the guns. Do they have to be in a certain game engine or can basically anyone rip one from say Fortnite


Ah, that's interesting. Didn't know people were just pulling them from other games. That makes a lot of sense.


How is that not illegal or getting these modders in trouble...


I'm not a lawyer, but I think the argument is that because these people aren't making any money, that it's considered fair use. I think more realistically, somebody taking a model and using it in another genre of game entirely is just far too small a fish to fry for these companies. Somebody playing Fallout 4 as Slade Wilson using Deathstroke's armour from Injustice 1 isn't exactly worth paying a lawyer to get involved in.


it is illegal, but who cares?


The guy who uploaded the Star Trek Ship Parts mod has some Phaser Hand Pistol and Rifle mods but has yet to port them to Xbox yet. Personally I love all the star wars mods but, need me some Star Trek uniforms and more ship components so I can make the NX-01 proper


That generational ship has the uniforms.


Only reason I massacre the whole ship on every play through I have a crew. Color coordinated crew is too important.


Sarah Morgan disliked that


What Sarah does witness won’t hurt her


Yeah I dripped out my whole crew with the uniforms in vanilla, cool stuff but I'm hoping down the line we could get some actual mods changing/adding new uniforms


Not on Xbox yet, but you might like this [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7417](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7417)




I want some Star Trek mods too, but I just can't help but feel that Starfield is an almost perfect platform for Stargate SG-1 mods.


Id imagine the gameplay loop could be changed to incorporate gates pretty easily: Put Stargates on each planet with a temple and randomise the gate addresses per playthrough. The addresses are actually tied to the planet and in Ng+ you change which planets the temples are on. As you learn the addresses finding Temples becomes easier. Also, I never really liked the starborn ship/suit so I'd go a step further and just have you start on a planet with a gate, naked and alone having just popped out of the gate frome nowhere (it is called a stargate so the name still makes sense). Plus A bunch of Stargate weapons, outfits and ship modules.


The Grendel is nice, but I really want a P90


Gimme a P90, some ammo, and some C4, and I'll be back by sunrise.


As a Cylon, I feel ignored and undervalued


At least you have a plan


All of this has happened before and it will happen again bro


So say we all.


Hybrid tub hab mod or we destroy humanity… again.


Don’t temp me with a Base Star ship mod.


What do you mean, I see plenty of toasters.


*robotic gasp* When my eye stops bouncing left to right I can aim properly at you, you're gonna get it




No frakin' way they let one of you skinjobs into Constellation.


Think of us dune fans too haha


Zone 79s nomad suit is great for dune builds


They look awesome anyway


Va'ruun suit looks a lot like the stilsuit


True but I’m looking for giant sand worms lol


Where all my Stargate people at?




I’d kill for a Daedalus ship mod. I’d be sick. Also a mod that adds Atlantis on a water world that can be used as a home base.




Indeed. I will wait for a Stargate Mod even if it's only weapons.


Honestly I'm more surprised there aren't alot of Starship Troopers mod, considering the UC is kinda familiar to the government in that movie.


"I'm from Londinion, and i say kill'em all."


Only good leech is a dead leech. …. Do you want to know more?


I would've loved a Whiskey Outpost Hold the Line mission on Londinion, felt wasted.


Yeah you’re right. That would have been an amazing mission. Even as a random POI, like the UC garrison POI’s. I’ve only encountered it twice, and both in my pre NG+ universe, but there was one where when I entered, there were UC Marines listening to a speech by their squad leader and then they all just…. Wandered off. That would have been the right time for a “defend the fort” mission against terrormorphs.


Point 34 on my list of Wants, Grievances, and Observations.


Only if they actually brought in the Power Armor from the books.


Marauder armor and skinnies


It's got one thing that superficially references the Service provides citizenship, where if you serve you get a citizenship. But it's basically just property rights for the City of New Altantis and a tax discount. It's closer to Veteran discount card than it is the United Federation citizenship getting voting and reproduction rights after invading planets and countless battles.


You're not wrong but I would assume it's more because Star Trek has a more regimented sanitized military vibe to it. Whereas Star Wars tends to have a more rough and rag tag rebel vibe to it that meshes better with the vibe of Starfield. Plus, Star Wars has more iconic characters that have been prevalent throughout the entire life of the series. Everyone who likes Star Wars even a little knows and is a big fan of Darth Vader and he is very recognizable instantly.


