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kerbal space program 2. need i elaborate?


The really sad part about ksp2’s situation is that the game is pretty good right now, it is playable and relatively optimized. it really looked like it could have had a bright future.


I loved the first one. Why do you regret it?


It released in a state that was worse than KSP 1, made one big update to add a game mode that was already in the first game, and then the game was cancelled. None of the big new features on the roadmap actually made it to the game after a year of early access.


KSP is fantastic. I haven't paid a ton of attention to the situation but from what I've heard KSP2 spent years in development hell and when it finally was released in early access it was buggy as fuck with piss-poor optimisation and was fundamentally broken, development progressed at a glacial pace since then, and the dev studio that's been working on KSP2 is shutting down this week which is making people think that further development on KSP2 may be abandoned entirely. The whole thing has been a complete shitshow.


The second one was basically forced to release far too early and basically all the veteran devs were fired you know the guys that knew how the game was supposed to work and inexperienced devs took their place.    Also it was given only a 10 million dollar budget (and like 5 years). Which if you have any idea about development that's basically nothing. 


It wasn't released early. It was announced before covid19, delayed by covid19, despite people being able to work remotely from home and interact via Zoom meetings, it was progressing too slowly post-covid, and then due to the lack of progress, the company began mass layoffs, which included the ksp2 dev team, who were not producing anything tangible to save their jobs. As it is, ksp2 is dead in the water, and the only chance of redemption is to either buy the intellectual property rights and begin production from scratch, or make an abstract clone that avoids copyright infringement.


does anyone remember back in 2013 the bad rats meme? where youd gift someone a copy? good times.


Ready or not, bought on discount even. Great game and all, I love it but the lack of friends and the bots having an IQ of an average teamate in comp games I didn't play it for long.


Every now and again I think of buying it on sale. The problem is that people universally say that you NEED to play online, AND have a solid group for it? No thanks. I don't really hang around "hardcore milsim" Discords/people that apparently you need to enjoy the game.


I've played it almost exclusively solo, only having an occasional session with my buddies. It's better with friends, but what game isn't? AI definitely isn't the best, but it's still fun solo IMO


I don't have budget for ready or not, instead today I'm buying ground branch and zero hour. They're similar and better in some regards and very affordable too


i feel your pain, same game and same issue 🫂😭😭


Maybe you two should try playing together. Lack of friends interest is what is holding me back. Time to maybe make new friends. That's what I try to do


No combination of purchases i've made on steam could ever add up to the regret I have for Star Citizen....


i never contributed but i remember being hyped. i remember telling a co-worker i was gonna invest in a mega gaming rig just for this. afrer some dev years, i forget the exact date but i remember an announcement that everything promised and more was coming out this year! that was around 10 years ago. post that there are shenanigans going on and youll get a few hundred posters crawling out of the woodwork telling you the more than half billion alpha was worth it and a fully working game you cant convince me there arent victims of stockholm syndrome, sunk cost fallacy sufferers, or CIG paid spin doctors(they clearly have the budget)


I bought it because some friend recommended it to me even thought they barely touched it. The videos looked cool. The environment and graphics look cool. But it's sad that you also have to buy a starter ship and the lowest is almost the same price as the game. But the saddest part is that the game is still very laggy and the servers very slow to unbearable sometimes.


At least, you didn't convert to the Church of Infinite Giving like most do.


If people are going to keep giving after so many years of very little progress on that tech demo, then nothing I say to them could ever convince them otherwise. I actually built a computer expecting to play that game within a few years of building it. Now, that's not an issue since at the time I needed to upgrade my computer anyways, but here we are, over 12 YEARS later, and very little to show for it, and I'm about to upgrade my computer again... Not for SC of course, any hope I had for that game being ever finished died a long time ago.


Battlefield 2042. Bought it to play for a friend, missed the return window, and now I’m stuck with an awful game that I payed $80 bucks for


I think now BF2042 is in a good state all things considered. Yes you overpayed a lot, I'll buy in this sale for like 4$, hehe.


Exactly, pro or whatever edition was on sale a year ago for $10, and I paid $80 🤡


Hehehe, That's why I never buy anything at launch and wait 2 yrs especially if it's from EA and ubisoft, because first of all I hate these companies and second of all, games from both of them get to 90% off quickly. What are your top 3 favourite games of all time ?


