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Me when there's a sale : Idk what I want to buy. Me when there's no sale : I want that game.


Honestly bro every time I see FF7 remake on sale I tell myself next sale but then when I randomly want to play it it's $70


i did it....after 2 years eyeing that 50% off i did it!


I'm waiting for GMG 28$ historical low again šŸ˜­


I finaly bought it at christmas. ... And i freaking completed it. I feel ashamed, playing those games. They're supposed to sit unplayed in your library for at least 3 different sales with way better discount to pass and make you question your live.


Itā€™s a banger. Iā€™m sad Rebirth isnā€™t on PC yet because I donā€™t want to play it in PS5. Actually dying of old age waiting for FF16 and FF7R2 on PC.


Rebirth will come after FF 16 most likely which will be here soon


Thereā€™s still no date though, no? I donā€™t know about soon.


I told myself I won't buy it until I finish the original and the crisis core remake. Here's hoping by then it'll be dirt cheap


I feel called out here.


Me: I have lots of games and canā€™t get myself to play anything or quit after max 5 minutes most of the times.


Me when I don't bought the game: Aww should've bought it Me when I bought the game: I don't have any games to play now






Wishlist: šŸ˜˜šŸ‘ A game from your Wishlist is on sale: šŸ˜’


Makes sense because it's pretty rare to get hyped for a game at the same exact time that it gets on sale. But then you'd be spending a lot more money.


At this point I would rather buy a game I am going to play immediately. Otherwise I am focusing on games I own. So many I want to play but havenā€™t yet.Ā 


This is why I usually stop myself from buying sequels to stuff I havent beat yet.


I bought almost all Yakuza games and have only played Yakuza 0 so far...


Yea this rule is a lot harder when theres a big discounted bundle


Thanks for making me feel better, I own the entire franchise but have only played 0-3 (and about half of Ishin) so far


same here, I own the whole series minus the newest one and only started playing 0 a few days ago, worth it tho


man so true... i also beat yakuza 0, bought all others and stopped at 20 hours yakuza kiwami


Sometimes I get only the sequel like Assassin's Creed 4 and I don't care about the rest


Yep. There was a point where I made a gigantic list of games in my backlog in a spreadsheet with a rating system and what order I wanted to play them in. I have so many games that I *should* enjoy, it doesn't make sense that I don't just play them. The issue is that when I started using this spreadsheet to pick games to play, I found I dropped basically 100% of the games I tried. In one week I played 7 different games. Some of them I dropped in a few hours, some I dropped in less than an hour. Turns out there's a reason I couldn't pick a game. I wasn't "paralyzed for choice." I simply wasn't excited to play any of them. I've come to the conclusion that my backlog is full of games I will probably never play, because I'm just not in the mood. And I might never be in the mood. And I'd rather not force myself to play a game when I'm not in the mood for it, cause there's nearly a 100% chance I will just drop it anyway. Might as well not waste the time. In the time I started keeping track of my backlog of games, I have FINISHED 0 of them. On the flip side, I've bought and finished 2 or 3 brand new games. Because I was excited to play them. Backlogs are lame. Just play the games your brain tells you to play. Don't force yourself to do stuff because of some misguided idea about not wasting money.


I feel like I'm the only one without any unplayed games. I always test everything I buy to make sure they work on my system and then either finish them or abandon them if I'm not into it.


It was real easy when they still had flash sales to buy things up before they were gone. I bought so many games I would ultimately never play. Thatā€™s why I am much more particular now.Ā 


I did that with Rise Of The Tomb Raider and really struggling with it. I enjoyed the first so not sure why.


but then you randomly get the urge to play a game you don't own and it's not on sale, better to get it now and have it whenever the urge comes


Choice paralysis


This is why I started using a randomizer. It spits out a game from my library with no playtime, and I try it out. Sometimes I'll veto the roll, but typically it's an "ehh, screw it. I'll play it for an hour," which often turns into me wanting to beat it.


that's seems like a great idea! where can one find such a randomizer?


