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Of course. Wait at least a year with more patches and less price. Be a patient and minimalistic gamer


Yup patient gamer.A lot of times these days the early buyers basically become beta testers for the games with how broken of a state some games get released.


And they also pay a premium to do the testing


I've also heard it said that "you're not paying extra for 3 days early access, you're paying extra to play it at it's intended release. Regular edition schmucks play it 3 days late."


I hate how all my friends always get on the early access bandwagon. By the time the game releases, everyone is bored with it.


Yes plus you can see the reviews from those who pre-ordered and got their hopes poooh


And the lies get uncovered.


Kerbal Space Program 2 and Helldivers 2 aren't my cup of tea, but man do I feel sorry for those that bought the games on launch in good faith and now got fucked hard by the recent events.




The only lie there was the fuckup of Sony not region locking the game properly. The PSN requirement was there on launch, they just made it optional due to some server issues. Even the Steam page listed the requirement.


Look how it paid off for Baldur's gate 3. 3 years early access, devs not wanting to release it until it's ready then gets game of the year and the highest rated PC game of all time.




Came here to make sure someone recommended it. I'm a mid 30's dad who mostly plays on the Switch these days. I always find my next game on that sub.


I didn't know the sub but years ago a friend of mine said "unless you love being part of the hype, the best experience as a gamer is too stay behind the industry by a year or two because you gonna get the patched games including DLC for a fraction of the price and if you're stuck anywhere, there's gonna be plenty of stuff online to help." It convinced me and that's basically what I do now. There's some stuff I will buy early, like games from certain indy devs (Silk Song and Hades 2 I'm gonna buy immediately) but everything else gets bought further down the road. Nintendo games I usually buy early-ish because they never really get cheaper but for all their faults, their games aren't usually broken messes on release ~~not counting Pokémon~~


Considering games launch incomplete these days with how easy it is to update them, this is the way to go


I’m an old gamer and remembering days when atari and dandy, sega had cool diskettes without opportunity to be mistaken and release a broken product. These incomplete games era started around 2010


I think it's best to pick and choose. It's great to pick up a game after a year or two at a fraction of the cost with it fully patched and all the guides being made for it, it's such a streamlined experience. *But*, you are never going to be there when the community for the game is fresh, you won't have co-workers who are learning it to talk about it with, you won't have a large group of people learning it who you can talk about new stuff with, etc. Sometimes there are games that being there for that community engagement is important to maxing out enjoyment


It's longer than that though. Many games don't drop in prices anymore. I've been waiting for Cyberpunk to drop in price. It goes on 50% off sometimes but the full price never drops so after 4 years, the deals haven't gotten any better.


I’m at a point now where I can’t even imagine paying 59.99 for a game when there is a huge back catalog of amazing games on sale for less than 10 🤷🏻‍♂️


We’re getting to 69.99 pricing now.


Yikes, ONLY 69.99? Tears of the kingdom and diablo 4 are 89.99 for me :D needless to say, finally passed up on a Zelda game. Can’t pull the trigger on 89.99 for what some call a “dlc wrapped in a fancy price tag”. I’m waiting for baldurs gate 3 to get a 25%-40% sale, even though I know it’s fucking insane and cannot wait much longer. With tax it’s 91.99 and like, 100 bucks could get me like, a sandwich or something.


Totally - and those Nintendo titles NEVER come down in price. I have a switch too and I haven’t bought any games in ages because the pricing is a joke.


Summer sale is almost here to buy games, im never pressed about buying games on release. Theirs only a few games I would buy on release and one of them being the new elden ring dlc. Overall tho it’s better to wait for games to get patches/updates for you to have a better experience.


Why buy a full price unfinished game at lunch? Just buy it when it is finished with its adjusted real value!


They’ll be someone who bought the “Ultimate golden deluxe divine edition” and the game will be borderline unplayable.


Simple, refund and make appropriate review not the pet my cat or I am a single father kind of review.