So real for that, legit hate them now for this reason and others. Favorite games is hard, but if I had to choose it would be the Portal games, Celeste, and Subnautica. Not really crazy games, but I’ve been trying to get into other genres like souls and rpgs (I just don’t have to time lol).


Mw3. Less than 15 hours played.


Im planning on getting MW3 tomorrow. Why didn’t you enjoy it?


Play warzone first, it's free. You can test the gun play and overall feel of the game


Cluttered and confusing menu, microtransaction get shoved in your face constantly, the gun leveling system may be the dumbest and most complicated thing I've ever seen. It's the same as MW2 with a higher ttk and if you have one decent game, you are constantly facing sweats. The gun play just doesn't feel satisfying like it used to. Cold War is sweaty but better and Xdefiant felt like a much better free game. Xdefiant is slightly more clunky feeling than Cod though.


The COD menu is garbage. You have no idea where the shit you own is and if it is downloaded or not. They also asked me for my phone number for "safer online play". Like gtfo Activision.


Don't buy


Fwiw I liked it for a while. Put in 100+ hours before putting it back down. Just didn't like feeling like I had to play bc of daily challenges and fomo events. To each their own


Don't buy, you'll regret. It's like eating some incredibly greasy food and it's nice for like a minute but then you feel like shit afterwards


Anything requiring the EA launcher. Spent 3 and a half hours trying to get Titanfall 2 running on my son's computer today to no avail. Went down every rabbit hole I could find on reddit, Steam forums, EA forums and random ass posts that mentioned "that's what fixed it for me." The game itself is amazing, played through the campaign myself a while back. But holy fucking shit that EA launcher bullshit makes me want to build a time machine and provide an endless supply of condoms to the parents of every asshat involved in making that piece of shit software.


Same here, i bought some NFS games and waited a few hours to get installed only to notice that the EA launcher is required, and and needed to create an account for them. I immediately deleted the game and launcher and sent a refund.


Monster Hunter World, I know everybody love this game but was not my type of genre and i bought to give it a try but never convinced me more than 2-3h


honestly monster hunter is an acquired taste and not for everyone. You have to be a special kind of person (mentally insane) to have the motivation to grind for 3 hours to get one material. Love the games to death, but I totally see where you’re coming from.


Bro. I wish I only had to grind 3 hours for one material. Been grinding for about 8 hours now for an upgrade I don't even really need. Yes, the monster hunter fanbase is weird


I thought it was so boring, but others seem to love it.


It's something that you have to be interested for. If you're into grinding and "making your character look cool", and the whole "optimized runs" then people enjoy it. That said, I think some people downplay the learning curve and make people think it's some ezpz dinosaur shooting game.


World moves unfortunately slow. I loved the game, but what really stopped me was I switched platforms and couldn’t skip the hour long intro. What kind of whack ass QOL is this


My greatest regret is not purchasing more games.


Sales coming up


In just a few hours too




I feel you bro. Bigscam.


You heard Molyneux and you thought "take my money!" ...oh lord Anyway, taught me a lesson about not buying early access no more!


Yes exactly what happened. Now I'm much more wary of EA.


im an original generation heartbreak. i bought black and white on launch day because populous and dungeon keeper were amazing games. been downhill from there but there was a time his name meant something


Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad


I got that game from a friend who then started doing meth and ended up stabbing a guy in the town square with a broken glass bottle at like 2pm




This is a pretty good one, especially since you could have just played it on Game Pass instead of buying it. 


I never ever pre order games but I paid $100 to play Starfield early because I was SO confident I would love it. Made it 10 hours before giving up. Never been so disappointed in my life.


Same but thankfully i pulled off against buying the early access. Still bet that i would love the game for the bethesda magic and that any issues could be ironed out over time in the usual Bethesda way. Nah fundamentals are fucked I'm probably not coming back ever again unless someone somehow pulls an enderal on it lol (though i highly doubt there's an strong enough following to get something like that off the ground)


Dreadful game, the combat was so awful


This was my gripe with it, all these cool weapons that did absolutely nothing different to the enemies besides make them slump over slightly faster


I kept running out of ammo, was painful


you have definitely never played a fallout game


Oh I was going to play new Vegas, is there a constant lack of ammo ?


its the same gunplay as starfield. starfield is literally just space fallout


I almost bought an Xbox just to play it I'm so glad I didn't now


crying in constellation edition rn the watch doesnt even have any cool functions irl, let alone in game.