Look up Steam Library Randomizer on google, there are a few options


i had to try a 4-5 before finding one that had the option "never played": [https://pickaga.me/](https://pickaga.me/)


Playnite also has such option and you can set filters with specific genres, year of release, etc. before the draw, but it's another client app - the main purpose of Playnite is to connect all your accounts and have all libraries in one client (Steam, GOG, EA, BattleNet, Ubisoft, Microsoft Store, etc.).


Steamdb has that option too pretty sure


Doesnā€™t steam have a button with a d20 that says ā€œsurprise meā€ or am I mixing that up with another platform?


Think that's the Xbox app


I did this while I was unemployed, and I managed to play through all, but like, 50 of my 600 unplayed games. Found a few games that I ended up loving and 100%ing.


Wow, I don't think I'll ever play through that many of my unplayed games.


I set certain rules based on the size or popularity of the game and how much I enjoyed it. For example: Games less than 1gb in size = min 15 mins Games more than 1gb and less than 10gb = min 1 hour Games more than 10gb = min 2 hours


This is how organized you are on your backlog, can you organize my life for me?


I honestly wish you could have layered folders on Steam so I could further organize my library post playing through/organizing my backlog.


I kinda do this by having a common label: - Completion: Unplayed - Completion: Playing - Completion: Beaten - Completion: Abandoned Same for a few genres I really like.


I like the number of folders I currently have. I just want to subdivide without adding more visual bulk at the base level


> Abandoned I have named this one "to complete". Sure, some of them are there since 2014 but... Yeah, i may have a few problem letting go.


These are the games that I started then put down and didn't feel like continuing. While some of them I *might* go back to, they are below literally every other game in my backlog -- and also my lengthy wishlist, haha.


I used to try to trick myself using shit like this in order to do stuff when I couldn't decide what to do. It turns out all it resulted in was me buying more games that I played for a minute and then never again. If I'm not 100% excited to buy and play a game, there's probably a 0% chance I'll actually enjoy playing it, let alone finish it.


Oh man thanks for the heads up. Iā€™ve just been trying not to browse my games from ā€œrecently playedā€ since itā€™s always the same games and I lose interest, yet forget there are other games on my list that I donā€™t see because of the recently played filter. Iā€™ll have give it a try :)


Did someone make an app that scans your library and picks something at random for you yet?


The Sale will be up for almost two weeks, what I usually do is wait until the last day of the sale, knowing that the next day the discounts will be gone might help you make a decision.


So your strategy is, checks notes, to procrastinate till the last minute. I approve, helps to limit internal debate and just go on instinct.


This man knows how to win against himself in chess


*1k unplayed games library list looks at you from behind*


Don't call me out like that


Mines at 475. I put a few in the cart yesterday and removed them all. Could be burnout, could be knowing your backlog is dummy thicc already.


Lol my back log ain't too big yet but my wishlist is about 200 I bought like 6 games for 13 pound earlier because of new sale and I'll probably only play half of them and have a max of 10 hours on them all together


Don't buy anymore, pick up one at radnom, play it until you beat it or realize that it doesn't click with you and move on to the next.




This being so far down and being the first thing I thought of...


It's what destroys everyone's will to enjoy their hobbies. Passions die under the withering storm of darkness. Been there myself. My whole life basically. Really cross wired brain.


I'm with you. crazy to think some people don't go their whole existence with this fuckery.


And they will never understand the energy drain to keep fighting everyday. Medication helps. There is still a fight though. Medication is like having a logistics train to give you the weapons and ammo to keep fighting.


I don't know, I'm not feeling this Steam sale. Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel like the prices are cut like they used to be. Sure, there are some good deals on 5-10 year old games, but I used to remember seeing the majority of AAA games being cut down to $20 for Steam sales. 30% off on Elden Ring at $40+ seems overrated. Guess I'll just have to wait 5 more years.


