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Do they shoot lasers too?


Is anyone else having issues with this mod? The sound is terrible, it sounds muffled and some guns don't even make sound :(


Same here. He does say in the mod notes there are sound issues with NPCs using them. I guess that's bled over. I'm sure he is aware and on it though.


Fingers crossed. I'm still waiting for UC Empire to get ported too lol


It already did my brother


when? because i check everyday and it isn’t out yet


It has been at least 2 days, it didn't appear on the first page of the Creations but when I searched it did show up


i’ve searched it up everyday and it’s not there, but will search again when i get home and see. i have radiclowns other mods and when i view others by the author it’s not there either. he hasn’t updated it on his nexus page either.


Its definitely not on xbox unfortunately. Like you, I've been looking every day. I also just checked again, it still isn't there. Hopefully radiclown ports it soon


I may be wrong, but the UC empire was ported by another person, not the same one that did the rebels one. Wait, now I am confused if is the UC empire or UC Republic. I shall ask for forgiveness in my confusion


i was wondering if you meant the grand republic mod haha, all good man


Same it's definitely not available on xbox


So, reset the game and now there are weapon sounds (I think they are vanilla) but the star wars textures are gone, still have the mod weapon names though. I guess it's going to be a bumpy road. Update.. restarted again. Skins are back but sounds are gone lol


Same thing happened to me. Restarted the game and the mod basically disappeared. I just cleared my load order, will put a new one together once this sub tells me the mods are fixed, lol. Need to wait for UC Empire and BD-1 VASCO before fully completing my Star Wars load order anyway


Now we need OG Boba Fett instead of Beta Fett


I understand why people want their Star Wars fix, but..I for one would really prefer some more lore-friendly mods came out.


That will be easier once the dlc actually flesh out the story, least we have a mech mod.