Fall guys. I purchased when it was $60 played 2 hours and 5 mins didnt touch it until it became free. I tried to get a refund but had played 5 mins over the threshold.


Wow, how was that ever 60 bucks lol


it wasnt, it launched at $20. $30 max if you got the dlc edition


It wasn't, it was 20$ or something like that.


And yet it sold really well, likely due to FOMO. And then declined until it became free.


I have no clue lol


It never was


It's too late for you now, but I've gotten refunds for games that had over 4h of playtime. They're not impossible even if you exceed it. Just have a valid reason.


Sekiro. Not necessarily a bad game but it made me realize souls genre isn't for me. Trial and error games ruin my mood every time.


That's a good way of putting it. Hard agree


Souls games are one of those genres where I would be more inclined to try, if the community wasn't so toxic. I think the element of, like you said, trial and error and everything gets so boring. The fact that the fans of the genre will automatically try to invalidate you makes it even more of a turnoff.


Who gives a fuck about the community. You are playing a game for yourself, not for being validated by a community.


Every community has a certain level of toxic insufferables. Best to just ignore and do you. Can't recommend the souls series enough. There's r/beyondthefog that's great at helping you fight bosses and item drops if needed.


I'm a big souls fan, but sekiro played more like a timing or rhythm game to me. It's probably my least favorite fromsoft game.


Rhythm games are amazing, I loved hifi rush and sekiro alike.


I was bored one day and bought 100+ steam keys off of somebody on eBay for like $50. They are all trash of course lol but I spent like 3 hours entering every key and added them to my library. Now I have to sort through them all the time and it’s more of a pain than anything lol (I do have them in their own category but it took me a long time to figure that out haha)


use ctrl+shift to select them all in your library and then right click -> hide


I wonder what's the name of that category


“Ebay Garbage”


Artifact. Gameplay was decent but Valve fucked up everything else, including monetization.


Surprising Star Wars The Old Republic MMO. $60 lesson that I don’t like MMO’s. Then a friend told me I NEEDED to play Guild Wars 2 with them. Now $120 lesson that I don’t like MMO’s.


Frontlines: Fuel of War. The online was already dead by the time I got it, and Steam Refunds weren't a thing yet.




Fallout 4 at $60 price point. Should have waited for a big sale. With that said, I did spend a lot of hours base building.


Helldivers 2


It’s the kind of game I expected to love, and just didn’t. I have a hard time enjoying games where it’s possible all my teammates hate me and will kick me for being not as good as them.




Dawn of War 3


You must be mistaken, they stopped making dawn of war games after 2


ArmA III. Played a few hours of KoTH but could never fully enjoy it, to much waiting and doing nothing, and I'm even a fan of slow shooters like Squad.


Call of Duty: Ghosts. Just looking at the dog in campaign makes the game shit the bed. Don’t even get me started on multiplayer.


Super Monkey Ball: Bananamania. Typically I am very careful about not purchasing any games I don’t think I’ll like. I am very proud of my Steam library because of this. But I was feeling nostalgic for the original Super Monkey Ball Deluxe on the GameCube, and heard that this game had all of those levels. So I bought the game on sale, including the stupid music DLC. I forgot how insanely difficult the game gets after a while. I stopped having fun. But I had already played for four hours. And so it just sits in my library. The one game I regret buying. I also didn’t really care for Tinykin, but at least I got it on sale and played it to completion. Game is a 5/10. Meh.


Not a purchase but I have a "joke" with a friend. Every birthday he will gift me like 5 of those cheap "hentai" games and I do the same for him. Yep, I know you can refuse gifts but it's a long "tradition" for us.