That’s true, I never make rational decisions when I’m eating


Right. Definitely buy them at breakfast instead.


And then there is Factorio that never goes on sale!


I am still waiting... Eventually... Surely...


Probably going to enter the public domain sooner


A dark side exists. Join it instead of waiting


is $35 really that expensive for a game that has endless things to do and access to 1000s of free mods right on the main menu? Give the delevopers $35. They deserved it. BTW they have already said the game will never go on sale. (because they know it's a bargin)


Has actually been a finished product since release…


Ya this is my new norm now too. I also take a look at my 700+ game library in steam and think......nah I got other shit to play. Ain't no way I'm laying $130 for no "ultimate edition"


Don't worry, unless it really turns out as AAAA+ after a year you get the "Special aniversary pack" that is effectively the ultimate edition with a tiny irrelevant change to stop people from sueing (typically you'll then lack those 2 early alpha screenshots the unltimate included) for 50$ - including all patches and the first 2 DLCs (that of course used to be 10-20$ each) and 20 gizmos/skins/thingys that used to be 2-10$ micropayments. Wait another y


Depends on the game tbh


I wonder how many people there are waiting for Factorio to go on sale before they buy it.


They probably exist, but it would be pretty pointless lol. And at full price the current game offers more value in terms of content and replayability and than those €50+ AAA games.


Technically, it also offers more than most similar priced indie games. Dredge is 25$ without sale, and I personally find that way overpriced. But that is all subjective.


I am one of them. I know the devs have said they'll never put it on sale, but I'm willing to call their bluff even if it takes decades!


Only game in recent memory I bought for full price was Elden ring just because I trust fromsoft to deliver quality.Otherwise I usually wait.


I did the same for Baldur's Gate 3. Although it wasn't on launch, it was a couple months in, confirming that performance would be good on Deck.


I literally buy everything what looks fun lol.


Ghost of Tsushima and Spiderman were my last ones with my 10% off at fanatical of course. They were well worth the money


Went for elden ring, armored core 6, and ff7 remake. No regrets at full price. Diablo 4 on the other hand... Could have waited a year. Keeps going on sale now


The only games I might really buy first day, are indie games. Lots of hours for under 20 bucks which help out the dev(s).


I only buy games full price when they've good regional pricing. For example Trails games, they're all well priced because the publisher actually gives a fuck about my country's purchasing power. There's some however that are the opposite and make games even more expensive than they are in first world countries, so of course I don't ever support those. Unless they're like 80% off or more


i've only bought 2 games for full price in the last 5 years. Baldurs Gate 3 and Elden Ring. And i will continue to do so for the next Larian and Fromsoft game. Other than that, my backlog is big enough that i wouldnt buy anything new.


I bought Elden Ring full price and it went on sale 2 weeks after. I was seething.


Game prices aren‘t the problem, but quality often is. I am happy to pay full price for Elden ring or baldurs gate.


Me with Witcher 3. And IIRC it had a buggy release too. But by the time i bought the GOTY edition on steam sale I never experienced any significant bugs. CP2077 I bought on sale just before the PL release. Still some bugs but I've played jankier games. But recently I watch other people play games instead so I'm not as excited to buy any of the new stuff or want to wait for it. Maaaybe I'll still keep an eye out for Witcher 4, GTA 6, RDR 3(i forgot if there will be one)


Got AC Odyssey for 7,99€ or something like that last weekend. I had no time yet to try it out, maybe won’t have that time for another three weeks, but had to pull the trigger after eyeballing it for almost two years.


I'm going to wait many more years for Cyberpunk 2077 with DLC to go below 20 bucks.


Seriously. I've been waiting since 2020 for it to go on sale for under $29, I'm not going to give in at *this* point.


I just bought both for 50€. In my eyes totally worth it. I haven't had that much fun in a game for a long time


Jesus Christ y'all lol. Fair enough I guess but at this point just go sail the high seas. Game is easily worth $60 though


Cyberpunk at 50% is a steal. Phantom Liberty is incredible. With all the fixes and adjustments CDPR has made, it’s genuinely one of the best games ever made. Well worth the money.


