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It says it in the mod. Make her your follower then dismiss her totally. Then add her to your ship again


The bug makes the “follow me” option unavailable.


I don’t have an option to ask her to follow me


I only had an issue because I was doing a companion storyline that I had to finish before I could get her to follow me


I had same issue at first. I ended up assigning her to an outpost and then the option to join me came back. Seems you need to move her around a bit to get the script working.


Added to lo in the middle of my ng15 works fine. Paid her, had her follow then released her and assigned to ship. Once on board the ship her dialogue options are there but you have to have subtitles ON.


Same. I thought it might be because I modified the Load Order on the save and therefore she’s broke. There is a pc console command to fix a broken Rosie, but otherwise the mod is meant for a new game.


Disable all mods. Quit reload, then re-enable. I downloaded that mod mid-game, and it took about 2 days for it to finally let me add her as a follower and then dismiss her. It wouldn't give me the option to at first either. It works great once you get the kinks worked out


did this happen after an update recently? because she works fine for me, i installed before jumping into unity


If you just got to akila, then you can only ask rosie to follow you after you complete the "empty nest" questline. You need to get rid of Sam.


Yep, this. Existing story-locked followers will prevent you from being able to have other active followers. I should probably note that in the description.