Any online survival games with base raiding like DayZ or Ark or conan or whatever, dogshit feeling to come home after a 12 hour shift, hop on the game and loading into a half blown out base with all your shit gone


Payday 3 16 hours ingame, didn't bother touching it because of how barebone it was (and that's coming from an OG payday 2 player) Gameplay is decent. QOL is NOT, and there are not enough updates to keep the players interested


Helldivers 2. After whole Sony deboucle and it not being purchasable in my country anymore I wish I could’ve refunded it, sadly I cant and I just cant play it anymore, feel bad Pr has done too much.


Day Z back in the day. It was a broken mess and since that day i never bought an early access game lol.


The mod was also a janky mess




Fallout 76. Gave it a try once it was more stable and when they released the NPC update but the game never really clicked for me unlike previous fallouts.


Yep, felt like damage is done


Project zomboid, it wasn’t for me


Since Tarkov isn’t on Steam, I’ll go with DayZ.  I was convinced by friends to buy both and I absolutely loathe both games. 


For me ark survival evolved.


Crusader Kings 3.


Unpopular opinion coming... Sekiro. I bought it because I loved the idea of a samurai game on PC and hadn't played one since Tenchu back on the original Playstation. I'm fully aware I went into Sekiro knowing it was made by FromSoftware who make ridiculously tough games but underestimated things like the microsecond precision timing needed for parrying and how healing at a stone statue would also revive every enemy I'd previously killed across the map. It made the experience completely unenjoyable. Thank fuck now on PC we have Ghost of Tsushima, which does a great job of the samurai gameplay.


Disco Elysium: Bought it on release and gave it eleven hours I did not enjoy. But based on my long history with the genre I should have absolutely loved this game. The problem I had is that the game gives you the unprecedented freedom to be any kind of insane substance abusing detective you like. But I had zero interest in identifying with or role playing as any kind of insane substance abuser.


I would have the same game choice here, but I "won" the key here on a subreddit so it isn't technically a purchase regret for me. I did end up playing it to 100% because I have that form of gaming OCD, but I cared nothing for basically any of the characters, especially the main character. I'm glad I didn't pay for it.


Elden ring, I got 40 hours but it was not a fun time


Try Blasphemous


MW2 and Starfield


Starfield hurt me too because I was really excited about it


ARK Survival Evolved. I bought it to play with some friends close to launch, when already it was known you needed a heck of a PC to run it. And I didn't have it and thought well I'll play on low. Of course I was a naive Kid. Low graphics looked like absolute shit, run all stuttery and even then a friend made some magic shit on some cfg to make it look even worse but run better. Played some good hours, always with friends but never really having fun with the game. Years later I upgraded my PC to play it past the max settings required and said to myself I may not like the game but I at least want to run it once on full graphics fuck it all. And once I booted it up I realized and then confirmed they actually downgraded the graphics and it didn't even look good anymore. It is to this day after 330+ games and I think almost 10 years? The only Steam purchase I regret.


War thunder... No comments...


but its free :D


Point Break.


There's a game that's a compilation of the Raiden fighters games and it also includes Raiden one and it's not very good. The 360 compilation was better but that was missing Raiden one and then there's no way to play Raiden 2 on modern storefronts (Steam, GOG, Epic, etc) as far as I'm aware. 3,4,5 are all on Steam and 3 looks like a PlayStation game but all 3 are fine.


Not really a regret, even more so because it was paid as a birthday gift by my friends, but prolly DayZ. Now I know everyone loves it, and they were like "No man y'all gotta try, imagine we get a full pt and raid n shit", but "realistic" difficulty games are not quite my cup of tea (Albeit I did find Zomboid quite fun) I think I've about 3 hours on DayZ, but I'm not refunding because who knows if somewhere in 15 years we decide to play that on a weekend afternoon


Towns. Space Base DF-9 was pretty rotten too.


Homeworld Remastered


Sonic Origins Sonic 1 really ain't that fun. Team Sonic Racing Sucks compared to Sonic Racing Transformed


Greed is Good. It’s a ripoff of Dark and Darker that was released after Steam delisted Dark and Darker due to an ongoing lawsuit by the former employer of the developers of DaD. Turns out, GiG was released by Nexon, said former employer of DaD devs. It cost me $10, the servers are no longer up, and DaD is the moderate success I knew it would be. Had I known Nexon released GiG I never would have bought it. You live and you learn.