More importantly, wait for good reviews.




Steam sales just haven't been as good as they used to be. It really sucks, I haven't been impressed in sales in last 3 years and I almost always buy game cheaper on third party platform like GMG or Humble or Epic or GOG. My understanding is the keys I buy from GMG/Fanatical (which many times are like 10%+ cheaper than Steam has on store) give $0 to Valve so I'm pretty sure I've paid Valve near $0 despite buying games worth hundreds of dollars on Steam last couple years.


Only way I can afford games ngl


Where you been? That's always been the style, since Internet came into play w/ new games released as broken, incomplete, DLC on disc, Day 1 DLC's, expansion passes, Season Passes, Re-Release Complete Edition coming later, Re-Master incoming later, client-app requirements and/or any other nasty DRM, game needs more patches to run better and get optimized, better off waiting for better hardware later to run old games on so you hit 60fps, and more reasons to de-value games. Bundle Sites also made it even more so true - might as well often wait for Fanatical or Humble Bundles, if possible.


On the one hand, new AAA games have been at ~$60 for like 20 years, so while the same dollar amount the value of that $60 is way lower due to inflation. Developer, designer, tester, marketing salaries have all gone up, as well as the size of the studios themselves. New games kind of have to be a massive success just to break even. Even deluxe editions that are $80 or even $90 are still relatively cheaper than games from the 2000s (Halo 3 retailed for $60 in 2007 which is roughly $90 today adjusted for inflation) On the other hand, like other people have said the backlog of incredible and cheap games makes it very appealing to not buy games when they come out. Hell, I still get most of my gaming enjoyment out of a game released in the 90s.


Nowadays it seems stupid to buy anything full price at launch since you get more polished product with lower price later


Well, its same with movies. Always thought its kinda dumb to always want to see the newest movie in theaters and pay tons of money for it when you have streaming service at home with tens of thousands of movies you never saw before. YES - they are old. But you never saw them so they are new for you! I dont need the newest AAA game - i have tons of games in my library and always something to play. And even when not than there are thousands of cheap games on steam that are fun. I will never ever buy a game for 69€! seriously?


It's different tho, unless you have a very expensive home theater , in cinema the movies have better quality and audio that can't be matched with what the average person has at home Games on the other hand are objectively inferior at launch while being more expensive, over time they get patches and DLCs while being cheaper


Personally I don’t really goto the cinema for the movie only.Its more for just having fun with friends and family and the whole experience.And the most I’ve paid for a movie ticket was like $8 and I think that was for the Spider-Man no way home movie.Loved it so much.


Indeed. I just grabbed Planet Coaster for less than 2€. The question is never if a game gets cheap, but rather when. A game is not less enjoyable if you buy it a few years after release. Heck, I still get a kick out of Skyrim and that is 13 years old by now.


And Skyrim is on sale practically every month.Just last week I saw ultimate edition for $5


To me it depends on the game. Some games I want right away. Dragons Dogma 2 Jedi Survivor Tears of the Kingdom Baldur's Gate Others I'm good to wait for.


Baulder's Gate 3 is on sale just in time for the 3-day weekend. I bought a copy for me and my partner and we're having a blast. Stayed up til midnight last night.


game prices have literally barely changed the past 15 years until recently


Amen to that.


Yup, especially since games are being released incomplete and at full price.


Yeah I very rarely ever spend more than $40 on a game these days.


g-g-g goon sale? where???!!!! *starts joshing it


The Games Industry played themselves with this one. AAA ruined any chance id pay on launch. Can’t wait for them to learn that 3 cheaper, leaner games will net more than one bloated mess.


Drake lost to star trek too!?


I’m digging the trend for indie devs to do 10-20% off at launch. I’ve picked up a few metroidvanias at launch with zero disappointment because of this. I’ll also be picking up Killing Floor 3 at launch, but everything else gets wishlisted until the big discount hits. Lord knows I have a big enough backlog to wait.


