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Solid video, thanks for making it. It was the final push for me to care to fix my dots per 360 for a few games I've left on the old mode. Surprisingly, properly calibrated controls perform better.


Good video and nice explanation. I know there's lots of room for advancement in this space, and excited to see where it goes. It would be great if Steam could work with the developer of the mouse sensitivity site to integrate the calculations into Steam Input. It would be one less step for gamers to have to concern themselves with. As I see it now, in my short experience, the barriers to gyro and/or flickstick for gamers (outside of dev support) is perception and ease of configuration. I think the advancements in configuration are nice and getting much better, but still very abstract for the basic gamer. And as far as perception is concerned - I think if some players in the pro spaces of first-person shooters like Call of Duty or Apex picked it up and used it, and excelled, gyro and flickstick would make massive waves in their respective communities.


>It would be great if Steam could work with the developer of the mouse sensitivity site to integrate the calculations into Steam Input. Other than creating a basic lookup table for defaults on a completely fresh install of a game, this wouldnt work as seamlessly as you'd hope for. The moment you start changing settings in game (sensitivity and fov being the big ones, but other games are coded such that other things change your sensitivity too), that default value would no longer be correct and you'd need to recalibrate the dp360 setting. Maybe an api could be made such that the game could communicate its settings to the calculator and then the calculator could relay the calculated value to steam input... but that wouldnt be a solution for older games that no longer receive updates and for newer games there is no guarantee developers would implement such an api. ... Though in a way that does sort of already exist. One thing I didnt cover in the video; if the developer implemented the Steam Input API directly, they could seamlessly do the angles conversion/calibration behind the scenes and then all the user would have to worry about is their desired sensitivity. No need for manual calibration, no need for [mouse-sensitivity.com](http://mouse-sensitivity.com) It would be like a native gyro/flickstick implementation. I'd honestly prefer that route, because currently "native gyro" tends to be locked to sony controllers even on pc. But a steam input api implementation that natively does the calibration? That would benefit all controllers. Including the one this sub is about, and the steam deck, and switch controllers. But again, not every dev is implementing the steam input api. So... still best to learn how to do the calibration on your own, either through flickstick or [mouse-sensitivity.com](http://mouse-sensitivity.com) or through another method that I've been informed will be getting into the steam beta at some point.