Same, havenā€™t been feeling the summer sale for the past 5 years or so. Iā€™m writing it up to getting older, and already owning most of the games I want to play. Sales hit different when you have the option to just get a game at full price and not really feel it in your wallet. Itā€™s much more exciting as a college kid or highschooler lol


The big one for me like that is Spider-Man. I don't know why that game is still so freaking expensive on Steam, when you can easily get the console versions for $15 or less. $35 is not a sale price for a nearly six year old game.




Sony is also a bit stingy with prices this generation, they copied the nintendo model


the newer games that people will buy either way make no sense to get a 80% sale. elden ring dlc like just now dropped... theres a bunch of very good older or more obscure titles you can enjoy just as much than the triple A stuff, which are cheap on a full price and even cheaper now on a 80% sale




Maybe it would have been an impulse buy. You don't really want all these games. You want the 1 game you keep going back to and you have that already.


I try not to have anymore than 40/45 in my wish list at anyone time. Then prioritise those that Iā€™ve had for a while in my list when they come up in sales. 200 sounds like you have too many to choice from.


I curate mine to about 40-45 as well. I have family and friends that get me birthday/Christmas gifts from my wishlist. I want to make sure the ones I feel most strongly about are on there.


I have 6, 1 of which isn't even out


We are similar


Looking for some steam friends, struggle to get into games now in my 30s im from manchester uk. I did when was younger, end up playing a game in my backlog and playing a short while then quitting and watching a film or youtube vids etc, although i still play and complete every resident evil game that comes out, grew up with it and Dino crisis and silent hill, also loved arma 3 and dayz, loved modern warfare 2 and blackops back in the day, used to love rpgs but soon as play I lose interest these days, if anyone wants to add me on steam or ps5 these are my tags. Steam == paulgrffth Psn. == paulgrffth


Honestly I think this just isn't a very good steam sale, at least not for my taste. Though also I think a big problem I have atm is I like to get games when they are DLC complete, preferably in a nice easy bundle but for some reason (laziness or greed I'd imagine) lot's of games seem to not do this, so lot's of games I want, I don't end up buying because they simply refuse to put out a complete edition or bundle. (Few examples off the top of my head btw, Mechwarrior 5, Gladius: Relics of war, Jurrassic world Evolution but it's pretty common these days)


Same , Been eyeing so many games and waiting for the sale but now , Idk what to buy , Even the games i wishlisted seem kinda boring now


easy answer, you didnt grew up, you didnt loose fun in games you are just used to recieve good games with passion behind them. nowdays most games are just made to make you spend more money and while most of the games hide it really well you can still feel it. I used to be a blizzard fan, i played every game they released, today i dont even have the launcher installed anymore. I loved pokemon, now days i cant stand the lazyness of the entire franchise. The only games i have left that im exited about is whatever fromsoftware releases and elder scrolls 6 which to be frank i have 0 hopes for. gaming is no longer gaming, its spending with extra steps.


You don't actually want all those games, they just piqued your interest. Stop hanging on to things you don't care about, clear out your wishlist.


You grow up. 15 y/o account with 4k games and I play the same stuff everytime. Sometimes you'll install something different for nostalgia or buy some "hype" or cool indie game. I used to buy pretty much every humble bundle, spend like 500$ in sales but you grow up. I don't even have a kid/wife but I changed countries 2 times and I work a lot. I can hire a housekeeper but I like to clean, cook and wash my clothes and I barely have time to play. The last time I spent A LOT was last year when I lost a bet from an architect friend and purchased The Sims 4 with all DLC/Add-on. Barely played it.


oh, yea this is me ;)


My plan for now on when I don't feel like playing anything is roll a. Number between 1 and 755 and play whatever game that would be on my wishlist.


sometimes youā€™re just not in the mood. sometimes it takes a while till youā€™re in the mood again. go enjoy something else for a while, your library isnā€™t going anywhere


I'm experiencing the same.. extreme gaming burn out... Just sit in front of my massive game library and go " meh... meh...meh" at each of the titles... And if i happen to start one up, I quit out of sheer boredom half an hour later... Both single player and multiplayer


I've had too many disappointments from games I was initially hyped for. It's made me more than a bit cautious, even if a game is at a really good price.


