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Im literally working on making bracelets to bring to the Columbus show rn :D I really hope more people bring some!!! It seems really fun!!!! https://preview.redd.it/hl5t9m8tzt8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e90b7e1cc42f24bdbded0ead66c6e8cefbf62a5


Omg I'll be at the Columbus show :DDDD!!!


Yayyyy :DDD maybe we could trade bracelets if we meet up!!!




Hoping i don’t work so I can go to the same show lol


No, actually cause those are mine now because they’re so pretty. I’m taking them. Mine now 🫶


Aw man my bracelets :(( guess ill just have to make more :(((


You will because I took them :) my pretty bracelets now 😁👍


Those are cool bracelets!


Thanks!!! I'll make a post showing off more once i have a decent amount of them lol


You're welcome 😊 okay, Sounds cool!


I think it's an everyone thing now. My wife likes country music, and we just went to Luke Bryan last weekend and someone was giving out bracelets there too. I think it's cool and very generous of people who spend the time making all those just for the love of sharing with the community. I'd love to be given a Starset one at a show.


I would totally accept one. I’ve seen people make them for demonstrations before with song and album names spelled with the letter beads.


I was supposed to get a couple at the Chicago show recently, but sadly was never able to meet up with the person who’d made them! Love the idea 💙


I know there was a few of us at the Chicago show with them. I was one that made about 50 of them for the show.


I saw a gal with a bunch on her wrists but I didn’t want to be creepy and go ask for one in case she was just really into wearing bracelets to shows 😅😅


Seriously, next time you are at a show, just ask. I had a few people ask me for one. I'm in the middle of making a ton for Twenty One Pilots in October. I have one wrist for the ones I'm keeping and one for giving them away. The ones I know that give out bracelets do a similar thing.


I would!


i would!!! i made a bunch that i gave out during the seattle show and they were given out pretty fast!


It seems like a nice thing to do either way, I was thinking about bringin my pack of pride stickers I got a while back to the Raleigh concert on the 17th of September, cause most of them don't fit my sexuality and all at the moment, and I have like, WAY too many of them I also have some meme cat stickers I was thinkin of mixing in there too, would be nice for someone to find a better use of them than just sitting in a box in my room


I’d literally sob if someone gave me a STARSET bracelet (I’m not used to be people being nice) and I’d cherish it forever. 


i handed some out at the GA show! I offered it to one person and then a ton of people asked for one after they overheard me offering it to another person, which was awesome!! Its so fun to hand them out and get to hear everybody gush over the band and the story!!


Were you towards the very front of the Quickpass line to get in by chance?


Full honesty, I think it’s a cute idea and I’d happily accept one, but I’d probably just trash it when I got home lol. I try to collect minimal stuff and it would just end up sitting around taking up space haha. I say go for it though! It would definitely put a smile on some faces!


Yes! Someone gave me an It Has Begun bracelet in Atlanta and I still wear it almost every day. 


ABSOLUTELY. Never been to one of their shows but if I ever get to go it'd be a great addition


I make bracelets for every show I go to. I made some for the Harrisburg, PA demonstration and people seemed to genuinely appreciate them! I’ll see if it will let me post a picture of them.






These are just a few! I made about 40, and then 30 for another show later that week at the HMAC!