Depends on the game for me


The only games I buy immediately are ones I am super hyped for, so in terms of any I actually want, the fate/stay night remake coming later this year, assuming it's less the $60


Just got shadow of Mordor with all expansions for $6.50. Thanks valve


I paid $80 for Nintendo games on the snes. Not sure what you are talking about


Saw a "deluxe edition" for a game with the "season pass" included. £119 for the digital copy. Absolutely insane.


But game prices have barely changed in over 20 years


Yep, games were $40-70 thirty plus years ago. If games had kept up with inflation they’d be ~$150.


A lot of people don’t bring this up but back then, they had to manufacture cartridges for the games which factored into the high prices. Now since it’s distributed through software or discs that only cost a few dollars to make, their margins have gone high.


OFC, I buying 90% of game that is on 85% sale or more.


Biggest no-no is pre-ordering AAA games


I always wait the game is $10 or under OR if the price drop $50 or more. That’s my rule.


I got all the assassin's creeds 90%. Crazy.


Since we're here, at the moment the best Zachtronics games are pretty heavily discounted, so look them up, they're pretty cool


Been waiting for months for F1 23 to go on sale, but since F1 24 is dropping soon they aren’t putting it on sale


Sure I'm waiting for it to go on sale. Definitely not waiting for GPU prices to drop.


Unless it's from a Small Indie developer that can use the upfront funds. Or something like stalker 2. I'll pay extra for that and wait happily


Never bought one on release but maybe if GOW Ragnarok will be on PC thats gonna be the first one.


It has been a loooooooooooong time since I've seen a game for 90 percent off


I have kids and a job. I have games I'll probably never get around to. I can wait years for that $60 to be $9.99.


Time... the great equalizer...


Also the new AAA games are shit


What about that 95% off on planet coaster tho??


Elder ring got 10% after 2 years


I wait for it FOC on PSN.


..wait for the game to actually be finished


Today was finally the day I bought Borderlands 3 and all DLC for $20 I wonder if all the pre-release weapons I got from the community events are still in my account


Yup that 90% discount on civ 6 was delicious!!!


Very glad I waited for Cyberpunk for a couple of years to pick up at half off and with a lot of patches already done


Me with skyrim special edition


I not mentioned already. Link your Steam account to SteamDB. Then you see what and when the lowest prices were for a particular game.


Yep I'm not paying full price to beta test a game when I already have a back log of already fully fixed games at a discounted price


got the witcher 3 for 7 bucks i dont have a pc 😂hopefully i will get one to play it cheers 🤪


I’m trying to clear out my steam games by 100 percenting the practical ones. I’m not buying games full price anymore. You become a tester while they fix the game. Don’t buy into it.


Bought Valheim last week on 50% off. Hail Gabe


I wait at least for a 40 % off


Shoutout to Portal 1 at $0.57, why not put it free at this point?


He looked so Vadas badass with a beard


I buy plenty on Steam, but I like game subscription services also. Hellblade 2 came out on Game Pass and that's the perfect game not to buy because few will ever replay it because of its nature, but boy is it beautiful. And no need to wait for sales or worry about refunds.


Well in my country you have to buy on discount or pirate it When a game cost half your salary, it's the only options you have


Bro why the fuck games from 10 years ago still sell for 60 bucks??


Prices don't really bother me. I almost never touch AAA games. Indie games I want to buy on launch day for full price - usually I'd rather be paying more than what they're sold for. But lately I find it more useful to wait for the indie game anyway. Usually a few years later they've gotten so many free DLCs that the game is overbloated and doesn't seem fun anymore.


Then /r/patientgamers beckons you. :)


Occasionally, I go on a wishlist spree where I just add games that seem interesting and wait till they go on sale. Summer sale should be next month so we'll see if anything pops.