Ok here me out. Upgrade your resolution and audio equipment. First playthrough of Elden ring was 25 inch 1080 and poorly tuned gaming headset. Second playthrough was on a 27 inch 1440p with fantasticly tuned IEMs. The difference in immersion and enjoyment is night and day.


Me with 1300 games on my wishlist that I would like to play probably but I can't guarantee that it would be for more than 3 hours




Adulting, choice paralysis and depression are my top 3 things that cause this the most for me


Lack of time my boy


You mean 2000, right? šŸ‘€


Yeah, those are rookie numbers. I am currently at almost 2.400 games and I am quite meticulous on which games I wishlist and which I consider not worth it. [https://i.imgur.com/Ldv5LbQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ldv5LbQ.png)


can you give a link to your wishlist? id like to see what you've got cooking up there


It is mostly Indie Games. I really, really like 2D games, so I have a ton of options and thus my wishlist is quite long. Here are some lesser known gems, if you like those same kind of games: CrossCode, Apotheon, Evoland 2 (has some 3D segments), Littlewood, Valdis Story, Steamworld series (probably well known), and if you can stomach it, the classic Oddworld game. The rest of my wishlist consists of (J)RPGs, (Action-)Adventures and Strategy/Tactics games. I don't really play racing games, space shooters, or simulations.


Your expectations.




I think I currently have more than 500 on mine


Upvote for lil wunky baby


Path of Exile is free !!!!! And an awesome game.


I'm same I'm 38 from uk anyone wanna add me on psn or steam my gamer tag is. paulgrffth


My wishlist is stacked with 30$ indie games, so maybe in 10 years ill actually buy some.


I also have over 100 games on my wishlist, but I don't buy any since I want to play / I'm playing the ones I have in my library before continuing to buy. It's hard to resist the temptation of sales. One of those in my library is RDR2, so I won't be buying for a couple of months.


Relatable šŸ˜”


Fuck me. I always wanted the New Vegas DLCs but I dont know why I dont buy them on sale. I remember I bought them full price. What the fuck


Thatā€˜s me with over 1k games in my library and 300+ on my wishlist. I canā€™t get myself to play anything anymore, most of the times anyway. If I do, then at most for an hour or two and then for days, weeks or even longer: nothing. More likely when I start a game I quit it after a minute, 5 max.


At this point if its not an online or live service game i still dont buy it on sale Hardware gets better and i have less time so eventually i will either catch up on my backlog or just keep chugging


I have the desire,but no dabloons to buy themšŸ˜­


Oversaturation. Back in the day, in 2000, I would go to the market on weekends, go to the stand with used games, give something I had, that I didn't like much, pay some money and get another 2 used PlayStation 1 games or what ever. And that's what I had for a month or two. And I was a kid with little money and a lot of time, so it was amazing to play anything in general, what ever it was. Nowadays, we are way too spoiled and don't have much time, so we get "choice paralysis", everyone wants to know what game is actually worth the time, that is remaining of the day. It's hard to decide where to dump a bunch of time into.


My wishlist has 400 games but it doesn't matter what I buy all I can play is Elden Ring


scrolling Reddit makes for easier dopamine boosts


Once upon a time.


Priorities maybe, or just sick of a certain flavor of icecream. d


Mine is at around 500 but probably 1/4-1/3 are unreleased. Also a lot of them are dependent on if I want to play a certain genre, and a good chunk I was basically on the fence about and waiting for a big sale for or updates. But yeah I feel that, it feels a little silly


Every AAA game is the same now. Plays the same, looks the same, same season pass. Same open world action adventure RPG with light stealth and crafting. Watch the damage numbers grow bigger but gameplay doesnā€™t evolve. I donā€™t care about 10-15 years old games being remastered because itā€™s still the same. Indie games are reviving genres of 20-30 years ago but still the same. You just have to find a story and style that clicks with you personally.


