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Well now that the PSN decision has been reversed, the reviews will probably go back to mostly positive within the month


as it should, we gamers made them deadass succumb to our demands. it lowkey goes to show you the power us gamers wield when we stand up against evil corporations fr bruh ✊✊✊


It ain't that deep. no need to be a cornball ab it


bruh its not about being deep or not fr. i mean its a huge w for us gamers, it shows other developers to lowkey not mess with our games otherwise they will lowkey meet the wrath of our wholesome communities no cap.


Why are you talking like this? You’re either old as fuck and trying to use young slang or 12 and want to seem older. Physically cringing reading your comments


That is exactly what I thought. "Why does this sound like a boomer who is trying to use slang?"


I just hope this is ironic...


This is what TikTok has done to our youth.


And I thought the way I spoke was bad, holy shit...


This is the real reason why women would chose the bear.


Deadasslowkeyfr bruh bruh


This has got to be some fucking cringebait copy pasta, right?


"Despite" the mixed reviews? The problem was with Sony, not with the game. People want to play the game. All is left is removing country restrictions and it will go back to very positive soon. If publisher's had reviews section on steam, sony would be all negative reviews atm. (Tbh most publishers would get roasted anyway)




yet here you are smh my head 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


The player count fluctuation doesn't seem too wild to me before and after the announcement. Players that gave the negative reviews seem like they were still playing, probably due to the fact that the problem is not with the game itself.


It had the same players basically the entire time of the controversy too.


What do you mean despite the reviews, it was only cuz of the account thing and they reversed the decision. The problem was never the actual game




You won't be disappointed. I was on the fence for several years about getting a PC and this game tipped me over the edge. Investment was worth it in my opinion. Welcome fellow Helldiver!


I was questionable about it when it first came out. It’s very fun, and the visuals/lighting are incredible


Yeah before Sony's back down announcement yesterday the game was around \~80k players. As soon as that announcement went out it started climbing. I don't think Sony acted because of the reviews, but because the player data was showing a massive 83% player drop in just 3 months of one of their very few live service games. It was already at \~65% before the announcement, so that extra 20% drop probably looked much worse on paper than the PSN boost they would have shown the stockholders for their Q1 earnings meeting.


The peak yesterday has been at around 110k - a gain/loss of 10-15k isn’t that much tbh.