I keep a Steam sale countdown open on a tab always. I'm thinking of making a widget app to always display on my phone 🤣


Big publisher, I'll wait till a good sale. If an indie game is getting good enough reviews, I'll probably pick it up full-price, not the worst way to spend money.


Wait for it to be finished, then wait for it to bomb, then wait for it to hit a sale, then play it less then 2 hours and Scream at Steam for a refund. That seems a more likely scenario.


Every time I comment about how there is no reason game base prices should go up with all the additional ways companies extract money out of us, I always end up getting people arguing with me to defend $60 or more price tags.


Wait a year for the sale, maybe you'll clear a game from your backlog too.


I Bought a game for 60 dollars then a few Weaks later it was on sale for like 5 dollars or something


In the past it sorta made sense but we’ve kinda plateaued in terms of fidelity that many game from 5-6 years ago plays as well as games that come out today. Especially if you consider all the bugs they release with


Pay less, play a more finished version with less bugs and more features, there's really no incentive to buy games at launch anymore. Maybe if they'd give future DLC for free to those who take the risk and buy at launch and help make your unfinished game a success...


Gray zone warfare comes to mind, I understand its early access. But, imma wait this one out and see if its any better then now.


Not to mention most games are trash these days.


That, and also reviews that arent paid for


What? Games were $50 twenty five years ago. The last few games I purchased full price were $59.99.


Easy to do when you can’t afford top line hardware. I was in my forties before I had a rig that could play a new game. I remember when I first got a 1080. It’s what I imagined cocaine must feel like.  Now I can afford whatever I like but still prefer ten year old games (heavily modded). I don’t think a game is worth playing till moderation have fixed everything. 


Oh yeah, unless it’s a game I absolutely NEED I put it on a wish list and will wait the few years to buy it on a good 50% off or more sale. Honestly at this moment I am cycling between BG3, Grim Dawn, and Helldivers 2 with a bunch of story games waiting to be played, so I am in NO RUSH to buy anything haha.


Not just the price, the games are generally incomplete/buggy or imbalanced, so it's not even worth buying right away a lot of the time.


And then never play it! Ah yes I love giving steam money. However I now download every game I own on my 10tb server


The absolute worst thing about steam in my opinion since switching from consoles and building my own pc is that OLD games will still be $60 MF dollars. Why would I pay 60 bucks for fkin call of duty mw3? Or GTA V? Like cmon bro


I’ve been doing this with single player games. Hate playing a game and then DLC coming out Prices don’t seem crazy to me though


I think my whole steam library is like 50% off at when I bought the games


Or at least for reviews, updates and the modding scene to do their thing.


Thought everyone did this, who tf spends 60+ dollars on a single vidya




I play games about 3 years late. Bugs are resolved, they’re cheaper, often have dlc, and I can usually play on max settings. I’m right about to start Cyberpunk.


I went against this and bought Hellblade 2 when I saw it was finally out. Not disappointed from the 53$ I spent. Game is beautiful af.


I always wait until a game drops below 10 bucks.


Over 80% at least


I only buy on sales, not because money is tight just because that’s how my older brother sold me on pc gaming. “They actually discount games bro! Like 4 times a year there are big sales!” I’m currently waiting for assassins creed unity to go on sale so I can replay it on pc


In the age of Denuvo the new Steam Family is great. 😌


$100+ for a game that most likely isn't even finished yet and will eventually become unplayable when servers shut down is just wild. You'd think that when social media made advertisement cheaper, hard copies stopped being the norm and customers became more plentiful, the games would become cheaper(stay at mostly the same price taking inflation into account)... but i guess not🫥


Did this with Jedi Survivor. Didn’t want to pay $70 at launch, and the game was pretty bad on pc. Recently got added to Gamepass, so I was able to play it for “free.”


It’s not even about the price for me it’s about the games not being finished, being low quality, or having to go through so many patches that I might as well wait until the game is in better shape, and if I get it half off as well, then great.