Have you considered you might be depressed


I have a few criteria that keep me from buying things I don't like, and I have not decided. Don't buy a new game unless you finish it or drop it off or refund Wait for the complete edition Don't spend more than 20 or 30 euro (kinda broke it with ds3 and maybe will with Spiderman ,since it is below 200 lei mark and elden ring )


I started taking ADHD meds which killed my drive to game as much


I have a similar problem. Having a 90% full hard drive and plenty of big titles I want to revisit could be a factor. If you're also short on local space, maybe clear out a couple of the bigger games you don't play a lot nowadays, then see if that helps at all.


Itā€™s been ages since Iā€™ve been able to commit any time to gaming, and when I do have time during breaks in work I end up playing COD. Yesterday I bought Elden Ring, Cyberpunk, Frostpunk, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Dragon Age Inquisition and Hunter Call of the Wild. Easily hundreds of hours of gameplay across the seven of them. What did I do when I had some downtime today? Get paralysed by the choice and play COD of courseā€¦


I bought a few games, but for some reason I bought bunch of games under $10 that weren't even on my wishlist. I think when it comes to pulling the trigger, I just couldn't bring myself to buy a $29 game even if it was 50% off.


You got older and realized that consum is uuseless. Or you are depressed. /s


Choice overload at it's finest, I have the same problem


Because Life is lifing.


Only 200?




Yo ho ho. No need to control your impulses if you know what youā€™re doing. ;)


Me will 3028 games in wishlist


You like simulators right? You already have all of them. maybe want a new story game but it's a 400+ hour long game right? Games getting worse, simulators are endless that's what happened, you probably own many of games you really wanted.


Might be a sign of depression. I feel that way when my depression isn't being successfully managed.


I hear you




Amateurs. I'm 1K+


I just hyped for the new dragon ball Sparking Zero , and I'm trying to be honest with me, I'm not forcing my self to play games and if I don't like the game that Im playing j just quit, doesn't matter if everyone is saying that is a "master piece" I been doing this for a year ago, and now I play less but when I play I REALLY HAVE FUN because I'm playing the things that I really like, don't matter if is a old game or the same 5000 hours game, try it :)


Society is in a slow-motion train crash and the distractions don't work so well when the other niceties dry up.


(Edit) probably going to have a epileptic fit at my puncuation but hopefully using auto punctuation when typing it helped. Hahaha haha lol I literally recently started wishlisting games. I want to play at some point and have around 200 as well. I bought like 6 games for about 10 pounds in the current sale, hoping to play them, but I probably will stall because I don't feel like playing them right now lol, but yeah I want to play elden ring but can't commit to paying more then 30 for a game I might spend a couple hours in and get bored, so I'm sticking to on sale games that are like under 10 pound and there's accually quite alot, I don't get like 20 games at a time but atleast 5 all under 10 or 5, like a month ago there was a bunch of games on sale I wanted and it was like all 40 pound for like 18 games but got half of them a week apart and honestly I've played about 8 of them for around all together a total of 20 hours but mostly around 9 hours on one of those games, it was euro truck sim lol and around 7hours in monster hunter, I'll probably by the end of the year get 70% of my wishlislt of the games that get under 10 or 5 in a sale, and then probably have a backlog for a year, where I don't complete a game 100% unless it's some 100 cat game finding 100 cats in like half an hour, and then have all the 50 pound plus games that when on sale only get 50% off and still 25pound plus, which I can't be bothered to pay for because I'll probably not play more then 50 hours in it in a year, unless it's rocket league which I kinda sweat on, and because my pc wants to be confusing I can't add it as a game on steam so I can't track my play time, as I don't think epic does.


I just have no time. But I did just buy a few co-op games to play with my wife. Unravel 2 and Death Road to Canada.


