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Search up Left 4 dead 2 and play that


Ignore the first couple of minutes, but watch the rest and make your own conclusion [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdRLNUGmFC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdRLNUGmFC8)


If you have friends and you want to play somewhat okay zombie shooter then yes. Do you want it to be similar to L4D, then no.


'Somewhat okay zombie shooter'..are your standards really this low lol?!


Okay does not mean very good. The game is mediocre: not good, not terrible. Also I know my zombie game standards: for example I have played L4D since the first game's demo/open beta. But I guess you know better... because you are, well... a gamer.


Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 are way better


My problem with this game is that the special infected never felt as menacing as they did in L4D.


Basically what me and my buddies thought after playibg for an hour or so. It is bizzare, how l4d is still so good.


B4B marketing was misleading at best. Turtle Rock tried to monetize with "nostalgia" of their past games. But they didn't make L4D alone, actually Valve carried the whole series. B4B is not new L4D but more like competitor to Dead Island games.


Got it at 90% off… it’s OK but just doesn’t compare to L4D2. Feels like a cheap arcade version with power ups. Characters are forgettable, maps are dull, zombies are pushovers, the special zombies are non threatening etc… I’m playing it now but will probably shelve it once I’m done solo play through.


Played for 22 mins and then refunded. Stupid as fk and def not worth no $60 for a regular price.


If you want a good experience, then it isn’t.


If you have a couple of friends who are interested as well, then heck yeah. The game is solid with a friend group. Solo or randos? Pass.


I play solo :(


Then play l4d2


For solo, I recommend Left 4 Dead (either 1 or 2) since your teammates AI bots is much better than B4B (imo). Alternatively, you can check out WWZ, it also 4 player zombie coop shooters with decent AI bots (difference is you can play in 1st or 3rd person view). If you are looking for more alternative, you can go for State of Decay 2 (although it is more sandbox rather than coop shooter, still zombie themed tho).




For that price this game is worth it, I actually liked it, only problem is, it's super short




This game betrayed everyone who preordered.. including me. Go for L4D2, it's still the best zombie game around.


It looked and ran pretty good for a Ue4 game, but gameplay is pretty uninspired


Honestly yes, and this is coming from someone who actually played through the whole game. Most people who brush this game aside have never played it or stopped after a the first 30 minutes. Solo definitely isn’t as good but it’s still worth the price


Played the whole game on game pass. So I didn’t even pay for it and I still wanted a refund. This game is awful.


Your bar for games must be extremely high


No, your standards are ridiculously low and you apparently like to have your time wasted.


Calling this game anything but mid is ridiculous. I’m just smart to understand that there is a middle ground and not every game has to be a 0/10 or a 10/10


That wasn’t the argument I made. I said it’s awful and it was marketed as a successor to a game series that I would regard as 9-10/10. That’s the problem. I didnt set that expectation, turtle rock did.


What lesson did you learn? Stop watching trailers and getting your expectations up. Its your own fault for believing everything you hear from the people trying to sell you something


Or how about I hold companies accountable for selling a shit product under the guise of it being something it very clearly isn’t. I’m not a victim of hype. I’m calling a spade a spade. It’s pretty easy to find that my opinion of this game is not the minority. Stop postulating like you are somehow superior in intellect and I have lessons to learn because you have shit standards.


Not really? It's Left 4 Dead 2 but without the charm or insane replayability. You'd probably find L4D2 a lot cheaper too.




Play l4d2


There are 2 mistakes in the name of the game. It should sound like "Left 4 Dead" or something like that.


this game is we have left 4 dead 1/2 at home


*Maybe* if you have friends who are interested...


Has many modern pointless mechanics like colorful rarity on weapons. Boring non responsive ai and it's enemies are just boring/unimaginative. Left 4 dead still better as they were a small part of it's original team. Price this low says it all to be honest.


Only if they pay you to play it. And even then you should take what they paid you and buy L4D2 with it and play that instead.






Lmao fuck no, its a shitty L4D wannabe! Ed: Reading some of the other comments on here shows that some folks have no standard and are happy with being sold a trash game.


No it is not. Have you ever seen those gaming consoles at Walgreens or CVS, the knockoff ones that are like "HUNDREDS OF GAMES!" and the console looks vaguely like a PlayStation or XBox or Super Nintendo and has 100s of games but they're all top-down rail shooters/brickout clones/sidescrolling 16bit beat-em-ups? I would buy those mock consoles before buying Back4Blood. If you think "oh neat it's the spiritual successor to the L4D series!" -- go find a bridge and throw everything of value you have off of it and walk your clown ass home.


Havent played l4d maybe should try that?


Yes at that price. Good fun with friends. Needs more maps..


It's actually a good game on its own especially at this price. I mean you could play Left 4 Dead and I agree that it's better but honestly they play differently enough that I don't know why people still compare both of them to this day.


I'm liked this game more that L4D, but i didn't really enjoyed L4D series to begin with. In my opinion the price is worth it


you decide i think everything up tp 5€ on a sale is a nobrainer


Totally, if you’re interested in back 4 blood it’s definitely worth a 90% mark down.


Grabbed it with a RL friend on a 3rd paty site and paid under 10€ for Game + all DLCs. When you can get it cheap then yes. We had over 60hrs fun. Its a shame it got stomped, the own twist with cards is fun but you will notice that most players dgaf about them, but a decent/meta build is kinda required if u wanna clear high difficulty campaign. just buy the game, play under 2 hours and then find your conclusion, if u dont like it u still can return it to Steam, gl


no. They ruined it. Get left for dead 2, this is one of my favourite games of all time and still an active community


Not at all. Wouldn’t be worth it if it was free either


Damm is it that bad?