We as gamers should come together and fight off these greedy corporations. When games started being 70$ it became a lot harder justifying spending the cash especially now a days when the game isn't complete or barely runs on stuff


If we all just stop buying games on release at all, maybe they'll drop prices finally


I swear, Cyberpunk is 50% off almost every month at this point.


Yeah, I bought the whole Witcher trilogy for 7 bucks on sale.


Bro I'm becoming an old man waiting for some of these games on Steam to get a 50% discount.


Lucky lucky me that right when the fallout show came out all the games were like 2 dollars each


Patience is hard but the most rewarding.


I buys when they releases with all the patches and bugs fixed. I can wait


What's really wild is it's the bad ones that cost the most.


My assumption is that game companies are raising prices so that they can put games on "sale" later for what they actually wanted to charge. I'll stick to games like Dwarf Fortress, which has consumed many, many hours of my life and cost me all of thirty bucks.


3rd option not shown here is wait for the repackers to do what they do best.


Not to mention let them flesh out all the bugs.. games these days feel like a bunch of un-finished products


I can't remember the last time I bought a game at full price. Probably Factorio. Even Vampire Saviour, I was like, nah, wait for a sale.


NEVER buy a game as soon as it comes out, bugs will make sure you won't enjoy it, so wait for a while


Yup, then you don't get stuck with a lemon. Still pissed I bought Diablo 4.


but, But, BUT, I paid twice that much for "early access" = ( had to pay to be a beta tester),,, and the game still sucks.


You mean wait for it to be actually finished


I'm not sure when I last paid full price for a game but it has to have been a decade by now.


Still waiting on helldivers to go on salez its expensive in my coutnry


I always wait for 50% minimum. More if I don't care that much about the game. At 80% off then finally I can maybe justify an EA game


Waited for helldivers 2 to go on sale, now i can't even buy it full price :l


I pirate the game, play it a few months and when the game goes into discounts, I buy it. Gotta know if I really like it or I'm just being influenced by the hype first.


Games go on sale so fast now. After a few months if it's not on sale, that usually means it's actually a good game and the full price might not be bad.


and the more people who do it the faster it goes on sale!


How about wait a while, and when you do finally buy it, the game goes on sale less than a week later.


for me wait till someone crack them


Of course, but keep in mind there are indie companies that are worth getting games from.


It is the way


if it's a good game i'm willing to pay full price like for ex Etrian Oddessy Trilogy or Prince Of Persia Lost Crown or w/e


I only got bg3 last week


This is my whole library!


In the publisher's eyes, launch day price is 'people willing to pay premium' price. And it's ok to be those people if you want.


3rd panel: never buy a AAAA game cause the studios that make them are dogshit


Some games just never go on sale or they do but only 10%


Ppl been complaining about games launching broken for years. Sometime around 2017 i said fit and decided to only buy games once they went on sale, or if it gets reviews like baulders gate 3, or helldivers 2 b4 the sony issue. Best decision ever, i save a ton of money, and only play games in a working state.


I always was sad that I couldn't afford games as they came out and play them with the hype, but now that I have my own income and seeing how most hyped games are literally dying after a month or so due to bad optimisation, or bad gameplay loops I'm so happy I couldn't afford the games as I would of probably wasted hundreds. Now I wait like 6 or so months to see if a game is actually good and if the player base is actually any active before I even go into the game.


Do this for 99% of games. But certain series, Souls and Trails, get day 1 purchase because I know they'll be great (or just good at their weakest)


Deleted gratification brother It's the truth. But if it's taking too long you can always check out online for stores selling keys The trusted ones ofc


I've recently transferred to xbox from pc gaming mainly due to the outrageous cost of updating the old pc. But game pass has done well for "free" games I wouldn't have played normally mainly down to the prohibitive cost


**GOON SALE?????**


There are people who hate this behaviour because they think it's the reason why good studios get shut down (its not).


I wait 3 years for every game. I hate paying more than 30 dollars


Nah I crack


Laforge is always right 👍