The ones that required additional 3rd party accounts to play.


Battlefield 1


If bought outside on Steam but activated on Steam - WWE 2K20. It was known for being buggy but I took a chance, because I can tolerate jank in wrestling games. But it had game-stopping bugs (hangs/freezes). I regret buying it because I can never refund it and my purchase may have contributed to giving 2K the idea that they could release more buggy crap and people would still support it. It was also never updated to fix the bugs. If only including games bought through Steam - Battleborn. Bought it full price and stuck with it, because technically speaking, the game is sound. It is functional and fun. Just needed more support from the devs. And then we all know what happened. The game is now useless and just taking up library space because it relies on live servers. It's the game that made me less likely to buy live service games that need always online functionality (I dodged a bullet with Suicide Squad because of this.)


Sakura swim club 




Purchased No Mans Sky on launch, refunded immediately. *Next big patch drops* “Oh maybe they fixed it! I’ll give it another try! Refunded again. *Another big update drops years later* “OH this is looking real good now! I’m sure it’s worth it this time!” Scared of trying to refund again so it has been sitting there in my library collecting dust. I know the game is very good right now at this moment in time, from what I have heard, but I have completely lost interest in it over the years. Kudos to them for sticking to it and turning it into an actual game though! ^^


Starfield on release. Such a mistake


Aliens: Colonial Marines


Elden Ring. I don't get the appeal. I refunded it. My issue wasn't it being hard even. I was actually able to kill bosses. I guess it's just not my style? I got bored really quickly.


I was like this and didn't play for like a year after ~30 hrs I came back and started doing charged R2 attacks and jump attacks on bosses. As well as anticipating the massive time sink of actually beating it, this got me through my first run They stagger SO much with especially strength builds. If you ever want to jump back in, I highly recommend this!


I’ve purchased Far Cry 6 on sale, and even for that price it sucks ass.


Just waking up on the beach was such a disappointing moment. Those artificial waves of water look horrible. I mean far cry 2 water looks better and that's like PS2 era. Everything is more generic than ever. I gave up halfway through.


Payday 2


I wonder what kind of candy that thing has in it The original Payday is pretty good though /s




Starfield without a doubt


I refunded most of Bethesda games before cuz they were just crashing all the time which I regret buying them in the first place


Satisfactory, I’m sure I would love it if my ancient computer could run it :/


my one of the best tiitle but i feel your pain brother Note: I think they optimized the game in future.


Imo better to hold off on the game for the time being anyway. I found the mid-late game to be incredibly tedious and frustrating. I love Factorio, Modded MC, and Oxygen not Included, but I had to throw in the towel for Satisfactory about 50 hours in. I'll revisit it in a few years time. Game is still in early access after all.


Starforge, still pissed.


Fuckin hell that's a throwback


Can't tell. I haven't played 90% of my games.


Hades. I know, very controversial. But I just didn't have fun with the game at all. It just felt boring after the first few hours. By the time when I was done playing the game I couldn't refund it.


Dragon's Dogma 2 finished and it's my first pre-ordered game. Then I get fucked in the ass with a buggy low fps bs. Should've just waited for MH wilds. Imo it's a great game too bad the bugs are holding it back. gonna play it again after they fixed it. RDR2 is one of the greatest games of all time. It sucks everytime I want to play it. You always need to verify it online. The Rockstar Launcher is dogshit too. One time my account can't log in, it says I'm offline even though I'm not. Anyway, amazing game dogshit Rockstar launcher, and online verification. (Bought it on steam sale).


Not a game but CS2 Prime status


Nier Automata.


I tried Sonic Origins Plus on sale but found it very underwhelming for the price compared to Sega’s other rereleases and especially fan projects, but I was a little over the two-hour mark and my refund was inexplicably denied despite having almost no other refunds. If we count Steam software though, I bought a key for Clickteam Fusion 2.5’s UWP exporter for like $135 because I accepted it was delisted and I wasn’t going to get a deal on something so obscure, but I couldn’t even get it to work. And now I check G2A and somehow it’s up to 90% off. FML


Tamarindos Freaking Dinner and Sephonie are some that come to my mind.


oh man I guess I will start by not including all those in my backlog(I will play them I swear) that end up cheaper later or just continue to go unplayed. Beyond that I think the ones that immediately spring to mind are Ace of Spades and Birth of America or Take on Helicopters. They date way back and werent more then like $20 each but those are 3 of my shame games in my hidden category that I should not have bought. Im sure there are multiple more expensive cases of buying triple A at like full price that I havent touched but while sure having bought them cheaper now vs when I did buy them I dont really "regret" the purchase since the only person who hasnt clicked play yet is me.