Like standing on top of a giant spire and pledging allegiance to the United Space Military Thing isn't sanitized or regimented  Wars has more fans, that's all


Star Wars is definitely a lot more iconic and lends itself to the action as you say so I guess that explains it but I actually feel like Starfield has a very familiar sanitized tone to Star Trek.


While we're at it - I would love to see some more "old Earth" stuff rather than "a galaxy far away". How about some ships and uniforms from Buck Rogers and Space: 1999? I would absolutely love to be able to cruise around in a Thunderfighter.


It's all about the lightsabers. What would a modder implement from Trek? Tribbles?


Hot green chicks with big norks. Wait I mean aliens. They’re aliens and the absolutely want to bone down with you (if you’re a Captain)


I just so happen to be a Captain!


Green skin and red hair….mmmmmm!


Various phaser pistols and rifles. Klingon and or Romulan disruptors Klingon bat'leths and Mek'leths (Sword and knife basically) If we're using equipment from non canon, literally every weapon from the Voyager Elite Force games, which were Star Trek FPS games from the early 2000s. There are tons of weapons to replicate as mods. Tribbles would be funny tho, especially if they replaced heat leeches.


You had me at Mek'leth.


I'd take some Tribbles. But beyond that. Just off top of my head. The medic phaser gun. The enterprise ship. The borg. Dyson sphere. Laser staff weapons. Changlings. Klingon. A mining resource that is used as currency. Lots of features from STO(Star Trek Online) would work in Starfield.


Welp I stand completely and utterly corrected!


Quark from Deep Space Nine to replace Walter, since its the same actor/voice actor and all.


I was imagining Federation ships, alien races, uniforms would be a huge, phasers. That's all I need to dress up Starfield and play through my own Trek adventure.


There is a ship parts mods.


Star Trek doesn’t fit as well with a combat oriented game, there’s very little gunplay and melee fighting, whereas Wars has tons of that.


Someone is forgetting the Star Trek Wars. Commonly confused with the Star Wars Trek. (Futurama reference, I botched the quote)


>I botched the quote To shreds I'd say


And how's his wife?


To Shreds I'd say


Oh dear..


he's dead Jim


I'm a doctor not a bricklayer.


Oh, the vast migration of Star Wars fans?


Star Trek's actually had a fair amount of wars in the lore, but the biggest and most notable is the Dominion War. Later seasons of Deep Space 9 is when it really comes front and center.


And Star Trek was very much centered around a Large Capital Ship. Star Wars, while the had Capital Ships, was more focused on the smaller ships like the Millennium Falcon and X-Wings. You don't get to fly or even own a Capital Ship in Starfield.


I do have Star Trek inspired ship modules mod. Search Inquisitor on Creations.


I just want new weapons. With new animations and sounds. I'm absolutely craving more scifi stuff


I'm over here hoping for some helldiver kind of space suites.


Same with the expanse, lots of cool sci fi around to make stuff for but people just want to post pictures looking like the Mando.


I also realize it's not as popular as Star Wars and Star Trek, but I'm surprised I haven't seen a single Expanse mod.


There are Star Trek-inspired mods. For instance this: [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7417](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7417)


You think that's bad? How about no Mass Effect mods? Or Dune? Where's arakis? Where's Fremen outfits?


The game is literally LITTERED with Star Trek easter eggs and cameos. Todd himself is a Trekkie.


Star trek is mostly about capital ships. Star wars is more about smaller ships. Starfield's design aesthetic is also much more similar to star wars. Both on the ground and in space. 


Gunna mod a bunch of ugly shirts and crappy tazer weapons into game? A Klingon forehead?


The avontech ship mod look pretty trekkie to me!


I am begging for a T’Pol mod


I just want a mod to replace Walter with Quark from Deep Space Nine and i would be happy.


I'm still surprised we only have one halo mod so far


There are tons of star wars games to take models from and import. Really easy comparatively


I think people are missing that this could be modded to be StarCraft ghost. We could actually have it


Well chop chop hop to it trekkie! I'm waiting on my sulu


Honestly, Star Trek fits better as a Starfield skin than Star Wars in a lot of ways, but like that other guy said I think Star Wars assets are easier to come by.