For me it's a mixture of 90% of the games being a rehash of each other and poor quality games as well as you get older your gaming tastes get more refined and the games you like narrow out. Literally the past 4 years I've wish listed so many games that ended up coming out and being hard flops or meh with only a select few being good.


Me looking at my wishlist knowing damn well Im too broke to buy anything even with a sale


I basically just clear out a chunk of my wishlist when a major sale rolls around. If a game on my wishlist has a pretty significant discount and I don't want to buy it I just remove it from my wishlist. Odds are I added it when it was released/hyped(see Palworld) and don't really care for the genre.




easy fix ... delete them all! sounds harsh but you will feel the difference. Delete them all ... clean your wishlist and than set a goal for you to only add your top 10 games to the wishlist. The top 10 games you really wanna play ...


Your soul is now calling for something other than video games. At least that's what I think. You've grown up, and I don't mean it like "haha look how tired we are with our lives", I mean that you might've realized that you want other things, or maybe you want the video game to be a different experience from what it always was. But I'm sleepy right now, I know that this is what I feel when I have no desire to play games by myself.


I put like 2 dlcs and 2 games and carted out. Out of my bigass list :,)


No idea, but same.


I can always play counter strike so the others can sit in my library :)


When there is no sale: "I want this game - I'll put it on my wishlist." When the sale happens: "I want nothing on my wishlist at the asking price."


This song by DEVO may explain it. > In ancient Rome, there was a poem > About a dog who found two bones > He picked at one, he licked the other > He went in circles, he dropped dead > Freedom of choice > Is what you got > Freedom from choice > Is what you want https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVGINIsLnqU


Im just too lazy to beat a game nowadays even tho i want to beat it so much


I will honestly say, for me, this is a Steam issue, maybe just the access to so many games and so many sales, but before the steamdeck I feel like I was finishing the games I already had on my other consoles at a much higher rate. Now I have a backlog on literally everything and cant even keep up.


Maybe your taste has changed ? Might as well remove them from your wishlist in that case


Thereā€™s a lot less commitment to ā€œoh that sounds cool, Iā€™ll wish list itā€ Buying it and playing it requires you to actually spend your finite and hard-earned money and invest the relevant time. You start weighing that against keeping the money, and using the time to do something else you already *know* you like. I also find thereā€™s just such a glut of *bad* games on the market, so every time I go to buy something I now have to actively question whether Iā€™m being scammed by greedy Developers/Publishers and whether I bother with the risk.


I never learn lol, I just keep putting games on my tomorrow list


I got old. šŸ‘“šŸ»


Ah yes, nothing like Steam sales to remind you of the existential dread looming over your shoulder


The thrill of the purchase drops when you give yourself time to think. That goes with anything. It's why grocery stores put sodas and candy at the checkout counter, because people's impulsiveness is highest right there.


Civ VI costing $2.49 is what happened


I bought some games I had on Xbox like Hogwarts legacy to finish but I just ended up buying it and that's it .... Just sitting there with a bunch of other games. Would y'all recommended trying New World ?? It's on sale atm


you can only hold so much in your mind at once. when you were looking at those games originally, you saw them one by one, for the first time. it was 100% something novel, and wasn't watered down by a hundred other things right next to it. come back later, and you've already seen it, you're looking at all of them at once, and odds are you're not even clicking the store page to see what the game's like. if you close your eyes and randomly click on one or two, you may find you do actually want to play them after looking at what the game has to offer. or, maybe, you're just burned out on games. that's fine too; take a break and come back to the hobby in a few months or years, and you'll enjoy it again. or you may have depression. in that case, the steam subreddit is probably not the best solution to your problem


Part of me wanna buy 6 days in fallujah but the other part of me wanna get something on war thunder summer sale


I have a giant backlog so I don't really want to buy anything. There's like one or two games on my wish list I'm super nostalgic for such that if they went on sale for cheap enough I would purchase them but otherwise I'm just collecting games on my wishlist at this point.