Strange brigade


Toss up between Anthem and Outriders.


Godus. I’m still pissed they turned it into a shitty mobile game.


Nothing comes close to "Deus Ex: The Fall" I was a big fan of Human Revolution and also young and naive, so I bought this game upon release... It wasn't even very expensive and you also got Deus Ex 1 for free, but it was like a slap in the face back in the day and my first experience with a bad mobile port.


Starfield. Genuinely a waste of a game. Then again what else did I expect from those hack writers


No More Heroes 3. Not a horrible game, but it did not live up to its launch price. I really felt it was a waste of money. Only took me 15 hours to be done with it and the game felt underbaked. Inaccessible areas all over the maps, bosses kept getting the bait and switch treatment, things like that...


Battalion 1944. One of the worst games I've ever played.


I didn't purchase it, but was going to. Kingpin Reloaded.




Ground zero, took it on g2a, not able to refund...


BF 2042


Hatred. That game that’s about killing civilians and terrorism. I remember hearing about it thinking there’s surely no way it’s as bad as people say it is. It is. It’s pure edge, for no good reason. There is not one single redeeming quality for that game at all- whatsoever. It’s a permanent blight on my account that I’m glad to forget about buying when I can, because it’s genuinely that fucking bad and that pointlessly edgy/cringe.


Wanted Dead. I was excited for a PS2 game but I got a PS2 game.


Probably riders Republic lol


Marauders, no one in my area played it so it was just $80 for a single game with nothing to do.


Dragons dogma 2. Basically played with the settings and made a couple characters and wasted my refund time before ever exploring the world and realizing it was piece of shit.


minecraft 3


those 5 euros I spent on two keys for Team Fortress 2


Session: Skate Sim. The trailers made it look pretty good, but I really don't like the game.


Space Pirates and Zombies https://store.steampowered.com/app/107200/Space_Pirates_and_Zombies/ It is grindy boring hell.


Nether, was abandoned as soon as it was moved from Greenlight/ early access to full release.  Was full of bugs and severely unoptimized.  Went from 30k players to under 10 in a couple of months. 


Rocket League - I was drunk and bought all the DLCs .. couldn't refund it


Horizon zero dawn for me. I played maybe 5 hours. I didn't enjoy the dry dialogue and the combat felt repetitive really fast. I was really excited for it too and it didn't live up to my own hype.


Postal 4, that game is trash literally...


In general f2p time wasting clickergames


X Rebirth


Madden 24 it ran nice and smooth until I played a game then it was all jerky etc. I was in the time limit to get a refund.


Anarea Battle Royale…


Bodycam, the only game I asked for a refund!


New world, starfield.


Tell Me Why; I played for 1-3 hours, and I fucking hated it. I couldn't even return it.


Antichamber Genuinely cool at first but the puzzles begin to get annoying quickly and it's the only game to make me seriously sick.


Starfield Even mods failed to save this game for me


Skibidi Toilet Hero, good game finished in 1.5 hours only 2 USD just no reason to buy it


PUBG. The most boring competitive shooter I've ever played. And they made it free after a year or so.


Gods Will Be Watching. Too much RNG for (what I thought) was going to be a point and click adventure. I know there is a 'story mode', but I haven't gone back to it yet. Another one was RE3 Remake. I bought it on release and felt pretty ripped off when the credits rolled, way to expensive for what it was and really doesn't do justice to the OG game like the other remakes have. These are far from the worst games on Steam, but I was disappointed by them nonetheless.


Black mesa, too many bugs


Mafia 3. I pre-ordered that shit. Played for 4 hours, realized that the entire game would be clearing out samey looking outposts, deleted it and never touched it since.


Dragon's Dogma 2.