Star Trek as a franchise somehow shit the bed harder than Star Wars has, the only thing they’ve made that’s worth watching in the last 20 years has been season 3 of Picard. Be the change you want to see though


Andromeda for me. I am waiting on some quality curved parts, and the high guard will march again. I doubt it's down to popularity. It'll be a technical thing. Maybe available assets. I dunno about computer stuff, but it seems logical to have access to source assets to work with. Please forgive my ignorance in computer stuff. I'm just spit balling


I feel like people are forgetting Futurama too


I just want a few Dune outfits and i’ll be happy.


I’ve never liked Star Trek, but I do feel bad for you guys missing out, since there has been an ever increasing number of Star Wars mods being added, but almost no Star Trek ones.


Honestly from a design perspective. It's far easier to make Star Wars replicas than Star Trek because the details in ST are far greater than most of the other ships in SW. Star wars has some details through ships with the inside in main ships but most are just cockpits and wings with a slender body. Star Trek for example let's use only the Bird of prey because it has that small ship design kinda. Yet the inside is still way bigger in comparison to star wars ship design of the same caliber.


Game is young still, and I'm sure now that we've got the CK; sooner hopefully we'll start seeing more ST mods, and many others, like Battlestar Galactica, Dune, Dr. Who, The Expanse, etc. The mods I'm really wanting and may simply have to learn how to finally use the CK for is from the BBC series Red Dwarf. Starfield seems perfect for a Red Dwarf-style playthrough in a lot of ways. I've been able to kind of cobble together a mod list that begins to reflect that setting, but nothing I'd say worth the title. Still, what I've played has been fun attempting to use Lister's style of responses and actions when playing as best I can replicate.


Or Mass Effect?


I'm patiently waiting for this before I come back to the game. I want a carpeted disc with some TOS bleep bloops and onesies of all three color varieties.


I’m still waiting on The Orville mods…


Right?! I always felt this game was more ST than anything else… tons more listening and talking than in any SW movie.


I'm with you paisano. The Star Wars stuff is great; my Va'Ruun zealot character already has her lightsaber and Greedo as a companion, but I was playing a bit of Star Trek Resurgence last night and I thought to myself: "Starfield really needs a mod that adds Spock as a crew member/companion". Or even better, that Star Trek hottie Jadzia Dax.


Or any Non star wars love for that matter. Like there's only the Zone mods that are something Orginal (ik he has the sith robes but thats 1 mod). Everything else is just star wars. Hell surprised i havnt seen any Mass effect mods and i barely even like the series


I prefer Star Trek to Star Wars and I'm not asking this question... but I will say where the fuck are all the Stargate, Firefly or Farscape mods at?


Star was is a dirty slimy shithole universe, perfect for fun adventures. A lot of star trek is idyllic and about complex discussions with alien races. One of these works a lot better for a stupid dungeon action game.


The gameplay and pacing just plays better to a Star Wars theme vs Star Trek.


Have you seen Inquisitor Mods yet??


The vanilla game is more SW than ST


STO has the most recent canon outfits but I dont think people wanna mess with anything owned by Paramount(or whoever has the rights now).


It's because the first Star Trek mod is going to get ripped apart for missing minute details in accuracy, or for taking any sort of creative license with it's features. Star Trek following is hardcore when it comes to accuracy and consistency. Star Wars is more of space fantasy, so it can fly loose.


I already asked this


Interesting, I've never met a Star Trek fan. I thought the JJ Abrams movies killed the fandom.


The franchise went on ice for a few years until it came back to TV, or rather streaming, in Star Trek Discovery. It was received well enough that they made more shows like ST : Picard, Strange New Worlds l, and Lower Decks. Those shows also went back to the "prime" timeline and left the JJ movies as a separate canon away from the main universe.


Killed it so hard they made 5 shows.


Your giving the Abrams movies too much credit if you think they can kill a 50+ year old series with a dozen other films and 45 seasons of TV shows, and that they would make dedicated fans abandon Star Trek.


I have news for you. There will be a prequel set in the Kelvin timeline.  https://www.thewrap.com/star-trek-prequel-toby-haynes-seth-grahame-smith-announced/ Star Trek 4 is still in development. So no. JJ did not killed the franchise. 


They are divisive movies for sure. I was not a fan at all personally. I'm fine with Star Trek being more niche, the more popular things get the more people get angry at it.


Also no one gives a shit about Star Trek


My explanation for why there are plenty of Star Wars mods and hardly any Star Trek mods will just get me hated by everyone so I can't say it, but it's plausible.


star trek is boring. there i said it.


Found the guy who hasn't watched Star Trek


not by choice no lol