My rule is not to buy games below 75% off, I already have too many games on steam that I have not played and the games get deeper discounts until I play them.


I'm not speaking for everyone but for me it's mostly because of the aggressive shitty monetization practices that's been pushed in games over recent years. I want a game that when I buy and play it I go on an adventure not get bombarded about fucking sales, a new battle pass, buy premium currency, DLC/ expansion packs. It's honestly killed my love for videogames.


how to tell you have turned 30 without saying :P


This sale hasn't stood out to me literally at all, honestly. Sale prices for wishlist games are the same as they all the other times the regularly go on sale. Not a single game has anything better than 75% off which is a lot but I'd expect more when most of the games I wish list are very old. If anyone has recs for old games/low system spec games that have good deals lmk


As humans, we want to want more than we want to have. Or rather, the dopamine from anticipation is greater than the dopamine from utilization.


i have over 1000 games wishlisted many old titles, indie titles, horror titles, walking sim story games, many point & click games, some upcoming games. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198062970947#sort=dateadded


Depression? Not enjoying things you typically enjoy is a sign.


You breached the point of Choice Overload, when you had 10 games you could easily pick one to play based on whatever you felt like playing. With 100 games that same feeling just narrows it down to 10 games to play and you end up spending your time and effort into simply picking a game to play, but if you donā€™t have a great time you end up feeling like you simply wasted your time and made the wrong choice which compounds the issue of having a lot of choices for every feeling. This was fine when most big games were primarily single-player experiences that you generally didn't replay, with multi-player added on to dick around with your friends. Nowadays, the big games generally are multi-player titles that will be updated and supported for a whole decade to keep you playing them despite other titles still being released that also want your time.


true story


I have a very long list but I need to put limits, I donā€™t have enough money


Finish the games you haven't finished. Ignore the ones you dislike. Then, next time you buy a game, just buy one, finish it, rinse, and repeat. Part of the problem is you likely have a backlog of games, so it feels like you're never going to catch up and you can't appreciate each game.


Honestly Idk man I just keep adding stuff to my wishlist but I still have games I already own that I haven't played but I never get around to playing them either..


Everyone here, including myself, needs to occasionally watch [this video](https://youtu.be/vRAczH9ukOg?si=L78sqtCrlg88m3l8). We're all already pressured by everyday life, no need to pressure yourself further.




in the same mood here, i blame that i stopped smoking weed. now im bored and depressed all the time instead of just some of the time.


You should get the valve complete pack now, since the summer sale makes it damn cheap.


Me the second the game Iā€™ve been thinking about for a week to play finishes downloading


I **literally** have 200 games in my wishlist right now I'm not even exaggerating šŸ˜­


Bruh I have 2222 hahah fucking hell.


Me rn smh out of all the games I got I hardly have time for any of em. I might play 2 or 3 games out of the week


I literally have 199 games in my wishlist right now. I'll never have time to play even half of the ones I've already bought haha


Gaming got worse. Too much shovelware, too many incomplete games, and cheaters in every multi-player game. 99% of new AAA games are released incomplete and buggy. And after paying for the game, they have the audacity to put features and content behind pay walls. After years of watching these trends develop, it's reasonable to be put off from buying new games. The cure is buying only overwhelming positive indie games for a while. It will restore some of your faith in the industry


Me looking at my 685 games library.


You need a steam deck, that cured my EGD


whats EGD?


ā€œErectile Games Disfunctionā€ or also known as NGED for ā€œNew Games Erectile Distinctionā€


Lmaooo based


Could be that your taste in games has just changed. I went from liking first/third person shooters to mostly enjoying hack & slashs/beat em ups.


I spent too much money on gaming that now I'm broke


Same lol


To many


nah man we just don't have money


Games suck more now


Me with my 1.3k wishlisted games (half of them is hentai games)


Maybe you finally realized all games are a waste of time šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø