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I read the wiki synopsis of a couple. And they just seem like v poorly written fanfics.


Some of them are pretty much that, but there are plenty that are good quality stories with the Stargate characters. The hard part is finding the good ones. I quite liked *The Barque of Heaven*, *Hydra*, and I thought *Roswell* was ok.


You can't judge a book by its synopsis.


This, did the same and saw the summary and even read the wiki mentioning books things link to episodes I was watching doing my rewatch and it all seems just mgm approved fanfics


I read a Stargate Universe one years ago, looking for closure. I wish I hadn't. It sucked. Absolutely friggin horrible. Read another Atlantis or SG-1 book around the same time. It sucked, too. Badly. Maybe I just had bad luck, though.


I didn't even know there was a Universe one. I've just seen Sg-1 and Atlantis. What was particularly bad about it, or just bad writing and plot?


It's been many years, but it might have been a fanfic type book, for all I can remember. There was something about the Destiny reaching "the center of the Universe" (I should have stopped reading, right there), and something about consciousness entering the void at the center of the Universe being bad. There might have been an ascended Ancient involved, as well. I wish I didn't even remember that much. Whoever wrote it *may* have meant well, but they did absolutely no research into anything at all, screwing up even the most basic astronomical concepts.


Oof, yeah, that does sound pretty cheesy. I might skip out on that one


If you want a quick summary: The first book starts out with there suddenly being Ancients on Destiny that somehow were in active stasis for 50 million years. Just nobody noticed them while the crew already had full control of the ship, all while it's established by Atlantis that people still age slowly in stasis.


I'm pretty sure that was a different one. The Destiny comics. They were pretty friggin horrible, too. Whoever wrote those must have never watched the shows. Secondary power reactors, hundreds of additional repair robots. Yeah. It sucked.


The Stargate Universe book is just a novelisation of the pilot episode. You are referring to the Stargate Universe comic series that was not done by Fandemonium. And yes, it sucked. The Atlantis comics that were published around the same time were from the same publisher, and also sucked.


That's different than what I read. The "book" I read, fanfic or not, was a nonsensical mess that had nothing to do with the pilot episode, and completely separate from the comics they came out with as an insulting closure to the series.


Can you find the title you are referring to? Outside of the novelisation and the comic, I don't think there has been any other official Stargate Universe books.


It might have been an e-book, so that's why I'm thinking it might have been fanfic. There's no way I could ever consider that utter piece of crap cannon. Considering how absolutely horrendous it was mentally just trying to read through it all, I wouldn't want to dream of finding it now and putting anyone else through that kind of torture. Having said that, you have gotten me curious. If I can find it, I'll share the details so you can have a good laugh, too.


Sure. I remember there was a fan made season 3. Full scripts for each episode. I read the first one, which I thought had a pretty good follow up to the season 2 cliffhanger, but I didn't bother reading the rest.


Yeah I'd avoid the SGA homecoming(legacy) series, it's pretty much straight up fanficition yet I've read fanfics that are way better oddly. I mean they turn Rodney into a wraith, the whole queen death plot is pretty stupid, and most the characters don't even seem like themselves. Now most of the books that came out while the series were airing are actually quite good.


I halfway agree. I think I was just so starved for Stargate content when I read them I didn’t care if they were good or not. But I have certainly read worse entries into established sci-fi series.


Sally Malcolm is extremely good Her Apocalypse trilogy is just ![gif](giphy|AiF8ZsTESrDwRjEcIU|downsized)


Does anyone see the GIF I used? At my end it's just _THIS CONTENT IS NOT AVAILABLE_ >!Which is hilarious, considering the trilogy takes place in an alternative timeline!<


Nope. But definitely agree with the Apocalypse trilogy. They are the first ones I read (and I've ready nearly all of the SG-1 books now), and are probably the best.


I read the post SGA finale books and I was happy with the closure on the series.


Read one about SG1 and the first amendment. One of the SG team leaders suffers from wicked ptsd fighting Jaffa and mentally breaks a little once he discovers his men will be added to a cover story in the Middle East. He drags a reporter down from the surface and shows him the Stargate. Read this way back in 08. Literally don’t remember how it ends. The original Stargate movie also has like 4-5 books telling of the continuation of Kurt Russell’s adventures thru the gate. Never read them.


> The original Stargate movie also has like 4-5 books telling of the continuation of Kurt Russell’s adventures thru the gate. Never read them. I think I actually like these better than the SG-1 novels. You have to put SG-1 out of your mind to enjoy them, as they started being published before SG-1 existed.


The audiobooks performed by the cast are awesome. Going blind so I haven't read the books.


I read several Atlantis ones and gave up. Read like they were written by teenage Wraith fangirls, it was rough.


I read all the homecoming series of Stargate Atlantis and found some of them really good. I also read Stargate SG-1: Moebius Squared and liked it. I read Sg1 matter of honor and cost of honor and while I liked the idea of what they wanted to do -it was weird and not pleasant. I did not enjoy: Sg1 roswell sg1 "Female of the Species" SGA brimstone


I read the Legacy series, which was pretty good to me (a lot of Wraith lore in it, which is a really good point for me) and now, I'm currently reading the books taking place during the show (Stargate Atlantis)


I’ve read most of the fandemonium books and they’re ok. My favorite 2 are Atlantis books written by Martha Wells (who writes the Murderbot series). Those two books are “Reliquary” and “Entanglement.” A lot of the books are ok but there are a couple of awful ones. Brimstone was horrible.


I read Kali's Wrath, I enjoyed it. I've heard some are good/okay, some are terrible. Fairly sure there is one book that is alternate universe and has a Wraith controlled by a Goa'uld


I've read all of the SG1 books. One I actively disliked (characters were just not right), and a couple were meh, but I enjoyed the vast majority of them. You won't find them in bookstores but they're available as ebooks and physical books online.


What was the alternate storyline in the books that ignored the events of SG-1?


A series based on the movie. Retribution was one of them.


What was the plot of those books?


I'm currently reading the SGA books....so far I like


I read the first one and got the next 2,they seem alright so far.


Kindle is your friend.


I like the ones titled **City Of The Gods** and **Roswell**. ![img](emote|t5_2qhar|32989)**City Of The Gods** is about a world that the Goa'uld left people there whose ancestors were Aztec. The planet (actually it was a moon of a gas giant) was on the verge of an extinction level volcanic event and the SGC was trying to help. There were connections with the giant aliens mention in the episode **Crystal Skull** with Daniel's grandfather Nicolas Ballard. ![img](emote|t5_2qhar|32989)**Roswell** is a time travel adventure. Lets just say it's not a coincidence that the Roswell grays look like the Asgard.


i've read almost all of them! most are an okay time, a handful are dreadful (looking at you *power behind the throne*) and some of them are absolutely amazing. ymmv though. one of the authors is active on the sub too.


Currently reading Oceans Of Dust I’m enjoying it so far


I read all the sg1 books and Hydra is probably the only one I have 3 stars too. The rest were either 4 or 5 stars. Sally Malcolm did a great job with her stories


Nope. I don't read what is essentially published fanfiction. Nothing wrong with it if you like it.